Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1,392: Do you want to fight to the death?

Chapter 1395: Do you want to fight to the death?

Huh, huh, huh!

He survived!

At the last moment, Li Susheng changed the composition of his magic power through his own understanding, turning it into thunder. By designing the way of path force in advance, he forcibly led it away at the moment of being struck, so that it fell beside him instead of hitting him head-on.

Of course, even so, he still couldn't get away with it and was affected again.

Not to mention the third strike, he was already seriously injured in the second strike and was on the verge of life and death.

Therefore, even if it was just an impact, it was still unimaginable for Li Su.

Fortunately, he had completed the foundation of his physical body before this, and his physical strength was much stronger than before. The height of his strength was almost close to 160,000 pounds. Otherwise, even if he didn't hit it for the third time, no, I'm afraid he would have been struck to death directly in the first time.

Standing in the air, Li Su panted violently.

The epidermis was almost 99% necrotic, the muscles were seven layers, and the bones were not much better. Many places were pierced, the bone marrow was burnt, and the internal organs were nearly necrotic.

To be honest, it was a miracle that he could survive.

Fortunately, his soul was abnormal enough. When he practiced the Supreme Law, he obtained the characteristics of the flesh at that time.

There is no doubt that even if it is only a small part, it is still the supreme characteristic of life.

This is why he is still alive and not completely dead even when his body is almost necrotic.

Of course, in this extreme situation, although he is still alive, it is obvious that he will not live long.

Yes, he just didn't die.

But it doesn't mean that he won't die if he continues like this.

Feeling his bad situation, Li Su's face at this moment was very ugly.

To be honest, he asked himself that he didn't hit the righteous way too hard and held back.

Although he killed people, the righteous way would not die after all, and the killing was also very fast. Not to mention feeling pain, it is likely that he was in a trance and went out.

Therefore, those who were killed by him were all very easy.

In other words, until now, the righteous side has lost at most a few magic weapons, and nothing else.

But unexpectedly, the righteous side turned around and gave him such a blow, almost taking his life.

Feeling the huge pain coming from his body all the time, Li Su was in a terrible mood at this moment.

A nameless anger rose rapidly with the beating heart.

To be honest, he didn't want to go too far, and didn't want to become an enemy of the righteous.

But it was obvious that the other party didn't think so.

In order to kill him, any means could be used. Although he didn't see how the other party performed it with his own eyes, the thunder was not so unified. The complex aura had told him that this should probably be a Taoist method of a multi-person combination, or a formation.

Under the situation of absolute advantage, it is obvious that he has no face at all to target in this way.

Perhaps, some people will say that Li Su is hypocritical. With different positions, naturally any means can be used. Is it strange?

Of course, it's not strange!

Li Su just didn't realize it, but now he realized it.

So, he was angry.

At this moment, he was really angered by the behavior and methods of the righteous disciples.

Are you going to fight him to the death?

Well, then, fight to the death.

Huge anger kept lingering in his heart, and the only thought was completely strangled by him. The real killing intention was released by him at this moment like a substance.

Since you have done this, you should also accept the price in response!

There was an extreme ferocity in his pupils, and a fearful desire appeared in his eyes.

His injuries were very serious.

So serious that he couldn't hold on for too long.

The only way to survive was to eat, that is, to replenish energy.

With a move of his body, almost without making any sound, he flew directly in a certain direction like a stream of light.

There is no doubt that over there is the Ten Miles Ping Lake, where all the righteous disciples gather.

Following Li Su's actions, the demonic people who were watching all this outside the Haotian Mirror couldn't help but frown slightly. The other party's reaction, if nothing unexpected happened, should be revenge.

This is normal, especially for the demonic disciples, it is normal.

However, it also depends on the situation and the reality.

At this moment, rushing over directly is obviously a demented behavior.

Similarly, the righteous side, as Li Su was so seriously injured, he went straight to Shili Pinghu. The disciples who were shocked and anxious and wanted to tell the righteous brothers and sisters who had already started to prepare to face Shili Pinghu, and tell them that the demon cub was not dead, could not help but feel happy.

Undoubtedly, in their view, running to Shili Pinghu with such a serious injury was like sending death.

Apart from anything else, Sister Xia and the others alone were enough to get rid of this guy.

Wan Zi Qian Xiao, that was just because it was difficult to find him. If he was exposed, he would be dead.

Li Su's speed was very fast!

Even with the serious injury, it only took half an hour to travel 300 miles.

At this moment, the red blood in his body was undoubtedly dimmer than before. It was obvious that his vitality was seriously insufficient. If he continued like this, he would really die soon.

Fortunately, Pinghu had arrived and the righteous disciples could already see it.

Taking a deep breath, just as everyone outside the Haotian Mirror was waiting for him to die, the blood on Li Su's body dissipated, and in its place, a dark and ominous light began to emerge.

The light emerged from his dantian, quickly flowed throughout his body, and enveloped him.

Facing this scene, in an instant, hundreds of thousands of monks outside the Haotian Mirror could not help but widen their eyes.

Let’s not mention its nature, but its form is obvious.

"That's Zhen Gang?"

Now, let alone the disciples, the Jindan monks couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Whether it is the evil way or the righteous way.

As a genius, Li Su is not taken seriously. What is the biggest problem? Of course, this is because he is practicing physical education with no future ahead, rather than cultivating the law with a bright future.

Nowadays, the pure black Zhen Gang appears, what does it mean?

This means that he is not only a physical practitioner, but also a legal practitioner.

Doing both physical and mental training? ? ?

Not to mention the golden elixir, at this moment even the Tribulation Demon Immortal in the Upper Yin Palace couldn't help but look strange and was shocked.

That's not to say that this kind of thing doesn't exist. Although it's rare, it still exists.

However, there are big problems in practicing both physical and mental skills.

After all, strong blood energy will affect the cultivation of magic power.

In the same way, strong magic power will also suppress the improvement of blood energy. After all, practicing magic power means that the essence will be absorbed by magic power, and blood energy will naturally not increase.

Therefore, dual cultivation often does not mean strength, but mediocrity.

Therefore, neither the Falling Star Sea, the Wan Tian Gong, nor the Jin Dan elders thought about the body cultivation of Tianjiao's doll, and also cultivated mana and condensed the true power.

Not only that, this pure black power is obviously extraordinary. Even through the Haotian Mirror, you can still feel the energy accumulated in it.

Ominous and violent.

What kind of magic is this?

Naturally, such a true power cannot be cultivated through simple skills. The skills must be extremely special and must be top-level foundation-building magic skills.

Thinking of this, Luo Xinghai couldn't sit still.

You don't have to care if you are a genius in physical cultivation, even if you are outstanding in both worlds, it will be the same.

But Dharma practice is different.

Even if the talent displayed by this child is not as good as Heishang, given top-level training, it is at least as high as the four people in the Three Mountains and One Palace in front of him.

To die in Tianyue Cave in this way is undoubtedly a huge loss to Qianzhou Demon Dao.

Wan Tian Gong's eyes were also flashing continuously. If he was only a little concerned about it before, now he already has murderous intentions towards this doll.

He cultivates both physical and mental skills and is at the genius level. If such a person remains, it will be a huge disaster. I don’t know how many righteous disciples will die in his hands in the future.

very good.

Under such circumstances, it would be great to appear in Tianyue Cave.

Go ahead, go ahead.

Even if you pay some price, as long as you can kill it, it is worth it.

As expected, when everyone was extremely shocked, Li Su really just killed him blankly, towards the nearest righteous disciple.

Almost as soon as the black light flashed, a righteous disciple was caught by him.

In an instant, the disciples around who were talking and laughing and looking forward to the ten-mile flat lake couldn't help but be startled.

Before they could react, Li Su directly moved the other person's head away and bit the other person's throat.

In an instant, blood spurted out, and the main artery was bitten off on the spot.

He opened his mouth and sucked in, and all the blood from his body entered Li Su's mouth.

The reason why it was the seventh level, not all of them, was because when the seventh level reached the death line, the opponent's body exploded with a bang.

Facing this scene, the surrounding righteous disciples couldn't help but their expressions suddenly changed, and they opened their mouths to speak.

However, in the next second, their expressions froze, their expressions were extremely painful, their faces were directly distorted, and the unprecedented pain suddenly overwhelmed them.

On the body, on the arms, on the thighs.

Black spots appeared, which were Li Su's true power. The moment it bit into the first disciple, hundreds of black lights were sprayed out, directly piercing through hundreds of disciples around him.

As the earth evil spirit entered their bodies, they were instantly deprived of all their ability to act.

After all, just a trace of it can make Li Su extremely painful. Even a dragon-blooded pangolin can't help but howl out. Disciples on the periphery of this kind of thing naturally can't bear it.

The moment it entered the body, it spread quickly, twisting their insides, and their magic power was directly disrupted.

Ignoring the person who was immobilized by him, he took the Qiankun bag of the righteous disciple who was bitten to death by him, took out the elixir inside, and poured it directly into his mouth.

After eating, he immediately turned to the next disciple. Without saying a word, he bit the main artery in his neck and swallowed the blood in his body just like the previous one.

After eating the blood energy, I am taking the elixir.

Just like that, one, one, one.

However, not enough, not enough, not enough!

Little, too little, too little.

Facing his dying body and the crazy demands of his cells, Li Su's pupils became redder and redder, his hunger and thirst became stronger and stronger, and his rationality was collapsing. No, it should be said that he gave up control.

Finally, after the tenth righteous disciple passed, Li Su stopped sucking blood and started eating directly.

First the hands and feet, and then the body, almost ensuring that every disciple eats up as much of their flesh and blood as possible before disappearing.

As this extremely horrifying scene unfolded, outside the Haotian Mirror, the faces of the righteous disciples who were originally full of expectation began to change, from cyan to pale.


Unable to hold back, countless disciples vomited directly, not only vomiting, but also crying.

That scene was too miserable, too miserable.

It shocked the soul and overturned the three views.

"Devil, devil, this devil." Many young disciples went crazy directly, their minds were frightened and cracked on the spot, and they couldn't help but hold their heads and scream wildly.

Of course, more people were roaring loudly, discover, discover quickly, discover quickly.

That's right, there are already hundreds of people, but unfortunately, the righteous side still hasn't discovered it. After all, at this time, everyone's eyes are all focused on the Ten Miles Pinghu, waiting for the upcoming opening.

However, before they waited for the discovery they expected to see, another more tragic scene appeared.

In front of the Tianyue Monument, as the brilliance flashed, one, one, and one after another appeared.

They were the disciples who were judged dead. They came out.

Instantly, a tragic wailing sounded. You should know that except for the first one, almost every one of the following ones was killed when they were on the verge of death. It is completely imaginable what the scene would be like for the people who were spread out.

"Hurry up and save people!"

The faces of the righteous Jindan elders changed on the spot. Countless people flew down and took out the pills to save people.

However, just as they approached those disciples, they were shocked to find that a large number of black spots began to appear on these disciples' bodies and quickly spread around their bodies. In just a moment, the location of the black spots began to rot. The disciples who were wailing continuously suddenly lost their vitality.

The pupils shrank suddenly, and all the Jindan elders couldn't help but change their faces.

Dead? ? ?

How is this possible?

Leaping down, a Jindan elder stretched out his hand and grabbed the living disciple. The magic power poured out and directly entered the disciple's body, trying to suppress the black spots on his body.

However, as soon as the contact was made, the Jindan elder's face suddenly changed, and he retracted his hand as if he had been electrocuted.

In the instant of contact, it seemed as if there were thousands of dead souls inside, screaming and wailing wildly, even the Jindan elder's mind was almost in a trance.

"There is something wrong with this magic power, it is filled with a lot of resentment!!!"

Facing the reaction of the Jindan elder, the faces of countless righteous people changed at this moment.


This word is not unfamiliar. To put it simply, it is something formed by a large amount of resentment. Its biggest representative is the earthly evil spirit that everyone in the world is afraid of.

How is it possible?

Although the magic path can practice with resentment and can bring a lot of resentment into the magic power, it is only possible to form the level of resentment after the Jindan.

How could the magic power of the foundation-building magic path have such a terrifying thing?

Just when the Jindan elders were shocked, the more than 100 righteous disciples who were sent out, except for the first one who lost a lot of blood, the others were completely dead as their bodies quickly rotted.

Seeing this scene, all the righteous people couldn't help but change their faces again and again, even the Golden Core Elder couldn't help but turn pale.

Damn, the evil bastards!!!

Unfortunately, no matter what happened outside, the killing inside still didn't stop.

After eating hundreds of people and swallowing all kinds of pills crazily, Li Su's extremely tragic injuries finally showed a slight turnaround.

New flesh and blood began to grow, necrotic tissues peeled off little by little, and the charred bones also recovered their original whiteness little by little.

Finally, as a disciple turned around, he seemed to want to find someone and saw Li Su devouring his junior brother.


A scream suddenly resounded over the Ten Li Ping Lake.

In an instant, countless people turned around, first looking at the place where the sound broke out, and the next second, they quickly saw Li Su devouring the righteous disciples.

One sound after another, one after another.

Shocking screams continued to sound. After all, no matter how determined one's mind was, the scene in front of them was still too horrifying.

Following the movement outside, at the innermost part, near the Ten-Li Ping Lake, Xia Fei and others finally discovered something unusual, and jumped up directly, looking in the direction of the sound.

When they saw Li Su, who was choosing people to devour, everyone's face, including Xia Fei, couldn't help but change drastically.

How could it be?

That demon cub? He didn't die?

No, damn it, damn it, damn it!

In an instant, Xia Fei and others' eyes were bloodshot, and the whole person went completely crazy.

"You bastard, you are looking for death!!!"

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