Chapter 1319 Digestion

Leaving Honghuang directly, Li Su did not find a place to stop immediately, but went to Fengdu first.

When he arrived at the place, Li Su found that the city had disappeared from a distance.

He couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Has the Book of Life and Death left?

That is to say, the hand of the evil spirit is not only in the heaven, but also in Honghuang?

After thinking about it, Li Su turned his head and went quickly to the room where Xue Cheng was.

He didn't care too much about the life and death of the Xue family, but Xue Xue and Zhao Yan were married to him after all, so he had to see the situation at least.

It didn't take long for Li Su to stay outside Xuecheng.

It was a mess.

This place, which was bustling not long ago, is now empty.

I couldn't help but go in and take a look.

There was a lot of dust on the street. It was not that they left recently, but they had left a long time ago.

There were no signs of fighting, and the whole city was dead silent.

They should have moved away in advance.

Otherwise, it would not be like this.

After all, the evil means have been cracked by him, and he has also given the Xue family ancestors a reminder and solution. If he changes to another organization, he may still be able to get rid of it, but facing this evil that intends to wipe them out, the traitor first seeks glory. As long as he is not a fool, he should not make a move that blocks both ends.

Moreover, the two women have a marriage sign with him. If something really happens, he will be able to feel it in time.

Thinking of this, Li Su did not track it down.

After all, the other party is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Even a cunning rabbit has three burrows. It is impossible for the Xue family to have only one base like Xuecheng.

Moreover, in terms of perception, the breath of Xue Xue and the other women is very faint, almost vague, and cannot be clearly perceived. This is obviously hiding somewhere.

Since the other party did not take the initiative to contact him, at least it is safe for now.

That jar of wine is not a joke. Obviously, there is a supreme plus a treasure, and Li Su has been delayed for several years. Although it is difficult to lock him, it is not a big problem if it is just to contact him.

Besides, he has a lot of troubles on his hands right now.

Let alone the trillions of people, there are 800 million Xia people to help him deal with it.

But what happens after that?

Whether it is the mythical world or the alien race, it is obviously impossible to just stay there and wait for the saints to break through, right?

Therefore, at most a few days in the heavenly court, they have to find a way to attack the blocked Sanqingtian.

In this way, the war can be said to be inevitable.

In other words, if the person is really found, it is impossible to say that he is safe.

As the extreme Daluo, the ancestors of the Xue family and others are likely to go to the battlefield.

Take the initiative to find the person and then send him to the battlefield? It’s good that he didn’t die. If something happens, the love-hate relationship in the romance drama will probably be staged on him.

Love, Li Su is very happy.

Killing, forget it.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, he seems to have a lot of wives now. It feels good when his lower body moves, but he can't help but feel annoyed when he comes back to his senses.

So compared to how to solve the problem of their relationship, it is simpler to just let them not meet.

Fortunately, unlike ordinary people who can't split themselves, he can split himself, and at his current level, he can sense synchronously even if they are thousands of miles apart.

And he also left a backup plan for Xue and Xue. If there is a problem, his cells will wake up immediately and take them directly to the Demon Subduing Hall.

So, the most important thing at the moment is to finish the matter of the evil spirit.

After leaving Xuecheng directly, Li Su did not stop there, but kept wandering in the prehistoric world.

Undoubtedly, the prehistoric world is more desolate.

It was originally very desolate. After all, the population density is too small. In such a huge world, people can be seen not in tens of thousands of miles, but in many light years.

Now, after running all the way, I didn't see a ghost.

Li Su went to both the Heart Sword Sect and the Dao Sect.

The Heart Sword Sect is the memory of the guy that Li Su had transformed into before, and the Dao Sect is from Zhao Yan's memory.

The Heart Sword Sect was completely empty, and as for the Dao Sect, the situation was more tragic. The original location was still a good cave paradise. When he arrived, it had been destroyed, leaving only a few traces.

The evil spirit was quick and cruel.

From the current situation, except for Banxie, the remaining ancient witches, sword sects, and bliss are probably not much better.

After staying for a while, Li Su flew towards the center of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

There was still a distance of nearly a thousand light years, so he stopped.

Sure enough, the evil pillar of heaven penetrated the entire hinterland of the prehistoric world, directly from the prehistoric world to the heaven.

Similarly, there was no sense of the presence of a strong man, which means that this pillar of heaven is most likely not inserted on the prehistoric world, but the situation of passing through, not its root.

Li Su couldn't help but take a breath, looking at the eye-catching evil pillar that penetrated the entire prehistoric world, and couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.


Although the source was not seen, with this scale, do you think the source can be small?

Even if the myth world has the foundation and the alien race has the means, it would be more difficult than imagined to break the cover that directly sealed all the semi-saints in the prehistoric world.

At least, since the evil spirit dared to take action, it is impossible that they had not thought about the current situation.

Although there are still Emperor Zun and his people, plus the foundation of the great sect, and he also has many treasures in his hands, Li Su is still not optimistic about the future development.

After all, the evil spirits have been preparing for too long, too long.

Maybe the other party has started preparing since the great destruction, which means that it has lasted for nearly a million years.

In a million years, the prehistoric world can raise so many strong people.

What about the evil spirits? How many means have they prepared?

Not to mention that the other party has taken the initiative and sealed their highest combat power in advance.

Before the fight started, in fact, the prehistoric world has fallen into a disadvantage in all aspects, and once again, the other party has taken the initiative. This is undoubtedly a bad taste.

Obviously, in a few days of heaven, the myth world and the alien race will launch an attack.


You ask, is it because the myth world killed the plague and them?

It is related!

But, not all.

Just kidding, let alone other things, the method of sealing the saint is obviously not something that can be prepared in a day or two. It takes who knows how many years to collect the extremely dense evil nature in the center.

After taking a deep breath, Li Su looked at the evil pillar that seemed to break through the sky again, and turned around and left.


He did not choose a place specifically, but came directly to the abyss of Beijuluzhou, not too far from the evil pillar, almost hundreds of thousands of light years away. He plunged into the deep space and kept moving towards the depths.

He ran for an unknown period of time before he stopped.

After operating the Pangu Banner and directly transforming the surroundings, he released the Saint's Seat.

Now, there is no one in the huge Saint's Seat.

The cultivators in the myth world either followed the great sect or were in the Demon Subduing Hall. Li Su was the only one in the entire huge Saint's Seat.

Cross-legged, he sat down directly.

The first thing to do is naturally digestion.

Killing a near-saint alone was a huge gain for him.

The huge amount of luck almost made him burst.

Even though he had been down for almost half a day, he still hadn't digested much.

Although the Way of Destiny required a huge amount of luck, it was still a bit slow to absorb the luck of a near-saint.

You know, in addition to the luck itself, Li Su also got the amazing power of the origin of the universe.

This evil spirit was completely different from the previous one.

There were two kinds of origin power in his body.

One belonged to the prehistoric universe, and the other belonged to the evil universe.

The reason for this discovery was that the origin absorbed this time was really too much. Not to mention the origin of the evil universe, the origin of the prehistoric universe was very large.

Moreover, the two sides seemed to be one, but they were clearly divided and incompatible.

No wonder the evil spirit was so troublesome to fight. When Emperor Zun and his men fought one-on-one, they would even suffer. One only had the origin of the prehistoric universe, and the other had the origins of the two universes at the same time. It would be strange if they didn't suffer.

Apart from other things, the weight of the origin of this evil spirit is much larger and heavier than that of the prehistoric cultivators in terms of single wheel volume.

With this advantage, wouldn't the cultivators on the prehistoric side be the ones who suffer in a fight?

Now, the Way of Destiny is madly absorbing the two origins to fill itself. So much so that its favorite luck has been temporarily left behind.

Of course, such a huge universe origin is also extremely significant for Li Su's improvement.

The Way of Destiny can be said to be rising up very fast, and it is infinitely close to the Daluo level.

Breakthrough is basically not a problem.

From the perspective of quantity, it is estimated that it can reach between the billion Dao realm and the billion Dao realm, about 700 million or 800 million.

If these are added with luck, it may be possible to reach the perfection of the billion Dao realm.

The origin is really fragrant.

You know, even if Li Su directly practiced to the highest level, he began to condense the origin of the universe after the Daluo realm. As the realm continued to improve, the origin increased little by little and accumulated to a considerable scale.

The way of destiny is different, it is the opposite.

It belongs to feeding back, feeding the way through the origin. To be honest, even saints would call it a fool if they see this operation.

After all, if ordinary cultivators can get the origin, the first thing they will do is to replenish their own origin.

They don't even need to do it, the core of the origin will do it by itself, and it will be eaten up by you in an instant. The reason is very simple. The foundation is not enough, the origin is too little, and when facing the ownerless origin, it will naturally satisfy itself in the first place.

Li Su is different.

This guy not only cultivated the highest, but also seven supremes!

Just talking about the main way, it has reached a terrifying 116 million.

As for the miscellaneous ways, although the single calculation has only reached more than 12 million, the ten million Dao realm has increased tenfold, the billion Dao realm has increased tenfold again, and the ten billion Dao realm has increased tenfold again.

That is to say, more than 1.2 billion!

Even if each of the main ways only increases a little, the minor ways give a little.

That is also 116 million strands, plus 1.2 billion small strands.

Calculated in this way, how huge is his origin?

Not to mention the cultivators of today, even the cultivators of the ancient times, I am afraid no one can compare with Li Su in terms of the number of origins.

His origins were almost full, and not overflowing was the limit.

Therefore, even if there were ownerless origins entering his body, Li Su was actually already in a state of being full. At least at the level of Daluo, he was completely full.

Although he would still absorb, the amount could not be said to be small, but only very small, which was to absorb whenever there was a gap.

This led to a large amount of origin remaining in his body, giving him the opportunity to use the origin to feed back the Taoism, which was already a luxury that could not be described.

What's even more amazing is that Li Su not only used the origin to feed the Taoism, but also used the luck to feed it.

To be honest, there was no need for the ancient cultivators. If the emperor knew about this, they would probably want to chop him and scold him for being a prodigal.

His behavior was the kind that even a trillionaire would not dare to do.

And obviously, Li Su himself was not clear about his own behavior.

After all, he is currently only in the 100 billion Dao realm, and obviously cannot understand the expensiveness of the origin and the expensiveness of luck.

Not to mention, whether it is the origin or the luck, these things that are unimaginable in the eyes of top cultivators, he got them too easily.

Is it not easy?

Except for the near-saint he killed with his own hands, the previous ones were just picked up for nothing, without even using any strength.

Of course, there are also people who understand around him.

For example, Zhibao, Zhibao undoubtedly understands very well.

For Li Su's behavior, there is no doubt that even Pangu Banner couldn't help but twitch his eyes, and Taijitu couldn't help but hold his forehead with his hands and closed his eyes and didn't want to see.


You ask them why they didn't stop it?

It's very simple!

Let's not talk about other avenues, the way of destiny, you really have to play it this way.

Otherwise, you want to rely on your understanding? I can only say, buddy, you think too much.

This is the only one among the three thousand avenues that is related to all avenues, but it is hidden.

Otherwise, if fate is so easy to comprehend, wouldn't all the Heavenly Dao saints have already comprehended it? Why would it be Li Su's turn?

In fact, the main reason why Li Su could comprehend it this way was because of the Great Destruction of the Ancients.

Otherwise, even if he held countless origins and controlled countless luck, he still couldn't practice it.

As for the reason, I can't tell!

Well, this is not a riddle.

But if they were to tell, they would have their own problems.

The Great Destruction of the Ancients was not as simple as imagined. The source of the collapse was not other things, but fate.

"Is it coming soon?"


"Where is the Book of Life and Death?"

"It hid itself, but it can be contacted!"

"That's good, how are you preparing?"

"Don't worry, everything is ready."

"That's good, in a world of one billion Dao realms, fragments can't bear it."

"Old Gu, do you think it can succeed?"

"I don't know, but everything has been destined, isn't it?"

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