Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1385: Fortunately, fortunately

Chapter 1388 Fortunately, fortunately

"The devil is a devil, and the dog will never change its nature."


The chief of Qiyao was furious to the extreme, and the blood vessels in his body swelled because of anger. At this moment, the true energy was like a raging wave, and it started to work with the magic.

In an instant, his body underwent amazing changes.

The body, one red, one blue.

Its color is extremely bright, and its light is as bright as a gem.

This light comes from his Dantian, the depths of the turbulent sea.

There, there are two huge stars, one burning like fire, and the other condensed like ice.

Yin and Yang, hot and cold, red and blue.

Shining, alternating, spreading rapidly, radiating into the magic power, rendering it.

In an instant, an incredible beauty formed around him, just like the bright starry sky in the sky.

Very beautiful, but also deadly!

The size of those stars is only a grain of rice, but the amazing energy in them is extremely violent, and the surrounding two centimeters are severely distorted.

Earlier, it was this technique that killed the remaining hundreds of people!

All matter was completely evaporated by it almost the moment it touched.

It's really amazing!

Qiyao Dao Fa!

Facing this amazing attack, even Li Su couldn't help but admire it.

Qiyao Dao Fa!

He knew that when he came in, the old man withered had introduced in detail what he knew about the unique skills of the three sects, five masters and ten wealthy families.

This Qiyao sect is based on the sun and the moon.

The five stars of Mars, Morning Star, Jupiter, Taibai and Zhenxing are used as the method.

The special scene that appeared in the body of the chief of Qiyao just now, the intersection of red and blue, is its skill, Taiyin Yang Gong.

This skill is amazing, it can complement yin and yang, and water and fire.

Once cultivated, not only will the foundation be extremely strong, but it will also be hammered repeatedly as the practice progresses, just like forging iron. It can be said that each time it is practiced, it will be stronger than the last time.

It is undoubtedly a miraculous skill. Even if you look at the entire Qianzhou, there are no more than two hands who can beat this skill.

Of course, for this reason, this set of skills is also very difficult to practice.

Not only is it extremely demanding for practitioners, but this skill is also extremely tormenting in the Qi training stage alone.

If Qi training to foundation building is equivalent to a person walking a hundred steps, then practicing this skill will not only make people stand on a thousand-foot steel wire, but also have to hold a bowl of water in one hand.

Every step requires countless days and nights, repeated training, and hammering before it can be taken.

If there is a trace of impatience or negligence, you have to start all over again.

Therefore, the fact that Taiyin Yang Gong can be used to build a foundation is itself a double recognition of a cultivator's talent and character.

The chief of Qiyao is undoubtedly the best in the entire Qiyao Sect at the foundation-building level, and he is even better than some of the Jindan elders in the sect.

After all, he not only learned the skills, but also practiced the method! ! !

Qiyao's skills are difficult to practice.

Then Qiyao's method is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Just to say that just wanting to form the stars with magic power is an epic difficulty.

This is like a computer application. Generally, the skills are just the simplest instructions, and the code is only a few hundred.

Qiyao's method is a complete system with countless instructions implanted in it, and the required code is incredibly complex.

Here, someone may say.

Is it necessary to make it so complicated?

Isn't it easier to destroy complex things?

Here, I have to say something.

If it is placed on mortals, it is indeed so. After all, experience is limited, and too complicated things require too many years and time to complete.

But it is different for cultivators.

As long as they can endure loneliness, even if they are building their foundation, their life span can be as long as two or three hundred years.

In such a long time, even if it is extremely complex, it is not a big problem to master it and become proficient in it.

Therefore, in the hands of cultivators, the more powerful the technique is, the more complex its core is.

It is precisely because of this complexity that the power of their techniques is often more terrifying and comprehensive.

For example, Li Su at this moment, this Taibai technique is a killing move no matter how you look at it.

But when it was used, it actually brought multiple effects such as locking and suppression, so that Li Su, who could cross one or two hills in one step, was frozen in place and could not move smoothly.

It must be said that he is worthy of being a righteous genius, a genius at the level of the ten wealthy families.

Although complex techniques are not an insurmountable peak for cultivators, if they want to cultivate them, they have very high requirements in terms of energy and talent.

Being able to construct such a complex and huge technique in the foundation building stage, this alone is worthy of the title of the chief of the Seven Stars.

It is a real sword that has been sharpened.

Although the stars are the size of rice grains, the internal accumulation is filled with an unimaginable magic structure.

Qualitative change through quantitative change.

Judging from the scene of this magic, it should be the power of Taibai among the five major stars.

Control killing and destruction.

It is not at the same level as the foundation-building disciples encountered in the Hundred Demons Palace, and the destructive power is simply incomparable.

It is a true evolution of Taoism, undoubtedly a "small fairy magic"!

Take a breath. Even though he is extremely confident, Li Su still dares not be careless in the face of such a Taoist method. He mobilizes his physical blood and energy, and uses the Jiuli fighting method.

The true red light quickly spreads and gathers around him, boiling like a burning flame.

Facing the whistling stars, he stretches out his hands. The true red light is directly compressed by him at this moment, like the true power of magic, attached to the surface.

Waving in an instant, it turns into a phantom in the sky, like a thousand-handed Guanyin.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Knock, hit, slap, and bump!

Li Su's body hardly moves. He only relies on his palm, fingers, and elbows to hit the flying stars with incomparable precision.

In an instant, hundreds of stars were knocked away by his bare hands.


Facing this scene, even the extremely angry Qiyao chief couldn't help but tighten his mind, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking.

Surprisingly, bounced?

The Seven Stars Method he used was not an ordinary method, and he knew its nature best.

Those seemingly stars were actually extremely high-intensity energy. Not only did they have amazing destructive power, but once they were impacted by a certain degree of force, they would explode immediately.

This was the most troublesome part of this method. Once you were close to it, you could only resist it.

Unexpectedly, the demon boy in front of you bounced back?

This was incredible!

How gentle must the use of true energy be to be possible? Not only that, how terrifying is its reaction speed?

His stars were very fast, and it only took one second for a distance of a thousand meters.

In this case, the opponent not only blocked it, but also used clever strength to change the direction of the stars.

Is this bastard in front of you really a demon boy?

Even if it is said that the disciples of the magic path are generally better at magic, the so-called proficiency is more about powerful evil magic, not proficiency in the use of skills.

Although he thought about it, the chief of Qiyao did not stop. His killing intent and killing intention became more and more intense as Li Su pushed away his stars.

So what if he pushed away some stars?

Starlight attack was just the beginning of his magic. Although he had practiced to this level, 90% of the cultivators in the foundation-building stage could not even handle his beginning.

But, after he really took it, that was the beginning of the tragedy.

In an instant, the chief of Qiyao came directly to Li Su. The distance was very close, so close that they could hear each other's breathing and heartbeat.

He raised his palm and swung it at Li Su with the twinkling starlight.

Li Su's eyes flashed, and he raised his hand directly to block.


Like thunder and fire, the collision was extremely shocking and burst into a huge sound.

After one blow, there were hundreds of blows!

The chief of Qiyao was almost close to Li Su, and his arms, like two whips, continuously and fiercely whipped him.

Not only was the angle strange, but the range was also surprisingly wide.

In front of him, on both sides, and even behind him, they were all within the attack range of the opponent's arms. A pair of hands seemed to have no bones.

Moreover, the power of each attack was amazing.

Each round of swings gave people the feeling that they were surrounded by stars. In front of him, it seemed that a star field was running regularly, and Li Su himself was a foreign object, so he was attacked by the entire star field.

Faced with such a strange attack, even Li Su had to fall into a defensive state, with his hands deep inside constantly fighting against the attacks from all directions.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dense and rain-like sounds continued to explode, and the fight between the two was as fierce as a torrential rain.

In just two or three blinks of an eye, more than three hundred rounds of fighting had been fought.

Blood was splattering.

It was not Qi Yao, but Li Su.

His arm was injured and began to bleed, and more and more blood was oozing out.

Feeling his own situation, Li Su couldn't help but blink his eyes. No wonder, he didn't use the stars to attack remotely, but used this close combat method.

First of all, of course, the foundation-building mana is limited.

That kind of star attack is indeed very powerful. If it can hit, the killing is also very strong.

But obviously, it consumes a lot of energy.

It's not a golden elixir. Once a large number of stars are dodged, even the level of the Seven Stars Chief can't stand it.

Close combat is different.

The power of the stars is almost gathered on his hands, and the terrible killing directly erupted from his palms. Even Li Su couldn't resolve it one by one in this high-speed and weird attack.

That's how he got injured.

The opponent's falling power is not concentrated, but like a steel needle. Every time it hits, thousands of small stars that are almost invisible to the naked eye fall.

As a result, the true red blood on his surface was pierced and fell directly on his flesh.

Fortunately, Li Su's body was strong enough, and the nature of his flesh and blood had changed after three awakenings. Otherwise, his hand would have been broken by such a collision, and his muscles, tendons, and even bones were pierced.

Even so, he was not feeling well.

This kind of fight was like hitting a hedgehog, and every fight would bring amazing pain.

Of course, Li Su was surprised by the attack of the Seven Stars Chief, and the strangeness in the eyes of the Seven Stars Chief was also extremely intense.

Damn it!

What's wrong with this demon boy?

What is the structure of his hand? You know, his attack is full of Taibai power, and it can't penetrate under direct contact.

His skin is like a mountain, thick and heavy, and the power that penetrated quickly sank into the sea.

Not only that, his strength is also.

After hundreds of collisions, it was like forging iron with bare hands. His hands, which could withstand the power of Taibai and whose hardness would not be damaged even by magic weapons, felt clear pain at this moment.

With each collision, the opponent's strength would violently impact his meridians like a wild bull.

Although it seemed that only the demon cub was bleeding and injured, the chief of Qiyao knew that his situation was worse.

If this continued, he might not be able to break through the opponent's defense before his hands were crippled.

Despite his thoughts, the chief of Qiyao still did not retreat. Although he lost the physical collision, the current situation was not his limit. He still had magic weapons that he had not used.

It must be admitted that the demon cub in front of him was very strong, but he would not have any chance against him.

As the thought fell, a golden halo began to bloom on the hand of the chief of Qiyao. At this moment, a golden star appeared directly inside his body, and as he moved, it began to flow rapidly between his hands.

As he swung his arm out again, the golden star also swam to his palm.

In an instant, his palm underwent an extremely strange change, as if it really became a star and smashed towards Li Su.


There was a loud noise, even though Li Su reacted and resisted, but this blow was obviously much greater than before. The huge force pressed his short arm and directly pressed it back, hitting his head, and knocked Li Su out.

The chief of Qiyao immediately followed the hand that hit him. Before Li Su, who was flying up, had time to land, he arrived in front of him. The golden stars flowed into his body again and began to accumulate, as if he regarded his body as a star field, and finally gathered in his left hand.

As before, the original palm directly changed into a golden star, with amazing energy and planetary scenery visible on it.

You can let me use the magic weapon, demon cub, you can die proudly.

Just when the chief of Qiyao landed this blow with great confidence, Li Su, who was knocked away and should have been unable to control his body, suddenly twisted his body and stuck to the opponent's palm in an extremely strange way, like a snake flashing along his arm, avoiding the opponent's fatal blow by a hair's breadth, and even came behind the opponent.


The pupils of the chief of Qiyao widened instantly, and his face couldn't help but change.

He reacted really quickly, and realized the crisis almost instantly, and was about to change his actions.

Unfortunately, it was too late!

Li Su almost dodged the opponent's attack at the moment, and his fist, in his strange way, had completed the accumulation of power while sticking to the opponent and bypassing the opponent. Almost at the same time as he came behind him, his five fingers were like hooks, directly buckling on the opponent's right back waist.

The terrible power burst out, and the five fingers were like five red iron rods, stabbing into the kidney, and his right waist was immediately hit incredibly hard, not only the outside, but also the internal organs were washed amazingly, and the blood was hit into the kidney.

That was the special red blood formed by the foundation of the physical body, which had the nature of true energy and was more violent than true energy.

Chief Qiyao spat out a large mouthful of blood on the spot, and the mana on the surface of his body collapsed a little.

As for Li Su, although he had resisted the previous attack, he was not unharmed, and his eyes and nose were bleeding.

However, he did not stop. After the attack, he waved his hand again without hesitation and hit the back of Chief Qiyao's head with a fierce punch.

Terrible power, amazing blood, there is no doubt that this punch will be implemented, Chief Qiyao, must die!

Cough, just when his fist was about to hit the opponent, Li Su suddenly trembled slightly and spit out a mouthful of blood. Obviously, the forced circulation affected his injuries.

"Not good!"

Faced with this scene, Chief Long Tao, who was observing the situation of Senior Sister Dan, changed his face, and almost without any hesitation, he killed Li Su directly.

At this moment, he also came to his senses and realized the key to the problem.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

I've been fooled, fooled!

Senior Sister Dan, it's okay, what the other party said just now was intentional.

His purpose was to separate the two of them, and only face the Seven Stars Chief alone. After all, facing two of the Ten Great Family's geniuses at the same time, even the disciples of the Prison King Palace and the Netherworld would be exhausted.

Are you kidding? Everyone is building a foundation. Unless they have magic weapons, the gap between the geniuses is not as big as imagined.

At least, it won't be so big that it doesn't matter if there is one more person.

So, not letting them join forces is the real purpose of what he said just now.

And obviously, they were fooled as expected.

The water vapor evaporated and turned into a raging wave. The dragon roared in the raging wave, forming waves all over the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Chief Long Tao had already rushed in front of Li Su, raised his palm, and fell on the other party without any hesitation.

He must be taken down before the other party recovers, otherwise the Seven Stars Chief will be injured, and he will be the only one left, and he will not be able to stop this demon cub at all.

Once he escapes, it will be difficult to find him.

After all, the Ten Miles of Peaceful Lake is about to open. Given the current situation, the Moon Cave will be extremely dangerous. Even if they want to, they probably won't be able to find this demon kid.

If that happens, it will be a big trouble.

It's not that this demon boy will cause much trouble in Tianyue Cave in the future, but if he succeeds in leaving Tianyue Cave alive, it will be a real big trouble and disaster.

In the game, the price that the righteous path wants to kill him is probably not as simple as the simple withdrawal of 800 righteous disciples, but corpses everywhere and rivers of blood.

Yes, Chief Long Tao has already looked to the future.

So, no matter what, this kid must be here and killed, and he must not be allowed to escape!

Contact Senior Sister Xia and the others. If you fail to take him down, you should focus on delaying him and wait for Senior Brother and the others to come!

There is no doubt that Chief Long Tao at this moment has thought a lot and prepared a lot, but the only thing he didn't see was the smile in Li Su's eyes.

Well, Li Su, he is smiling!

As for why he is smiling? Of course, the plan was successful.

So, just as Long Tao approached Li Su and the terrifying Long Tao fell towards him mercilessly, Li Su suddenly raised his head. Almost under the stunned eyes of the other party, the turbulent blood and qi quickly calmed down, and he punched directly.


This blow was terrible!

It was far beyond the previous one, and it was completely different from the time when facing the Seven Stars Chief, whether it was the height of strength or the height of skill.

A simple punch, like an antelope hanging a horn, like a chess master's layout.

Amazing, unparalleled!

One punch directly drained everything, and Chief Long Tao was immediately fixed, and his whole body was suppressed by the extremely terrible wind pressure.

With a loud bang, Chief Long Tao didn't even have time to use his magic weapon. All the cells in his body were hit hard, not only the outside, but also the internal organs and brain were stirred by this huge impact. The extremely powerful true energy in his body was shattered on the spot.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Chief Long Tao looked at Li Su, who had thrown such a terrible punch, in disbelief, with his pupils full of questions and confusion.

How is it possible? ?

In terms of attack strength, he may not be as good as Qi Yao, but in terms of strength, he is on par with Chief Qi Yao.

Although he was a little unprepared because of his anxiety, he might have taken him down so easily, so how could the other party fight with Qi Yao for so long?

Unfortunately, there was no answer to his doubts, after all, he was too seriously injured.

Almost at the moment of falling, the whole person lost consciousness.

This scene shocked not only Chief Long Tao, but in fact, outside the Haotian Mirror, the righteous disciples who watched all this happen couldn't help but open their eyes wide, puzzled, and even more unbelieving.

Clearly just now, Chief Qi Yao still had the advantage, and even once he was about to take down that demon cub.

Why did Senior Brother Qi Yao suddenly lose?

Not only that, Senior Brother Long Tao, who came up later, was killed instantly without even taking a single move.


At this moment, not to mention the disciples, even some of the Jindan elders frowned, and they were a little confused about this amazing change.

Qiyao, not to mention, the change in the last moment was too sudden, and it was caught off guard.

But Long Tao was different. In the face of the head-on situation, he was directly hit in one second, which was somewhat unexpected.

What happened?

Some people don't understand, and naturally some people can understand.

Many Jindan elders turned pale.


Of course, it was the two idiots Qiyao and Longtao who were fooled.

From the beginning, the demon cub had the strength to take down the two idiots. The reason why he acted so embarrassed was just to take down the two idiots smoothly.

As a result, it was obvious that both idiots were taken down by him.

Chief Qiyao, it's okay, at least at that time, he didn't know the strength of the demon cub.

Chief Longtao was as stupid as a pig. If he didn't have eyes, how good would it be to dig him out?

Did you forget that Chief Qiyao had a defensive magic weapon on him? Not only magic weapons, he also has defensive talismans.

What does it mean that the opponent severely injured the opponent with one grab? It means that no matter the defensive magic weapon or the defensive talisman, they were all penetrated by the opponent. Only in this way can the chief of Qiyao be severely injured with one blow.

Maybe ordinary people didn't notice it, but many Jindan elders saw it clearly. When Li Su's attack fell, the chief of Qiyao burst out three layers of brilliance in front and behind his waist, which means that at least three defensive treasures were activated.

Indeed, because of the angle, Chief Long Tao was blocked.

But for this kind of thing, as long as you think about it a little, you can immediately realize that something is wrong.

Now it's good, one hostage has become three hostages.

All of them are lost.

Not only that, but also 5,000 low-level magic weapons and five foundation-building spells.

The proud Tianjiao has always been stupid to a new level here.

From the moment they met, he was played around by this demon cub.

Whether in strength or scheming, he was completely crushed.

Until he lost, he was still puzzled and incomprehensible.

Fortunately, fortunately!

Although the two chiefs of Qiyao Longtao performed very badly, it was only these two guys. Otherwise, the future of Qianzhou righteousness would be really worrying.

After thinking about it, many Jindan looked directly at the Haotian Mirror, and the picture that appeared only occupied a small corner.

There were two figures in it, moving forward rapidly.

Their target, obviously, was exactly where Li Su and the others were.

As for the identities of the two, they were not ordinary.

One was from Wendaomen, Xiang Jiu!

An existence comparable to the Five Supreme Prodigies, whether in energy or character, is decisive.

As for the other one, although he is younger and has only been famous for two or three years, his talent and temperament are destined to have an extraordinary future.

The Sword Palace Prodigy, Guan Xingqing!

The reason why they took action is very simple!

Time, after returning to Yuan He and Chief Long Tao’s contact, he did not let it go, but looked at Senior Sister Xia on the side.


"Senior Sister, I want to let two junior brothers go over and take a look."

"Do you think Junior Sister Dan and the other three are not good?"

"Not really, their strength is no problem, just want to be on the safe side!"

"Yeah." Xia Fei nodded, and then her eyes moved slightly, and she was about to speak.

"Senior Sister, I'll go!" But Guan Xingqing raised her little hand and spoke directly. She had been staying in Shili Pinghu. Although there was a lot of noise here, it was only noise, and it was naturally boring after a long time.

It was just right to walk around.

Xia Fei was startled. Xiaochu, as for strength, she naturally didn't worry. Whether it was the crisis of Tianyue Cave or the remaining demon cubs, there was no need to worry. After all, her talent was too amazing. It could be said that there was no one before and no one after.

Facing Jianxin, Jiangu, Jianhun, and Jianyan, basically there was no trick or conspiracy that could be hidden from her.

As for force, just kidding, her father was the leader of one of the Five Supreme Sects, and her mother was the elder of Shangqi Sect, one of the Three Sects. Even she only had one magic weapon, but this little girl had three.

It could be said that if something went wrong in Tianyue Cave, no one would be safe here except the three from the Three Sects.

But that being said, she was too young, just fourteen years old.

Even if she was strong enough, it was hard to rest assured. After all, she was really a child.

"I'll go too!" At this moment, Xiang Jiu from the Ask Dao Sect spoke. This man with a heart full of knives looked at Guanxingqing with love.

It was not about men and women, but about a brother to a sister.

The reason why he spoke was that he saw that the little guy was bored.

Guan Xingqing's big eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, and she grabbed Xiang Jiu's arm and said happily: "Brother Jiu is so nice!"

Soon, the two were on the road.

However, they were not in a hurry to rush over here. After all, they ran over so suddenly. Even if Yuan He was kind and just in case, he had to consider the feelings of Qi Yao and others.

Tianjiao, all are proud, especially for their own abilities.

Adding more people seems to be worried, but on the contrary, it is enough to show that they are not at ease with them.

If there is something wrong, it's fine. If there is nothing, what will you let the other party think?

Therefore, although the two went over, they didn't walk fast, more like they were relaxing.

Of course, even so, the distance was greatly shortened.

The moment the battle broke out, the two felt it. At the first time, Guan Xingqing, the Tianjiao girl of the Sword Palace, started to speed up.

Jianxin told her that the situation was not good!

Facing Guan Xingqing's reaction, Xiang Jiu was surprised, but there was a hint of strangeness in his eyes. He didn't expect that Yuan He had really guessed it.


Back to where Li Su was.

At this moment, looking at the fallen Chief Long Tao and the shaky Chief Qi Yao, Li Su couldn't help but smile.

Although a little tired, it's not easy to pretend to be weak. You have to keep abreast of the other party's situation.

Otherwise, if you go too far, the cooked duck may fly away.

Perhaps, someone will ask here.

Obviously, Li Su is stronger, why does he do this?


Is this kind of righteous Tianjiao just strong? Of course not!

The real trouble for them is not their strength, but all kinds of preparations, which are too sufficient.

They can fight, resist, and run.

Especially the ability to run!

Although Li Su is powerful, once these two guys are determined to run away, he will definitely not be able to stay in terms of the other party's sect background, especially if he wants to capture them alive and continue to use them for blackmail.

Indeed, the resources required for the third awakening are enough.

But who knows what the fourth awakening is like? What if it is even more unusual?

So, he had to prepare in advance.

Well, seal the person first, then hide, complete the third awakening, and see what the fourth awakening is like.!

Just when Li Su's thoughts fell and he was about to take action, his pupils suddenly shrank, his whole body was horrified, his hair stood upside down, and a chill penetrated his heart.

Almost immediately, Li Su's figure twisted.

And as his figure twisted, a sword appeared almost silently from behind him.

As Li Su twisted his figure, the sword began to change unpredictably, like a blooming chrysanthemum, blooming thousands of flowers.

No matter how Li Su changed his figure and twisted his figure, the sword always followed behind him, until his heart, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

This swordsmanship.? ? ?

Even Li Su was shocked. Although he didn't learn any advanced body movements, his level was extremely high. Even if it was just a simple dodge, it could be considered an accomplishment. But even so, he still couldn't escape the opponent's sword range.

Li Su couldn't help but move forward. Facing this sword technique, he couldn't dodge on the spot at all, so he could only increase the distance.

There was no way. The opponent was not only amazing in swordsmanship, but the more terrifying thing was the sword itself against his heart. The edge was too strong, even if he gathered all his blood and energy, he couldn't stop it.

Obviously, the magic weapon couldn't give him this feeling.

In other words, this is a fucking magic weapon!

Faced with this result, Li Su was almost forced to move forward, step by step, away from the two chiefs Qiyao Longtao.

After being forced to take more than ten steps forward, Li Sucai turned his head with pain in his face and looked at the guy who sneaked up on him.

Well, a cute little girl with red cheeks and braids.

In his hand, he held a long sword that was overflowing with color. The luster was extremely bright. It was many times more profound than the Qiyao Taoist technique used by Chief Qiyao. The spiritual energy in it was astonishing.

Too bad for me.

Although the appearance of the visitor was a bit surprising, Li Su was even more distressed at the moment because he had spent a lot of effort to capture the three hostages.


Obviously, although I don’t know who this little girl is? But with that swordsmanship and the magic weapon that looked fierce but was actually more dangerous, he knew that the possibility of getting back the loot was almost gone.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said angrily, "This girl doesn't follow martial ethics and actually attacked me secretly!"

After listening to Li Su's words, the little girl tilted her head without any embarrassment. She looked at Li Su crisply and said with shining eyes: "My intuition tells me that we can't save them without a sneak attack."


When Li Su heard this, her face couldn't help but beat wildly, and she couldn't help but look at the little girl carefully and seriously, not only her eyesight, but also her soul.

Soon, his expression became even more painful...

"Sword eye, sword heart, sword bone, sword soul...!"

"Damn, comparing people to each other can make a person so angry. One of them is already too much, and he actually gives it all? What is this? A natural sword master...? God, your bias is a bit obvious."

While scolding, Li Su angrily kicked the stone next to him and pulled the turf.

"How can you play with this? You can't play with this!"

"It's too much, it's too much!"

The more he talked, the farther away Li Su was from the little girl. Yes, he was running away.

Are you kidding, you won’t even run away? Stay and get beaten?

You only do that if you eat too much to hold yourself back.

Chief Long Tao, that bastard, looked at the person with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and thought he was an idiot, but then he secretly called someone? If I had known this, the punch just now should have been harder.

However, just when Li Su's figure was about to disappear into the jungle, he paused, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but look to the other side.

There, there was a person standing right now.

He is tall and handsome.

Of course, what attracted Li Su was not the handsomeness of the other party, but the knife in his hand. It was extremely pure and contained no impurity of killing intent, locking him through the knife.

Forget about being a natural sword master, how about a sword king?

Looking at it this way, the sword's intention penetrates into the bones, and the sword's heart penetrates into the marrow. It is obvious that the sword has entered the Tao.

Damn, this is a crappy game, you can’t play it on horseback!


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