Chapter 1470 Luo Town

Although it was very troublesome, Li Su still chose to go.

After all, there were too many restrictions for the status of a formal disciple.

Apart from other things, even the most basic corpse refining resources were limited. It was not that as long as you had money, you could exchange them unlimitedly.

Apart from other things, there were only five corpses that could be made into first-class corpses every year.

There were only 33 kinds of talismans.

Even the maximum number of talisman paper per year could only be exchanged for one million pieces, and there would be no more.

This number was too restrictive for Li Su.

If he worked harder, the talisman paper alone would not be enough for him to use for a month.

Five first-class corpses and three first-class corpses of other species were all he had harvested this year.

That is to say, in the future, he could not make any more improvements except for adding some second-class or third-class corpses every month.

So, unless he planned to do nothing, he could only raise his level.

Of course, it was not just about raising his level.

After going to the True Transmission Territory, he could also trade.

For example, if you use the finished talismans to buy talisman paper, for basic talismans, one can sell for about five talisman papers, and for double-stack talismans, one can directly exchange for a hundred talisman papers.

Not to mention that he is still in the foundation-building stage, one double-stack talisman can be exchanged for a thousand talisman papers, which is not a big problem. In this way, he only needs a thousand double-stack talismans to exchange for almost a year's supply.

Here, you should know that when he draws talismans, even double-stack talismans, one only uses ten talisman papers.

One thousand pieces, only ten thousand, and the remaining ninety-nine percent is profit.

Go, go.

Li Su did not procrastinate, and went out immediately after making a decision.

Of course, he left behind a first-class human corpse, a first-class human corpse of another species, and a hundred flying insects to guard.

Although there is a formation to protect, you still have to pay attention.

Especially for the young man whose identity he replaced, leaving a human corpse, basically the focus is to greet him.

If someone really breaks in, he will get rid of that young man.

Now he has a lot of resources, even if the thousand-person village is lost, there will be no problem in the short term.

After leaving the village and confirming the direction, Li Su quickly set off.

A hundred miles is not too close.

At least it will take him a long time to travel now.

After all, the disciples of the Tianshi Sect are too weak, even if there are corpses to help them travel, they can't withstand too high speed. Although the Tianshi Sect Jindan will check the situation of the sect in real time, he has to disguise himself.

Riding on the wolf corpse he made by himself, he directly controlled the other party and quickly headed towards the direction of Luo Town.

Luo Town is named after the true disciple of the ruler.

According to the information obtained from the young man, the location is in a place called Ten Mountains.

To put it simply, the whole town is surrounded by mountains, and there are exactly ten of them.

In the middle of it, there is a river running through it, and the environment is quite good, which is an environment that can develop into a city-level scale.

Such a place surrounded by mountains and rivers is not easy to find.

Even if you find it, it is actually difficult to defend it without some strength.

After all, a small amount of population is nothing, but once the population exceeds a certain scale, the demand for the environment will increase exponentially.

Because of its special situation, the Tianshi Sect undoubtedly occupies a large area.

There are still not many habitable places that can afford tens of millions of people.

The biggest prerequisite is undoubtedly water. There must be a river of a large scale.

In addition to rivers, we must also pay attention to the population.

If it is a flat land, it will undoubtedly be very troublesome to manage. It requires a lot of manpower, and you have to keep an eye on it all the time, otherwise one or two thousand people will disappear if you are not careful.

Therefore, Luozhen, which is not only traversed by rivers but also surrounded by mountains, is undoubtedly perfect.

All of the above undoubtedly shows from the side that the owner of Luozhen is powerful, and I am afraid he has a deep background. After all, this is a place where Jindan can be stationed. If you are not strong enough and have a poor background, you are not qualified to own it.

In about half an hour, Li Su, riding a wolf demon, saw Shishan.

Without getting too close, he first put away the wolf demon and released a first-class human corpse.

As mentioned before, it is a rare human corpse.

After all, the corpse formation is not very suitable for corpses other than human form, and it needs to be adjusted by the corpse refiner.

As for the first-class wolf corpse in Li Su's hand, there is no doubt that it is the best among the best. Not to mention the formal disciples like him, even the inner disciples will be tempted when they see it.

Not long after walking, the entrance of Luo Town came into view.

At the door, there is a stone tablet about five meters high and two meters wide.

On it is written a large and bright red Luo character. Even if you are a hundred meters away, you can still smell the bloody smell in the text.

It is completely different from Li Su's village of a thousand people. Before people reach the door, noisy noises have already come out from inside.

Obviously, a small town with tens of thousands of people is not comparable to all the villages of Li Su.

As soon as he walked to the door, the guard looked directly at him and locked his eyes on him.

The aura is all foundation building!

Not only that, each of the two people is followed by three first-class nine-talisman human corpses, and the Tianshi Sect disciple uniforms they wear have three patterns on the chest.

Formal disciples, and third-level formal disciples.

It is indeed a town of true teachings. Even the gatekeeper disciple is two levels higher than Li Su.

According to the information provided by the young man, this town not only has nearly a hundred formal disciples, but also seven or eight inner disciples, and even one deacon level. It can be said that even if the true teachings are not there, the town's strength is still amazing.

Without hesitation, Li Su quickly reached into his arms and took out the identity card belonging to the young man.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are interests, there are struggles, and there are conflicts.

The reason why he came to Luo Town is not only because Luo Town is close enough to his thousand-person village, but also because the two hundred miles around Luo Town belong to the territory of this true disciple.

Not only him, but all the thousand-person village masters within two hundred miles around can only come here to improve their levels.

Seeing Li Su's identity card, the two guards' eyes with a hint of murderous intent suddenly became indifferent.

One of them said calmly, "What's the matter?"

Li Su clasped his fists and said in a 'respectful' manner, "Sir, I came here to upgrade my disciple level."

"Pay five hundred basic talismans."

Li Su was 'shocked' when he heard this, and immediately said, "Five hundred? Sir, wasn't it three hundred last time? What's the matter!"

Before Li Su finished speaking, the other party said calmly, "If you have it, come in, if you don't, get out!"

Li Su attacked, paused for a moment, and took out five hundred basic talismans with an 'unwilling' look and handed them over.

Seeing Li Su pay, the other party did not look happy, but rather a little regretful. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the talisman and said calmly, "Get out."

Take a deep breath, Li Su looked 'frustrated', and cast a 'command' to control his own corpse and walked in.

However, just as he was about to reach the door, another guard spoke up and said indifferently, "Entry fee, five hundred basic talismans."

Instantly, Li Su widened his eyes and looked at the other party in disbelief.

Facing Li Su's gaze, the guard's face remained unchanged, he just looked at him indifferently, the meaning in his eyes was very clear.

If you want to enter, pay.

If you don't want to enter, get out.

His body couldn't help but tremble, Li Su gritted his teeth, and finally reluctantly took out another 500 basic talismans and handed them to the other party.

After accepting the money, the guard stopped looking at him.

After taking a deep breath, Li Su took another step.

As the ripples around his body rippled, as if crossing to another place, Li Su entered Luo Town.

As soon as he landed, before Li Su could catch his breath, he saw a figure coming over and standing in front of him.

This person held an account book in one hand and a brush in the other hand. After looking at Li Su, he wrote directly on the account book.

After a moment, he said, "Entrance fee, 1,500 basic symbols."

"Also, do you want to stay overnight? If you do, you need to apply for an ID card, 3,000 basic symbols."

The body couldn't help but stiffen. After two seconds, Li Su smiled with a very 'reluctant' smile and said, "Okay, stay overnight."

As he spoke, he took out another 4,500 basic symbols and handed them to the other party.

The man nodded, took the money, and then threw a wooden sign to him.

"You can only use it tonight. If you want to stay tomorrow, come and pay 3,000. Do you understand?"


Watching the man leave, holding the wooden sign in his hand, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath, even though he had already known the situation from the young man before coming and was prepared.

But when he really came, he still couldn't help the urge to take action.

Not only did he extort 1,000 from him for entering the city, but he extorted a full 4,000 directly after entering the city.

You should know that the actual entrance fee was originally only 500 basic talismans, but in the end, they were forced to charge a full 5,000. This is not too much, but outrageous.

By the way, once you enter the city, you cannot return it except by paying the money. In other words, even if the other party says that you can get out if you don’t pay, the real meaning is that if you don’t pay, you will die.

Damn it. The damn Tianshi Sect, this bone-sucking and marrow-sucking is really taken to the extreme.

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