Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 1437: Bloody Battle with Monsters

Chapter 1440 Bloody Battle with Monsters

Standing in place, Li Su did not move.

Facing the rolling white fog, he seemed not to see it.

At this moment, he raised his right hand, clasped his thumb around his middle finger, and kept circulating the mana in his body.

In the vast sea of ​​qi, the waves were surging.

All the mana was transformed into formless qi by him and circulated throughout his body.

This was the first time since he had practiced the formless magic skill, and he had used this skill to the limit.

The formless qi almost penetrated every corner of his body, and even extended from the inside to the outside.

Not only that, as the formless magic skill was used to the extreme by him, the three realms were also propagated to all corners by him almost at the same time.

The first level, qi is formless.

The second level, body is formless.

The third level, intention is formless.

The three phases return to one, my form is formless!

In an instant, Li Su's figure became blurred, as if he had changed from a solid entity to an illusion.

It was not about to disappear, but like the wind, it lost its form, and like the cloud, it had no shape.

The whole person turned into a hazy, seemingly real and fake, standing here, but also like standing on the other side.

Almost at the moment when Li Su activated the Wuxiang magic to the highest level of foundation building, the terrible white mist directly covered him. Thousands of fog particles with a hardness more terrifying than steel, surpassed the speed of sound and directly penetrated Li Su and everything around him.

It must be said that the attack of Kunpeng Blood Monster was extremely terrifying.

From the outside, it looked like an avalanche.

But inside, it was another scene.

The white mist formed dozens of tornadoes, alternating vertically and horizontally, with countless fog particles rolling and flying inside.

Those monsters covered and affected were penetrated and shattered from all directions in an instant.

Even the monsters at the surface of the foundation-breaking limit, with scales of unimaginable strength and hardness, would be penetrated by it point by point in less than a second.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in the vast white fog, and was completely smashed into pieces.

Li Su was the same. Countless fog particles swept across his body, more than millions of times per second, from every inch of his skin and every corner.

The attack was too much and too fast.

These fog particles contained a large amount of wind laws and water laws. They destroyed madly, tore everything apart, pierced through again and again, and cut open Li Su's body.

He couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear it at all.

If Li Su was not using the Wuxiang magic skill at this moment, but the body of heaven and earth, he would definitely not be able to withstand such damage.

This kind of killing was too explosive, especially in terms of quantity, which was extremely shocking.

Fortunately, he used the Wuxiang magic skill, and it was the highest level of the foundation-building surface layer after the three true meanings returned to one, and my form was formless.

He took off the reality and turned into illusion.

It took a full ten seconds, a full ten seconds.

The terrifying fog particles left and rolled over his body.

Li Su exhaled a breath, and even at this moment, he was still sweating profusely, and his spirit was greatly weakened.

Although the Wuxiang magic skill prevented him from confronting the white mist head-on, it did not mean that he did not have any consumption. After all, he was only at the foundation-building level and could not reach the point of being completely without form.

He consumed a lot, and at least 10,000 mana was directly evaporated per second. In ten seconds, it was almost close to the consumption of 100,000.

You know, even at the moment, his Qi Hai mana was only 600,000.

Almost one-sixth of it was used up at once.

As mentioned earlier, the strength of the true energy and the amount of mana are not the same thing.

According to Li Su's situation, his Wuxiang magic skill is undoubtedly the top-level skill in the foundation-building surface layer, and it consumes a lot.

For example, my formless form consumes at least tens of thousands of mana once.

This is terrible, it can be said to be the top-level consumption. At least at the foundation-building surface layer, it is very rare to exceed this consumption.

Unless it is a minor immortal technique, and it is a minor immortal technique that has been cultivated to an extremely terrifying degree, the consumption will be greater.

What is the result? The monster only attacked once, but it has made him use my formless form ten times in a row.

From this, we can see how big the gap between Li Su and the opponent is, no, it should be said that the gap between the golden elixir and the foundation building is.

However, it is not the time to relax yet.

Although the consumption is huge, Li Su did not just operate the skills on the spot to avoid the opponent's moves.

At this moment, between his fingers, that is, between the thumb and the index finger, a large amount of formless energy was gathered again and again by him.

Almost before being swept by the white mist, it had already started to operate, and at this moment it had been gathered for a full thirteen, not fifteen seconds.

As soon as the white mist passed, Li Su, who had always locked onto the Kunpeng blood monster through his spiritual sense, almost immediately stretched out his arm and aimed at the Kunpeng blood monster.

Formless finger!

He flicked his middle finger hard, gathering the formless force formed by nearly 100,000 mana, and pointed it out with one finger.

Before the attack had left his fingers for long, his middle finger exploded, and the skin and flesh were torn apart. Not only that, but even the bones had cracks.

Not only his middle finger, but the thumb also exploded. Although it was not as terrible as the middle finger, the bones were visible.

Moreover, between the palms, the hand Taiyin lung meridian, the hand Jueyin pericardium meridian, and the two major twelve meridians were all burned, and even the five internal organs, the heart and lungs, had some cracks.

This was due to the forced push of the power. Fifteen seconds of crazy operation, thousands of times of performance in one moment.

It can be said that this attack was launched at the cost of almost losing an arm of an ordinary cultivator and injuring the heart and lungs.

The finger force was invisible and silently traveled across several miles to reach the location of the Kunpeng Blood Monster.

The moment it arrived, it instantly turned into thousands of dim lights, like a rain curtain, and fell on the huge body of the Kunpeng Blood Monster.

It worked!!!

Feeling the finger force entering the body, Li Su, who was extremely solemn, showed joy on his face at this moment.


In the distance, the Kunpeng Blood Monster was stunned.

In its view, the opponent had no chance of survival in the previous attack. The speed of the Peng body and the strength of the Kun body.

When it turned into a fish, its strength was almost several times that of a flying bird. Although its explosive power had not reached the height of two million jin, it was also at the height of one million and eight hundred thousand jin.

That was the destructive power of the white light it slashed when it was almost able to crush a flying bird instantly.

Therefore, in its opinion, this attack would definitely kill the opponent.

After watching the opponent being sucked into the white mist, it was ready to leave and sneak into the water veins of Tianyue Cave to hide completely.

But it was interrupted by the invisible rain curtain.

Although the rain curtain had no power, it did not have any effect after falling on its body.

But at this moment, it caught the existence of Li Su.

The opponent's breath did drop a lot.

But the opponent was not only alive, but even had no blood on his body.

The three pairs of lantern-like pupils suddenly shrank, and the Kunpeng blood demon beast could not help showing a strange look on his face.

However, unexpectedly, it did not delve into it, but turned its huge body directly, and after shrinking the distance by nearly half, it plunged into another tributary of Donghe.

It left!

It did not stop because it failed to kill Li Su, the ant.

Even at this moment, the other three women were still far away from it, and the cunning beast still did not solve Li Su's desire and chose the most stable way of development.

Continue to lurk until its own strength completely surpasses the three women.

Li Su was not surprised by the behavior of the monster, although the other party chose to withdraw at the first time and never thought of killing him before leaving, which surprised him a little.

He stood there without chasing.

It must be said that it was very cunning.

Not only did it hide directly, but there were also a large number of foundation-building monsters following it, covering up all its traces.

Just when the other party completely disappeared, Li Su smiled faintly, raised his hand, and snapped his fingers directly.

The next second, about ten miles away from Donghe, with a rumble, an amazing force broke out directly from the ground, with a lot of water vapor rushing into the sky.

After a moment of waiting, Li Su snapped his fingers again.

Immediately, there was another loud rumble at the location of the previous explosion, about ten miles away, and the ground exploded.

Once, once, once.

The distance was getting farther and farther.

Finally, when it was nearly two hundred miles away, as Li Su snapped his fingers again, the explosion sounded again, and a roar of extreme terror exploded, and a figure rushed out of the exploded ground.

It was the Kunpeng blood monster.

At this moment, its pupils were extremely blood red. As soon as it appeared, it turned into a flying bird, instantly crossed a distance of two hundred miles, and killed back to Donghe where Li Su was.

This time, it roared non-stop, one after another.

Before it reached Donghe, Tianyue Cave had already shaken completely.

The monsters in countless tributaries took action, as if they had received an order, and rushed to the West, South, and North Rivers one after another.

Not only the monsters in the river, but also countless monsters on the river bank ran out from their hiding places.

Their pupils were filled with incomparable ferocity, and they rushed towards the direction of the three women.

Not only that, countless monsters roared out from the East River where Li Su was at the moment, but they did not attack him. Instead, they followed the East River into the bottom of the Endless River, and then turned from the bottom of the Endless River to pounce on the three women.

"Is he really entangled?"

Hei Yang couldn't help showing a little surprise. After all, although Li Su had good talent and made amazing progress, he had achieved a height that others could not reach after decades of hard work in a short period of time. Even they were not so exaggerated back then.

But facing a Jindan-level monster, and this kind of ancient alien species, is undoubtedly another matter.

In fact, when the other party took the initiative to ask for the responsibility of entanglement with the Jindan monster, they were already ready to start Plan B.

After all, the difference is too big.

It's not the difference in talent, but the accumulation and effort required for the foundation to get closer to the early stage of Jindan, which is too much and too great.

Therefore, in Hei Yang's view, as long as the Jindan monster is serious, the little guy will probably be killed in an instant.

Unexpectedly, the other party not only did not die, but also forced the monster back alive, which was quite unexpected.

Thinking of this, Hei Yang couldn't help but be curious, how did the other party do it?

Unfortunately, they were too far away, and there were too many monsters around, so they couldn't see the scene.

Even though they thought about it, the three women didn't stop, not only that, they killed faster.

After all, this result was something they had never thought of, and it could also be said to be the fastest way to clear the monsters, almost killing tens of thousands of foundation-building monsters in one second.

Tens of thousands in one breath, a hundred thousand in ten breaths, and a million in a hundred breaths.

There are quite a lot of monsters in Tianyue Cave at present, four million in the water, nearly one million on the shore, and five million in total. If the three of them work hard, it will take less than half an hour to complete the cleanup.

It can be said that the more Li Su persists in the current state, the easier it will be for them to deal with it later.

It can be said that it is extremely precious, and it can be said to be golden time.


While the three women were attacked by millions of monsters, on the other side.

The flying back Kunpeng blood monster did not attack immediately, but looked at Yuefang. After watching the three women who killed the monsters for three full breaths, it retracted its gaze.

Three pairs of scarlet eyes looked directly at Li Su, who was motionless in the East River.

Time is running out.

Under the current situation, those monsters can only support about 450 breaths at most.

In order to ensure its own safety, it can only waste 300 breaths on the ant in front of it. Once it exceeds this time, every extra breath will be a great risk to it.

Thinking of this, Kunpeng Blood Monster took a breath.

First of all, it must figure out how the other party can remain unharmed under its attack.

As the thought fell, in an instant, its huge body began to shrink, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, in just two breaths, the behemoth that originally covered the sky and the sun was directly reduced to a height of less than three meters.

Without hesitation, its wings evolved into wind and thunder, and its speed was directly pushed to the limit, and it rushed directly towards Li Su.

The distance of ten miles was undoubtedly very short in front of it.

In just a blink of an eye, it not only entered the East River, but also killed directly in front of Li Su.

I saw it raise its claws and kick directly at Li Su.

The power did not explode, it was completely gathered by it, and the power of wind and thunder was all gathered between its claws.

Not only that, this kick was very strange. The moment it kicked, it enveloped Li Su's whole body. No matter where Li Su went, he could not escape and would be locked by it.

Its situation was a bit similar to the two white rays it slashed out when it first appeared, with the ability to track and lock.

Facing this scene, Li Su's face did not change, and there was only a serious look in his eyes. He shouted, took a stance, and his body was burst to the limit.

In an instant, the power of heaven and earth burst out and gathered around him.

Facing this unavoidable kick, he punched the empty space.

This punch was like an antelope hanging on a horn, and it hit the Kunpeng blood demon beast's claws in the direction of the claws, intercepting it before the opponent's power completely exploded.

With a thud, the man and the demon trembled.

The power to destroy the world was compressed by them, and the explosion was concentrated at one point, and only hit the opponent's body, without any other leakage.

It was just a collision, and Kunpeng Blood Monster only felt a slight pain under his feet, but Li Su shook his fist, and his skin cracked a little on the spot, and blood spurted out.

Not only that, the huge force, like a heavy hammer, repeatedly hit his bones.

The vibration was extremely shocking. It was obviously only on his fist, but at this moment, all the bones in his body were impacted, and cracks were shaken out one after another.

It can be said that in just a moment, Li Su received considerable damage.

Five internal organs, five annihilation!

Without any hesitation, the five elements bead rose from his sea of ​​qi and fell into his five internal organs. The extremely powerful vitality was like a tide, pouring down from his heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, flowing through his body, annihilating the opponent's power and repairing his own injuries.

Faced with this result, neither the man nor the monster spoke.

The eyes of Kunpeng Blood Monster were full of murderous intent. It was just kicked down, and its two wings instantly slashed five times, and at the same time, the other foot also kicked out three times.

Li Su was not to be outdone, and he also fought back.

He either slashed with his palm knife, punched, or elbowed, directly facing the opponent's seemingly casual, but actually powerful, and could be said to be looking for a fatal attack.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In just a few breaths, the two of them directly collided with dozens of moves in the East River.

There is no doubt that this is a dangerous battle, especially for Li Su.

Because no matter which part, as long as he collides with it, he will almost be injured. The opponent's strength is too great, too great, far beyond the range he can bear.

His body cracked again and again.

Blood flowed out again and again.

However, in just ten breaths, his blood had dyed the surroundings around him red, and his bones were repeatedly broken.

Even so, Li Su still did not retreat. Facing the attack of the Kunpeng blood monster, his face was always calm, just blocking and blocking the opponent's falling power in an orderly manner again and again.

Ten breaths, twenty breaths, thirty breaths.

Finally, the Kunpeng blood demon beast lost its patience.

Although it had an absolute advantage and the ants in front of it were suffering huge damage almost every second, it still did not get the result it wanted and find a way for the other party to avoid its Kun body attack without injury.

You must know that compressing the body is equivalent to compressing its strength for it, and the power that can burst out is less than 60% of it.

This undoubtedly made it more irritable.

Thirty breaths have passed, and nearly one-tenth of the time has been wasted.

Such a stalemate is not what it wants.

It must find the answer as soon as possible, find the reason why the other party is unharmed, not to mention breaking the other party's unharmed and killing him, at least find a way to solve the strange and invisible power attached to itself.

This is also the fundamental reason why it returned.

The previous strange trick fell on it like a rain curtain, but did not arouse any response, completely breaking its potential for lurking.

Its eyes became more and more scarlet, and the power in its body began to vibrate violently.

It planned to use a killing move.

Although doing so would be a great burden on itself, it really didn't have much time.

Those three guys killed too fast, so fast that it frightened it.

It couldn't wait any longer, it had to kill the ant in front of it or break the damn spell in the shortest time.

The moment the thought fell, he kicked out seven times in a row, making Li Su stagger back. The wings of the Kunpeng blood monster suddenly flapped, and a ray of golden light appeared inside its body and quickly moved around.

That was the power inherited from the depths of its blood. Since it awakened, it appeared in its mind and was learned and mastered by it.

It belongs to the ancient alien species, Kunpeng's trick.

Kunpeng method, wind and thunder strike!

Looking at the golden light flowing in the opponent's body, Li Su's eyes were shocked, as if he saw a real Kunpeng, wandering in his body and evolving magical powers.

This move was very deadly.

In an instant, Li Su had a premonition that his heaven and earth body could not withstand being hit.

However, there was no need to resist, and it was time.

The opportunity he was waiting for.

In an instant, his body also shook, and the power of heaven and earth was raised to the peak by him at this moment.

Eight layers of ten feet of heaven!

Qiankun, the five elements, and the four seasons completely erupted at this moment.

Through the soul, the divine consciousness is driven, and through the divine consciousness, the physical body is driven.

Essence, Qi, and spirit.

At this moment, they are highly integrated and form a whole.

Driven by his powerful divine consciousness, his power is highly combined together, and the quality directly exceeds the height that the eighth level can reach, and enters the realm of the ninth level.

Although it is still the number of the eighth level, there is no doubt that the strength is the ninth level.

Not only that, with the surge of his heaven and earth power, the heaven and earth power that was scattered and moved after dozens of collisions with the opponent was also captured by him, and gathered up, and then played for another day, heavily pressed on the body of Kunpeng Blood Monster, hindering its attack.

Looking at Li Su's behavior, Kunpeng Blood Monster sneered in his heart. Although he didn't expect the opponent to burst out to the height of the ninth level of foundation building, after all, the person in front of him had always used the power of the sixth level before. Although surprised, it was not unexpected.

This was all within its expectations. The cultivator was cunning. This was the truth it had understood since it was still in the mist.

In fact, its cunning was learned from the cultivators.

Exploding now?

Too late!

Facing the power squeezed from the surroundings, Kunpeng Blood Demon Beast didn't care at all. The Kunpeng Technique had been activated by him. Although it would be a big burden to use it under such circumstances, once this technique was activated, it could not be stopped.

So, die!

Almost in an instant, its power gathered at one point.

However, at this moment, this extremely critical moment, with a thud, a force exploded from the body of Kunpeng Blood Demon Beast, and it was just above the core of his Kunpeng Technique.

The power was not much, it was the strange power left by Li Su on it. Kunpeng Blood Demon Beast had felt it several times, but it couldn't hurt it at all.

But it was this little power that made its face change uncontrollably, revealing an unbelievable look.

Because this power just penetrated into its Kunpeng Technique and appeared on the core structure.

The instantaneous explosion actually had little impact, it just caused a slight twist in its structure.

However, just this one tiny bit of force caused the Kunpeng technique that was about to explode to be stuck in place, stuck for less than 0.1 second.

This kind of stuck is not only a spell stuck, but also its body is stuck.

This is very bad.

Because the Kunpeng blood demon beast didn't even remember to say how it was possible, Li Su's fist did not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and directly blasted over.

The power of the nine-fold ten-zhang sky was concentrated to a point by him at this moment, and the wonders gathered directly in front of his fist, forming an extremely real world there.

A huge suction force came, pulling the frozen Kunpeng blood demon beast over, and at the moment when Li Su's fist was stretched to the limit, its heart hit the nine-fold ten-zhang sky.

With a boom, the nine-fold ten-zhang sky poured into the opponent's heart with almost no hindrance.

You know, at this moment, the Kunpeng Blood Demon Beast's heart was already gathering the Kunpeng Technique. The previous explosion of the Wuxiang Finger had already been blocked once, causing its technique to go wrong. Now the Nine-Layer Ten-Zhang Heaven Power entered it again, and not only that, it just happened to fall on its wrong spot.

Faced with this result, the panic on the face of the Kunpeng Blood Demon Beast turned directly into fear.

After a moment of stillness, its body suddenly grew larger and instantly restored its original shape. This time the change was very fast, so fast that even Li Su didn't have time to retreat before he was blown away by the opponent's swollen body.

A big fish nearly 150 meters long and 35 meters wide appeared directly in the East River.

Because of its position, half of its body even fell on the river bank.

The next second, there was a loud bang, and the big fish's chest suddenly shook, and there seemed to be a terrifying energy explosion inside. An unprecedented chaotic force directly broke out from the heart and instantly swept its whole body.

The huge force directly made its body bend down, and countless forces inside were gushing and pouring.

The movement was so big that its huge body couldn't help shaking.

Then, the Kunpeng blood monster suddenly opened its mouth and directly spurted out a large mouthful of blood.

There was a lot of blood, as if the stomach was ruptured, all scarlet, and mixed with a lot of dark red meat.

That was the internal organs of the Kunpeng blood monster. It was injured, no, it should be said that it was severely injured.

Not only the Nine-Layer Ten-Zhang Sky, but also its Kunpeng Technique, both exploded inside its body.

Even though the Jindan-level monster has an extremely strong body and extremely hard bones, and its defense is even strong enough to face a magic weapon, its interior is still fragile, far less than its outer flesh.

It vomited blood for dozens of feet, its heart and lungs were severely damaged, and its five internal organs were stirred by the power. The most severe damage was its own Kunpeng technique, which was like a demon, and it cut several large holes several meters wide in its internal organs.

This injury and pain made even a Jindan-level monster still utter a wail.

Facing this scene, Li Su, who was bounced back almost dozens of meters, had a very calm expression.

He was not surprised at this result.

After all, he was not a simple foundation-building realm, but an existence with a billion Dao realm soul.

This is why, despite the huge gap, he was still confident that he could severely injure the opponent and get a mouthful of blood from the opponent.

The control and perception of power in the billion Dao realm is definitely not comparable to that of a mere Jindan.

That Kunpeng technique was amazing and powerful, but Li Su could see through it at a glance.

Seeing through it all, finding the flaws and gaps, is it difficult for him?

Not difficult!

The only thing that was a little unexpected was that the opponent chose his close combat, which undoubtedly allowed him to fully play the advantages brought by the height of the realm of the Billion Dao Realm.

He did not hurt the opponent, but directly severely injured the opponent.

Thinking of this, Li Su could not help coughing up blood, and a large amount of dark dead blood flowed out of the pores of his body intermittently. Although he severely injured the opponent, he was also seriously injured.

Even though the Five Elements Bead brought him an unparalleled blood bar thickness of more than 30 breaths of collision, he still accumulated a lot of injuries, and his five internal organs were torn dozens of times.

At the extreme distance, it was not only the Kunpeng blood monster that was dangerous, but his situation was also very dangerous, and all collisions could only be resisted.

However, everything was worth it.

Leaping out of Donghe River, Li Su stared at the large amount of blood vomited by Kunpeng Blood Monster, his eyes glowing uncontrollably.

It is indeed a Jindan-level monster. The blood it spewed out was so viscous that it was unimaginable. It fell on the ground as heavy as lead, and even crushed a large area of ​​trees. What's more amazing is that the blood was glowing, and the precious light inside was three layers upon three layers, just like a rare treasure.

Smelling the blood that had no fishy smell at all, but was extremely fragrant, Li Su, who was seriously injured, couldn't help but drool.!

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