Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1341 The Old Devil's Thoughts

Chapter 1344 The Old Demon's Thought

As a Jindan Old Demon, the withered old man is indeed not a person who likes to share.

But, for himself, that is another matter.

In order to be able to recover his health, no matter how much he pays, he actually doesn't care.

But, but!

Even if he has already held the mentality of burning his boats, facing the big hole of Li Hao, he still feels a little uneasy.

It's not as simple as feeling sorry for the expenses, but it's not enough, not enough at all, it's just like a bottomless pit, no matter how much you put in, it can't be filled.

When he was in the first sleep, this feeling was not strong.

When the other party started the second sleep without stopping, the withered old man's mentality collapsed on the spot.

Sending Li Su down the mountain is not what Li Su thought, out of sight, out of mind, and angry when seeing it.

Instead, the withered old man has seriously begun to doubt the feasibility of his plan, and is ready to sort out his mood and think about it again and seriously.

Of course, while thinking, he did not take his eyes off Li Su.

After all, it is related to whether his body can be repaired or even further improved. The importance of Li Su is self-evident.

Therefore, when the Zhenyuan stage confronted, the Jindan old demon was ready to take action.

He did not act immediately, mainly because he did not think that the Zhenyuan stage could hurt Li Su.

Just kidding, this kid was alone at the age of five and directly blew up a whole army of 100 cavalry, including the 100 cavalry leader.

Such an army, let alone Zhenyuan, even if it is foundation building, it is difficult to kill.

But, he did it.

Under such circumstances, he entered the Hundred Demon Palace for several months and completed an awakening.

To be honest, just based on his physical strength, even if it is in the late stage of foundation building, it is very difficult to kill him.

As a Jindan old demon, he is more or less sure of Li Su's strength.

In fact, the foundation building sneak attack by the back called Wanku almost made the withered old man unable to suppress his killing intent and ended up directly.

If Li Su hadn't been fine in the end, what was waiting for Wanku might not be the punishment in the black prison, but he would have been crushed to ashes by the withered old man on the spot.

This was related to whether his body could be repaired, so it was no joke.

Therefore, he didn't go to the Ten Thousand Poison Peak immediately, but only went after he was sure that Li Su was not in danger and could be defeated.

There is no doubt that he did extort a sum of money through this situation.

He naturally didn't feel ashamed of his behavior.

After all, getting money? Not shabby!

If there was anything he was dissatisfied with, it was not a question of whether it was embarrassing or not, but the compensation was too little.

It must be said that because of Li Su's special situation, although there were still many resources left, the old man with the golden elixir, the old demon, had actually entered a state of poverty and madness.

In fact, the compensation he extorted from the various peaks was already quite excessive.

Are you kidding? This is a sect of demons. A mere foundation-building disciple is not a disciple to the old demons of the Hundred Demon Palace, but a tool.

Let alone Wanku, ten Guiyuan Pills and five hundred-year-old blood ginsengs.

Although they are all foundation-building materials, you let an old demon of the Golden Core come out? I have to say, you think too much.

To be honest, the first reaction of the master of the Ten Thousand Poisons Peak was, is this guy crazy? Don't you know the nature of the disciples of the Hundred Demon Palace towards them?

Working like a cow and a horse and making profits is what they should do.

Because of the stupid things they did, let their masters pay money?

No way!

Therefore, the master of the Ten Thousand Poisons Peak undoubtedly refused at the first time, and didn't even think about it.

As a result, the old man withered directly blocked the door and didn't compensate, so they had a fight directly.

Facing the behavior of the old man withered, to be honest, the master of the Ten Thousand Poisons Peak almost went crazy.

Since he became a demon, in the past 150 years, he has always threatened and blackmailed others, but has he ever been blackmailed and threatened by others in return?

However, despite being angry, the head of the Ten Thousand Poisons Peak finally compromised.

After all, the withered old man could be shameless and want money, but he couldn't.

It's not that he wanted to save face, just kidding, he was just a Jindan demon cultivator, how much could his face be worth?

The main reason was that he, a Jindan old demon, had to fight another Jindan old demon for just some Guiyuan Pills and Blood Ginseng. No matter how you look at it, the loss of the battle would undoubtedly be greater than if he had just given it directly.

But in this matter, the other party was right. Although the Jindan old demons of the Hundred Demons Palace did whatever they wanted, there were still unspoken rules. Otherwise, if a hundred demons lived together, they would have fought to the death.

As the Ten Thousand Poisons Peak gave, the other peaks, although speechless, could only suppress their disgust and pay the money.

After all, whether it was true qi, true essence, or foundation building, it wouldn't be much if they lost.

Not worthy, not only would the loss of a fight be greater, but if they were to lose, the loss would only be greater.

In fact, some old demons have already suspected that the old man withered was setting a trap for them. After all, his disciples are very good at it. One of them has built a foundation, and a lot of true essence. He is very good at fishing and law enforcement.

Back to the topic.

After going out to extort money, seeing the faces of the masters of several peaks who looked like they had eaten a fly, the old man withered was in a much better mood.

Although the pressure is still there, the negative emotions have dissipated a lot, and he is much calmer.

Just at this moment, he heard the conversation between Tao Yao and Li Su.

Tao Yao, a foundation-building master from the West Peak, comes from the fifth place of the West Peak. She is a disciple of the Ghost Peak. The master of the Ghost Peak has a good relationship with the old man Gan Ku, so he borrowed her disciple to inform Li Su.

Tianyue Cave!

To be honest, the old man Gan Ku had never thought about this problem at first.

Just kidding, the danger level over there is not just high, but terrifyingly high.

Let’s not talk about the righteous side, just the side of the demon cultivators.

Sniping the disciples of the righteous, especially the famous genius disciples, and cutting off their luck is a big event for the demons.

It is not just the demon force of Baimo Palace that will participate.

It is a joint effort of many demon forces.

The organizer is the first demon sect in Qianzhou, led by Shangyin Palace.

As the saying goes, Yin belongs to Kun, Kun refers to the earth, Qian is on top and Kun is on the bottom, Yin is on the left and Yang is on the right, which is the principle!

Shangyin Palace, just the word Shang, is full of demonic nature, contrary to Tiangang.

There is no doubt that this sect has a mysterious origin, and there are countless strong people in the sect, and it is rumored that there is a great demon who can pass the tribulation.

For ordinary demon cultivators, passing the tribulation is basically something they dare not even think about.

It is normal. On the path of the demon path, no matter the character or the practice, there are huge problems. Not only that, one by one, as expected, they are deeply sinful and have great sins.

As for the thing called passing the tribulation, let’s not talk about the problems of character and practice. Deep sins and great sins? See if it will kill you.

It can be said that the power of the heavenly tribulation of demon cultivators is usually at least three times greater than that of the heavenly tribulation of righteous cultivators.

Therefore, you can fully imagine the deterrent power of a demon sect that has a great demon who can pass the tribulation.

By the way, let me mention this here.

The great demon who can pass the tribulation and the immortality of the golden elixir are two different things here!

In other words;


Passing the tribulation is passing the tribulation.

Becoming an immortal is becoming an immortal.

The two are not the same concept and have no relationship.

To become an immortal is just to reach a certain realm.

To pass the calamity is a kind of calamity. If you can pass it, you will be free from now on. If you can't pass it, you will turn into ashes.

In fact, there is no concept of passing the calamity to become an immortal in Fengshen.

It is also said in Journey to the West that once you become an immortal, it means you have escaped from reincarnation. At this time, the sky will find a way to kill you, using fire, wind, water, etc.

Therefore, there are transformation techniques such as Tiangang Disha to avoid killing.

Therefore, people who do not pass the calamity can become immortals, whether they are demons or righteous, and it is not difficult.

However, this kind of immortal is not necessarily very strong, and may even be very weak.

On the contrary, once the calamity is successfully passed, then this person must be an immortal, and a very, very scary immortal.

Especially those who become immortals by taking the demon path, looking at Qianzhou, they are all top-level big shots, and even the extremely powerful righteous path will be very wary of them.

There is such a big shot in Shangyin Palace.

It can be said that Qianzhou's first demon path is well deserved.

So, here comes the question.

How many demons would go to build their foundations in such a feast of sniping righteous geniuses that countless demons would attend?

Last time, there were about 3,000 people.

At that time, there were 110 people who went to build their foundations in the Hundred Demon Palace.

What was the result?

A total of 32 came back.

A full 78 foundations stayed there forever.

As for the 3,000 demons, less than 1,000 came back in the end, and two-thirds died in there.

With this death ratio, you can imagine how dangerous the Tianyue Cave is.

Therefore, the withered old man never thought of letting Li Su go. After all, if he missed this opportunity, he might not have it again, no matter how many resources he could save by entering.

At most, he would just wait.

If three or five years is not enough, then eight or ten years.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't use his skills frequently, his injuries can be stabilized and will not get worse.

However, all of this was broken with Li Su's second awakening.

Let's put it this way. When Li Su, who has awakened once, eats a Guiyuan Pill, half of it will be directly taken away by his body, and the remaining half will be retained in the body for a short time. It can be digested by practicing Qi, or it can be supplemented when the body is not nutritious enough.

Although the effect of practicing Qi in this way is half the result with twice the effort.

But it can still be practiced.

But this time, it is different. As Li Su awakens and nurtures the second awakening again, the situation in his body has changed dramatically.

After taking the Guiyuan Pill, almost 100% of the medicinal power was taken away by his body.

Originally, this is nothing, at most two pills are fed at a time.

But the problem is that Li Su, who has awakened once, is a little different this time.

That is, the more pills he eats, the faster he will get hungry, and this hunger is not for normal food, but for things that people should not eat, and the greater the demand.

In other words, pills and other normal foods have become fuel for Li Su to quickly digest and absorb abnormal food, or something like a combustion aid.

Of course, Li Su himself has discovered this.

This is why he feels full after eating silver.

The nutrients in the body, such as elixirs, have been consumed, which has led to a decrease in the digestion speed of abnormal food, thus causing a feeling of fullness.

The root cause of this strange situation is his second awakening.

The nutrients needed for the second awakening come from abnormal food.

This is also the core reason why he turned from a big pit into a bottomless pit, which once made the withered old man doubt his life and he had to change his original plan.

If this goes on, the withered old man will collapse sooner or later because he can't see hope and despair.

Of course, he didn't know that the withered old man would collapse not sooner or later, but after realizing his situation.

Therefore, the Tianyue Cave, which had never been considered before, made the withered old man, who could not see any hope at all and was even quite desperate, immediately feel a sense of light in front of his eyes.

Tianyue Cave, not to mention the spirit beasts, the resources inside are absolutely huge.

Tianyue Cave is indeed dangerous.

But as long as you don't participate in the competition for spirit beasts and don't target those famous righteous genius disciples, the danger will naturally be greatly reduced.

Not only that, let's talk about the strength shown by this kid.

How long has it been awakened? About two days.

Wanku, although he can't shoot in the top ten among the more than 100 foundation-building disciples in Baimo Palace, he is also quite powerful.

What's the result? After a battle, he was almost beaten by Li Su, and in less than a minute, he almost killed him.

With such strength, if he went to Tianyue Cave, as long as he avoided the above two situations, the possibility of Li Su's survival would be at least more than 50%.

Now, there is about half a year before the opening of Tianyue Cave.

As long as his strength continues to improve during this period, the possibility of surviving inside can basically exceed 70%.

To be honest, the seventh floor is still unsafe in the heart of the old man with dry skin.

However, don't forget one thing.

That is, Li Su's practice is not the magic method, but the righteous method that cannot be more righteous, which is the Qi training method of Tianxiao Sect, one of the cornerstones of Qianzhou's righteousness.

Then there are his means, the flesh and the strength!

You must know that since the demise of the ancient witch clan, the flesh has quickly faded out of the big stage of practice, becoming a thing of the past, and becoming the standard for mortals to define martial arts.

In other words, as long as he doesn't say it, in the eyes of the righteous cultivators, Li Su is at most a casual cultivator who has mastered the basic skills of the Xuanmen, not a disciple of the demonic sect.

As long as he avoids the disciples of the Tianxiao Sect, no, it should be said that as long as he doesn't perform the Tianxiao skills in front of them, the possibility of him coming out safely is infinitely close to the tenth level!

I have to say that this feasibility is very high.

And, most importantly, the speed is very fast!

Go in once and come out, maybe Li Su will complete the awakening, or even the Tianxiao Qi will be perfected directly, maybe 100%!

The more he thought about it, the more feasible it was for the old demon. For a while, his depressed mood suddenly became completely relieved.

Perhaps someone here will ask?

Li Su's situation is equivalent to a bottomless pit for the Jindan Great Demon. How can he solve it by going to the secret realm of the foundation-building realm? This is too child's play, right?

Yes, it's a child's play!

But, this is reality!

Let alone the world of immortal cultivation, isn't it the same in the normal world?

The poor can starve to death on the street.

The rich, the food piled up in the house can be put to rest, and they can't eat it all, they can't eat it all.

Therefore, even if it is just a foundation-building disciple of the righteous path, as long as he has a good father and a good master, his wealth is not comparable to that of a mere Jindan demon.

Moreover, how can the wealth of a mere Jindan demon hiding in the deep mountains and forests be compared with this feast of righteous foundation-building disciples?

People who have such thoughts can only say that who are you looking down on?

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