Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1319 This shouldn’t be the case

Chapter 1322 It shouldn’t be like this

In the blink of an eye, Li Su, who started the game at a very good age, is already three years old.

It must be said that the Jiuli people have great bodies. They are good at eating and have good digestion. They eat seven meals a day, and each meal weighs one jin.

When he was three years old, he still had seven meals a day, but each meal weighed five jin.

So, although Li Su is only three years old now, his weight is almost 100 jin.

Don’t underestimate this 100 jin. You should know that ordinary adult women may not weigh this much. And the most terrifying thing is that although he is heavy, his appearance has not changed. He is no different from a three-year-old baby.

Faced with this situation, the whole family, no, it should be said that the whole village is very happy.

What is this?

This is a strange phenomenon!

It’s like the old man Bingzhu has horns on his head, which is a symbol of extraordinary.

Regarding his own situation, Li Su himself is undoubtedly helpless.

In such a place, if one is not in good health, it is easy to be abandoned. After knowing his situation, he originally planned to make himself mediocre so that he would not be taken seriously. When he had enough hidden strength, he would find a way to escape.

There was no way. It was okay to have the blood of Jiuli. If he learned witchcraft and magic skills, he would be caught and killed by "righteous people" halfway, not to mention joining Xuanmen.

What to do, what to do.

He was really hungry!

The body's requirements for nutrition were too high, too high.

Less than a week after birth, only mother's milk was far from enough, and this was the result of his forced endurance. In fact, he had been hungry very quickly since the third day.

By the seventh day, his eyes were almost green with hunger.

In the middle of the night, he couldn't stand it anymore. Smelling the fragrance of dried meat, the sleepwalker climbed to the big pig's trotter that was roasted at night and not eaten, and ate it while sleeping.

When everyone woke up the next morning, they found that their child was sleeping and chewing a pig's trotter that was twice as big as him.

They were ready to laugh, but when they looked closely, they found that the pig's trotter left last night had been chewed into a big hole by the little guy, and the little head was buried in it.

After looking at each other in disbelief, everyone dug the child out.

You know, this is not an ordinary pig, but a big wild boar, a demon pig.

Although only less than half a pound of meat was chewed off, it was still very scary for a child who was only seven days old.

Not to mention, even if the pork was roasted, it was very hard.

Even adults who have not practiced will still have a pain in their cheeks if they eat too much.

How did a seven-day-old child bite the demon pork?

When they took the person out and took a look, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

The fangs made them stunned.

Yes, not white teeth, but fangs!

There is no doubt that if Li Su were in another place, he would be regarded as a monster and drowned on the spot. In the Jiuli tribe, that is not a big deal.

Jiuli, itself contains some witch blood, and Li Su's situation is not uncommon. At present, many children in the tribe have had it.

This is a kind of talent. In order to be able to take in enough food as soon as possible and get enough nutrition, it will appear!

The only difference is that other children will only appear after the age of five, instead of Li Su who appeared seven days after birth.

Therefore, facing this result, the family was very excited.

You know, even the military master awakened this instinct at the age of three and longed for more nutrition.

As a result, his own child was only seven days old?

How amazing!

So, in order to ensure that Li Su could take in enough nutrition, half a pound of dried meat was placed directly in his arms. Once it was gone, it would be quickly replenished.

At first, Li Su undoubtedly refused.

After all, they were ready to act.

But there is a problem. He can control himself when he is awake, but he can't control himself when he is asleep. After all, he is too young. Especially the confrontation between will and instinct makes him more mentally exhausted. .

In addition, facing the physical needs, Li Su actually doesn't dare to let himself starve for too long. He will definitely not starve to death, but what if he has problems with hunger?

You know, this meat is quite scary. Even so, he can still digest it.

Let alone other things, just talking about the stomach acid, it is probably comparable to nitric acid. If he starves and gets a stomach perforation, it's unimaginable.

After falling asleep several times, Li Su woke up and found that his family smiled and replaced his jerky with new meat. He chose to accept his fate helplessly.

For the first time, he found that his talent was too good, which was also a very pitfall.

Since he couldn't hide it, fortunately he didn't hide it.

After all, fighting hunger is really not something that normal people can do, especially Li Su. Once he gets hungry, he wants to eat everything he sees.

Don't be so hungry that you will eat your own family members as if they were pig's trotters.

While thinking, Li Su silently held a pig's trotter that was bigger than his body and gnawed it slowly.

There was no way, he was getting hungry too quickly.

Seven meals a day, five catties each time, in fact, if you cut out the less than ten minutes of rest time in the middle, he was almost eating all day long.

Here, I have to say again that his body's digestive power is really scary.

Thirty-five catties of meat, the poop should be smelly and long.

But he doesn't. He only eats once a day, or even once every few days, and each time he eats very little.

Once he falls to the ground, he is like a stone.

Of course, these are nothing. The abnormal thing is the time.

Through eavesdropping, Li Su not only found that his abnormal hunger came early, but also lasted for a long time.

For ordinary Jiuli people, it usually lasts three to five weeks, and the most powerful ones only last about a year. The most amazing one is the Lord of Soldiers. It is said that he has maintained this state for three years.

However, just yesterday, he gloriously broke this record.

And, what's even more annoying is that Li Su found that he was getting hungrier, and thirty-five kilograms a day was not enough.

Fortunately, there were a lot of bones in the meat given to him. He couldn't chew it before, so he threw it away. After three years, his mouth full of sharp teeth, let alone bones, even stones, Li Su felt that he could chew a few bites.

Because there were no bones left, at least he stabilized the amount of meat he needed.

By the way, in the past three years, the second uncle who was away, the pillar of the magic path, came back several times.

After seeing Li Su's situation, he was also very happy.

He said that when Li Su was six years old, he would take him out and join the sect he was currently in. With his extraordinary performance, he must have a bright future.

In this regard, the whole family, including Li Su's biological mother, did not show any reluctance, but raised both hands in approval without hesitation.

In fact, this second uncle has taken away many six-year-old children in the past three years.

During this period, he also brought back two younger generations who had been sent out for almost ten years. Without exception, they all became pillars of the magic path with amazing strength.

The blood and resentment in his body made Li Su, who was still in his cradle, feel terrified and felt that his future was bleak.

Of course, Li Su's talent made the people in the village very happy.

But in fact, most of the time, the atmosphere in the village was very solemn.

Especially in the past two years, every time the second uncle came back, the family looked very solemn.

As for why?

It's very simple!

Xuanyuan's pursuit of the Jiuli people in Badi, and the terrible situation in Shudi.

Nvba, here she comes!

Almost three years ago, she entered Shudi.

Undoubtedly, the Jiuli tribe did not sit idly by and organized people to go and strangle the Xuanyuan emperor's daughter.

The result is beyond doubt.

A big defeat!

Almost all the people who went died at the hands of Nvba, including a few tribesmen brought by the second uncle. Except for the second uncle who escaped, the whole army was basically wiped out.

Even the second uncle who escaped was not well.

It took almost five months to recuperate and clear out the power of Hanba in his body, and it took a full year to recover.

In fact, it was not just the second uncle, but Li Su himself had actually felt the threat of Nvba.

Shudi, drought.

The water dragon also dried up.

The so-called thousand miles of red land is really no joke.

You have to know that the place where he is is about 500 miles away from Shu.

Over the past three years, not only has the air become more and more muggy, but the miasma in this rain forest, which is already full of miasma, has become more and more serious. Not to mention the winter, there are often three or four months without even a drop of rain.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a lot of water stored in the rain forest itself, and if there were two water dragons passing by, the rain forest would probably be as dry as Shu.

Therefore, after the second uncle returned last time, the village had actually begun to consider moving out of this rain forest and heading further south, leaving the territory of Shenzhou.

Speaking of Shenzhou, I have to mention it!

Shenzhou, also called Zhongzhou!

By the way, the nine states here are not the nine states that Dayu determined after controlling the flood.

Rather, it is the nine Shenzhou that divides the entire southern Zhanzhou into nine!

It's almost equivalent to a nine-square grid!

It is divided horizontally by two rivers and vertically by two mountains.

The two rivers are Tongtian River and Yutian River.

The two mountains are Jietian Mountain and Buzhou Mountain.

Li Su's village is located in the northwest of Zhongshenzhou. If we use the Nine Palaces Cube, it is almost equivalent to the lower right corner of the four corners, located at the junction of Yutian River and Buzhou Mountain.

Walking along the Buzhou Mountain Range, you can enter Zezhou. If you cross the Yutian River, you will enter Qianzhou.

As for Zezhou, the water vapor there is too thick, and it can be said that there are swamps everywhere, and various monsters serve in it. It is full of wilderness and there are almost no people.

As for Qianzhou, there are people in Qianzhou, but it is not a good place. It is very chaotic, with constant killings, mostly practitioners, and constant conflicts.

If you go, you will undoubtedly go to Qianzhou.

Apart from other things, the second uncle's sect is over there, and many people from the Jiuli clan have gone there. After all, facing Xuanyuan's ruthless action of cutting the grass and eradicating the roots, staying in Zhongzhou, a place that is almost unified by the other side, is to seek death.

Although helpless, they can only stay away from their own homeland.

Of course, Qianzhou is not like Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou is a place of humanity. The human race is lucky and protected here. The number of demons is rare, and the human race will develop very quickly here.

As for the other eight states, it is obviously a different picture.

At least, when his family members mentioned that place, they were quite afraid in their words. Even though the hunting order entered Badi and Nüba even appeared in Shudi and had caused serious impact, they still did not choose to evacuate. You know, once they leave Zhongzhou, without the blessing of human luck, Huangdi, as the emperor of man, will not be able to interfere with Qianzhou. Even so, his family members are still hesitant, which shows that the chaos in Qianzhou is far beyond imagination.

Li Su did not pay much attention to the thoughts of his family members.

He was too young to make a decision.

Even if he really decided, he would go to Qianzhou.

His birth basically eliminated the possibility of contacting Xuanmen in advance and directly meeting the saints.

Fortunately, the battle for the throne had just ended not long ago, only about eight years, and there were still six hundred years before the establishment of the Xia Dynasty. In addition to the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, that is to say, there was actually nearly 1,500 years before the Conferred God.

With such a long time, he slowly developed. Even if he was of the Nine Li bloodline, even if he practiced the magic skills, what would it matter? As long as he is strong enough, at worst he can go to Shangqing and take his skills to a master.

He still doesn't believe it. After more than a thousand years, let alone catching up with Brother Duobao, the Three Goddesses, and the others, he should have reached the level of serving the Seven Fairies.

Li Su still has some confidence.

After all, the world bonus is there, and he still doesn't believe the 200% talent bonus.

So, for now, let it be.

They have been given a chance by Tian Hu, and there is no other choice except to accept it silently.

Well, you ask Li Su, since he has an extraordinary talent, will the Jiuli tribe drag him to another battle for the throne?

Unfortunately, it is impossible!

Not to mention that the emperor of the human world has been decided on the mythical side, Xuanyuan has been blessed by the luck of the entire Zhongzhou, and he is a perfect protagonist template. Unless the old man Huangdi has problems and kills himself, otherwise, the Jiuli tribe will not have any chance.

Especially after retreating to Qianzhou, without the protection of human luck, what if there are only a few thousand people left in the Jiuli tribe? If they want to reproduce to the same scale as before, they won't be able to do it for hundreds of years.

On the other hand, in Zhongzhou, the emperor of the human race has been decided. How amazing will the population of the Zhongzhou people be under the protection of luck?

After a hundred years, the size of the Jiuli tribe will grow to 10,000 people, and here it may directly exceed several million, or even tens of millions.

One hundred to one, do you really think that the Xiong family has no talent?

They are all descendants of Nuwa. Jiuli has the blood of the Wu clan, but Xuanyuan has the support of Xuanmen. What a fight.

Thinking, thinking.

Li Su is sleepy again.

After all, he is only three years old, and he has to eat a full 35 kilograms of meat with bones every day. Although he absorbs a lot, he also consumes a lot.

As a result, except for eating, he is sleeping most of the time.

This is also the fundamental reason why he has no energy to care about Nuwa's affairs. He has no time at all.

Autumn comes, winter goes.

Another two cold and summer!

Li Su, five years old, is already one meter taller, and his blood is frighteningly thick!

His appetite, of course, has not decreased at all, but has increased.

He alone needs hundreds of kilograms of meat and bones a day.

Fortunately, the wild beasts near the rainforest are very large, and most of them have become monsters. One can weigh seven or eight hundred kilograms, or even thousands of kilograms, and that's the small ones.

The big ones are frightening, going straight up to thousands of kilograms.

Although there are only a few hundred people in the whole village, they are all top-notch and frighteningly strong, so Li Su has never lacked food.

In fact, the more he eats, the happier the tribesmen are.

By the way, Li Su has a name.

It's called Li Hao!

Although he is only five years old, he actually has thousands of kilograms of strength, and the blood around his body is extremely amazing. Ordinary monsters of ten feet or so can't get close to him, and will be directly shocked to death by his blood.

Facing Li Su's situation, the people of the whole village were undoubtedly very happy. After five years of accumulation, once completed, how amazing would the awakening bloodline be?

With Li Su, for the Jiuli clan, it was equivalent to having hope.

Not to mention killing Xuanyuan, at least they can gain a foothold in Qianzhou, right?

However, just when Li Su was happily chewing the pig's trotters and the people of the whole village were excited, a figure suddenly rushed in.

In an instant, everyone's face changed.

They were not unfamiliar with the breath of the person who came. It was Li Su's second uncle.

At this moment, his body was full of scars, blood, and his right arm was gone.

Before everyone could speak, the second uncle who rushed in hurriedly raised his head and said with wide eyes: "Let's go, let's go, Nvba brought the Tu Li army to find us!!!"

As his words fell, in an instant, everyone's pupils couldn't help shrinking.

Even Li Su couldn't help clenching his fists at this moment.

Because of his status, he was undoubtedly a bit carefree. As a descendant of the descendants of Yan and Huang, he was inevitably a bit unbalanced in his mentality. He forgot what it would be like if he became an enemy in this era.

Just a moment later, Li Su's grandfather did not hesitate at all and looked directly at one of the men in the village.

The man nodded, walked forward and stretched out his hand.

But as the only wizard in the village, the grandfather grabbed the man's hand and pressed his other hand on the head of the second uncle.

Accompanied by a mysterious sound, a thick black gas flowed out of the grandfather's body and instantly covered the two of them.

But after a moment, the black gas dissipated.

But the second uncle, who should have been seriously injured, recovered, while the intact man was covered with wounds and his arm was broken.

Not only were the wounds changed, but even the clothes of the two were changed.

"Second brother, you understand!"

Listening to his father's words, the second uncle couldn't help but shudder, then looked at Li Su, he opened his mouth, and then closed it tightly after a moment.

"I understand!"

"Very good!"

"Everyone, take weapons."

Accompanied by the old man's angry shout, hundreds of people in the whole village returned to their homes without hesitation.

After a while, a group of people wearing animal skin armor came out.

There were not only old people, women, but also children who were not much older than Li Su.

Everyone's pupils were full of scarlet, and terrible blood and evil spirits surrounded them.

Prepared last night, Li Su's grandfather did not give orders, and everyone turned back at this moment, all eyes looked at Li Su, including his cheap father and mother.

Facing this scene, Li Su was stunned, but before he could react, his body was directly lifted into the air.

It was his second uncle, who came over at some point and picked him up.

Without waiting for words, he took him and rushed to the back of the village.

Then, Li Su's grandfather roared, "Kill Xuan dog!!!"


Hundreds of people roared, and the next second, they rushed out in the direction of the second uncle without any hesitation.

But in just a few minutes, a voice sounded.

"I didn't expect that there are so many Li people hiding here, and it's worth my special trip!"

It was a girl, but it was like gold and stone, sharp and dry.

Then, the terrible sound of metal clashing broke out in this huge rainforest.

Blood, evil spirit, murderous aura, and magic power soared into the sky.

"Second uncle, wait, wait!"

At this scene, Li Su, who was being carried and running wildly, suddenly reacted. He widened his eyes and looked at the sound and killing shouts coming from afar in disbelief.

As for Li Su's shouting, his second uncle, who had always doted on him, ignored him and just ran away.

Facing this scene, Li Su was stupid, but he understood it.

In an instant, his pupils turned red. Five years, five whole years, even if he raised a dog, he would have feelings for it.

What's more, a village with hundreds of people cared and looked after him meticulously?

Not only that, but there were his own father, mother, and grandfather in this blood and bones!

"Damn it, stop, stop, you fucking stop!"

Li Su couldn't help it, he couldn't help it anymore, he struggled madly.

However, let alone the needle prick, at this moment he couldn't even speak, he was locked, the black chain, his body, his mouth.

"Hao'er, remember!"

"You are Jiuli's genius, Jiuli's hope, Jiuli anyone can die, but you can't, you have to live, live, understand???"

No, no, no.

This is not right, this is not right.

It shouldn’t be like this, it shouldn’t be like this!!!

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