Chapter 1324 Young Dragon Roar!

A wild boar demon is not troublesome to deal with.

In about half an hour, it was almost done.

Second uncle Li Zhan, because of his injuries, his strength was greatly reduced, but he could still use some methods of cultivating immortals.

It took some effort to remove nine layers of water from the meat, and it was done.

It is not cooked. After all, it is very difficult to control the heat and the time is short. With the current situation of the second uncle, it is not suitable for casting spells for a long time, even for such low-level spells.

By the way, because of what happened that night, Li Su's mentality completely changed.

He began to take the initiative to ask his second uncle about the cultivation of the Jiuli clan, and no longer struggled with the issues between witchcraft and Xuanmen.

Facing Li Su's inquiry, Li Zhan was very happy, but also a little sad at the same time.

It is a good thing to be keen on becoming stronger, but Li Su is undoubtedly too young. He has just turned five years old, which is when he should be carefree.

This desire is obviously forced.

Li Zhan made no secret of this and has been teaching him these days.

After all, the village was wiped out and only the two of them were left. Now, he could only hand over the Jiuli Clan's practice method.

There are two growth routes for the Jiuli clan.

Warriors and wizards.

But no matter which route, the first thing to do is to wait for the complete awakening of the bloodline talent.

Only after you have accomplished this can you decide what path to take next.

Because Li Su had not yet completed his awakening, he should not have told the other party so early. Considering his own situation, Li Zhan still handed over the most basic practice methods.

Two sets!

One set is a combat method and a supporting training method for physical awakening.

One set is a divine method, a supporting cultivation method for spiritual awakening.

Of course, Li Zhan only fought the basics of the above two types. It's not that he has anything hidden, but that he only has so much.

After all, he is not a wizard himself, and he doesn't know much about divine magic.

In addition, he joined the Demonic Cultivation Sect a long time ago. Although he also awakened his physical talents, his training in combat techniques was only maintained at a basic level.

However, that's enough.

The Jiuli clan is different from other human clans. The blood of the Jiuli clan is very rich in the blood of the witch clan.

Even basic tactics are enough.

As long as they continue to grow and activate their bloodline, more talents will appear. For example, their soldier master is so powerful because of his continuous awakening and the phenomenon of atavism.

Therefore, although there are only two types, it is actually enough.

With Li Hao's extraordinary performance, his awakening must be astonishing, and there is no need for him to teach much at all.

Too much will become a hindrance.

Compared with Jiuli's method, he didn't teach any of the magic cultivation methods. It wasn't that he didn't teach it, but he planned to take it back and talk about it later.

After all, although it is said to be a magic sect, it is actually similar to a mysterious sect.

Not only are there many types, but the aspects involved are also different.

Before talent is determined, mastering this knowledge is not only useless, but harmful.

Besides, regardless of the Jiuli clan’s cultivation method, which is just the foundation, Li Zhan, as someone who has experienced it, knows very well that these two combat methods alone are actually enough for most Jiuli clan members to practice for a lifetime.

In fact, this is also the case. The most powerful thing about the military leader is his fighting skills. The way he uses them is completely different from that of ordinary tribesmen. They are completely different from each other.

Therefore, in Li Zhan's mind, he wanted Li Su to get used to it first and be prepared.

Even if he is a genius, it will take at least three to five years before he can fully understand it, reach a small level of success, and stand at the same height as him.

Ah, I am not looking down on Li Su here. In fact, Li Zhan has really high expectations for him.

After all, it took him almost twenty years to master the art of warfare.

If you can understand it thoroughly in five years, you are a genius in the clan, and in three years, it is more directly the height of a military master.

As for Li Su himself, well, becoming a saint is really an exaggeration. To that extent, it still takes some time to hone it.

Perfect, I should say just right!

The night the combat method was handed down to him, he completely understood it, found his own rules, and imprinted them into his bones.

In about two days, Li Su no longer needed to perform corresponding movements to practice his combat skills.

Just through breathing, subtle body control and vibration, you can basically maintain the process of practicing martial arts for 24 hours.

I have to say that this strategy is really suitable for the Jiuli clan, especially for the blood in the body, it is very powerful.

As a genius, Li Su's blood concentration is very high, almost close to the first level.

This was the result of his grandfather immediately taking a drop of his blood for testing after he started to develop abnormal symptoms, such as growing fangs and increasing his food intake.

It is only on the first floor, so everyone should think it is very low.

In fact, this is not the case!

Under normal circumstances, ordinary members of the Li tribe are qualified and can become powerful warriors if the blood concentration in their body exceeds 3%.

More than 5%, as long as it is not, he will definitely become a great warrior in the future.

Li Su's father is a great warrior and the strongest person in the entire village.

As for Li Su, he has one layer, or one-tenth of the blood concentration. This is very rare in the entire Jiuli tribe, and can almost be compared with ancient warriors.

The so-called ancient warriors refer to the third or fourth generation of disciples born from the combination of witches and humans before the war between the witches and the demons.

In fact, this concentration is almost the same as that of the king and the master of the army who led the entire Jiuli tribe.

Now, with the basic tactics, along with the stimulation and strengthening of the tactics, the blood concentration in Li Su's body has undoubtedly increased further in the past few days.

If it was 10% before, it is now 1!

Don't look at it as just 1. There is a big difference between the past and the past. Li Su himself is undoubtedly the most impressed by this.

First of all, the appetite has increased dramatically.

It has not doubled, but it has increased by nearly half.

You know, at this stage, Li Su eats about 10 kilograms of meat per meal, seven meals a day, which is 70 kilograms.

Increase by half, 15 kilograms per meal, and 105 kilograms a day.

Don't look at the increase, which is only equivalent to when Li Su was three years old. The concept inside is completely different.

Li Su himself feels that such a large increase will take at least one year later, that is, when he is six years old.

Indeed, it is only one year ahead of schedule, which seems nothing great.

But don't forget that Li Su is nurturing his talent at this moment, and has been nurturing it for a full five years.

Originally, this talent seemed like a bottomless pit and could not be felt at all.

With the increase of 1, he has already felt it faintly, and can feel that it is not far from its flowering and fruiting.

Although I don't know what kind of talent this will be, after so many years of nurturing and so much nutrition, not to mention the top talent, it should be at least one or two levels.

Although the talent of the Jiuli clan is lower in strength the younger the age, after all, it cannot be controlled at a higher level.

But the first awakening is one or two levels, and the subsequent awakening will undoubtedly be higher.

The Jiuli clan can awaken about three to five times in their lifetime. The stronger they are, the more times they have awakened. The most powerful soldier master has awakened eight times.

Therefore, if the first awakening is level one or two, after two awakenings at most, Li Su's next awakening will basically be at the top. Even if he awakens only five times, his talent is terrifying enough.

In addition to being able to feel that his talent seems to be not far from awakening, Li Su also feels that his strength has also increased a lot.

In other words, if this situation continues, reversion is almost inevitable. And if he can reach that level, at least his future will be comparable to the level of a military master.

Back to the topic.

He quickly ate up 15 pounds of raw meat in a few seconds, and strung the rest with a branch with many forks. The branch is a kind of iron wood, which is extremely hard and heavy. It can enter the water without floating, and it belongs to the material that can be used directly as a weapon.

Then, Li Zhan put it in the middle where he broke it specially and left it to accommodate only one person.

With a small body less than one meter tall, it didn't seem to be very hard, and he directly lifted the tree trunk weighing almost two tons.

Then, he took a step with his calf and trotted towards the Yutian River, which was less than tens of kilometers away and had extremely dense water vapor.

Sitting on the iron wood, watching his nephew jumping up and down in the mountains effortlessly, Li Zhan was happy and sad.

He was happy because of the strength shown by Li Su. In his eyes, he could naturally calculate how heavy these things were?

At least 4,000 jin or more.

This weight, let alone a five-year-old child of the Jiuli tribe, even an adult would find it quite strenuous.

At least, in Li Village, the only one who could do the same thing was probably his brother, Li Su's father.

4,000 jin effortlessly, so his strength was at least about 8,000 jin. He was only five years old, and it was almost close to the requirements of a great warrior.

The first standard for a Li warrior is 10,000 jin of strength!

Unfortunately, his elder brother, sister-in-law, and father could not see it.

He started to feel sad again!

Feeling the gazes behind him, Li Su was undoubtedly a little helpless.

Without talking about his own feelings, after such a great suffering, the gloomy and heroic second uncle is gone.

But I never thought that after a few days, it would become like this!

It is not strange that the personality changes drastically when encountering a great disaster, and it is also normal to be full of hatred. Why did it become like this when it came to the second uncle? Happy for a while, sad for a while.

Fortunately, there is no problem with speaking, and it is very logical, otherwise, he would think that the other party was hit too hard and mentally abnormal.

Although a little nervous, considering what happened, Li Su didn't say anything.

For Li Su's thoughts, how could Li Zhan not want to?

He also had resentment and hatred in his heart, and he also wanted to be full of anger, be a ruthless person, and give instructions ruthlessly, focusing his mind on Li Su.

But what can he do? Li Su didn't give him a chance.

Originally, when teaching the tactics, he was already prepared. As long as Li Su didn't perform well enough, he would immediately turn his face.


The tactics, he only taught once!

Then let Li Su demonstrate. It was originally prepared that if he made more than five mistakes or could not remember more than two times, he would be severely punished.

What was the result?

From beginning to end, Li Su not only remembered it, but he didn't make any mistakes at all.

Don't mention finding faults. In terms of proofing, Li Su's basic tactics are better than his.

Li Zhan himself is straightforward and won't talk nonsense. Facing this scene, although he wanted to say something, he could only hold it in his stomach.

Afterwards, although he also gave some instructions, such as hunting food, basically Li Su mastered it as soon as he said it, and in the blink of an eye, he was better than him.

Otherwise, how could he dare to let Li Su hunt wild boar monsters alone? That thing is a prey that can only be dealt with by at least three or five tribesmen.

If it were him, let alone five years old, when he was fifteen years old, he would have been chased.

Too good, no, this is too good.

In a few days, Li Zhan's things except magic cultivation were taken away. For a simple and straightforward person, there is nothing to do except sadness.

This is like Murong Fu's mother, beating Murong Fu with a stick, and telling him earnestly that for the great cause of restoring the country, you are just so-so.

As a result, Murong Fu learned martial arts in one go, understood the text at a glance, and made new advances. At the age of five, he was stronger than his father in the world, and by the way, he also established his power and started to restore the country.

Guess what else his mother can say?

Well, she can say it, such as the child's father, you, your mother is a waste compared to your son!

I don't know that it is because of me that my second uncle can only vent through sadness and sentimentality. Although Li Su keeps jogging, he has not stopped practicing.

The battle method has been normalized by him.

Even in the current situation, it is still maintained.

It is no longer necessary to worry about it. If you continue to maintain it, you will become stronger as time goes by.

So, you can put some thought into the divine method.

Although Li Su did not say anything, he did not forget the pain in his heart. The spur was always there. The scene of that day was completely imprinted in his bones. Before that, he would not relax.

Compared with the battle method, the practice of the divine method is undoubtedly more idealistic.

Fortunately, this thing is based on mental power, and his strongest talent is in the spirit. The strength of the physical body is actually a spiritual gift.

His soul has the nature of the physical body. The result of the feedback is that his physical body is being adjusted to the appearance of his flesh and blood.

Although it will not directly turn into the Supreme Life, under this deep self-adjustment, the physical talent will basically not be bad.

The practice of the divine method is a kind of visualization method.

The object of visualization is a kind of existence called "Sha".

Previously, it was "Sha" that protected the village from the miasma! It is a kind of air between heaven and earth, and its nature is extremely violent. Once it is contaminated, it will go crazy at the least, and die at the worst.

Under normal circumstances, it cannot be used as a visualization object, and no one will use it for visualization.

But the Jiuli tribe is different. They have the blood of the Wu clan, and the Wu clan is naturally immune to this kind of evil. Unlike the monks who practice through spiritual energy, the Wu clan practices through this kind of "evil".

Use their strong body and strong spirit!

As a Jiuli tribe, although they can't do it to the level of the Wu clan, they can still carry it by extracting a trace of it through the spirit as a visualization object.

Li Su has already extracted the evil spirit. After all, there are a lot of it in this world, and its nature is also very violent. When encountering the spirit actively approaching, it will come closer without even needing to absorb it specifically.

Now in Li Su's spiritual sea, there is such a trace.

Once you visualize, it will constantly release huge pressure and impact his spirit.

I have to say that this is very suitable for him.

His mental strength is very high, and there is really not much pressure for ordinary visualization objects. This kind of extremely violent evil, even if it is just a trace, can be considered a very amazing burden for him now.

Unfortunately, it is not safe at this moment, and we have not completely left Zhongzhou.

When we enter Qianzhou, the practice of divine law can be strengthened. With Li Su's current situation, he can at least withstand the continuous explosion of five strands.

Based on his understanding of combat methods, as long as the evil spirit is carried more than ten strands, the concentration of his blood should be able to increase by 1 again.

Dozens of miles are not far for Li Su.

However, in order to take care of his seriously injured second uncle, plus the things in his hands, he was inevitably a little slower.

It was already afternoon when he could almost see the so-called Yutian River.

Seeing the river, Li Zhan, who had been tense in his heart, couldn't help but let out a long breath at this moment. The mountain was on the other side, and seeing the river meant that it was not far from the contact point arranged by his sect.

Tonight, we should be able to leave Zhongzhou.

Once we leave, Hao'er will be safe, and the Xuanyuan dog thief's hand can't reach there.

With a sigh of relief, Li Zhan was about to say something.

Suddenly, Li Su's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and he couldn't help but glance back as he ran forward.

Less than three seconds after Li Su reacted, Li Zhan seemed to have sensed something, and his face suddenly changed, revealing an extremely pale look.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

A low roar sounded, and the sound was like a dragon's roar or a horse's neigh.

Not far away, in the dense forest, a group of people and horses suddenly rushed out, more than a hundred riders, with blood all over their bodies, murderous auras, and endless resentment.

As soon as they appeared, the leading knight's eyes flashed, and he looked straight at where Li Su and Li Zhan were.

Without waiting for words, he waved his hand.

"Kill the remnants of Jiuli!!!"


As soon as the words fell, the sound of horse hooves exploded like thunder. In an instant, Bai Qi accelerated to the top. Astonishing murderous intent spread out like a tsunami. They were obviously thousands of meters away, and the heavy pressure was already close to them. There was a circle around them. Miles away, birds, insects and beasts roared up and fled in panic.

"Hao'er, run!"

Li Zhan's face instantly turned pale. He jumped up, an abnormal rosy look on his pale face. With a roar, he squeezed out not much blood and mana from his extremely weak body.


Without any hesitation, Li Zhan pounced directly, ready to fight to the death to buy the last time for Li Su.

Facing this scene, at this moment, Li Su's expression froze slightly, his constricted pupils couldn't help but turn scarlet, and there was an extreme ferocity on his cute little face.

It's not because Li Zhan is desperate, nor is it because hundreds of enemies are coming to kill him.

It was the withered heads hanging on both sides of the hundreds of cavalry that were charging towards them.

One of them is the second aunt next door, who likes to hold him and feed him dried meat.

There is also an old man who lives in the opposite house. He has gray hair and cloudy eyes, but every time he sees him, he always smiles.

Also, Fat Boy, Dahanhan.

She was a little older than him, about thirteen or fourteen years old. Every time she went hunting with the adults, she would bring back some beautiful feathers and furs and give them to him.

Just when Li Zhan was about to rush out, Li Su couldn't help it and let out an extremely shocking roar!


With its small body, it roared as loudly as a real dragon cub.

It was like a thunderbolt struck from the clear sky, causing waves to spread ten miles away.

"I want your lives!!!"

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