Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1323 How can such a good thing happen in the world?

Chapter 1326 How can such a good thing happen in the world?

Standing on the body of one of the dragon horses that lost its master, Li Su looked at the roaring Hundred Riders Master with cold eyes. His immature and angry face suddenly showed a smile.



So good!

So good, my mood is the same.

He squatted down and gently supported the dried heads hanging on both sides of the dragon horse with his small hands.

Very hard!

So hard that it cut my hands and hurt so much!

Li Su's body trembled slightly, and his eyes became more blood red and fierce.

Can't close!

He tried very hard, but still couldn't close it.

Of course, he understood, he understood, he understood.

Since the corpse has dried up and lost its elasticity, the open eyes are destined to be unable to close.

However, looking at that empty expression, that face full of sorrow and ferocity, Li Su couldn't help but tremble, his body and soul were trembling.

This is not to close your eyes, this is to die with your eyes open!!!

Since it will be painful if it is taken away! Then, why take it away?

The Jiuli tribe has been defeated, completely defeated, and has retreated to the corner. They no longer have the idea of ​​fighting, and even intend to give up their homeland and leave.


Can't they be let go?

Must they be killed?

He held the weapon of the Hundred Cavalry and slowly pulled it out.

As the sharp blade collided with the scabbard, the harsh sound of fine iron exploded.


Li Su pulled out the knight's sword that was longer than his body.

The next second, the young body burst into an astonishing roar again. It was pain, and it was even more angry than before.


The astonishing roar blew the wind, carrying the murderous intent like snow, and the cold was chilling in all directions.

There was no talk, and there was no need to talk.

One side wanted to kill everyone, and the other side was forced into a corner. There was no point in talking from the beginning.

This was a war that would only stop when one side was completely dead.

Facing Li Su's terrifying killing intent, the furious Lord of the Hundred Riders was not moved, nor did he have even the slightest feeling because of it.

There was only more and greater anger.

"Hundred Riders, form a formation!"

With a long roar, the Lord of the Hundred Riders was serious at this moment.

He no longer regarded the people in front of him as children, but as warriors of the Jiuli tribe, real warriors.

When the words fell, the Hundred Riders were shocked.

Although seven people were killed, all those who could join the Tuli Army were veterans of hundreds of battles, and they had long been accustomed to death and were familiar with death.

In fact, when someone died, their blood boiled even more, and their cold emotions became excited.

For them, the battlefield is home.

For them, fighting is life.


With a roar, the spears came out of the cage.

There was no need for the Lord of the Hundred Riders to issue another order, the charge had already begun.

The seven masterless dragon horses around Li Su reacted immediately. They turned their heads quickly, like wild beasts, and the roarers opened their mouths and bit Li Su in the center directly.

Even the one that was stepped on by Li Su turned its head and bit the back of Li Su's hand 180 degrees with the flexibility brought by the dragon blood.


The response was the sword light!

In the blink of an eye, Li Su, holding the sword, slashed out three sword lights.

Although this was the first time he held a sword in this life, it did not hinder his familiarity with the swordsmanship and the use of sword moves.

A small body, more than ten thousand pounds of strength.

Even the simplest sweep, in Li Su's hands, is a terrible attack that can cut and cut mountains and rivers.

One sword, split the wind!

Two swords, split the power.

Three swords, split the power to cut everything.

It can be said that one sword represents one realm and one level.

The first one cut open the neck of the dragon horse under his feet, cutting into most of it.

The second sword cut the neck of the dragon horse completely, and the heads of the other three dragon horses that were coming over were also cut open.

When the third sword came, the seven dragon horses were chopped into pieces by him, even the hard scales covering their bodies and the strong bones as strong as iron could not stop them.

This scene, let alone the Hundred Knights and the Hundred Knights Master nearby, even Li Zhan in the distance couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and his expression trembled directly.

The Lord of Weapons!

That's right, it's the Lord of Weapons!

No matter what weapon, as long as it is in the hands of the Lord of Weapons, others need years, decades, or even a lifetime to reach the height, the Lord of Weapons only needs a moment to master and get used to it.

Li Su's three swords are undoubtedly full of the same flavor as the Lord of Weapons.

Although shocked, the Hundred Knights did not stop because of this. The dragon horses jumped and the spears were like thorns.

More than 20 people, spanning several meters, with guns made of special gold and stone, extremely hard, like poisonous snakes, attacked Li Su from all directions.

Head, hands, body, all are vital parts.

Not only that, the gun tip carries huge kinetic energy, which is thousands of pounds high. Once it hits, it is not as simple as being pierced, but that part will explode on the spot, leaving no bones.

This is the python gun technique, which is the strongest killing move formed by the hundred knights who have learned it for more than ten years and has been precipitated by the battle of the deer.


With a loud bang, Li Su in the rain of guns, his long sword flashed like a rainbow.

Immediately, more than 20 guns turned into black pythons and were split by his sword.

Clang, another sword swept out.

The long sword broke through the air, split the wind, formed strength, and turned into a beam.

That was not a common method, but a sword aura, formed purely through strength and skills. It was the top power that a warrior could master, and even a method that could fight against a Qi-refining cultivator.

With a sword, more than 20 flags were struck by lightning, and the terrible sword aura directly pressed on their bodies.

The terrifying sword aura poured into their bodies along their spears, and the whole person seemed to be hit by a mountain. The blood rolled back from their arms, and the muscles and tendons were broken inch by inch. The extremely hard bones were shattered on the spot.

With a loud bang.

More than 20 riders, along with their mounts, were chopped into the air by Li Su's sword. The weight of more than a thousand pounds was as light as a feather at this moment.

Of course, whether it was light or not, the flying knights didn't know, but the knights blocking behind them were another matter.

The force of the collision was like a wild rhino hitting him. Not only did his arm that reached out to catch it break on the spot, but his internal organs also shook and split open after it hit his body.

In the blink of an eye, more than six hundred extremely powerful knights retreated with blood.

More than twenty people died on the spot. When they were chopped away, their muscles could not maintain their shape. They would explode in an instant if they were caught or blocked.

The remaining forty-odd knights fell back several meters and began to spit blood and their breath was disordered.

Two swords!

Just two swords.

In the heart of Zhongzhou, the Tuli Army's hundred knights, which could stop a child from crying, suffered heavy casualties.


Amid the roar, a sword light rose.

It was the leader of the hundred knights, so he naturally came to kill them. After all, he was the strongest among the hundred knights and the only one who could fight Li Su head-on.

Facing the casualties of the hundred knights, his eyes undoubtedly became redder, and his anger and murderous intent became more terrifying and intense.

Holding the sword with both hands, he chopped vertically.

The power is undoubtedly far beyond the previous one. It is a real all-out effort and a real display of all.


As expected, the sword energy is formed.

The Tuli army has only 10,000 people. As the saying goes, a hundred cavalrymen form a team, and a thousand cavalrymen form an army. Being able to become a hundred cavalry masters is undoubtedly the top existence among ordinary people and warriors.

At least, in terms of combat power, there are few opponents.

Facing this amazing sword, Li Su, who was stepping on the corpse of the dragon horse, held the sword with one hand and at this moment, he also held the hilt of the long sword taller than him with both hands at the same time.

The Jiuli fighting method was activated, and the blood and energy surged with all his strength.

No dodge, no avoidance, a sword slashed horizontally!


The two sword beams met in the void, and the terrible power exploded instantly. With the two people as the center, a terrifying storm was directly formed, and the weeds within a few meters were shattered on the spot.

Not only the weeds, but also the dragon horse stepped on by Li Su and the dragon horse sat on by the hundred cavalry masters, faced with the reaction of this terrible blow, they could no longer bear it.

The dead dragon horse's body exploded on the spot, while the living one uttered a wail and vomited blood and died.

The horse fell to the ground, and the two men moved forward in just one step.

One was nearly two meters tall.

The other was less than one meter tall.

Under such a huge gap, both of them had bloodshot eyes, were full of murderous intent, and were extremely angry.


With a roar, both swung their swords.

Cut, cut, cut!

Cut, cut, cut!

It was like a desperate battle, like a desperate battle.

To the person in front of him, he just swung his sword crazily, and swung his sword again and again.

Boom, boom, boom!

The terrible sword light was constantly chopped out, and the long swords in the hands of the two people kept colliding. The terrible power was centered on them and directly exploded in all directions.

In a radius of ten meters, everything was torn and shattered.

Collision, collision, collision.

An incredible battle broke out between the two men, and the terrifying sword energy continued to burst out again and again as they swung their swords.

Explode, blast, blast!

The ground they were standing on cracked, and with the two men as the center, several meters of sand kept flying up, and the center quickly sank, and the two figures, one large and one small, were quickly buried in it, leaving only the sword light, the sound of the sword, and the continuous burst of sword energy.

One second, two seconds, ten seconds.

One minute, two minutes.

Finally, the battle that seemed to last forever came to an end with a loud earth-shaking noise.

A small figure also flew backwards, flying farther than the burly body, more than 30 meters, until it hit a tree trunk as thick as an adult's waist, and then stopped.

After landing, Li Su opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the amazing blood energy around him finally declined.

The sword in his hand was also broken, well, not broken, but broken!

His body was in a bad state.

The whole person was stained with blood, because the amazing power kept bursting out, and the blood was forcibly shaken out from under his skin.

Even if he was a Jiuli genius, even if he had begun to awaken his talent, he had eaten an unimaginable amount of meat in five years.

After all, he was just a child, and even a child who had not even completed the first development cycle.

Facing such a big battle, it can be said to be beyond imagination and extremely horrifying.


Seeing this scene, Li Zhan couldn't help but exclaimed, his face became paler, and he rushed towards Li Su's position like crazy.

On the other side, the remaining hundred knights couldn't help but cheer, this terrible Jiuli evil seed was finally defeated.

Without waiting for the Lord of the Hundred Riders to speak, the remaining less than 30 uninjured Hundred Riders raised their spears without any hesitation, ready to charge and kill this terrible evil creature here.

At this moment, a heavy voice sounded.

It was the Lord of the Hundred Riders. He came out from the center of the battle.

His condition seemed to be much better. Although the armor he was wearing was also damaged, it was basically intact and he was not too injured.

The Lord of the Hundred Riders who came out stared at Li Su blankly without saying a word.

The anger was gone.

The killing intent also disappeared.

His eyes also regained clarity at this moment.

He woke up!

No, it should be said that the memory that he had buried deep in his heart ten years ago was activated, which made him sober from his passionate emotions.

That was the time of the Battle of Zhulu, when Xuanyuan and Jiuli fought bloody battles.

As an elite in the Xuanyuan army, there is no doubt that he was at the center of the battlefield, in the bloodiest and most intense place of the battle between the two tribes.

As the Lord of the Hundred Cavalry who has mastered the sword energy, his opponent, no, it should be said that their opponent, is only one.

That is the Lord of Jiuli, the one who competes with His Majesty the Human Emperor for the destiny of the human race and is called the "Lord of Soldiers" by the Jiuli people.

That battle is really unforgettable!

In particular, facing the encirclement and suppression of thousands of warriors at the level of the Lord of the Hundred Cavalry, that Lord of Soldiers is really terrible!

Warriors like them are constantly harvested like wheat in front of the opponent, and their attacks, on the other hand, fall on the opponent, but are as ridiculous as tickling.

If it weren't for the end of the Human Emperor in the end, the Lord of the Nine Li Soldiers alone would probably be able to directly penetrate the entire army and kill everyone with fear.

It's really like a basin of cold water, pouring on the head, and people wake up all of a sudden.

I thought I wouldn't have this feeling anymore, but I didn't expect that I would feel it again in just ten years.

Taking a deep breath, the Lord of the Hundred Cavalry turned his head and glanced at the hinterland of Zhongzhou. There was a touch of nostalgia in his eyes, and then he looked directly at the remaining Hundred Cavalry.

"Hundred Riders, listen to my orders!"

Everyone was stunned.

"Take the rest of the people and go back to tell Lady Nvba and His Royal Highness the Emperor that the new King of Jiuli has been born. If he doesn't die, Xuanyuan will never have peace!"

After the words fell, the Lord of the Hundred Riders trembled, and an astonishing amount of blood spurted out of his chest. The next moment, his body was broken at the shoulder, and his upper body fell to the ground.

Instantly, all the Hundred Riders couldn't help but widen their eyes, and a trace of horror appeared on their extremely happy faces.

The Lord of the Hundred Riders, is dead? ? ?

How could it be?

Just as the Lord of the Hundred Riders fell down after saying this, Li Su, who had fallen to the ground, moved his body. The next moment, he slowly supported himself from the ground, with great effort and slow movements. He even needed to lean on the broken tree behind him to straighten his body bit by bit.

Even though it was like this, Li Su's young face didn't show any discomfort, but became more ferocious.

He began to breathe, slowly.

Once, twice, three times!

With constant breathing, the trembling body actually began to calm down, and the weakened blood began to rise again.

He was seriously injured. The last blow of the Lord of the Hundred Riders not only injured his muscles, but also caused his internal organs to shift.

This kind of injury is very serious for ordinary people, no, even for the great warriors of Jiuli, and there is no way to recover in a short time.

But for Li Su, it is another matter.

His innate spirit is extremely powerful, and he has some of the properties of the supreme soul. Although his body is not as special as the soul as the carrier of the soul, it is still extremely abnormal.

Although the current strength is due to the Jiuli bloodline, the core of being able to stimulate the Jiuli bloodline to this extent is because of his soul.

He is not a genius in the conventional sense, but the specialness of his soul has helped him become an unimaginable genius.

Through his spirit, Li Su forcibly suppressed the injuries in his body, and through breathing, squeezed his own cells, frantically produced blood, and forcibly restored the damaged blood.

Of course, this will have certain sequelae, and it will take quite a while to adjust in the future.

Especially since he is still in the embryonic stage of awakening, such oppression will undoubtedly affect his awakening.

But, so what?

He doesn't care!

As for the reason?


Go back?

Now, you want to go back?

What kind of joke is this? ? ?

Looking at the scattered heads beside the dragon horse not far away, those faces that were laughing and talking with him ten days ago, but now they are dead, Li Su's pupils are red, and the whole person is out of control. He can't help but roar, "A bunch of bastards, why don't you run when you chase the weak, chase women and children? You have to run when you can't beat them??"

"How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"Fuck you, die, die!!!"

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