Chapter 1408 Breaking the Limit

Hearing the roar behind him, Li Su paused.

He was not surprised that he was being chased.

After all, he was not walking fast, and the direction did not change much, the meaning was obvious.

The other party would definitely come.

And he would come furiously and violently.

Just kidding, the means carefully prepared for three days were useless, and more than 7,000 righteous disciples were poisoned.

Even if it was just the first meeting, Li Su knew how this kind of person would react.

The other party would never accept such a tragic defeat.

It's not that he is so proud, but his character would never tolerate such an ending.

People like this who are ungrateful and ruthless usually care about themselves the most.

He can accept a loss on both sides, and a one-sided win, but a one-sided loss is definitely not acceptable.

After all, even if the righteous disciples were allowed to perform evil magic, even if they had been improved to a certain extent, the magic magic was still the magic magic. Once it was performed, it would not be a good thing for the forty-nine cultivators.

There were many other methods, but he still did it.

Considering the effect of this method, perhaps he had a deep hatred for the magic, but compared to killing Li Su, how he died was more important.

It cannot be said that the other party's behavior was putting the cart before the horse.

But it is obviously impossible to say that there was no idea of ​​showmanship in this choice.

Almost, it is similar to a kind of propaganda.

To put it simply, it means that I have a deep hatred for the magic, and the magic that falls into my hands will end in an extremely miserable way.

Therefore, even if he has to leave behind the more than 7,000 disciples who were poisoned because of him, he will chase after him regardless of everything, otherwise, his prestige will plummet in the future, whether it is the righteous or the magic.

In itself, his behavior is not pleasing, and his personality has also jumped, so the future will not be easy.

After all, the righteous path is not a country, not to mention that he is not a prince.

Looking at the guy flying over, Li Su instantly went through the character analysis of the person in front of him in his mind.

I have to say that the opponent's strength is really not bad.

His magic power is very amazing. He only used the fire magic, and it feels that the power is comparable to the chief of Zixiao Sect.

You know, this guy in front of him is from the Five Elements Sect, and according to the information provided by the dry old man, he also has the most suitable talent for the Five Elements Sect, the Great Five Elements Gong, the Five Elements Dao Body.

So, even with such amazing power, it is obvious that it is still not all of him.

Well. It can be said that if Li Su met the opponent before breaking through the third awakening, it would be a bit tricky.

After all, at that time, his physical cultivation was obviously not enough, and as for the magic cultivation, it was limited by the lack of foundation-building techniques, powerful spells, and magic weapons.


Li Su stretched out his palm, and his thoughts moved slightly.

With a rumble, an astonishing roar came from inside his body, and an indescribable force burst out directly from his body.

It was not the true red, nor was it magic power.

It was the power that burst out from the body as a whole in an instant.

If I had to describe it in words, it would probably be the power of heaven and earth!

Well, this was the power generated by his body after he achieved the Dao of Heaven and Earth, integrating the muscles and bones of his whole body, and even the true red blood.

With a thud.

The two forces collided with each other, and a huge roar immediately burst out.

In an instant, the air in front of the two was torn apart, and the strong wind raged like a tsunami.

Li Su's face remained unchanged, but Hua Zhengtian's pupils shrank slightly.

This collision gave him the feeling that he had hit an endless mountain or a heavy wall, and the whole person stopped directly.

No, that's not right!

Not stopping.

He was still moving forward, but at a very slow speed.

The closer he got to his palm, the more he pushed forward with every centimeter of distance, like carrying a mountain or a sea.

"Open it for me!"

Since he had to do it himself, he had to do it.

In this battle, Hua Zhengtian naturally had to win beautifully and suppress it with great force.

With his roar, soil emerged from the flames, and in the blink of an eye, the huge fireball turned into a huge rock.

The power instantly became nearly doubled.

The distance from Li Su's palm, which was less than a foot, was immediately pushed forward by several centimeters.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The terrifying power continued to explode, and the air around him was like the frightened sea water, raising huge waves and stretching directly for several miles.

In an instant, everything around the two was squeezed and crushed.

The mountain under Li Su's feet was blown away to a height of several meters on the spot, and dozens of tons of soil were rolled up by the waves gathered by the air and flew away.

The power is beyond doubt.

But, facing Li Su's raised palm, he couldn't push it in even at the 70% position.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After five seconds of stalemate, Hua Zhengtian couldn't help but take a deep breath, his pupils flashing fiercely.


With a sudden shout, metal began to grow out of the rock, water began to form in the metal, and plants grew out of the water.

Great Five Elements Kung Fu, the Five Elements are born together!

At this moment, Hua Zhengtian used the trick that the Five Elements Sect was famous for.

The Five Elements are born together!

This is undoubtedly an extremely amazing technique. Once it is performed, there will be five full amplitudes.

The first time, double.

The second time, half.

The third time, one third.

The fourth time, one fifth.

The fourth time, one tenth.

Although the increase is lower as you go up.

But don't underestimate this amplitude. It is very terrifying when it is superimposed.

Even if it is only 100,000 jin of power, after five superpositions, the number will be very amazing in the end, close to more than 520,000 jin.

It is a complete limit move and a top technique.

Obviously, Hua Tianzheng's power is more than 100,000 jin. As a genius of the three sects, even if he is just a mana, his strength should be more than 300,000 jin, almost 400,000 jin.

Under the superposition of the five elements, the power can almost reach the limit of 700,000 jin without any hindrance.

And it is different from Li Su's previous 700,000 jin explosion.

He is not exploding, but holding 700,000 jin of power, which means that he can have a long-term, large-scale and continuous explosion.

In an instant, even the void was slightly deformed by this amazing force.

As for Li Su, who was suppressed by the opponent's force, it goes without saying that he was pushed back a little bit, which was rare. The force was almost reaching his palm, and his palm could already feel the lines on the fallen giant tree.

Really good!

As expected of a Tianjiao disciple, he can reach 700,000 jins without magic weapons, just relying on magic power and spell bursts.

His strength is undoubtedly above his before the third awakening.

Unfortunately, it's a bit late.

After all, he has not only completed the third awakening, but also awakened the same top-level Tao body as the opponent.

Regardless of who is stronger, heaven and earth, and the five elements, the heights should be about the same.

You know, when facing Wan Zi Qian Xiao, Li Su once broke the limit of 700,000 jins for foundation building. Although it was only a blink of an eye, the scenery over there was undoubtedly seen by him.

Now, after several stackings,

His strength was naturally ahead of the times, and he took a step forward.

Especially with the appearance of the Heaven and Earth Dao Body, the limit of 700,000 jin was undoubtedly much easier for him to break through and cross over than before, when he had to fight for his life.

Almost, it was a bit similar to pushing open a door.

So, Li Su slightly bent his five fingers and slightly retracted his elbow. Of course, just a little later, he stretched out again. This time, before the other party hit him, his palm took the initiative to slap the huge tree.

750,000 jin.!

Perhaps, this description is not quite right!

700,000 jin is the limit of foundation building.

The power above, without a doubt, is no longer a simple question of how many jin can be described, but should be another level.

As his palm hit the fallen tree, there was a thump.

The tree formed by the five elements immediately trembled, and its internal structure was hit by the power above the limit, let alone resistance, and the foundation was broken at once.

With a loud bang, the giant tree that was a thousand meters long and dozens of meters wide was blown to pieces on the spot.

Hua Zhengtian, the Five Elements Sect's genius, was knocked back by the blow. The storm formed by the terrifying power made him flip dozens of somersaults in the air and roll out.

Embarrassed, extremely embarrassed.

However, facing this situation, Li Su sighed, with a little regret on his face.

Sure enough, even if it was a sudden outbreak, it was still difficult to kill a genius of this level.

The magic weapon was too sensitive.

His power was automatically activated before it fell on the opponent. As a result, although the Five Elements were blown up by him and the person was also knocked up into the sky, his body was not injured at all, and was stopped by the magic weapon.

At this moment, Hua Zhengtian was shaken back more than 200 meters before he could barely stop.

His pupils widened, and he looked at Li Su in disbelief, with a rare look of shock on his face. On his body floated five-colored armor, covering his entire body.

The armor was vibrating, and its surface seemed to be washed by running water, and it kept fluctuating for a long time before it stopped.

Facing this result, Hua Zhengtian's face was directly filled with disbelief.

You know, there is an upper limit for each realm of a cultivator.

For example, the upper limit of true qi is a thousand pounds of force.

And the upper limit of true essence is ten thousand pounds of force.

As for foundation building, depending on the accumulation, the maximum upper limit is 700,000 pounds.

This upper limit is undoubtedly absolute and insurmountable. No matter how it is improved, it is difficult to break.

Of course, nothing is absolute!

If a person can approach the upper limit of strength infinitely, although it is difficult for an individual to break it, if he can have a magic weapon that matches himself, it is possible to break through the upper limit by resonating with the magic weapon.

And there is no doubt that once the upper limit is broken, just like the difficulty of breaking through it, the power generated after breaking it is also incredible.

Even if the upper limit is broken by only a little, a little, a little.

Being able to break and being unable to break are two concepts, two levels, two heights.

Therefore, in response to this situation, the cultivation world has specially named it, "breaking the limit"!

And it is very obvious and difficult to understand what happened to Hua Zhengtian in the scene just now.

"Break the limit???"

How is it possible? How is this possible?

If there is a magic weapon, it is understandable.

Relying on oneself alone to break the limit? ? ?

This is absolutely impossible! ! !

The so-called upper limit is the limit that can be reached. In the case of no breakthrough in life and no magic weapon, what is the result of breaking the limit?

It is self-destruction! ! !

Thinking of this, Hua Zhengtian couldn't help but roared, and couldn't accept everything that happened in front of him.

Let alone him, in fact, the hundreds of thousands of cultivators who watched the two people fighting through the Haotian Mirror were all dumbfounded at this moment. Even the elders at the Jindan level couldn't help but stay in place, with a stiff expression.

Although they didn't speak, the expressions on their faces were basically the same as the roaring Hua Zhengtian.

Don't be kidding!

How is this possible? It shouldn't be possible! ! !

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