Chapter 1466 You bunch of pigs

Investigation methods often come from situations encountered in actual investigations.

Therefore, the more methods you master, the more situations you will encounter.

So, damn it.

What on earth did the "population" of the Tianshi Sect do? ? ?

To allow these guys to master so many and varied investigation methods.

Damn, just the spells used for investigation, it feels like the other party has already used no less than eight kinds.

Check for traces, check for blood, check for smell..

Looking at the tricks that several people kept showing, Li Su, who was originally very confident that he could get away, couldn't help but get a little angry at this moment.

There was no way. As the investigation deepened, the abnormalities on the bodies were obviously uncontrollable.

As expected, when Li Su was almost cursing in his heart, a team member responsible for investigating the surrounding area spoke up.

"Boss, these bodies are not right."


"There are no palm prints of the dead guys on them."

As the team member finished speaking, the team leader's eyes lit up, and he walked into the door and came to the bodies.

After looking for a while, the team leader's mouth curled slightly and smiled.

"Very good, record all the palm prints on these bodies."


Nodding, the team leader turned his head and looked at the autopsy personnel and said, "How are you?"

"Captain, the basic inspection is completed, there is no abnormality in the body itself, and it is indeed dead from infatuation." The team member raised his head and said directly.

"Really, take the body back and conduct soul summoning and questioning."

The team leader said directly: "By the way, notify the corpse officer to come and let him confirm whether the time of death of this body is daytime or nighttime."


Soon, the bodies in the room, including all the furniture, were packed up by the five people and taken away directly.

Looking through the flying insects, Li Su took a deep breath as he watched the few people leaving.

I have to admit that although they are natives, their wisdom cannot be underestimated.

He, he was in trouble.

Unexpectedly, the formal disciples did not get out, but only five Zhenyuan disciples who were responsible for the investigation exposed him.

I was thinking of continuing to lurk for a while, but now it seems that there is no chance.

There are no fingerprints on the bodies, although it does not mean anything.

But obviously, the time of death of the bodies is another matter.

It is daytime now, and that guy died at night. It is nothing if you don’t check it carefully, but once you check it carefully, you will definitely not be able to hide.

After all, there is a big difference between moving qi during the day and moving qi at night.

He moved his body and left the lurking position directly. The Wuxiang magic power covered his whole body. Without any hesitation, he went straight to the center of the village of a thousand people, which is also the center for exchanging resources.

In this case, it is obviously impossible to lurk.

Although he didn't know what means the other party would use to find him next, the village would definitely be in a state of panic for quite a long time.

It is certain that the formal disciple would never watch a new formal disciple grow up in his territory.

Therefore, before finding him out, the other party would most likely not relax their vigilance.

Li Su didn't have so much time to waste with the other party, so the best way to solve his current situation was to kill the formal disciple directly and then take his identity.

Undoubtedly, there would be many hidden dangers in this way, but he couldn't care so much.

Since he had made up his mind, Li Su didn't hesitate at all. He used the Wuxiang magic skill to perform the Wuxiang magic skill and walked directly into the center of the village, heading towards the direction where the foundation-building aura was the strongest.

As soon as he entered the back hall, his eyes flashed slightly.

In front of the back hall, there were more than ninety foundation-building level corpse-refining disciples.

They looked miserable, skinny, naked, and their hands, feet, and necks were all handcuffed with special iron chains.

Not only that, the spines and collarbones of these people were pierced by iron rings, and there was blood on them.

These iron rings were not simple, and they were engraved with strange runes, which shone and suppressed the strength of these people.

After all, they were foundation-building. No matter how weak they were, they were not comparable to ordinary people. Even if the foundation-building of the Tianshi Sect had at least ten thousand pounds of strength when it burst out with true energy.

Those iron rings that pierced the spine were obviously used to suppress their force.

At this moment, they were all drawing talismans, drawing talismans non-stop.

Not far from these people, there was a huge chair, and a young man was sitting on the chair. He had a grim expression and a knife-like gaze, staring at the more than ninety foundation-building corpse-refining disciples.

Whenever someone had a problem with the action of drawing the talisman, he would pick up the black whip placed beside the chair without any hesitation and hit them with a crackling sound.

The black whip was extremely vicious. It did not hit the opponent's body, but directly whipped the iron rings pierced on the spine behind him.

The person being whipped was instantly struck by lightning, and his entire body was twitching violently as if being scraped by a knife. His breathing was almost gone.

The iron ring that had finally stopped the bleeding began to ooze new blood rapidly.

After the young man finished whipping, his eyes became more ferocious, with a sinister look in his eyes, "You bunch of pigs, how much resources did I spend to train you? You eat my food and wear my clothes, but when it's time to repay me, you don't think about repaying me and don't know how to be grateful."

"Look, just now, someone was about to break through the foundation, but what happened? Not only did he hide, he even killed other pigs, trying to get away with it, just like the people in you, confident that they can escape my detection and think I can't find it."

"Haha, that idiot , I guess you really think that as long as you raise a first-class corpse, you are qualified to become the master and sit on an equal footing with me? "

"I'm not afraid to tell you, pigs, there is no such good thing."

"You are "pigs" when you are born and "pigs" when you die. This is your fate and the destined ending of your life."

"That pig probably thought he was hiding well and thought he could change his fate as a pig, but he didn't think that the Tianshi Sect had been established for thousands of years, and no pig had turned over this day."

The more he talked, the angrier the young man became, and his eyes became more and more scarlet.

"Damn bastards, you dare to kill my pigs, do you know how much it costs to buy a pig? How much will I lose if one dies?"

After that, the young man directly swung the black whip in his hand and focused on whipping several of them.

Facing the screams of those people, the young man did not stop, and kept beating them, until they could not bear it anymore, blood was all over the floor, and they fainted. Then he said with a rough breath: "Tell me, how many people know the truth?"

"How many of my piglets are your members?"

As he spoke, he looked directly at the people next to the guys who fainted, and his anger continued to gather.

Facing his gaze, the people who were stared at were pounding garlic and screaming.

It's not that they didn't speak, but they couldn't speak. The tongues in their mouths had been cut off long ago.

Although they couldn't speak, they couldn't help dancing.

No more, no more, all the people were caught, and all the people were confessed.

"No?" The young man smiled grimly, "If there is no, why do pigs like you appear in my territory again? You don't want to say that someone else has discovered the truth from somewhere else, right? "

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