Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1333: Hundred Demons Market

Chapter 1336 Hundred Demons Market

Li Su, coming down the mountain!

It wasn't him who asked for it, but the wizened old man who took the initiative to let him go down the mountain.

It has been almost three months since he came to the Palace of Hundred Demons, and it is not a problem to stay away from the mountain. Although practice is very important, it cannot be like this all the time, or the heart will not be able to bear it.

At least, that's what the wizened old man said.

But whose heart can't stand it anymore? The dry old man understands it himself, and Li Su also understands it.

Li Su didn't hesitate and agreed directly.

First of all, he had indeed stayed in Moyuan Peak for a long time. In the blink of an eye, three months had passed.

What's going on with the second uncle? To be honest, Li Su is still a little concerned.

Although different from the people in the village, the five years since he was born, the time they spent together was not that long, less than two months in total.

But the other party was really kind to him, heart-to-heart.

Every time I come, I never forget to bring him something delicious.

Now Li Su no longer rejects Jiuli's identity, but also regards the other party as a relative, well, the last relative.

Therefore, he was a little worried about his second uncle.

After all, when he came back this time, the second uncle was not only injured, but more importantly, he had a broken arm.

Although most of the injuries on his body had recovered when he left, the broken arm was too fatal.

You know, that is his usual hand, and his second uncle is a war wizard, so his strength will probably be cut off in half.

The Palace of Hundred Demons is not a kind place.

As the saying goes, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. The people in charge are all old devils who kill without blinking an eye, and the people under their command are not good people.

Besides, the demonic cultivators themselves follow the laws of the jungle and pursue the law of the jungle.

In fact, if possible, he had long wanted to go down the mountain and see how his second uncle was living, but he never revealed this idea.

For the devil, the more you care about something, the less you can care about it.

Otherwise, it will not only become your weakness, but may also harm the other party.

Only by showing indifference can the withered old man focus all his attention on himself instead of his second uncle.

Of course, the second uncle's situation, even if it is said that his life will be more miserable, there should be no threat to his life.

After all, there are quite a few Jiuli people who have been moved here.

In the Palace of Hundred Demons, there are at least two hundred disciples.

As a guide, the second uncle personally sent over fifty disciples. Even if it was obviously difficult to take action, if he helped secretly, the problem should not be too big.

However, thinking about it and not confirming it with my own eyes, I am undoubtedly still a little worried.

He originally thought that he would be kept by the other party's side until the other party carried out his plan and killed the other party himself.

This time is not short, Li Su is ready for a long-term battle, at least one year, at most two years.

Well, after watching Second Uncle, my original plan will have to be revised.

The dry old man's state of mind was worse than Li Su expected.

Why did he let him go down the mountain? It was very simple. The other party was upset and couldn't stand it anymore, so he took the initiative to let Li Su leave to avoid being further stimulated by him.

After all, the excitement at the top of the mountain is already great.

As Li Su said that his second round of awakening had begun, all the infuriating energy that he had finally cultivated was absorbed by his physical body.

The expression of the withered old man is quite wonderful.

Especially when he discovered that after entering the second round of awakening, Li Su ate more and became more vicious than before.

Although Li Su lowered his head in embarrassment and pretended to be shy, through his mind, he still captured the continuous stimulation, the recurrence of old injuries, and the problem of the physical body being detonated.

The withered old man's emotions were on the verge of losing control.

Fortunately, the other party suppressed it in the end, otherwise, I really don’t know what would have happened.

Faced with this result, Li Su naturally knew that he could no longer provoke the other party, so the other party asked him to go down the mountain. He immediately pretended to miss his second uncle and went down the mountain directly.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but sigh. It seemed that the plan of being a rice insect had to be abandoned.

To put it bluntly, most demon cultivators are too poor.

If the resource investment is slightly larger, it will become unbearable immediately.

Well, give the other party some sweetness. In terms of resources, we should rely on our own efforts.

However, after awakening for the second time, the opponent was about to collapse. In the event of three awakenings, the fourth awakening would still be seamless. Li Suzhen was afraid that the opponent would not be able to resist him to the point where he had mastered the technique.

There are sweet spots, too!

In fact, Li Su had considered this issue when the physical body absorbed the true energy from the body.

Not only that, the demon cultivator is already unstable and has very low endurance. It is good to be able to see hope, but he despairs again and again, and there is no guarantee what the other party will do.

Dealing with it is actually very simple.

Just increase the intensity of the Food Essence Transformation Technique.

When there is a layer of true energy concentration, what can be absorbed at one time is also the amount of one layer of true energy.

After being compressed once, the extraction can be improved.

In other words, Li Su doesn't even have a trace of true energy in his body. He only needs to increase the intensity of the food essence and energy transformation technique, and directly refine two levels of true energy concentration, three levels of true energy concentration, or even ten levels of true energy concentration in one practice.

In this way, there is hope.

At least, even if he sees himself sleeping for the second, third or fourth time, the other party will not feel that his efforts are in vain.

As long as he keeps improving and shows that he can directly refine the tenth level of true qi strength within a few years, the other party will naturally not be so anxious.


Then, after showing a little bit of strength, he can go out hunting by himself.

In this way, the withered old man only needs to lock his position, plus the one who can activate the soul-destroying pill at any time through the spell, so that he can't resist, and he should be much safer.

He couldn't help but sigh. Obviously, the other party was waiting to fatten him up and kill him, but in the end, he, the victim, not only couldn't open his mouth for food and stretch out his hands for clothes, but also had to take the initiative to help.

What a sin!

Shaking his head, Li Su took small steps, hopping and jumping towards the only market in the Hundred Demon Palace, and ran down happily.

The Hundred Demon Palace is basically separated, and each has its own mountain. Unless it's a big deal, they basically won't gather together, and as for visiting, it's even more impossible.

After all, in the eyes of the demon cultivators, other people's mountains are basically equivalent to the other party's territory and the other party's nest.

Entering alone is courting death.

And it is obvious that this demon cultivator is also a human being!

Although his values ​​are very different from those of normal people, it does not mean that he is alone. Just kidding, he is not a mental patient in a mental hospital.

Not only that, in addition to communication, some things that are useless to oneself but useful to others also need channels for communication.

For this reason, a place for communication is undoubtedly necessary.

Therefore, a huge platform was specially built in the center of the Hundred Demon Palace, forming a place similar to a market, a public place.

In fact, most of the disciples of the entire Hundred Demon Palace basically live there directly after being brought here.

It is rare for people like Li Su to stay on the Demon Yuan Mountain since he arrived.

This market is very large and there are many people.

It is not only for the disciples of the Hundred Demon Palace to live, but also for the communication between the old demons of the Hundred Demon Palace. It is also the mountain gate to the outside.

As mentioned before, the Nether Mountain Range is a place where birds do not shit and chickens do not lay eggs.

Not only is the terrain steep, but there are also dangers everywhere.

There are always only a few people who can do fasting during the Qi training period, and most people still need to eat.

And it is obvious that the magic cultivator is a master if you ask him to kill or destroy, but if you ask him to farm or something, that is a joke.

The magic power itself is abnormally restless, and once you practice it, it is difficult to stabilize your emotions.

Farming, which is hard and tiring, is directly incompatible with the fate.

Therefore, there must be an external window to get food from the outside.

Of course, not only that, but also the transmission of intelligence. Not to mention keeping abreast of the outside world at any time, but at least you must be able to know whether there have been any changes in the Qianzhou righteous sect recently.

If you don’t know anything, if the righteous path comes, although the hundred demons are powerful, it will be very fatal to face the surprise attack of the righteous army without preparation.

Li Su, walking down the stairs of the Demon Yuan Peak, almost halfway down the mountain, there is a huge iron lock in front of him, which is connected to the fog in the distance.

The iron lock is very large, and a lock sleeve weighs more than tens of thousands of pounds.

There is one such iron chain on every mountain top, and the market is at the end of this iron chain.

It stands in the air, held by hundreds of iron chains!

It is indeed the style of the Demon Sect, very dangerous. Even if the iron chain is very large and thick, if an ordinary person goes up, there is a high probability that there will be only one result, falling to pieces.

After all, Bai Mo Peak is a high peak, six or seven hundred meters above the ground.

The mountain wind is very strong and irregular. Without some strength, there is really no way to pass.

It took some time, and Li Su finally jumped to the end.

Fortunately, although the fog around is very large, the visibility is not low, at least near the chain, it is clear.

And at the end, there is a clear sky, and the fog has dispersed directly. It should be some means.

There is a huge platform covering an area of ​​about three or four thousand square meters, with many wooden houses inside, which is almost equivalent to the size of a small town, with an estimated population of about three or four thousand.

Very lively!

Before I even got there, I heard the sound of fighting, and there was more than one place.

Well, it's not surprising.

After all, the people here are basically all disciples of demon cultivation. They are not only full of blood and energy, but also extremely restless. They don't need too many reasons. Even if it's just because of a glance, they can fight for a long time.

It's basically no different from a crime city.

Oh, there are still some.

At least there are really no police here!

Just when Li Su was thinking, he saw several figures quietly coming not far from the iron chain where Li Su was.

Their breath was very light, and they obviously had a lot of experience in hiding.

The position they stood in was also very clever, just stuck outside Li Su's sight on the iron chain. Once he jumped off the iron chain, there was no doubt that he would be surrounded by them immediately.

This behavior didn't look like welcoming his arrival.

Blinking his eyes, Li Su didn't hesitate, and jumped down directly, just right, and jumped into the encirclement of this group of people.

"Hehe, new here? I haven't seen you before!"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter!"

"Little bastard, listen to my advice, except for your delicate skin and tender flesh, leave everything else behind, otherwise."

For a moment, several people laughed directly, and the laughter was full of eerie and chilling.

Faced with this scene, Li Su laughed: "Otherwise, what are you going to do?"

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