Chapter 1367 Awakening

Ten Li Ping Lake.

It should be considered a relatively famous place in Tianyue Cave.

The terrain of Tianyue Cave is fixed and has not changed.

What has changed are the precious medicines that have grown again in Tianyue Cave in the past ten years, as well as the spiritual beasts and demon beasts that have been born.

Of course, although the location will not change, some places will only appear after a specific time is reached and they are illuminated by the moonlight.

And this Ten Li Ping Lake is basically the first and earliest place to appear.

Basically, when you can enter it, it will appear at the first time.

Not only will it appear, in fact, as time goes by, Ten Li Ping Lake will also be the first place to fully reveal everything. Usually, this time will be about ten days.

In other words, the first batch of top-level precious medicines and spiritual beasts in Tianyue Cave will appear from Ten Li Ping Lake.

Not only that, based on the situation of Ten Li Ping Lake, it is also possible to speculate the probability of treasures in Tianyue Cave this time.

If the treasures in Tianyue Cave are divided into levels, there are about five levels.

The wild fruits that Li Su ate belonged to the fifth level, which is the lowest level.

And the blood Tai Sui belonged to the fourth level, and this kind of thing is generally more precious. For precious medicines, they are usually more than a hundred years old.

Here, someone will ask.

It is clear that the Tianyue Cave is opened once every ten years, so why are there hundred-year-old medicinal materials?

First of all, the age of medicinal materials is not calculated based on their actual age, but based on the strength of their medicinal properties.

A hundred years is a big gap even from ninety-nine years, which is a hurdle.

Then, it is difficult to say how time passes inside the Tianyue Cave. The interior claims to be a whole, and the age cannot be measured at all, so it is meaningless to compare it with the outside world itself.

Back to the topic.

After talking about the fourth level, there is the third level.

Usually, the first batch that appears in Shili Pinghu will be the third level.

At this level, precious medicines are basically between two hundred and five hundred years old, and their value is self-evident compared to the hundred-year-old medicine.

Of course, when precious medicines of this level appear, there will be many monsters around them, and they will be very powerful.

Once this level of precious medicine matures, if the monster beast can eat it, it is basically no different from a fish leaping over the dragon gate, and it will directly produce a qualitative change effect, so the competition will be very fierce.

Then there are the spirit beasts!

That's right, even the lowest level spirit beasts will only appear in places above level three, which is the lowest standard.

By the way, the spirit beasts themselves also have desires for precious medicines and will compete for them.

Therefore, the degree of chaos will be greater.

After talking about the strange situation of Shili Pinghu, let's talk about how to use it to observe the treasure content of Tianyue Cave this time.

It's very simple, judge according to the situation of the precious medicine that appears and the strength of the spirit beast.

Even if it is a level three precious medicine, there is a gap of 300 years between two hundred years and five hundred years, which is three small stages.

If it is two hundred years, it basically means that the overall quality of the treasures in Tianyue Cave this time is not high, which is a poor harvest.

If it is five hundred years, it will be incredible, and the treasures that appear later will only be more amazing, which can be called a good harvest.

By the way, just to mention, although the above will not be worse, that is, worse than a poor harvest, there are still better and more situations.

Hearing this, I guess some people will be very excited, after all, it means more treasures, it feels like the game has increased the explosion rate.

But, the reality is not like that.

Once the harvest line is exceeded, for most people, it is probably not better, but reversed.

For example, the appearance of precious medicines of 500 to 800 years in Shili Pinghu means that it is level 4 at the beginning.

What does this mean? It means that the next places will be higher than each other, and the medicinal materials that appear in them will undoubtedly be better than each other.

The direct appearance of level 4 in Shili Pinghu often means that level 5 will inevitably appear, and there will be more than one, at least three to five.

The monsters and spirit beasts in there will be very scary.

It can be said that since the existence of Tianyue Cave, although it often ends with a good harvest for cultivators, there are also cases where Tianyue Cave directly wipes out everyone.

Of course, the probability of that is very low.

It may not happen once in a hundred times.

Moreover, in fact, every time a cultivator enters, a certain number of Tianjiao will leave and observe the situation of Tianyue Cave.

If it is a year of poor harvest, those Tianjiao will leave directly.

That's right, they are here to exceed the standard. After all, whether it is a poor harvest or a good harvest, it is too simple for them. Whether it is a precious medicine or a spiritual beast, it is too ordinary.

By the way, there are quite a few Tianjiao coming this time.

After all, in the previous nine times, there were more than six poor harvests, and no good harvest.

According to this situation, this time, it is very likely to be a big wave.

By the way, everything is just speculation, and Tianyue Cave has not been without Waterloo.

Because of the above reasons, experienced demon cultivators who have been here naturally gathered towards Shili Pinghu as soon as possible.

First of all, it is naturally to collect intelligence, which can also be said to be "inserting eyes"!

Under the disadvantage, the demon path of Qianzhou obviously cannot directly collide with the righteous path head-on, so some special reconnaissance methods have been developed.

Keep your eyes on the trees, on the rocks, in the water, and even in the clouds.

Usually, there is nothing they cannot do except what you can't imagine.

After all, only when the situation of Tianyue Cave is determined, can the demon cultivators make targeted preparations.

Although the precious medicines and spirit beasts are also coveted, the attraction of the righteous disciples themselves is undoubtedly greater. After all, most demon cultivators are not necessarily lacking resources, but promotion methods, that is, higher-level magic skills.

Therefore, in addition to intelligence, the demon cultivators will also take advantage of the lead of one day to set up various traps.

No matter whether there are dates or not, grab a stick first, what if it is hit?

You know, the most careless time for the righteous disciples is often at the beginning of this period. Although they will also be vigilant, it is conceivable to what extent.

After all, unlike the demon cultivators, their living environment is too comfortable.

Basically, it is impossible to enter the combat state before seeing blood and seeing people die with their own eyes.

At this moment, not far from Shili Pinghu.

Many demon cultivators have gathered here!

Some of them rushed here as soon as they entered, and some of them settled closer to the place at the beginning.

There were about two or three hundred people scattered here and there.

There was no fighting. Whether they were in groups of three or five or alone, although they were vigilant, they were basically at peace, and even those who knew each other talked directly.

This is basically normal. After all, whether they were looking for treasures, killing monsters, or waiting for the righteous disciples to come in and fight, there were benefits. Only the fighting between the demon disciples did not have any benefits.

Therefore, unless there was something good, they would not easily fight each other.

Even if there was something good, they would evaluate the situation and choose to retreat if they could not win.

After all, not only was there no benefit, but the more demon disciples there were, the more firepower they could share.

It can be said that Li Su's experience was indeed a strange one. He was used to being arrogant in the sect, and subconsciously extended his habits in the sect to the Tianyue Cave.

Under normal circumstances, if you have the strength, you should go up, if you don't have the strength, you should get out.

Instead of making arrogant remarks and letting Li Su go up to die.

As a result, he became the first unlucky person to be killed.

Most of the demon cultivators are still independent people.

After all, facing the strength of the righteous way in Qianzhou, there are very few demon sects that can really become powerful.

In the past few hundred years, only the Hundred Demon Palace has come to the fore and gained a firm foothold.

Therefore, there are very few sects in the demon sect.

The leader is the Upper Yin Palace, and the two below are the Prison King Palace and the Netherworld Dao, which correspond to the Five Absolutes.

I am like the Hundred Demon Palace, a total of four.

The Blood Mark Palace where the guy Li Su killed was located is one, followed by the Hehuan Palace, the Blood Killing Palace, and the Hundred Demon Palace.

By the way, it is not taught in the sects of Qianzhou, and no one dares to use it.

Then, the sect is the highest. There are only three in the huge Qianzhou, and the Shangyin Palace is also one of them. However, it is obvious that how can people in the demonic way be ranked according to the rules of the righteous way? So they chose the palace casually.

And to the east of Shili Pinghu, there are many people gathered there, and the number is almost fifty or sixty.

Although it is relatively close, it is basically divided into three parties.

One of them is familiar to Li Su, that is, the Baimo Palace, and Huang Shang and several others are also among them.

One party is also familiar to Li Su, who just killed one not long ago, the Blood Mark Palace.

Another party is extremely murderous, with wronged souls lingering around the body. Although there are the fewest people, it can be seen that everyone is a killer, and they should be disciples of the Blood Killing Palace.

Let’s not talk about the Baimo Palace. The leader of the Blood Mark Palace is a person with three extremely eye-catching blood lines on his forehead, and the blood marks scattered around him are also gathering. He seems to be only one step away from the golden elixir.

He has a very white complexion and looks extremely weird and feminine.

This man should be the senior brother of the Blood Pattern Palace in the mouths of the men and women of the Blood Pattern Palace.

Sitting next to him was a bearded man with an extremely burly figure, a rough and ferocious expression, and blood all over his body like a knife. At this moment, he looked impatient and said directly: "What's the situation with those women in the Hehuan Palace? Are they not going to come? Are we just going to wait like this?"

As he spoke, the senior brother of the Blood Pattern Palace and Huang Shang looked at each other and did not speak.

Obviously, the gathering of the three sects was not accidental, but had already been agreed.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a whole half day, the last sect, the Hehuan Palace, did not show up.

The senior brother of the Blood Pattern Palace thought about it and said lightly: "Wait a little longer, after all, there is still time before the agreed time."

Before he finished speaking, a sweet laugh that made people's desires burst out suddenly sounded. This sound did not come from a certain direction, but from all directions, and directly poured into the hearts of everyone present.

"Oh, sorry, I'm a little late."

As the words fell, several beautiful figures slowly fell and appeared directly in the center of a group of demonic disciples.

There were not many people, about ten.

They were wearing extremely revealing clothes, and their enchanting figures were almost covered by very little cloth, giving people a feeling that, no, as long as the cloth was lifted, there was no need for other preparations, and a sweaty battle could immediately begin on the spot.


Especially the leader, who was extremely beautiful, like a female cat with green hair, releasing crazy impulses all over her body.

In an instant, even the demon cultivator disciples from several major sects could not help but breathe heavily and lost control of their lower bodies.

However, even so, they still forced themselves to be patient, and even though their bodies had lost their composure, they still did not take any further action.

After all, they knew very well that even though these people from Hehuan Palace were extremely tempting, in fact they were all monsters that ate people without spitting out their bones.

Its original mental method is called the practice of refining yang and replenishing yin.

Please note, it is not mining, it is refining.

This is an extremely overbearing magic technique. Once it starts, the weakest person will be greatly depleted of blood, and the worst person will turn into a mummy on the spot. All the essence, blood and soul will be sucked cleanly by you. Keeping it will make you deeply understand the meaning of the word "Thousands of Miles".

"I know it's too late. If you're still too slow, I'll kill you." Faced with the temptation of the woman in front of him, the bearded man from the Blood Killing Palace was not tempted. His face was still filled with dissatisfaction and his murderous intent was unabated.

The eldest brother of the Blood Pattern Palace clapped his hands and directly acted as the peacemaker, saying softly: "Okay, as long as the people are here, half a day has passed and there is not much time left for us. Let's start the discussion next. "

"By the way, Fei Qian, calm down your aura. If you act like this, this meeting won't be able to continue the discussion."

When the woman heard this, she laughed sweetly, and the aura around her immediately subsided. Although the temptation was still there, the lethality was much smaller.

Facing this scene, everyone else could not help but breathe a sigh of relief for a while, including even a few people from Huangshan.

Yes, it is obvious that the people from the Hundred Demons Palace are not as good as the other three factions.

Of course, this is not surprising. Compared with the other three sects that really have inheritance, the disciples of the Hundred Demon Palace are no different from Sanren Demon Cultivators in a sense. Not only can they not learn anything good, but they will also be stuck in the realm. You can only earn righteous kill points through Tianyue Cave and exchange them for promotion methods from Shangyin Palace.

In this regard, the other three did not say anything.

Although the magic cultivator is said to be based on strength, the biggest feature of the Hundred Demons Palace is that there are so many people. After all, a hundred golden elixirs means that every time you come in, there are almost a hundred foundations. This is not a small number. .

On the contrary, the other three factions add up to about half of the opponent's strength.

Therefore, in this meeting, even if the strength is lacking, it still occupies a place.

"Well, let's start the discussion, this time!"

Just when the senior brother of the Blood Stripe Palace was about to start the discussion at this meeting, suddenly, a blood line streaked across the sky and flew directly towards his location.

Seeing the blood line, Senior Brother of the Blood Stripe Palace couldn't help but frown, and his face looked a little ugly.

Is this a blood talisman that leads to fate?

All the emergency communication talismans in the Blood Stripe Palace are usually used only when something major happens.

Obviously, according to the level of the blood talisman, in Tianyue Cave, even if all the disciples of the Blood Pattern Palace are dead, it is logically impossible to use it.

Unless, that guy!

Did something happen to Xue Li?

That idiot, before he came in, had already reminded him twice and three times that Tianyue Cave was no better than other places. He told him to come to Shili Pinghu to join him as soon as possible after he came in, and he should never have conflicts with others casually.

After all, demonic cultivation and the righteous path are completely different things.

On the right side, there are powerful sects as backers. If someone is bullied, even if they are stronger than you, they will endure it.

Demon cultivator disciples will not be used to it. They are lawless in nature. It is only because there is not much benefit from fighting each other that they appear honest. In the hearts of these people, there is no such emotion as fear. As long as they are strong enough, let alone your sect. No matter who your father is, they will do the same.

damn it!

I hope that guy is not dead, otherwise, this matter will be difficult to explain.

"Sorry, I, the Blood Pattern Palace, will not participate in this meeting."

Although this meeting was very important and related to the subsequent actions, in the face of the blood talisman's fate, the senior brother of the Blood Pattern Palace did not dare to neglect. At least he had to understand the situation first, bring the person back before he died, and kill the person who killed him. Get rid of.

"Oh~oh, blood talisman, I said blood stains. Could it be that your young master also came in?"

The bearded man in the Blood Killing Palace immediately recognized what the flying blood line meant, and immediately couldn't help but joked: "I'm using you as a nanny."

The women in Hehuan Palace also have strange looks on their faces. Even though they are so glamorous, as demonic cultivators, they basically live a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife. They are precarious in the sect, and they are even more frightened outside when encountering blood stains. , I can’t say it’s uncomfortable, I can only say it’s terrible.

The senior brother of the Blood Pattern Palace did not speak, but stretched out his hand to catch the flying blood line.

As the blood line integrated into his body, the information conveyed inside also emerged in his mind.

Even though he was prepared, after hearing the content, the senior brother of the Blood Pattern Palace could not help but look very ugly.

Really dead!

Although it was very sad, the senior brother could not help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart. Undoubtedly, it would be much better to wait for the righteous disciples to come in than to feel sad now.

I can't say it, but I have to thank the guy who did it.

Since you have helped me solve such a big trouble, please lend me your head and soul so that I can go out and give an explanation.

I promise you will feel relaxed at least when you are in my hands.

Seeing the blood stains on his face gradually turning gloomy, Xue Sha Gong with a beard was a little surprised, "You're not really dead, are you?"

He has also heard that the young master has a high status in the Blood Pattern Palace and is loved by his sect leader. Although he is said to be arrogant, his strength is really not bad. He is not as good as the three of them. If you put him in the foundation building, he is quite powerful. .

Under normal circumstances, if you can't fight, you can still run.

After all, he still has many magic weapons on him to protect himself.

This is serious. I don’t know who the guy who did it is? I haven't heard of him. I haven't heard of anyone becoming famous in recent times.

Could it be someone from the Prison King's Palace or the Netherworld Path?

It's unlikely. That group of people arrived relatively late, and once they arrive, they will go straight to Shili Pinghu and will not linger around.

Even if it is really delayed, even if the young master has a big heart, he cannot provoke the other party.

After all, whether it is the Palace of the Prison King, the Netherworld Path, or the Shangyin Palace, which is the number one in the Demonic Path, its characteristics are very obvious and can be recognized at a glance.

The only possibility is undoubtedly Sanren.

"Sorry, I have to pick up people first!" Although he was inexplicably relieved, the senior brother of the Blood Stripe Palace had no time to care about others at the moment. He stood up directly and headed in the direction of the blood line without hesitation. About to leave.

After all, the message said that the two guys took the time to grab the blood and Tai Sui was coming over, and the other party was most likely chasing after them.

"No, it's not interesting if the Blood Stripe Palace doesn't participate. Let's go together, just to see who is so bold."

The bearded man smiled directly. Being able to kill the young master showed that he was very strong. He just wanted to see how this guy, Xueshen, was doing, and he felt low in his heart.

After all, although it is said that there are very few fights between demon cultivators in Tianyue Cave, it is not true that there are none.

If something good does appear, it must be killed.

On the side, Fei Qian also smiled sweetly and said, "Yeah, although we can't say that we are in the same spirit, we can't just watch the Blood Pattern Palace being bullied. By the way, how about a few senior brothers from the Hundred Demon Palace go together? We'll wait for it to be dealt with. It’s over, are we continuing to discuss?”

Hearing this, Huang and the others couldn't help but look at each other, and then nodded.

After Xueshen glanced at the two of them, he didn't say anything and just took the lead, followed by the disciples from the Blood Pattern Palace behind him.

Soon, a group of people left quickly in a certain direction.

At the same time, in the open space of Xue Taisui.

Li Su was still there, and the stamina of the toxin had undoubtedly passed, but what followed was a huge sense of hunger, a feeling of chest pressing against his back, which made his eyes turn green with hunger.

Therefore, let alone chasing people, just lie down on the ground and start cheating like crazy.

In fact, he had already eaten three rounds, but his hunger was still unabated and he could not lift his head at all.

However, fortunately, although he was eating crazily, he could feel that the blood in his body was vibrating, and the sound was getting louder and louder.

He had undoubtedly encountered this situation before, just a few months ago.

When you wake up, you wake up.

Unexpectedly, that little bit of venom was so powerful that it directly made him realize his second sleep and sprout.

But, damn, are you too hungry?

No, what kind of broken condition is this physical body in? He has eaten almost 20 to 30 tons of soil, why is he still not satisfied?

Could it be that what he awakened was not the Wu clan bloodline, but the Taotie bloodline?

Unfortunately, although I ate a lot, my belly didn't feel bloated and my body didn't show any abnormality. Otherwise, if I kept going like this, I would really be afraid of stuffing myself to death.

Ten minutes, half an hour, an hour.

Finally, after digging out a deep pit of almost six meters in the hundred-meter-diameter white ground, his hunger began to ease.

What followed was an indescribable shock.

Starting from the heart and spreading along the blood vessels throughout the body, the bones, nerves, and muscles are all shaking uncontrollably. However, the sound coming from inside is not the sound of flesh and blood, but a sound like the roar of the earth and the clash of metals. sound.

With a soft sound, something seemed to sprout and blossom in Li Su's heart.

His second sleep, unexpectedly smooth and quick, completed his awakening! ! !

As expected, before he had time to feel what he was awakening from, an extremely astonishing suction force came from inside his body, and a large amount of energy was directly absorbed by it, sweeping deep into it.

The sound of excitement sounded again, and Sanjue came to the door almost immediately.

Immediately, an indescribable feeling of hunger broke out again, even after Li Sugang had been full for less than ten minutes. This time, it was undoubtedly more terrifying. The hunger no longer burst from the stomach, but from the depths of every cell. Even his soul was affected and he developed incredible desires.

? ? ?

Faced with this result, even though he was already prepared in his heart, Li Su couldn't help but break his guard.

Dry! ! !

No, as for that? Please be normal. The Jiuli people don't have this kind of awakening, okay?

Those who ride horses, have they turned into starving ghosts?

Two in one! ! !

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