Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1314: Life and Death Battle 3

Chapter 1317 Life and Death Battle 3

A collision, each shocked.

Obviously, with his own avenue as nourishment, even though Li Su had already overloaded and used the sixth supreme, facing the behavior of the near-saint evil spirit, he was still shocked and his blood and spirit were turbulent.

He took a breath lightly, feeling the sweetness coming from his throat, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking.

He was not surprised by this choice.

Although burning the origin to fight is very rare among the upper cultivators, when it comes to desperate times, even if you don't want to, you have to use it.

After all, it is better than being beaten to death than being difficult to recover.

However, it is obviously different from ordinary living cultivators. The evil spirit is too decisive. After realizing his situation, he immediately burned his origin without hesitation, as if it didn't matter at all.

This is good!

The reason why Li Su chose to force overlimit is because it will never end if it goes on like that?

If the time is delayed for a long time, he will be in danger.

Now the other party has chosen to ignite the avenue, which is a kind of consumption in itself.

Of course, for the long river of the near saint, it will undoubtedly take a very long time to burn the entire long river dry.

So, the next battle is very simple.

That is to fight and constantly consume the opponent.

You know, Li Su still has a certain fear of the near saint evil spirit.

What he feared was not anything else, but the battle when Emperor Zun and his men surrounded and beat the plague not long ago.

The self-explosion launched by the other party at the end was so powerful that it was beyond imagination. Emperor Zun and his men set up the formation, and the Tai Chi diagram as the formation was all blown up.

Although Li Su used two treasures and added the Saint's Seat, in terms of strength, it was definitely not as good as the Nine Bends Yellow River Formation at that time, no, it should be said that it was much worse.

Emperor Zun and his men were real near saints, only one step away from half saints, and their mana was vast and majestic, far from being comparable to the near saint long river of the saint's seat.

Therefore, even if there is only one opponent, once he chooses to self-destruct, Li Su will inevitably have to drink a pot, and there is also a risk of his breath overflowing.

Therefore, the opponent chose this way to fight him, which is actually the best for him in a sense.

He took a deep breath, and the vitality that spread out was quickly gathered up by him. At this moment, he compressed the life supreme to a point.

Since both sides are standing at the same height again, it is better not to use the wide-range tricks before.

The sacred supreme scripture condensed into substance with compression, and appeared directly on his arms and body.

I really didn't expect that after becoming a Daluo realm, there would be a day to return to the warrior realm.

This is almost a helpless situation. Under normal circumstances, let alone a near saint, even a Daluo rarely fights this kind of close combat.

It's not that you can't fight, but there is no need to fight so hard!

After all, it's nothing if you can win. If you can't win, there is no room for dodging.

On the contrary, fighting in the form of domains, once you really fall into a disadvantage, you can quickly distance yourself and consider retreating directly or counterattacking in other ways.

Now it is not possible. The space of less than ten thousand miles is too narrow for the Daluo realm.

At this distance, even if you set up a domain and form an absolute space, it is not very meaningful.

There is no time to form an obstacle, and it will be quickly penetrated.

Dodging, at this distance, is no different from a joke. After all, this little space is really the point where you can touch the Tao with a wave of your hand.

Just now, the near saint used his body skills, but what was the result?

Li Su caught it as soon as he made a move and hit the opponent accurately.

He also realized this when he burned the avenue directly.

After thinking about it, it was actually less than 0.0001 seconds.

Soon, the two figures entangled again.

This time, the speed of both sides was directly maxed out, and they began to fight and collide crazily.

In an instant, tens of thousands of afterimages were pulled out, almost filling up the ten thousand miles of space.

The fight was so fast that sometimes, before the afterimage of the two fighting disappeared, they appeared in the same position again, and they collided back and forth for more than a hundred times.

The fight was obviously very intense.

But the strange thing was that there was not much sound.

Every time they fought, the explosion was at most thunder-level.

Not only that, the sparks after the collision were not big, and they were almost annihilated in an instant, far less than the previous fireworks.

It seemed that not only did the two of them change their techniques back to the head-on collision like warriors, but also their strength dropped.

Of course, this phenomenon was just a performance.

In fact, the real situation was that the battle at this moment was more than ten thousand times more dangerous than before.

The bodies of the two were twisted, and the supreme scriptures and gray fog on the surface of their bodies were all super-high-concentration energy crystals.

Every collision was almost equivalent to two compressed universes colliding with each other. In front of the fists that collided in the air, the scene of billions of stars collapsing was formed.

This punch, this kick.

Not only was there a huge consumption of strength, but also the Supreme Scripture was burned and the Great Dao mist flame was extinguished.

The Near Saint Evil Spirit used its claws to hit Li Su's left waist.

In an instant, tens of thousands of Supreme Scriptures were annihilated on the spot, and the terrifying power penetrated directly into them, and continued to explode along the hit position.

By the time the power of this blow ended, the supreme scripture on Li Su's right waist had almost been regenerated more than a hundred times.

Li Su was hit in the waist, but Li Su didn't pause and hit the opponent's jaw with the same punch.

The supreme scripture instantly burst out with unparalleled brilliance. Billions of true dragons were compressed to less than the size of a mite. They instantly tore open the gray mist in front of the opponent's jaw, biting directly in and swallowing everything inside.

It was almost the same as Li Su. It was obviously just a hit on the lower jaw. The gray fog on the lower half of his head dimmed and was swallowed up.

The two of them were shocked almost at the same time.

Li Su's right waist and most of his stomach were exploded, and his internal organs were clearly visible.

For the evil spirit, cracks appeared from the jaw to the forehead, and the whole thing collapsed. The bones inside were also marrowed, and less than half of the brain was cut away.

However, the two people's hands and feet never stopped.

In such a terrifying situation, where most living beings were already dead, they still launched attacks one after another.

One punched three times and kicked two.

One of them swept out four claws and stabbed once.

Although they canceled each other out several times, they were still hit and stabbed each time.

Li Su's right chest exploded on the spot, and countless supreme Dao patterns inside were directly destroyed.

The evil spirit was kicked in half by Li Su, and his spine was turned into ashes. The intestines inside were scattered in pieces, and his eyes were covered with blood.

Not only that, the strength of the two people's hands and feet also became clear due to the extremely strong collision. One was torn apart, and the other was twisted into shape.

In this extremely tragic state, without even a blink of an eye, the bodies of both parties recovered directly. The broken, burned, and eaten flesh and blood increased instantly, and the massive amounts of supreme scriptures and The misty flames of the avenue were replenished again.

It can be said that the entire fight did not even pause for a fraction of a second. The two sides continued to fight.


After being beaten to this extent, even the evil spirits will become red-eyed.

Both sides have begun to care less about each other's attacks, with less and less defense and more and more offense.

In just a few seconds, the two sides destroyed each other's bodies more than a hundred times, and the supreme scriptures and avenue mist flames collapsed more than a thousand times.

If the fight between the two hadn't been too terrifying, once hit, the broken body would have been completely annihilated immediately.

The total battle lasted for less than three minutes, and the remaining limbs alone were equivalent to the scene after a thousand soldiers fought fiercely.

At this moment, neither side retreated.

No pause either!

Because I can't stop anymore.

Entering into this kind of terrifying fighting, it can no longer be described by simply shooting real fire.

But there is no way to retreat!

Taking a step back now, no matter who the two sides are, will undoubtedly receive an extremely fatal blow. Let alone retreat, even the slightest hesitation will cost extremely heavy, and it may even directly determine the outcome.

Because the speed is too fast.

As long as he hesitates for a moment and slows down a little, what will fall on him will not be one or two punches, but hundreds of punches, thousands of punches, until he cannot be revived and is completely annihilated.

There is no doubt that once such an opportunity arises, neither Li Su nor Near Saint Evil Spirit will give the other party a chance to regroup.

One second, ten seconds, one minute, two minutes, five minutes.

The afterimage can no longer be seen, and the entire void is filled with the gray fog flames of the avenue and the bright red supreme life.

Eyes are meaningless in this kind of battle.

The fighting between the two sides has completely entered into ideology and entered another dimension.

He has obviously compressed his own strength, and has obviously concentrated his power to one point.

But when they hit the back, the result was still a large-scale fight like a collision of domains.

However, unlike the clear collision between the two realms, the two sides completely merged into one, with the gray and red colors intermingling with each other, constantly devouring each other with millimeters and microns as the boundary.

Everything was changing on the entire battlefield, and the only thing that remained unchanged was probably the terrifying murderous intention revealed by the two men.

Finally finally!

After fighting each other like this for more than a quarter of an hour.

Both sides have reached their limits, not physically, but mentally!

After all, for the Great Luo Realm, which can be divided into a period equivalent to more than ten days every second, this kind of life and death battle that lasts for a full quarter of an hour, the time that has passed by the senses is really not short.

Even if this second is only equivalent to ten days, a quarter of an hour is equivalent to nine thousand days of fighting for a mortal, a full twenty-four years.

This kind of fighting time is simply unimaginable, and it is no longer within the realm where living things can gain a foothold.

Of course, even though they were tired, it didn't mean that both of them were exhausted.

But the spirit was no longer strong enough to continue fighting at such a fast speed, so he just retreated from the high latitude.

In fact, the fighting did not stop, it was still extremely brutal.

Both sides had almost no intention of giving in. The only thought in their minds was to kill the other party.

The consumption is really huge.

At this moment, Li Su was covered in sweat. He had no need to breathe for a long time, but he still couldn't help but gasp for breath like he did when he was still a mortal.

This is a subconscious manifestation, as an individual's instinctive reaction to fatigue.

As for the evil spirit near saint, he did not show such performance, after all, his essence is not life, but there is no doubt that his body has withered a lot, especially the head representing the spirit, which has obviously shrunk.

That is a symbol of mental fatigue, the consumption of thinking is too huge, and it has been projected on the outer flesh.

This is really an unexpected battle.

Although it was prepared from the beginning, this fight is not easy to fight.

But I never thought that it would be so. To be honest, it was fortunate that Li Su had more than three treasures in his hand, but more than seven.

Otherwise, it would probably take less than a quarter of an hour. More than ten minutes ago, he would have been exhausted.

He can hold on until now, and the magic power is provided by the treasure.

Fortunately, among the seven treasures, there is one who is very good at this aspect. The refined magic power can almost be seamlessly connected to Li Su's long river. The power is extremely gentle and can be used almost immediately.

Well, the merit golden lotus.

But what's the matter with this near saint?

How long is the long river of this thing when it falls to the ground?

He has already used it up at least six times, but the mist and flame on the opponent's body has not decreased at all?

This is simply unscientific, no, not metaphysical.

The biggest difference between the Near Saint and the Billion Dao Realm has never been quantity, but quality.

More worlds and more weights make its power stronger and more powerful. Of course, the quantity will also increase. After all, there is one more world, and its long river will naturally be longer.

But don't forget that although he, Li Su, has not become the Extreme Daluo, there are seven ancient saints living in his long river.

This means that his long river is much longer than that of the general billion Dao Realm. Even if the main universe has not been formed, it should be comparable to the three generations, no, four to five generations of the Extreme Daluo.

In this case, the evil spirit's near saint's long river, even if it is larger than his, is only about two or three layers at most.

He had burned himself dry six times. The opponent's long river should have burned to the main universe at least.

What was the result?

Although the opponent's mental strength had declined, his long river still did not feel any weakness.

Could it be that the evil spirit's long river was endless?

Of course, when Li Su was extremely shocked, the emotions of the near-saint evil spirit were also turbulent.

He knew his own situation best.

Although he chose to burn the avenue, it was a last resort, but Li Su chose to fight him head-on, which was what he wanted.

Because even if his realm was suppressed, causing him to fall to the near-saint level, with only the power of the six generations of Daluo.

But as a near-saint, the length of his long river did not change, it was still the same.

Therefore, such a head-on collision was not a bad thing for him, but a good thing.

Even the difference between the long river of an ordinary near-saint and the long river of a billion Dao realm can be imagined. Even if the ability shown by the one in front of him was somewhat beyond his expectations, even so, his river should be much smaller than his.

Not to mention, as an evil spirit, the length of his river is far beyond that of a normal cultivator.

Under the dual universe origin, the length of his river is at least twice that of a near-saint.

Therefore, a mere 100 million Dao Realm chose to wrestle with him, which was undoubtedly the most foolish behavior in his eyes.

What was the result?

He was almost about to burn his main universe, but the other party still had mana, and his river was not completely consumed.

How is this possible?

He is a near-saint, a near-saint-level evil spirit? ? ?

Thinking of this, the near-saint evil spirit could not help but become anxious, although even if only the main universe was left, his river was still very long.

However, once that part was burned, it would be completely unacceptable.

It is not that it is difficult to recover after the main universe is burned, of course, it is indeed difficult.

In fact, once this battle is over, let alone the main universe, the burning at this stage is unacceptable to him. His realm will fall quickly, not only falling out of the near-saint level, but it will not take long before he will fall directly back to the level of the first-life Daluo.

The cost of burning the origin is not very high, but very high.

But the long river of the main universe is different. Once it burns, it is equivalent to the main universe itself being ignited. Not to mention the consequences of the loss, it is unacceptable to simply consume it.

Because this will directly lead to a decrease in his strength.

There is no need to burn too much. As long as he starts to burn, he will immediately fall from the near-saint level.

Obviously, once he falls, the battle is basically over.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the near-saint evil spirit flickered.

The fight has been going on for more than a quarter of an hour, and the previous pursuit has been almost a quarter of an hour. In other words, they should be back soon, right?

Although there is no agreed time, it won’t take too long to chase the evil spirits of the alien race.

It's not that they gave up, but the aliens would not let the evil spirits keep entangled. In fact, even if it was only two quarters of an hour, it was already a long time for the near saint.

And with so much time, the evil spirits were enough to cause heavy losses to the aliens. If they continued to chase, they might force the other side to panic and cause losses to themselves.

So, according to reason, they were almost on the way back.


Although both sides were thinking in their hearts, it was obvious that there was a crack in the mentality of the near saint.

The main reason was that the fire was about to burn to the main road, and the evil spirits that had been chased out should be on their way back. He was anxious, but at the same time, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The two sides had been fighting until now, and their spirits had become somewhat depressed, and the intensity had decreased.

But the battle did not stop, and the fighting continued.

Although Li Su was surprised by the length of the opponent's long river, he did not relax at all. After all, for him, this battle had only one result, that is, to kill the opponent, and there was no other option.

Under such circumstances, the momentary mental gap of the Near Saint Evil Spirit immediately caused a slight hesitation in his attack.

This slight hesitation was undoubtedly very small.

For mortals, no, even for Taiyi, it would probably be completely invisible.

Almost, it was equivalent to about 0.0001 seconds.

Too subtle, too subtle.

It can't even be said to be slack, it's not noticeable at all.

But when they reached the Daluo realm, especially when both sides were comparable to the seventh generation Daluo, such a time of 0.0001 seconds was enough for them to fight more than a hundred times.

And as mentioned before, in such a life-and-death fight, both sides had no way to retreat. Once there was even a little hesitation, there would undoubtedly be an extremely terrible storm.

One punch, two punches, three punches, four punches.

Without even a blink of an eye, the Near Saint Evil Spirit was directly hammered by Li Su, the whole body was completely broken, the soul was also shattered, the long river was beaten out, and was pierced by Li Su's supreme scripture. The whole avenue was shaken at this moment, as if a magnitude 12 earthquake had occurred.

Facing this scene, even Li Su was stunned.

Obviously, he didn't expect the ending to come so suddenly.

Of course, he didn't hold back, and there was no intention to pause. In an instant, the vast blood and energy were gathered, and the supreme chapter shone directly.

The opponent's avenue river, one, one, and another hit.

At this moment, the Supreme Scripture burst out with an extremely terrifying light. Each word was like a divine weapon, directly piercing through the long river of the Near Saint Evil Spirit and biting into the opponent's avenue.

In just a few strokes, the Near Saint Evil Spirit's reconstructed body had not yet recovered, and it was twisted on the spot. The flesh and soul consciousness were directly cracked, and countless buds grew on it.

Accompanied by a scream, the amazing mist and flames spurted out from the Near Saint Evil Spirit's body. The terrifying power instantly planned to attack Li Su continuously, forcing him to stop and retreat.

Li Su retreated, and the bones of the attacking hand were shaken out of his shoulder on the spot, and the flesh and blood exploded directly, splashing everywhere. Not only that, his body was also hit extremely hard, the entire chest cavity collapsed, the sternum including the spine were knocked out of the body, and the internal organs were even brought to the ground.

Faced with this result, Li Su was not surprised but happy.

He retreated hundreds of meters continuously, and in less than two breaths, the extremely terrible upper body on his body basically recovered, and the supreme scripture was ignited again, spreading all over his body.

On the contrary, the near-saint evil spirit.

Although it launched an attack far beyond the previous one, and even stopped and repelled Li Su.

But the pursuit did not come, not only that, he began to spit blood directly after his physical body recovered, and his consciousness also became scattered.

At this moment, his body did not recover, and many parts of his body grew buds, and so did his soul. No matter how the mist and flames on his body burned and destroyed, the abnormal parts could not be repaired.

This is the scene of the origin being created.

It is a Taoist injury.

It is really seriously injured, equivalent to a mortal being cut off his hands and feet.

Not only that, his overall aura began to fall, from the near-saint level, directly falling to the extreme Daluo level.

At this moment, his expression was extremely hideous and twisted, and the eyes looking at Li Su, in addition to endless murderous intent, were more indescribable hatred and resentment.

The main universe was ignited.

Not only that, his long river was also greatly damaged by the attack just now, and the opponent's power was completely nailed into it, forming a Dao injury.

This not only means that he will fall in realm and no longer be a near saint, but also means that he is finished and has no future.

After all, for the evil spirit, in this situation, there is no need to live anymore, and directly dedicating flesh and blood life to other evil spirits is the first choice.

For this result, even if the evil spirits are not human and do not have the kind of emotions of humans, it does not mean that they are willing to disappear and become the nourishment of others.

"Ant, you deserve to die, you deserve to die!"

Even if it is a near saint evil spirit, at this moment, he still can't help but go crazy and let out a roar he has never had before.

"I want you to die, I want you to die! ah! !"

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