Dang! Dang! Dang!

Song Family Mountain City, Mo Dao Hall.

Here, built for the third time, two figures kept fighting.

Two people, one holding the Narcissus Sword and the other holding the Heavenly Sword.

The two knives collided thousands of times in this small space.

One is the hunting knife, and every time it is slashed out, there is a feeling of breaking everything. The knife is like a sill, and as long as it falls, everything will be broken.

One sword has a soft glow and a heavy sword light. One sword after another is continuous, just like the endless waves of water, constantly pouring down.

The brilliance of the sword is unparalleled and the light of the sword is endless.

Here, a grand scene is intertwined. Although it is full of danger, it is so beautiful and intoxicating.

After hundreds more moves, Song Que put away the Heavenly Saber and couldn't help but shake his head.

Li Su also took a breath and took back the Narcissus Sword. He exhaled and looked at the way the Heavenly Sword shook his head. He was a little stunned and couldn't help but said: "Father-in-law, is there something wrong with my sword skills?"

Tian Dao was startled for a moment, then he smiled and said, "If there is something wrong with your sword technique, all sword practitioners in the world will dig holes to bury themselves."

Li Su was stunned. Since there is no problem, father-in-law, why are you shaking your head?

"Okay, that's it for today. You have completely mastered Narcissus Sword Technique. If you want to make progress next, you will have to achieve enlightenment."

Li Su moved his body bones. Although he still wanted to practice some more, Tian Dao was right. He had reached the end of Narcissus Sword Technique. He wanted to improve in sword technique unless he understood the way of sword.

For example, Song Que mastered the Heavenly Sword Sword Jue.

However, the Heavenly Sword is not suitable for Li Su. The personal traces are too heavy. It can be said to be the fundamental way of the Heavenly Sword. It incorporates what the Heavenly Sword has wanted in his life, his thoughts, opinions, and life. All of them are integrated into it. Li Suruo If you are Song Que's disciple from the basics, you can still learn it, and when you get to the end, you can make distinctions and form your own way of swordsmanship. Now that he has already touched the Tao in terms of the Dao method of cultivating demons in the heart, learning the principles of the Heavenly Sword will actually hinder himself.

He nodded: "Well, I'm going to practice on my own."

Watching Li Su leave, Tiandao stood there, shook his head, and said with a smile: "He is really the son of heaven, with such a talent."

For things like martial arts, there are opinions about what is suitable and what is not suitable.

Some people are good at swords, some are good at knives, some are good at fists and kicks, and some are good at other things.

Basically, no one is good at everything.

Being good at too much will probably result in not being good at anything in the end.

For example, Kou Zhong, who plans to take his youngest daughter, and his good brother, Xu Ziling.

The two of them were obviously together since their debut, but later on, Kou Zhong was mainly based on swords, while Xu Ziling was based on fists and kicks.

It's not about personality, but the more you are exposed to martial arts, it will happen naturally. Through your understanding of martial arts and yourself, you will gradually tend to the direction you are best at.

The first poster is different.

No matter how you look at him, he is a guy with extremely high talent in boxing and kicking. He suddenly came to me a month ago and said that he wanted to learn sword skills.

At first, Tiandao just smiled and did not refuse. After all, he really really liked this optimistic and unruly little guy, and he had extremely high enthusiasm and pursuit of martial arts. Using Tiandao as a sparring partner, even if he said that his murderous intention was restrained, this How many people in the world dare?

That's right, since the first time he met Tiandao, Li Su had fought with him hundreds of times.

Sometimes, he could be beaten seven or eight times a day. He was obviously covered in blood after being chopped, but the next moment he ran in with a happy face.

Song Que didn't hold anything back. The Heavenly Sword was not suitable, so he passed on the Narcissus Sword Technique. Although it was not the fundamental sword technique, it was a set of sword techniques that could touch the Tao after he had mastered the Heavenly Sword Technique and realized it by observing water.

As a result, Yijiao and Tian Dao were shocked.

Once you start learning something like martial arts, it's like a piece of white paper painted with color. It's undoubtedly difficult to reverse it.

What about Li Su who was learning Narcissus Sword Technique? From the moment you pick up the knife, it is like a blank piece of paper, a white paper at the level of asking.

In just one month, the Narcissus Sword Technique and the Heavenly Sword have nothing to teach him. Let’s not talk about it. After fighting with him, he actually showed his own understanding of the Narcissus Sword Technique. This is very scary, okay?

Although martial arts can be learned by analogy, it is to absorb other things to strengthen oneself. Li Su's situation is completely the opposite. He has integrated the martial arts he has learned into the Narcissus Sword Technique.

This is very mysterious.

It's only been a month, and Li Su's sword skills can already compete with the master's. Of course, winning or losing is another matter, but it's still scary, okay?

Even Tian Dao couldn't help but feel jealous. He finally understood why the Evil Emperor looked proud and had a complicated expression when he mentioned himself as his disciple.

God's favorite cub...?

90% of the 100% martial arts talent was given to him, right?

With a dumb smile, Tian Dao shook his head, sat cross-legged, placed the knife on his knees, closed his eyes and started to meditate.

Not to mention Fan Qinghui's unexpected change, since the other party did it, waiting for Li Su's next game is as difficult as you can imagine. I'm afraid that they won't be able to calm down by fighting to the side at that time.

The opponent... will probably be Wu Zun Bixuan!

Ning Daoqi and Fu Cailin, who were restrained by him too much, were so incompatible with the Heavenly Sword.

Only Wu Zun can fight in a true sense, a battle of life and death.

After all, have you completely changed? Or are there some left? Just let me see.


"You're here?"


A man who was full of evil, extremely domineering, and whose aura was full of contradictions, was no longer as mixed as before, but completely integrated into one, and his aura and momentum had reached an unprecedented height and spoke softly.

"The 18th level of the Heavenly Demon Dafa... No, the devil's fire fetus has touched the path? Congratulations."

The man looked at the person with a complicated look in his eyes, but then he showed a trace of happiness, as if he was happy for the other person.

"What do you think of Fan Qinghui's behavior?" The female voice was soft and pleasant, ever-changing, without the heavy dead silence before, as if she had seen through everything and felt relaxed.

After being taken away by Li Su, she cried for a long, long time that day as the Demonic Dharma was perfected. There is a reason for Li Su to implant a fire tire to ignite emotions, and there is also a regret for the mistakes he made.

"I don't care much. I'm either blindly confused or there are other trump cards in the sword studio."

"Will you take action?"

"Come to find help for that brat? Hehe, he hasn't become the co-master of the Holy Sect yet."

"You said that if the person I met back then was not you, but him, what would the Yin Kui Sect look like?"

Shi Zhixuan was startled and turned his head with a look of surprise on his face.

When he looked at the woman in front of him who had completely emerged from the shadows and looked like someone else, boundlessly strong, calm and confident, and incomparably beautiful, Shi Zhixuan was startled and then suddenly smiled.

"Indeed, I am not as good as him."

"In this world, I'm afraid I will never find another man as different as him. He actually uses his original Zhiyang Qi to help you. Recall that the two girls beside him were able to rank among the masters in a short time and kill Changbai. The double evil is also because he reborn them with his pure yang origin, right? Obviously there is no need for this. If he had been alone, the outcome of the battle between Bashu and Bashu would have been different."

Others can't feel it, but a martial arts master like him knows very well that the first building owner's Yang Qi is not perfect.

It's not that it hasn't reached the extreme, but that it has sent part of its origin out.

Since they are both classified as broken-level skills, there is no reason why the Nine-Yang Divine Skill is worse than the Dao Heart Demon Planting Technique. It is unreasonable that the Demonic Transformation Eleven is equivalent to the Nine-fold Nine-Yang.

Queen Yin smiled softly, yes, he is really a strange man.

It was clear that it was enough to help her complete the Eighteenth Level of Heavenly Demon Dharma, but when she left, a part of the original true Yang was cut off for her, allowing her to generate yang from the yin pole, and she stepped out of the Eighteenth Level of Heavenly Demon and touched the Tao.

The crying that day may have been a regret... If she had met this first poster from the beginning who cared more about the world, power, reputation, and the people around her, her life might have changed. It's quite different.

"Go, why don't you go? Cihang Sword Palace still owes me a huge blood debt."

Shi Zhixuan suddenly laughed. He had always been observing the first floor and the first floor owner.

The proud son of the Holy Sect!

There is no doubt that the two of them are different, both in terms of their paths and goals.

However, there is no doubt that the other party succeeded and he failed.

He, the Evil King, also has the means, but look at the first poster, and look at himself. He is obviously born in the Holy Sect, but he has countless subordinates, and he loves them too many to count. What about him? Even if you have a family, even if you have children, you are still alone in the end, struggling all your life, but this is the result.

Simply ridiculous!

As proud as Shi Zhixuan, although he didn't want to admit it at all, he had to admit that he had lost and was completely defeated.

A man who didn't care about fame, power, or wealth ended up becoming a wise king and follower in the hearts of millions of people in the south. What on earth do his countless days and nights count?

After figuring it out, he let go of the evil king.

The funny thing is that the moment he put it down, he couldn't help but think of the woman in the hut who smiled tenderly at him. In an instant, the problem of the evil king's technique was solved. Tenderness and murderous intent were perfectly blended together, completely Complete.

Queen Yin was startled and couldn't help but shook her head, "Really, obviously you will appear here, which means a lot of things. However, it's too much. I didn't care before, but now my daughter has grown up. , but suddenly started to interfere or something..., are you very distressed? That girl Qingxuan."

Shi Zhixuan was startled, and then a vein appeared in the corner of his eye.

"I think Xu Ziling is very good. He values ​​love and justice..., unlike some people."

Shi Zhixuan's face froze, especially the last sentence. He felt like a sword was struck in his heart, and he almost drank a mouthful of blood on the spot.

With a giggle, Queen Yin floated away, "Evil King, I heard that Ning Daoqi's strength has taken a step closer. Don't be careless and lose Jingzhou and be killed by the opponent."

Shi Zhixuan smiled and said nothing. Are you careless and lose Jingzhou? Not anymore, never again.


At the same time, in a remote place, in a small mountain temple.

The mountain temple is very simple, with no special decoration. It is just made of blue bricks, which can only protect it from wind and rain.

It was supposed to be a peaceful place outside the world, but today many guests came.

These guests have extraordinary identities.

There is the Central Plains and there are the outer lands.

In order, they are Li Clan, Li Yuan, and Li Shimin. Xiazhou and Liangshidu. Shuozhou, Liu Wuzhou. Youzhou and Gaokaidao. Lanzhou, Xue Ju. Luoyang, Wang Shichong. Changbai Mountain, Wangbo. Eastern Turks, Bixuan. Western Turks, Yunshuai. Gao Li, Fu Cailin. Tuyuhun and Fusai.

Originally, Li Yuan himself did not intend to come, but he did not expect that Cihang Jianzhai sat down behind him to promise, and something written in the letter made him extremely concerned, so he came in person. As for Li Shimin, he made a special request.

Li Shimin on the side was very puzzled. The leader of Li Tang came here. If there was an accident, Li Tang would undoubtedly be completely messed up.

But I didn't expect that not only Li Yuan, but basically all the famous power leaders in the north came.

As for the Turks, not to mention Jieli's personal visit, the martial master Bixuan actually came as well.

In an instant, a certain passage in the letter appeared in Li Shimin's mind, which made his father have to come in person. Looking at the almost identical look in the eyes of the others, he couldn't help but take a breath, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Everyone looked at each other, with no intention of chatting at this moment. After looking at each other, they walked into the temple one by one.

It is no longer a matter of alliance. Before that, they must figure out one thing. Why does Cihang Jianzhai know about that? It’s something that only they themselves know!

"Welcome, I am Fan Qinghui. I understand your doubts. Next, I will take you to a place. Once there, all your doubts will be solved. This is also the reason why the entire north can join forces this time. "

Everyone was stunned and speechless.

Even Martial Master Bixuan and Master Yijian Fu Cailin did not speak, quietly waiting for the answer.

The place to go is not far away, just in the mountains behind the temple.

"This is the core of Cihang Sword Studio, and it is also the last place where the descendants of the Sword Studio come back from their travels."

Fan Qinghui led everyone along the mountain road. As she walked, she pointed at the bluestone-cut houses passing by and said: "These are the places where Cihang Sword Studio's disciples have sat for generations. Cihang Sword The highest state of the fasting method, called the Pass of Death, is completed here. The doors you see that have been sealed are those that have been entered. Going up in sequence, the deepest place is where the founder of Cihang Sword Studio, Di Ni sits in the pass. place."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned, Di Ni?

Martial Lord Bi Xuan, and Fu Cailin couldn't help but open their eyes wide. They had naturally heard of this name. It was a legendary existence hundreds of years ago, and he was a person of the same period as the Evil Emperor.

He led everyone all the way up and finally reached the end of the road, where there was a small stone house.

Not high, less than a foot.

It's not big, just a few feet.

It is hard to imagine that a generation of masters would end up in such a small place.

However, as everyone looked, the next moment, Li Yuan and others couldn't help but take a breath of air.

The reason is very simple.

The door to the deepest stone house is not sealed! ! !

Not only was the door not sealed, there were two people sitting in front of the stone house at this moment, one with his back to the stone house and the other sitting next to him. Bi Xuan and Fu Cailin recognized him instantly. After all, they had survived the battle in Bashu and it was Ning Daoqi, and they felt that it was Ning Daoqi. The breath became stronger.

The one sitting cross-legged with his back to the stone house was an old man with all his hair turned white. Sitting there, there was no breath around her, as if she was dead.

As a group of people arrived, the 'dead person' moved. She slowly raised her head, her eyes were colorless and wavering, and she looked at them as if she wasn't looking at them. She faced the crowd and said, "Thank you for your hard work, come here, poor monk Dini." ...!"


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