Chapter 1374 Foundation Building

Eight hundred and ninety-five strands!

Eight hundred and ninety-six strands!

I have already absorbed one strand, and now I have eight strands and ninety-six strands, which means that I am only four strands away from a thousand strands!

It doesn't take much time, only two and a half days.

The speed of practicing that unknown Xuanmen technique is actually not low.

It's mainly a matter of perception.

If you have a good understanding, it can be said that one night of true qi, two days of true essence, and five days of foundation building can be said to be easy, and the true qi formed will also be very amazing, upright and strong.

Well, this is Li Su's understanding.

I guess if there are disciples of Tianxiao Sect here, they will probably stab him to death with a knife after hearing what he said.

Then let's talk about the earthly evil spirit!

Although it is very extreme, this spirit is undoubtedly very strong. It is obvious that he has only absorbed a hundred strands and turned them into a strand, but it has already supported him to form the true essence.

This is incredible!

Under normal circumstances, he should still be in the true qi stage. If he wants to become the true essence, he needs to turn a hundred strands into drops.

But the Earthly Evil Qi is not like this. It is just a strand, but it has already formed the true essence. Of course, this situation is described in that technique, that is, high-level essence.

However, this method is usually not recommended.

The reason is also very simple. The foundation is too fragile to carry such high-quality essence.

Of course, the above is just a metaphor.

After all, in that book, the Earthly Evil Qi is not considered to be a kind of essence of heaven and earth. After all, that thing is basically impossible for living beings to touch.

The reason why Li Su can bear it is that he relies on the blood of the Jiuli tribe and his soul is abnormal enough.

If one of the above two is missing, he would not dare to be so presumptuous and absorb this kind of thing that is so numerous that it can even form a catastrophe as the essence of heaven and earth.

Finally, after about half a quarter of an hour, the Earthly Evil Qi reached 999 strands.

Looking at the Earthly Evil Qi that was not many and was quietly controlled by himself, he couldn't help but take a breath.

Because the real test is coming!

Recalling the time when the threads became one, Li Su's face changed involuntarily at this moment. It was really unbearable to look back on that past.

Even if it was him, he had been howling all day. If he hadn't been prepared in advance, his end would not only be horrible, but also unbearable to look at.

He opened his eyes and looked around.

He buried himself very deep, almost two kilometers underground.

Not only that, he also piled up the surrounding soil with his bare hands, which was frighteningly hard and extremely dense.

In such a space, as long as he could hold back from struggling, he could basically not get out with a slight scream.

Thinking of this, Li Su took out the blood Tai Sui, cut a piece directly, and held it in his mouth.

Although he didn't know what would happen this time, it was undoubtedly very consuming.

With the tyranny of the earthly evil spirit, his body would definitely be abused countless times. His skin, muscles, nerves, bones, and even bone marrow and brain marrow would probably not be spared, and his soul would probably be baptized again.

After a moment of silence, Li Su did not hesitate and directly absorbed the last bit into his body.

With the entry of this last bit, it was like pouring a bowl of cold water into a pot of boiling oil.

All of a sudden, it exploded!

That's right, it exploded! ~

Even Li Su, in just a moment, his face turned blue with pain, his expression twisted on the spot, and the blue veins all jumped up, as if he was alive and about to leave his body.

Muscles, bones, bone marrow, and even brain marrow, at this moment, seemed to be poured with boiling oil, the pain was simply indescribable.

Thousands of knives?

Tens of thousands of ants biting the heart?

No, no, no, these can't be compared.

Even his soul was distorted at this moment, and the changes brought by the possession of the supreme soul could not help but deform under such pain.


It hurts so much!

It hurts so much!

Obviously he had already realized it and was prepared.

Li Su still rolled on the spot in pain, sweating coldly, and his face and lips turned blue and white.

Of course, it hurts!

He didn't shout or scream, and even when he rolled over, he kept the smallest movement, using reason to suppress himself and reduce the noise.

For a long time, a long time!

The extremely shrill and low roar came out of his throat, covering this space.

The terrible pain made blood seep out from his skin little by little. Not long ago, he was still sweating, but in the blink of an eye, he had become a bloody man.

All kinds of tissues in the body were vibrating. Because of the earthly evil spirit, it could not be stable, and the structure began to collapse.

Really, it was only ten strands, and such a small improvement was so terrible.

You know, Li Su's body had already changed since the beginning of the second awakening, with the properties of metal, rock, and tree.

Until now, its strength and toughness are difficult to break the skin even if it is directly hit by a magic weapon.

As a result, only nine strands of earthly evil spirit not only injured him, but also seemed to kill his body.

This is undoubtedly far beyond Li Su's imagination.

I didn't expect that the evil spirit of the earth would be so violent that it actually began to destroy his body.

However, before Li Su could react.

As if sensing the crisis, his body began to react violently.


First, Sanjue stopped directly. Not only did he stop, but his body began to spit out a lot of vitality to repair damaged tissues and organs.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

His heart beat wildly, at a speed of more than two hundred times per minute, no, two hundred and fifty times.

His body temperature rose rapidly.

From thirty-six, it quickly reached fifty, sixty, and seventy degrees.

It was really his fault. If it were someone else, he would probably burn himself to death in less than a few seconds.

As his body became abnormal, as if a switch was triggered, some of his cells were undergoing amazing changes, especially in the liver, where the cells began to spread rapidly like a lesion, and a large number of abnormal cells appeared.

What is this?

This scene undoubtedly shocked Li Su completely.

He really didn't expect that in the face of the violent earthly evil spirit, his body would actually have such an amazing reaction.

Jiuli bloodline, reviving?

That's not right!

It is not considered resurrection. In fact, he has Jiuli bloodline and has awakened. Otherwise, there would not be the situation of awakening once, twice, and three times.

What is happening now is more like an increase in concentration.

Yes, that's it!

Originally, the concentration of Li Su's Jiuli bloodline was only about 2-3%.

But with the drastic changes in the liver and the emergence of abnormal cells, the blood produced began to undergo an amazing transformation and the concentration began to increase.

4%, 5%, 6%.

As the concentration continued to increase, unexpectedly, the violence of the Earthly Evil Qi began to decrease. Of course, the pain was still severe, not reduced at all.

But the internal collapse was decreasing, and it was decreasing rapidly.

Faced with this result, even Li Su couldn't help but look surprised. After all, the reason why he dared to choose the Earthly Evil Qi and absorb it as a kind of essence was because the Jiuli body could withstand this thing.

But I didn't expect that the connection between the two was so deep.

This Earthly Evil Qi could actually stimulate his Jiuli bloodline in turn, causing its concentration to soar.

Undoubtedly, it was beyond his expectation.

Unable to help it, he took a breath directly. Suddenly, he felt a little relieved, but also a little scared.

What scared him was that he didn't expect the Earthly Evil Qi to be so violent. Every time he went up a level, the destructiveness would increase so much.

Fortunately, before continuing to practice the Earthly Evil Qi, he first crossed the first and second awakenings and came to the third awakening. This gave him enough foundation to support his body to change and directly increase the concentration of Jiuli blood.

If he did this at the Demon Yuan Peak, there is no doubt that he would be in big trouble. There is a high probability that the Earthly Evil Qi would be scrapped on the spot, and the physical body would be severely damaged. The result would probably be worse than being possessed by the devil.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but be alert.

He still underestimated the Earthly Evil Qi and the horror of this thing.

The next time he improves, he must at least have the fourth awakening, or the fifth awakening, which means that he needs to reserve more and more foundation.


The body has changed, and it can bear the violence, so why is the pain still not decreasing?

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't it end successfully and become a foundation building?

Not only that, along with the amazing pain, amazing hatred, resentment, and murderous intent also permeated, entangled, wrapped, and covered his soul, and instantly submerged Li Su.

The low roar sounded again in this space. Li Su was like a shrimp, twisting his body constantly, and began to be like the first time he practiced the earthly evil spirit.


Finally, finally!

After two days and eight hours, the terrible pain faded like a tide, and the body began to return to normal. Ten strands of earthly evil spirit merged into one and turned into a drop.


As it sank down and fell into the sea of ​​qi, Li Su's mind resounded like a bell.

The vast sea of ​​qi was like a magnitude 12 earthquake, rumbling continuously.

His sea of ​​qi was expanding, rapidly expanding.

A drop of Earthly Evil Qi is too heavy and too high in quality.

With the current size of his Qi Sea, it is simply impossible to carry it.

It is like blowing up a balloon, several times, ten times, dozens of times, dozens of times!

Facing this feeling, even Li Su couldn't help but feel the same feeling from pregnancy to childbirth.

After all, this vast feeling can't be described in any other way.

Just when Li Su couldn't help but start to doubt whether his Qi Sea would be swollen, after all, his Qi Sea began to hurt, and he felt that it had reached its limit and couldn't continue to grow.

With a thud~!

The amazing expansion finally stopped!

The size seemed to have finally reached the point where the Earthly Evil Qi was satisfied and could carry it.

However, with the end of the expansion.

In an instant, all the pores on his body opened directly, and the unknown Xuanmen technique operated spontaneously, and began to swallow all the essence around him and rushed towards his Qi Sea.

With that drop of Earthly Evil Qi as the center, a huge ocean was formed!

Foundation building, success!

True energy, appear!

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