Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1433: Late Stage of Foundation Building

Chapter 1436 Foundation Building Late Stage

Five hundred and seventy thousand jin!

Li Su stood up after exhaling.


His body made a series of noises, and the power was constantly flowing through his body like a landslide and tsunami. An astonishing force of heaven and earth floated around his body, and an indescribable pressure burst out.

The air couldn't help but vibrate, and the ground under his feet cracked silently.

Although the power increased by less than 100,000 jin, the change was very big. This feeling was very special. It was not a change in quality, but a change in quantity.

Five hundred and seventy thousand jin is a very huge number, especially it is very close to the upper limit of foundation building, and the difference is only less than 130,000 jin.

Li Su had a feeling that the closer he was to the upper limit of foundation building, the more amazing the improvement would be.

This improvement was not a leap to the upper dimension, but a development in the horizontal and depth.

At this moment, he had truly reached the late stage of physical foundation building. In terms of basic strength, he stood at the top of the foundation building stage.

This progress is undoubtedly amazing.

Although, compared with the two female perverts, there is still a little bit behind. But their backs can be seen. When his strength exceeds 600,000 jin, he should be at the same level as them.

As for whether he can surpass them, it depends on how far Li Su can go after 600,000 jin.

The accumulation of the two female perverts is too cruel and too fierce.

Especially Di Gongrui, her strength is very terrifying, and her constant strength is probably infinitely close to the upper limit of foundation building, which is 700,000 jin.

It is really unbelievable. You know, Li Su has been practicing all the way, and it is the first time he has encountered such a gifted existence.

Even if his heaven and earth body has not reached the limit, he still has a feeling that once it exceeds 600,000 jin, his growth rate will drop rapidly, and it will not reach the upper limit of 700,000 jin directly like eating and drinking water.

It is not that his talent is not strong enough, nor that his resources are not enough.

But this is the limit that can be reached by physical cultivation and the peak that the body can be strengthened.

If you want to make progress, you can say that you have to make a qualitative change, that is, break through the foundation and achieve the Golden Core Advancement.

I don’t know how the other party practiced, or how many rare treasures he threw into it. In short, it is probably difficult to reach the level of Digong Rui by pure practice.

Thinking of this, Li Su’s expression was inevitably a little weird. It was outrageous that he couldn’t catch up with the height even with cheating.

Of course, the above are just his feelings. After all, he has not had close contact with Digong Rui. He just came to the conclusion through the induction of his spiritual consciousness.

But his spiritual consciousness comes from the mutated soul. If he really tests it, the probability is about 80%.

The height of Digong Rui cannot be achieved by practicing alone.

Shaking his head, Li Su quickly calmed down. Although it is indeed difficult for him to catch up with it by relying on his physical body alone, it does not mean that he will be pulled down by the other party.

After all, in addition to his physical body, he also has magic power.

Although he has average talent in magic cultivation and no special talent, the only thing that is beyond ordinary people is the size of his Qi Sea. Because of the growth of the Heaven and Earth Dao Body, it is still amazingly large even without taking the precious medicine to open up the Qi Sea.

In addition, the existence of the Disha Zhen Gang, this alien true source.

It is not a big problem to push the magic power to a height of 600,000 jin.

If both the body and the magic power can break through 600,000 jin, although it is not as perfect as Di Gongrui, at least the strength will not be much worse than her.

The growth of magic power is not bad at present.

Especially the power of the five elements, which has been integrated with the five elements beads, has grown very rapidly, and its strength has approached the second level.

It is basically only time away from the third level where the power of the formless is located.

The rapid improvement of the power of the five elements has also brought the growth of the Qiankun and the four seasons. Both are approaching a limit. At most one month, these two powers should also be able to break through the first level and reach the second level.

The only uncertain factor is the platform.

I don't know if these four top-level powers can carry the true source of the Earth Demon.

If they still can't, it will probably take a lot of time to improve the mana.

But it doesn't matter. After all, he doesn't have the Golden Core Method now, and the Wuxiang Magic Skill has only reached the perfection of the foundation building.

When he gets the Golden Core Method later, he can worry about the problem of mana.

Now, he should concentrate on improving the body and push it to the limit.

As for the female pervert Di Gongrui, if he can't catch up, then he can't catch up. After all, the foundation building is just laying the foundation, and the gap between him and the other party is not ninety-nine meters and a hundred meters, but a hundred meters and a hundred meters.

This gap will not bring about a qualitative improvement. After the breakthrough, the strength is not much different.

Unless this female pervert can maintain this almost perfect sublimation in the Golden Core, Immortal, and Taiyi, otherwise it will not open up too much distance. The victory or defeat still depends on skills and experience, and it is impossible to crush the realm.

In fact, the level similar to that of the Imperial Palace is actually too much.

It is not impossible to achieve that kind of perfection if you really want to, for example, you can accumulate a lot of time and use the help of rare treasures to achieve it.

But it is too time-consuming, and most importantly, too damn expensive.

Not to mention that the second-generation Xiu can't afford it, even the second-generation Immortal has to be a big boss to come up with such resources.

It's completely unnecessary. With so many resources, Li Su can reach the Immortal Realm.

In fact, if the other party really wants to be perfect at every stage, it will be easier for Li Su to kill her the further back she goes.

Why, you ask? The realm is different.

They are both at the foundation building limit, but she is stronger, but if Li Suuo is a golden elixir, even if she is just a newbie in the golden elixir, he can kill her.

No, no, no.

Why do I always think about that female pervert? Is the biggest trouble for him right now the pervert?


It's the one who comes out of the fourth fog, so don't look directly at him!

To be honest, in the world of gods, Cthulhu appears. Not to mention that the style of painting is wrong, how can this sky full of gods, Buddhas, immortals and demons be tolerated?

There were already many systems in the prehistoric era, and the competition was very fierce, and there was no need for involution.

In the racial system alone, there are immortals, demons, Buddhas, demons and ghosts.

Not to mention the division of Taoism and the division of factions under Taoism, which is simply outrageous.

At this moment, someone actually came out and couldn't look directly at him. Even if it was just a moment of contact, Li Su was very sure that the other party was completely different from him.

This difference is at least a dispute over orthodoxy.

This level of struggle is beyond what the Jiujiu Clan can handle. It is the kind that would have to uproot everyone from the Dao Ancestor to his disciples and grandsons.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but grind his teeth.

Undoubtedly, he could have cared less about this thing, after all, it was not his turn. The dispute between orthodoxy and orthodoxy. Once Qianzhou's righteous and demonic paths are aware of it, they will be much more nervous than him.

But unfortunately, he came in 'smuggled'.

Unless Tianyue Cave is officially closed, otherwise, he will not be able to enjoy early 'repatriation'.

Sure enough, it is impossible to take advantage of others. Whether it is the secular world or the spiritual world, it seems that you have taken advantage, but if something goes wrong, it will be a lot of blood and tears.

Those two, no, those three female perverts seem to have already taken action.

I hope they can move faster and be more powerful. If the three of them can solve it, Li Su will be relaxed.

Otherwise, if that thing is allowed to survive until the end, the threat to Li Su will be too great.

The threat level of that thing is much more difficult to deal with than the Kunpeng Blood Monster that came out of the Third Mist.

By the way, Kunpeng blood monster.

Li Su couldn't help but move his eyes slightly, and he had an idea.

Although it is difficult to pursue the God Palace Rui in normal practice, if you can kill this thing and suck out his flesh and blood, you may be able to make some breakthroughs in his heaven and earth body.

After all, the other party has Kunpeng blood. Even if there is only a trace of the fingernail in his huge body, it is Da Luo Jinxian level divine beast blood.

As long as it can be absorbed, it can improve the physical body no less than rare treasures.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but feel a little excited. The reason why he stopped at 570,000 kilograms was not because he was strong enough, but because the speed of improvement had dropped, and the nutritional effect of the foundation-building demon beast's flesh and blood had also been greatly reduced.

But there is a problem, that is, he may not be afraid of the opponent now, but he is still somewhat powerless to kill the opponent.

Thinking of this, Li Su not only felt a little worried.

The strength is still too low and the improvement is too slow.

It would be great if the cultivation speed dropped after breaking through 600,000 kilograms.

At that level, he only needs to fight his way to the bottom of the endless river. Even if he can't kill the opponent, if he can pull his arms and legs off, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Now, there is no doubt that there is only a slight difference. At most, the opponent can be injured while the opponent is not paying attention. And based on how cunning the opponent is, there is a high probability that he will not confront him head-on.

In other words, he could at most grab a mouthful of old blood, but it would be difficult to get more.

A mouthful of old blood, even considering its size, would only weigh a hundred kilograms at most, which was obviously not enough.

At this moment, Li Su's eyes suddenly condensed, and he immediately raised his head and looked in the direction of the grassland.

The three female perverts who ran there not long ago came back. Not only that, they were heading straight towards where they were.

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