Chapter 1425 Rules Collapse

Li Su was very fast and turned into a formless body.

After all, once he got out of the jungle, there was a vast grassland with no obstacles at all.

Although he didn't know what the other party was doing on the grassland, he could still be discovered even if he made little noise by flying over there.

His target was the other party's life magic weapon, the Five Elements Orb, so it would be best if he got it before he was discovered.

Otherwise, it would be hard to snatch it.

After all, magic weapons are different from magic tools, and can be enlarged or reduced if you want. Once it enters the body, even though the body is not big, it is hard to find it if it is hidden.

Not to mention that once the magic weapon protects the body, with Li Su's current strength, it is easy to kill the other party, but it is much more troublesome to catch him.

Although this person has a very bad character and a huge problem in his state of mind, the three sects of Qianzhou have always been of the same blood. If he delays for too long, it is possible that the pervert Di Gongrui will come to kill him.

At that time, the person who will run away with his head in his arms will probably be him.

Thinking of this, Li Su's mood immediately became a little unhappy, and he felt that the world of Fengshen was too outrageous and there were too many monsters.

However, before Li Su ran out of the mountain forest area, he just saw the grassland, and a loud thunder suddenly sounded.

This sound directly startled Li Su, and his face showed an expression of "surprise" involuntarily.

To be honest, as a billion Dao realm, he is well-informed and it is difficult for him to be surprised by ordinary things.

But the scene in front of him is different, very, very different.

First of all, the sound that sounds like thunder is not the so-called thunder, but the picture he captured through his spiritual sense. The picture is too shocking, so that it forms a feeling of shocking explosion.

His footsteps suddenly paused, and the next moment, Li Su accelerated crazily, this time directly to an unbelievable degree, and ran straight to the location of the "picture".

At this moment, his expression was a little ferocious, revealing a very gloomy look.

Fuck, that idiot from the Five Elements Sect, what did he do?

No, that bastard, how did he do it?

Looking at it rising from the depths of the grassland, it is impossible to detect it with the naked eye, only the divine consciousness can sense it subtly. As for the actual discovery, it may take a special soul like Li Su and the cultivation of the Daluo Realm to understand it.

The chain of rules is collapsing!

Here, some people may ask, what rules?

Naturally, it is the rules of the Tianyue Cave!

Although it is not clear which one was broken and what was involved, there is no doubt that the "thunder" just now was the beginning of the collapse.

For the scene he saw and the results he got, Li Su was really anxious at this moment.

He couldn't help being anxious!

The collapse of rules is no joke.

The composition of a world is the interweaving of countless rules, which are both separate and united. It looks like one after another, but in fact, I don't know where, they are closely connected.

Therefore, the damage of one rule can easily trigger a chain reaction, causing all rules to be affected.

Once it becomes like that, can people in this world still be okay?

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but speed up again, and he rushed directly on the grassland. In less than half a minute, he crossed a distance of nearly 200 miles and came to the place where the problem occurred.

Before he could see the situation clearly, with another loud "boom", another rule chain was broken in his consciousness.

Not only that, this time the reaction was very large, and huge fluctuations came directly from the space. The shattering of the rules formed undetectable ripples, which exploded from the broken chain and swept in all directions.


Li Su sucked in a breath of cold air, and his back door tightened intuitively. He shivered in mid-air and his face turned pale.

There was no way, this scene was too damn scary.

Goosebumps appeared all over his body. In his sight, all the rules were shaking. The whole world was like glass, making a crackling sound. There were cracks in many places.

However, before Li Su could come back to his senses, he saw Hua Zhengtian's face was ferocious and his pupils were full of madness in front of the grassland fog not far away.

Very good, very good!

Two nodes have been broken. As long as the third one is destroyed, the sequence of Tianyue Cave will be out of control, and all the remaining places will appear together.

Digong Rui, Heiyang, I want to see if you can stop it!

After thinking about it, Hua Zhengtian waved his hands and remotely controlled the five elements in the air, gathering a large amount of five elements from all directions. The five elements disciples stripped a lot of five elements from the sky and earth, ready to start the third destruction.

Damn it!

Seeing this scene, Li Su's scalp exploded.

He couldn't understand what the guy in front of him was thinking. Was he wet?

Why don't you stop it?

Li Su rushed over directly. He didn't care about the Five Elements Orb at this moment. He went straight to where Hua Zhengtian was. He started with a big move. The power of heaven and earth carried the position of heaven and earth, the five elements of life and death, the four seasons of reincarnation, and he attacked with anger.

The sudden attack was obviously beyond Hua Zhengtian's expectations. He didn't notice it until Li Su's fist was in front of him.

His face changed slightly. Obviously, he didn't expect that the devil would appear at this time.

However, he immediately had a ferocious look on his face, and his pupils were filled with murderous intent.

Although he had been defeated once before, it was just because he was too careless. He really didn't expect that the opponent's power was also mixed with the power of the five elements. He didn't take precautions, which led to his defeat.

But now he won't be like that. Not only did he have a sense of vigilance, but now all fifteen disciples of the Five Elements Sect were around him, and five people formed a group of five to form five large five-element formations to provide him with mana support.

"You bastard, you're looking for death!"

With a cold shout, the time power that had been accumulated and was ready to go up to break the third node and completely mess up the Tianyue Cave was instantly recovered and poured out towards the person in front of him.

With a thud, the incredible power of the five elements burst out from in front of him. At this moment, the five elements' mutual restraint directly turned into a flower of annihilation, slashing at Li Su's fist.


It was as if two meteorites collided, and the space between them collapsed slightly.

For a moment, the two supreme forces actually appeared in a stalemate for a moment. The excessive power caused the two sides to be unable to penetrate each other. Instead, they were like two iron stones with the same magnetic poles, repelling each other from approaching.

Of course, it was only for a moment.

Then, the two forces began to fight madly.

Like thousands of swords, like two huge millstones, crushing each other, the surrounding grass and trees were completely evaporated in an instant, and a terrible air wave was directly slashed out with the two people as the center, affecting dozens of kilometers.

The earth overturned.

The violent vibration spread for several miles, and the soil within a radius of hundreds of meters was lifted up like water, surging like waves.

The center was even more terrible, directly forming a wonder, submerging the two fighting.

On one side was the world, and on the other side was the rotation of the five elements.

In just one breath, they had crushed each other more than a hundred times, a thousand times.

Faced with this scene, Hua Zhengtian couldn't help showing a trace of astonishment on his face, and then his eyes were filled with deep disbelief and deep jealousy.

Yes, jealousy!

Compared with the last fight, this bastard is stronger.

Not only that, in his world, there are not only five elements, but also heaven and earth, and four seasons.


What virtue and ability does a mere demon bastard have?

For a moment, jealousy made his twisted face become more and more hideous, and his eyes were full of unspeakable malice and murderous intent when he looked at Li Su.

Die for me!

As soon as the thought fell, the five elements of power extracted from the sect's junior brother burst out instantly.

These disciples are all in the state of great perfection of foundation building. Although they have not broken the limit, they are basically stuck above the limit. Fifteen people, five large five elements formations, under the mutual generation of the five elements, the power is huge, completely beyond imagination.

In just a moment, the five elements scene around Hua Tianzheng expanded several times, and the original stalemate with Li Su was overwhelmed by his explosion.

Feeling the tsunami-like power coming from the other side, Li Su's expression remained unchanged, and even a hint of ridicule appeared in his eyes.

He was not a young man who had just come out of the mountain gate and rushed up blindly when he saw that the situation was not right.

The reason why he rushed over like this was that the situation was not right and his own strength was sufficient.

You should know that his strength has directly increased by 100,000 pounds now, and the power of heaven and earth has become more complete. Compared with before, the strength is not a little bit stronger.

Although he still can't beat the pervert Di Gongrui, it's no problem to beat Hua Tianzheng.

The superposition of the big five elements array is indeed troublesome.

Many people joined forces, or the power of the five elements, under the mutual generation and restraint, it did increase the power of the guy in front of him.

But the problem is that this array itself is not an explosive killing array, but a gathering array that gathers the power of the five elements.

The difference between the two is huge.

The former is that the formation itself is the point of power explosion, and it only needs the gathering of energy.

The latter is to gather power, and the power depends on the core person.

Hua Tianzheng is good.

But that is only for ordinary people. For a genius like Li Su, it is not good enough.

In fact, although his power has greatly increased, his state of mind is just that, and he can't perfectly control such a huge five-element power.

Don't look at the pressure in an instant, it seems that there is an unmatched mountain in front of him.

But in fact, there are only breakthroughs in thickness and height, not much.

Taking a breath, Li Su's eyes flashed slightly, and the body of heaven and earth shook with his thoughts.

In an instant, another force of heaven and earth sprouted from his body. Not only that, a strange virtual image formed on Li Su's body. He retracted his fist and punched it again, superimposed with his punching posture at this moment.


In an instant, a flower bloomed in the center of the world that was originally an illusion.

The world bloomed!

Another world intertwined and merged with his previous world. The world that was originally a little false and was just an illusion was directly solidified.

Li Su, who was forced to retreat, stopped immediately. Not only that, he started to push back directly. The distance of several meters that was just pushed back returned to the starting point in the blink of an eye.

This is the second level of strength.

It is the remaining strength after his strength is less than twice the burst to reach the upper limit.

It can also be called the limit-breaking depth!

Only when the upper limit strength is less than twice the burst can it be borne.

Just like when Di Gongrui and the others fought against the Jindan Beast King, the so-called thirteen times in one breath is this phenomenon.

Of course, Li Su's fighting style is high-end. After all, his soul is strong enough, and he does not need repetitive movements at all. He can operate his body perfectly with his consciousness alone and explode again.

As for whether the two female perverts can do it, it is likely that they can. After all, they use magic power, which is much simpler than using the physical body.

Just after the explosion of the second-level force, without any pause, the third-level force also exploded.

This is the limit that Li Su can reach at present. After all, even if it is 470,000 tons, it is still more than one time. Although the burden on the body has been reduced too much, it is still there.

After three consecutive times, his heaven and earth body still overheated, resulting in stiffness of less than 0.1 second.

Don't look at the short stiffness time. In fact, this is the bottomless gap between him and Di Gongrui and others. Unless Li Su can explode more than nine times in one breath, otherwise, facing the two women, Li Su will be injured with just one collision.

Of course, although the two women can't beat them, there is no problem with this guy in front of him.

Under the triple explosion, although the power of the five elements was extremely huge, the center of contact was directly penetrated by Li Su's power of heaven and earth.

In Hua Zhengtian's unbelievable eyes, Li Su's fist deeply tore his five elements flower, annihilated the power, broke through his power siege, and smashed the fist on the opponent's chest Five Elements Armor.


The fist sank deeply, and the five elements armor with terrifying defense was crushed by his power of heaven and earth.

Crack! Crack!

The sound of bones breaking sounded, and a deep pit as big as a fist collapsed directly on Hua Zhengtian's chest.

The sternum was completely broken, not only that, but the bones on both sides of the fist were lifted up by the terrifying power, cutting the skin and flesh from the edges of the left and right shoulders, and flipping out.

Hua Tian was struck by lightning, his eyes went black, and his soul seemed to be hit by heaven and earth, and almost collapsed.

A loud bang!

He flew out, and was knocked back more than ten kilometers by Li Su's punch, directly creating a long chasm on the grassland.

Seeing this scene, Li Su was a little surprised, and then raised his head.

It is worthy of being a magic weapon. It is so exaggerated even after leaving the body.

The five elements armor not only forms a defense on the surface of his body, but also inside.

Under normal circumstances, it is not surprising to punch through the opponent, but the triple force was blocked as soon as it touched the opponent's lung.

The reason why he flew out is also for this reason.

It is like a bullet hitting the human body. In movies, people are often knocked down, but in reality, people will not fall down because their flesh has been penetrated.

Being hit by a bullet is usually because the bullet is stuck, and the remaining kinetic energy explodes at the stuck place.

Without hesitation, Li Su jumped up and grabbed the five elements gem with his bare hands.

Obviously, the magic weapon is spiritual.

The moment he was caught, he struggled violently.

The next second, the power of heaven and earth erupted, and the three major rules of heaven and earth, five elements, and four seasons directly locked it.

However, facing this suppression, the five elements gem vibrated continuously, and the power in it did not shrink, but became more and more violent, and even began to absorb the five elements around it, trying to break through his suppression.

Facing this scene, Li Su did not indulge, and the earth evil spirit flowed directly along his meridians to his fingertips, and a drop of black true qi liquid condensed and formed, and silently placed on the five elements gem.

Feeling the earth evil spirit condensed by Li Su, the five elements gem trembled slightly, and the next second, it was silent.

Seeing this scene, Li Su immediately couldn't help but smile.

Immediately, the mana flowed directly into it, directly dissolving Hua Tianzheng's mana and dyeing its core with his own color.

Of course, this is not the end.

Becoming like this only cut off the connection between Hua Tianzheng and the five elements bead, making it impossible for him to take it back with a thought, or attack himself.

To become his magic weapon, it must be deeply refined and all traces of Hua Zhengtian must be completely washed away.

With a thought, the magic weapon Five Elements Bead was taken into Li Su's Qi Hai Dantian, and then the sea of ​​magic power formed by the five elements was swallowed in one gulp and slowly refined.

After doing everything, Li Su raised his head and looked at Hua Tianzheng, who was beaten away by him for a full twenty miles.

The man was undoubtedly miserable and seriously injured.

The sternum in front of his body was almost completely shattered. Even if there was a five-element armor for defense, this punch still landed on him. The power that burst out from it almost penetrated into all his cells, forming a large area of ​​tearing damage.

Obviously, the body of a magic cultivator is not a little bit worse than that of a body cultivator.

Such a large force fell, and the fact that the person did not die can be said to be the innate ability of his five-element technique.

At this moment, the other party had fainted, which was also one of the keys to Li Su's easy seizure of the treasure. After all, without a master, no matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it can't act independently like a fairy weapon.

Without even looking around, the other disciples of the Five Elements Sect who were stunned because their senior brother was defeated in an instant, Li Su strode forward and came directly to Hua Zhengtian.

He grabbed the man and slapped him a dozen times, waking the unconscious Hua Tianzheng up with pain.

Watching the other party slowly open his eyes, Li Su brought him in front of him, with a cold expression and a hint of haste: "Tell me, bastard, what the hell were you doing just now???"

Facing Li Su, Hua Zhengtian quickly came back to his senses after a brief moment of confusion.

Then, an almost irreconcilable hatred flowed out of his eyes. He looked at Li Su, thought of something, and then couldn't help but laugh viciously and fiercely. Although only two nodes were broken and it was not completed completely, it didn't matter. Even if there were two nodes, it would only prevent things from happening immediately.

"Demon bastard, you are dead, I promise, you are dead, no matter who comes, no one can save you!!!"

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