Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1,429 Breaking through 500,000 Jin

Chapter 1432 Breaking through 500,000 Jin

Taking a deep breath, Li Su, who came ashore, looked a little pale.

Don’t be fooled by his calm face. That was nearly 200 times of lingchi. Even with a strong spirit, he couldn’t withstand such torture.

Of course, it was also because of this that it took less than five hours to completely revive the hunger of the body.

Feeling the hunger that seemed to overwhelm his rationality, Li Su quickly devoured the flesh and blood of the monster he had previously defeated.

One ton, two tons, three tons.

The body was like a bottomless pit, madly absorbing and digesting the flesh and blood he devoured.

His strength was also rapidly increasing with the continuous replenishment of a large amount of food, and the small world was growing visibly with the naked eye.

Four hundred and eighty-nine thousand, four hundred and ninety-nine thousand, four hundred and ninety-two thousand.

The growth rate was amazing. It can be said that he did not use such an extreme method in vain. The price he paid was equal to the result he got.

In less than half an hour, after eating nearly one-third of the meat mountain in front of him, Li Su's physical growth rate slowed down and became slower and slower.

It was not that his appetite decreased, but that his strength was approaching 499,000 kilograms.

After 999, it will stop completely and will last for a long time, and there will be no improvement even if he eats.

This is accumulating strength, the body of heaven and earth is accumulating, and the internal cells are improving their foundation through this repeated accumulation.

Therefore, Li Su did not stop and continued to eat.

Although only two-thirds of the blood and bones of more than a thousand monsters are left, and there are far fewer than the last time at the Eight Thousand Feet Mountain.

But in terms of nutrition, it is basically enough for his breakthrough this time.

After all, these monsters, in addition to the nutrition of the blood and bones themselves, also come with a lot of medicinal properties, almost every one has them. If all are added together, the nutrition of a single round will only be more than the previous round.

For this reason, Li Su even slowed down the speed of eating to avoid excessive intake and the situation of lack of appetite caused by overeating before.

That kind of behavior is actually similar to self-abuse in a sense, and it will cause a burden on the body.

Although he is eager to improve and break through the strength of 600,000 jin, Li Su knows very well that this kind of thing cannot be rushed.

In fact, he is very confident in his own improvement speed.

Even if the Kunpeng blood monster is also improving, and its realm is still at the level of Jindan, he does not have much pressure, and does not think that the other party's improvement speed can exceed his own.

The reason why he thinks so is mainly because of the problem of talent.

The growth rate of the heaven and earth body is very scary.

How scary is it? Basically, as long as he eats and digests, his strength will increase.

This seems to be nothing strange at first. Isn't it the case for everyone?

But is it really so? Of course not!

You know, Li Su is improving his physical body at this time, not his magic power.

For magic cultivators, it is normal. As long as they take things like pills, they can be quickly absorbed and transformed into magic power, thereby improving their cultivation.

Even broken mirrors, magic cultivators can also achieve it through special pills.

However, this situation is completely different for physical cultivators. The process is completely different.

Even if they take drugs, the strength of physical cultivators will not grow rapidly. There is a process in the middle, that is, they need to absorb first, then digest, and then gradually become stronger.

In other words, the improvement of physical cultivators' strength requires time, continuous time.

In fact, magic cultivators also have such a situation, such as only taking pills once every few days, such as only a few spirit stones can be used a day, and then they have to stop.

It's not that they can't absorb, but the strength of the meridians is not enough. If it exceeds a certain level, it will be damaged.

Li Su actually has this situation. After overeating, his appetite is lacking, and his body is no longer craving for nutrition, which is equivalent to resting.

Not to mention that he forcibly awakens cells through self-abuse.

You must know that even if he needs to rest, his improvement speed is still far beyond imagination. Almost as long as he eats, he can quickly transform into his own strength.

This kind of improvement is closer to magic cultivators, rather than the situation that physical cultivators should have.

Not only that, compared to the fact that the Dharma cultivators need to let their meridians rest, Li Su also needs to rest, but his rest time is obviously much shorter.

He even relieved his rest time in advance through pressure.

Although this cost him a certain amount of money, it was much lighter than the fact that the Dharma cultivators would definitely damage their meridians, which would cause injuries at the least and misfire at the worst.

Based on the above situations, we can basically conclude how abnormal Li Su's heaven and earth body is.

Therefore, as long as he does not completely stop, his strength is improving, even if he is still just building a foundation, even the golden elixir monster beast cannot be faster than him.

Even if the Kunpeng blood monster beast wants to transform the precious medicine it has obtained into its own strength, it will take at least a few days.

Therefore, at this stage, he has no need to rush.

As long as he maintains this rhythm and improves steadily, it will be fine.

Speaking of which, at the moment when the fog is opening faster, will it maintain this speed after the full moon?

If so, maybe I don’t have to worry so much.

After all, there is one day for the full moon, one day for the waxing and waning moon, one day for the waning moon, and one day for the last waning moon.

All in all, it only takes four days.

Four days, let alone the Kunpeng blood monster, even if the two subsequent ones come out of the fog, as long as their strength does not crush him, even if they can be improved, how much can they be strengthened?

As long as they do not break the upper limit of two million jin, the foundation building can withstand, there will be no big problem.

Of course, Li Su has no intention of stopping his actions.

After all, for him, regardless of whether the time will maintain the current speed after the full moon, the task of increasing the strength to 600,000 jin is undoubtedly necessary.

Why does he feel so stressed? Is he eager to improve himself?

In fact, it is not that the changes in the Tianyue Cave are too amazing.

It is that his foundation is too weak and his accumulation is not enough.

If he was born in a famous and upright sect like Di Gongrui and others, with a complete cultivation system, and also practiced at the foundation building level for a few years, he would naturally not need to work so hard, and it would even be easier than Di Gongrui and others.

But the problem is that he is not. You have to know that before he came in, he was still in the Zhenyuan period.

Whether it is the physical body or the magic power, he has not advanced to the foundation building stage.

He completed the foundation building after the Tianyue Cave, which was only about ten days before and after.

Don’t look at his extremely strong performance, beheading Xiang Jiu, defeating Hua Zhengtian, step by step, standing at the top of the foundation building, on par with Di Gongrui and others.

But what is the truth?

These seemingly amazing performances are not based on Li Su’s ‘strength’, but on his advantage as a ‘billion Dao realm’.

In essence, he is still in the early stage of foundation building, no, now it should be the middle stage of foundation building.

Therefore, Di Gongrui and the other two girls will give him great pressure, so when facing the Jindan monster, he will be so weak.

For example, the foundation building is ten to one hundred.

Li Su’s current strength is about fifty, and his skills are one hundred. After all, although the attainments of the billion Dao realm are high, they are just like that at the stage of foundation building.

Di Gongrui and others, their strength is one hundred, and their skills are eighty.

Then there are the Jindan monsters, with a strength of one hundred and sixty and skills of sixty.

It seems that the difference is not big?

But what if the above are calculated by multiplication?

Li Su's total is 5,000.

Di Gongrui and the others' total is 8,000.

As for the Jindan monster, it is 9,600, nearly 10,000.

Under such a ratio, even if Li Su has a magic weapon, he has to work hard to burst out the strength comparable to Di Gongrui and the others, as well as the Jindan monster.

What about the other party?

It's just a normal burst.

Therefore, the number of 600,000 jin is not a result given by Li Su casually, but a necessary condition to gain a foothold in the Tianyue Cave and ensure safety.

As the food disappeared in his mouth little by little, finally when Li Su was about to eat all the flesh and blood he had just collected, the heaven and earth body shook slightly, and the small world inside expanded again.

500,000 jin of force, breakthrough!

Not just a breakthrough, 510,000, 520,000, 530,000.

His strength was running all the way, and the nutrients he had just eaten as accumulation were rapidly turning into strength.

After a full half an hour, Li Su couldn't help but exhale, and his eyes were filled with a terrifying brilliance.

Very good, 550,678 kilograms, basically the same as he expected. Not only that, after this breakthrough, although his appetite has slowed down, it has not reached the situation when he broke through 400,000 kilograms.

As long as he controls the speed, it is basically enough for him to break through 600,000 kilograms of strength.

At the same time as Li Su broke through, on the other side, on the 8,000-foot mountain.

After almost four hours of observation, the first prodigy of the righteous path, Di Gongrui, also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

The aftermath of the collapse of the rules has been completely calmed down.

As the aftermath passed, the mechanism of Tianyue Cave was gradually restored. Judging from the current situation, Tianyue Cave should be able to return to normal by the full moon at the latest.

This is undoubtedly good news.

Not only for them in Tianyue Cave, but also for those outside.

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