Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1336: Violation of sect rules

Chapter 1339: Violation of sect rules

Lianxue has a lot of good stuff in his hands, and more importantly, not long ago, this guy exchanged a magic weapon from a foundation-building cultivator.

A magic weapon that can directly target the soul and kill.

That is a good thing, and its value is amazing.

Magic cultivators naturally have no shortage of means to target the spirit, but most of the magic weapons can only have a certain impact on the spirit at most, and once they are alert, the effect will be greatly reduced.

For example, the one that Li Su destroyed before was very ordinary, and at most it could affect the Zhenqi stage. Once the cultivation level is improved to the Zhenyuan stage, it is basically useless.

Lianxue is different. He bought it at a high price.

It is called the Shaking Spirit Bell!

It is activated by magic power, and you only need to shake it gently to directly shake the target soul.

This technique is very amazing.

Even if you are in the Zhenyuan stage, once you are shaken, you will lose consciousness for a short time, which is amazing.

You know, everyone is in the Zhenyuan stage, what does losing consciousness for a short time mean?

It means defeat, it means death.

Therefore, after knowing the news, many Zhenyuan disciples were quite envious.

Unfortunately, Lianxue himself was very strong and ranked among the Zhenyuan disciples. With the powerful weapon of the God-shaking Bell, few people were willing to try it.

It's different now!

Lianxue himself has fainted. Although the person who took action was powerful, it was his physical body that was powerful, not his Qi training.

Indeed, even if it was just the physical body, it was shocking enough.

But for a cultivator to get close to a warrior, this is stupid behavior in itself. Long-range attacks and the use of magic weapons are what cultivators should do.

So what if the physical body is strong?

Can it withstand the fire? Can it withstand the sword and the sword?

How many blows can a flesh and blood body withstand when facing magic?

Therefore, the means of ordinary warriors are just flesh on the board when facing a prepared cultivator.


Are you talking about the part where Lianxue used the blood demon knife to chop Li Su?


Of course I didn't see it!

You ask why?

First of all, the Zhenyuan stage is just the subsequent stage of the Qi training stage, not a big class leap.

In other words, although it is a bit superhuman, it is still in the scope of humans. At most, the eyes can see farther and the hearing is better.

Unless you practice the corresponding skills, otherwise, the vision will not be much better than that of ordinary people.

After talking about my own situation, let's talk about the battle at that time.

At that time, the blood refining just wanted to force Li Su to retreat. Although the power was not weak, it was still a hasty spell. The blood demon knife was powerful, but it was not big in size.

Not only that, the blood demon knife itself, as an attack method of the blood demon skill, has a very fast slashing speed.

Although it is not as fast as Li Su and the slashing speed of the Hundred Riders, it is about one second.

Then, the distance between the two sides was too close, and the explosion of the blood refining shook off the things pressing on the body, and the dust rose.

Not to mention, the battle itself was too short except for the part where Li Su hit someone. When he heard the noise and ran out to see the situation clearly, Lianxue had already been lifted up in the air by Li Su. After all, the demon cultivators were on guard against each other, and they were naturally far away from each other, even the closest one was two or three hundred meters away.

For all the above, it would be difficult for the Zhenyuan stage to see clearly.

Therefore, without knowing the details and only knowing that Li Su was a warrior, many Zhenyuan stage spectators naturally became restless.

As long as the distance is well controlled, a five or six-year-old child is no easier to deal with than a pig monster in the mountains.

In an instant, more than a dozen Zhenyuan stage disciples moved, flew directly into the air, and rushed towards the center of the battle.

They were very fast, especially when they found that others had the same idea, they were even faster.

After all, in such a situation, it is naturally first come first served.

If you are a step slower, don’t even mention soup, there will be no wind left.

Seeing more than ten people rushing towards Li Su, the Zhenyuan stage disciple who obviously had the same idea but was a step slower could not help but let out a "whisper" and turned to fly towards the direction of Lianxue's residence.

Undoubtedly, compared to the good things on him, the residence was much worse.

But, at least there should be silver.

Although Li Su said that it was simply ridiculous for a dignified demon cultivator to bring silver that only ordinary people use.

But since it can be circulated, it is naturally valuable.

Although you can't buy finished products related to cultivation!

At least, some materials for refining tools and alchemy can be purchased with silver.

As for Lianxue's identity, there are at least more than 500 taels of silver in his residence. If he can take it down, it is more or less a considerable income.

You know, a thousand-jin monster is only ten taels of silver.

Five hundred taels, you have to kill a full fifty to sell it.

In the Netherworld Mountains, a dangerous place, even if a True Yuan Stage cultivator personally went to the battlefield, it would take ten days or half a month to hunt fifty thousand-jin monsters, and that was only if they were lucky. If they were unlucky, they might not be able to hunt them in a month or two.

Therefore, if a Blood Refiner was defeated, many people would become rich overnight.

Especially the God-Shaking Bell, whoever got it would basically save several years of hard work.

Faced with such benefits, most people would probably not be able to bear it, let alone the existence of a demon cultivator with extremely strong desires.

Therefore, in a flash.

More than thirty, close to forty figures, ran away.

They moved really fast, like a cunning rabbit out of a hole, crossing a distance of two or three hundred meters in the blink of an eye and killing Li Su.

At this moment, Li Su, who was worried about his second uncle's situation and preparing to clean up the mess, paused.

The next second, he looked up with a look of astonishment and looked at the figure flying towards him, a figure full of greed and malice.


To be honest, this was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Although he knew that the demon monks were treacherous and had evil thoughts.

Often, they would do some anti-human things.

But, no matter what, the reaction at this moment was somewhat beyond his expectations.

No, didn't these people see how he beat the blood refiner? Why did they dare to rush over? Not to mention the power he burst out, the scene of the blood demon knife slashing on him and being bounced off should be enough to shock them, right?

Although it is not a magic weapon, as a means of attack for blood refining, it is also powerful at the level of true essence.

It broke the defense, so it is not surprising that he is so brave.

The skin is not broken, and sparks burst out when it is cut on the body. Are these people blind and can't see it?

The Blood Demon Knife can't break the defense, so what if it is replaced with a magic weapon? At most, it will make him bleed a little.

Li Su couldn't help but frowned.

Although the demon cultivators are crazy and perverted, they are not fools!

It's okay for one person to be stupid, but so many people rushed over unscrupulously together, what does it mean?


It can only mean that they are confident, prepared, and confident!

Confidence and preparation are not important!

But confidence?

Feeling those pairs of eyes staring at him, full of malice, Li Su took a deep breath directly.

Obviously, with a very strong soul, he was born with the ability to scan with his spiritual sense, and he was already used to it. He didn't know that the group of people rushing over didn't see the scene of Lianxue chopping him with the blood demon knife.

So, he began to accumulate strength.

Facing the Zhenyuan stage, it was no problem for Wanjinli to fight alone.

But facing so many Zhenyuan stage, and they were still confident Zhenyuan stage, Li Su naturally would not, and dared not let them go.

After all, this group of people not only had a large number of people, but also attacked with great hatred.

As they approached, they started to attack directly, and they used spells such as fire, freezing, poison gas, and evil wind. Not only did they reach out their hands, but they also directly sacrificed magic weapons.

Moreover, so many people, and multiple angles, formed a situation of encirclement.

This was obviously aimed at the end of killing him.

Although when going down the mountain, the old man Ganku said that Zhenyuan stage disciples should not be killed.

But that also depends on the situation.

After all, once a fight starts, unless the gap is too huge, it is impossible to hold back. Even if you realize that this punch may kill the opponent, you dare not hold back. If you stop, you may die.

In this situation, it is obvious that there is no such thing as holding back.

Let alone holding back, Li Su is a little angry at this moment.

Originally, I thought my method was already quite cruel. Refining blood was hit by him and there was no good bone in his body. It should be a bit shocking.

Should I say that it is really worthy of being a demon? It is really fierce and cruel.

Even this can't scare you, right?


Taking a deep breath, Li Su's blood, which was already extremely rich, became even thicker at this moment.

The heart began to beat harder and increased the blood delivery to the maximum level.

Although the threat of a single person is not great, the pressure brought by the large number of people still made his nerves tense up, like a beast in danger, and his internal organs began to release various hormones to increase strength, reduce pain, and remove certain restriction switches.

To put it simply, it is similar to the incredible power that will burst out when a life encounters a death crisis.

Li Su directly entered that rhythm.


With a slight sound, Li Su, who was standing next to the blood-refining body, disappeared.

In an instant, he rushed to the side with the largest number of people.

His flesh, with amazing blood and energy, directly collided with the attack of the group of people. With the sound of bang, bang, and clang, Li Su directly melted his flesh and smashed the spell, knocked away the magic weapon, and forcibly came to the top of the group of people.

Raised his hand and punched.

With a rumble, the terrible wind pressure exploded with Li Su's fist.

You know, Li Su did not burst out ten thousand pounds, but had twenty thousand pounds of strength.

With his control over his body and the use of the Jiuli tribe's fighting methods, twenty thousand pounds of strength is enough for him to burst out more than eighty thousand pounds.

Eighty thousand pounds of strength, what is that concept?

Six or seven True Essence Stages didn't even have time to scream before their bodies were crushed by the huge wind pressure. In an instant, they were flattened by nearly an inch.

Under this high pressure, the bones didn't even last a second before they broke directly.

It was completely different from the time of blood refining. The protective skills formed by the skills were completely unable to block it. On the spot, the people and the spells were suppressed by the terrible wind pressure and smashed heavily to the ground.


Another loud noise.

Even though it was several meters above the ground, with the fall of the wind pressure, a fist mark three meters long, five meters wide, and more than a foot deep was directly formed on the ground.

As for the six True Essences under the fist mark, one or two, it was naturally even more miserable.

It was like a person slapping a mosquito that sucked his blood to death, all of them were deformed.

Not only were all the bones broken, but the internal organs were also basically destroyed.

The three who were almost killed were killed on the spot.

The remaining four were better, but they were basically on their last breath and could die at any time.

With this shocking blow!

The whole market was quiet!

It was so quiet that even breathing could not be heard.

The group of demon cultivators who rushed over to target Li Su were stunned.

The demon cultivators who rushed to Lianxue's residence and prepared to rob his wealth were also stunned.

The remaining Zhenyuan disciples who were watching from afar and regretted that they were slow or were ready to watch the big fight were dumbfounded at this moment.

Compared with the time with Lianxue, this time, they saw it clearly, without missing a single detail.

Including the sparks produced by Li Su's body smashing the spell and knocking away the magic weapon, all of them saw it in their eyes.

For a moment, their minds were hardened, and the faces with cold, evil smiles, sneers, and sinister smiles all turned blue, purple, and green at this moment.

Looking at Li Su rolling in the air and falling to the ground, for a moment, hundreds of people felt their throats dry and itchy all over, and an indescribable fear rose.


Almost at this moment, a thunderous sound suddenly exploded.

A figure with an extremely amazing aura fell from the sky, its aura was extremely amazing, and its power was even more terrifying.

As soon as it appeared, it went straight to Li Su, split the air and hit him with a palm.

People in the air, not the true essence, naturally there is no way to dodge.

Facing this amazing blow, even Li Su, at this moment, his face is still solemn and felt the pressure.

It's not the true essence, this is the foundation building! ! !

With his hands folded and his feet bent back, Li Su hugged himself directly.

With a loud bang, even though Li Su's physique was strong enough, he couldn't help but tremble all over at this moment, his throat felt sweet, and he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

The great magic power did not stop, and directly took his body and smashed it to the ground.

With a bang, Li Su plunged into the ground and smashed into a large wooden house.

After the attack, the man's face was still extremely cold, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he flew directly to the position where Li Su fell, and said in a sinister voice: "The rules of the Hundred Demon Palace, Zhenyuan disciples cannot be killed."

"You, the remnants of the Nine Li, one or two rely on the mortal flesh, and violate the sect's regulations once or twice."

"The one with a broken arm before was also unconvinced when he was put into the black prison."

"Very good, today I will kill you as a witness to let them know that in the Hundred Demon Palace, you coil up if you are a dragon, and you lie down if you are a tiger."

Li Su, who was already extremely angry because of the other party's sneak attack and was injured, froze immediately as the man's words fell, and the next second, his pupils turned red directly.

Second uncle?

Fuck you~!!!

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