"This is...?"

Li Su stared blankly at the jade slips sent by Wu Mo.

"Commander, well, it can also be said that it was given to you by your master, and your rewards are also registered with your identity. You can receive and redeem them through your identity card."


Li Su was startled, that is to say, the teacher mentioned by Teacher Yiren. "Is Master here?"

"Here he is, but he's gone again!"


"Well, the teacher is very busy. He comes once every year during the opening season of Military University and then leaves immediately."

School season? Li Su was a little confused. Is it open? How come he doesn't know.

Wu Mo rolled his eyes and opened it, why not?

And the opening of this school season is also unprecedented, with the martial arts realm beating the Taoist realm.

Fang Jun was not simply defeated by Li Su, but directly cast a psychological shadow. People who accept death generally have a lot of confidence in themselves, which is called honey self-confidence... The same is true for Fang Jun. He asked himself that even if there were not many people who could defeat him in the realm of Taoism, the result was that he was pinned to the ground and rubbed by Li Su. The collapse of his protective magic element also symbolized the collapse of his self-confidence.

It can be said that it is really miserable...

He can't even beat him at super level. If you think about it, once Li Su catches up, Fang Jun might not even have the courage to stand in front of him.

In this way, Li Su became completely famous this time.

Jun Da, no one will come to trouble him again.

Not only was it a matter of his strength, but the teacher also announced in public that Li Su, who had been appointed as a major in the leadership department, would lead the 7th Division of the Demon Army, a member of the special operations team!

This is real power, not just a position.

The special forces team has a small number of personnel and has not yet broken through three digits.

But don't think that they are not strong. It is not the case. The special forces themselves are the sharpest swords on the battlefield and fight the most difficult battles. In addition to the division commander, the deputy division commander needs authorization from above if he wants to command them.

Therefore, basically no one from Junda will come to trouble Li Su.

And the result of Fang Jun's battle gave everyone a wake-up call.

Let everyone clearly realize what the concept of a king-level powerhouse is!

The realm of Taoism, even in Junda, is a realm that many people dream of, but in the end, he was beaten by Li Su. To be honest, the third strongest Xue Dong was a little green in the face.

Fortunately, it wasn't me who went there, otherwise it wouldn't have been worse.

Li Su is too fast and difficult to catch. The most important thing is that his defense is not strong. He is far inferior to Fang Jun and more powerful than his opponent. That is because his attack power is stronger and he can break through the opponent's defense.

As for the mushroom-headed Li Youyou, she was excited for a while, but then she looked dull, as if she had entered a sage state, without any emotion at all.

There's no way around it. Conflict is what makes news something interesting.

Li Su's fighting prowess is so damn invincible, right? Only the fool will come to trouble him next.

Didn't you read what the military commander said? The angrier you get, the stronger you get, even if you hit him with a hammer.

Win the battle and Zhang Shengying? Obviously it is impossible to take action with Li Su, there is still some possibility of discussing in private.

As for the second-year students..., the strongest ones at present are undoubtedly Zhang Zhuzhu and the others. Seeing the two girls looking like girls, it's basically hopeless.

The so-called unsatisfactory things in life are nine out of ten, and you can basically imagine the next scene. If you write a newspaper, it is probably "Tyrant, the era of Li Su has begun!" This is even more boring than winning the war!

When it came to winning the battle, it was still a matter of little by little.

After all, everyone knows who wins the battle, and they don’t dare to bully the small ones. Not only do they follow the rules, but they also line up to go up.

Li Su's span was too big. He didn't even arrive for two months, and he did all the things that took two years to complete.

Now he is probably just one step away from going to the battlefield to face a pest challenge. As long as he shows his own characteristics, he will win the battle and be the well-deserved king of the army.

This is very boring... Oh, let's prepare to graduate... By the way, where is the better place to go?

As for the current situation in Junda, Li Su actually didn't pay much attention to this issue. In fact, he liked fighting. When he was in Double Dragon, he often fought with his father-in-law Song Que. When he fought a lot, he could fight eighteen times a week on average. Second-rate.

If you come to him in a friendly manner, he really won't refuse. Instead, he will fight with you enthusiastically until he is exhausted.

It's a pity that the army's head is strong and they insist on hitting him.

"You should be more serious to me, even if you say I am your junior brother, what are you talking about??"

Wu Mo turned his head, his old face a little dark, and looked at him lying lazily on the sofa. His beautiful figure was clearly visible. He was only wearing a white T-shirt and shorts that reached the top of his thighs, and his beautiful pink feet were exposed to the air. In the middle, Lu Qian is in high spirits.

This scene is nothing to the father, who has long been used to it, but Li Su is different. This is a wolf with a big tail, the kind that eats people without leaving any bones.

Looking at the cultivators of the Taoist Heart Demon Planting Technique, there is no one who can do it in a formal way.

Pang Ban is like this, and Han Bai is like that. The former treats women as tools, and the latter is just an old cow who doesn't recognize his relatives. He has been plowing the fields all the way to the master, and there is no one else.

Therefore, Li Su is not a good person either.

Feeling Wu Mo's resentment, Li Su couldn't help but rolled his eyes, blame me?

Everyone here to comment, did I ask my senior sister to come here? Isn't it?

"Hehe, Senior Li Su, we are here to play with you!"

At this moment, three little girls, with bright eyes, ran in with their little legs.

"Oh, Zhuzhu, Yutong, and Yaya."

Li Su raised his eyebrows. He met her a few days ago. When he took Lu Qian to eat, Zhao Ya ran over with the two girls to share the meal.

After chatting for a while, he finally knew who Zhuzhu and Tongyu were written by Mushroom Head.

You said the two girls are older than him? Just long and tender? Should I call you senior?

"Brother Li Su, let's have a fight!" Zhang Zhuzhu's eyes flashed and she raised her small fist.

"And me, and me!" Zhu Tongyu also looked excited and wanted to have a battle with Li Su.

Look, if someone calls him brother, he can't call him sister in return, right? How rude, a woman must be young, pretty and relatively young, unless the royal sister is a queen, but at that time, just the other way around, pretend to be young, since you are seventeen or eighteen years old, they will naturally not be older.

Well, that's a bit far.

Okay, idle is idle anyway.

Although he was a little stuffed after the battle with Fang Jun and had learned too much and needed to digest it, Li Su did not refuse the challenge from the two women.

Pure discussion is different from a life and death battle.

Nodding, Li Su stood up and said, "Senior sister, are you going?"

"No!" Lu Qian lay there lazily, completely without energy. She had only been beaten for a few days, and her body had not recovered yet. Forget about just beating her. It's not just about lying there, there must be feelings, and the souls of both parties can touch...

Moreover, watching Li Su use the sword, Lu Qian undoubtedly had the most comprehensive understanding and feeling of the Heart Sword.

The extremely domineering sword intention and the determination to kill everything are deeply imprinted into the girl's heart and integrated into her soul. Therefore, what she lacks now is not fighting and training, but constant understanding, digestion, and Li Li. Everything that Su showed was imprinted in his heart.

"Look, look!" Wu Moruo said pointedly: "This little bastard is just a playboy, and there will definitely be a lot of women around him from now on."

At the door of the training room, hearing the three little guys behind him covering their mouths and laughing, Li Su couldn't help but jumped in shame. Damn, Teacher Wu Mo, you've gone too far. Can't you wait until the door is closed before talking?

It was not until the afternoon, when the three girls were dripping with sweat, that Li Su stopped.


Like himself, Zhao Ya has just entered school, but she is not bad at talent, and she has mastered a set of hard and soft palm techniques, which seem to have come from the ancient school, the misty palm technique.

Zhang Zhuzhu is a bit magical... She uses a pair of hammers, called Lei Gu Weng Golden Hammer. Yes, they are the pair held by Li Yuanba, the best hero in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. She also learned the opponent's hammering technique. As for internal strength, she has not practiced it. , but before she was born, her grandfather, who was the Minister of Education, had an enlightenment after observing a certain ferocious beast called Dapeng, and the imprint of it was implanted into Zhang Zhuzhu’s body and grew with it. It seems that Li Yuanba also has this destiny... , so both of them have side effects, and this girl is a bit stupid.

As for Zhu Tongyu...she actually studied Taixuan Jing, can you believe it? ? ? I have to say that Lao Zhu is really a ruthless person. In order for Zhu Tongyu to learn this stupid technique, he did not let his daughter know how to read. The most terrifying thing is that this girl actually learned it and only started to learn the Taixuan Sutra. Words, thanks to the girl's intelligence, otherwise she would most likely be illiterate in this life.

Just when a few people were about to go out, the door of the training room was pushed open, and Zhang Shengying, who had mastered Mingyu Gong and practiced it to a very high level, walked in.

"Look, here comes another one, Zhang Shengying, the teacher's granddaughter. If not, I'll remind you... that he is a scumbag, so you must stay away."

Immediately, Wu Mo's voice came in.

There were veins on Li Su's forehead and his face turned a little dark. Zhang Shengying was also a little uneasy at this moment and couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth.

She gave Li Su a look.

"Junior brother, what's going on?"

Li Su shrugged feebly, how to explain this?

There may be another possibility for the three girls Zhao Ya. After all, one is a fan, one is naive, and the other is unprepared. But Zhang Shengying is different. She is a Taoist, a Taoist in the true sense. As we all know, monks and humans are two different creatures.

In Double Dragon, he and his master Fei Xuan had a good relationship, but he had never provoked each other. It didn't mean that he couldn't be provoked. The demon's attraction to Tao fetuses was innate, and it was stronger than ordinary women. But Li Su didn't move because the other party was a Taoist monk.

They are as beautiful as they come, but what they pursue is not the love and affection that most women long for, but love.

So when it comes to the relationship between men and women, it is uncomfortable.

Zhang Shengying glanced at the three girls, then glanced at Lu Qian who was no longer lying down but sitting up. She was looking at her warily, and she suddenly understood.

Not pursuing it doesn’t mean you don’t know.

In fact, they are far more sensitive than ordinary people, so she smiled playfully at Li Su. Li Su clasped his hands and bowed without hesitation. Please, please, don't cause trouble.

Zhang Shengying curled her lips slightly, and her impression of Li Su became more and more favorable. She did not see her as a member of the opposite sex, but more as a friend. This was good. What she was most afraid of was unclear emotional entanglements, even if she won the battle. , although the distance is grasped very well, there are still some.

Without joking, he directly let the other party go and said: "Yaya, Zhuzhu, Tongyu, please sort it out quickly, something has happened."

The three girls were startled, and their little faces suddenly turned bitter. However, facing the existence of this mother-like sister, they really didn't have the strength to resist, so they immediately said with a grimace: "Okay!"

Soon Zhang Shengying left with the three girls.

Li Su also returned to the living room, but before he could sit down, Wu Mo spoke again, faintly saying: "Okay, Li Su, this person is very popular. There are only a dozen girls in Military University, and these are five." There are five of them, and they are still the most beautiful five!"

"Teacher Wu, do you have anything to do when your butt hurts?" Li Su couldn't help rolling his eyes. He turned to look at Lu Qian and said, "Senior sister, when are you going to enter the World Fragment?"

"Just these days, a week at most!"

"Really... I guess I was also in there when Senior Sister came out!" Li Su nodded and smiled.

Lu Qian was not surprised. In fact, if it were not for the time limit, Li Su would have already gone in.

Suddenly, Lu Qian got up from the sofa and threw herself on Li Su. Her face turned a little red and she said with a flirtatious look: "Even if it's Zhang Shengying, you can't leave me behind, or I'll die in front of you!"

"Lucy!" Wu Mo couldn't help but roared as Li Su reacted before he came. His old face was as pure as the 24K pure black.

Lifting the opponent's skull, Wu Mo walked out with a dark face without looking back. What the hell is this?

The little cabbage actually went into the pig's mouth by itself?

No, I have to contact my sister and ask her to take charge. Otherwise, if this continues, I might end up drinking.

If that happens, he, Wu Mo, will be a sinner through the ages.

Originally, because I was too busy, I didn't take good care of my parents. Even when they died, I was on the battlefield. After finally coming back, because I felt guilty for my sister and wanted to make up for my feelings, I took Lu Qian with me as my daughter. Little Cotton Jacket also Very considerate, always kind to father and filial to son.

Li Su, that's a big fire pit, a super big fire pit like King Xia!

Maybe King Xia is a wise leader, but he is undoubtedly a super scumbag. If his life level were not too high and it was difficult for women to conceive, the most popular surname in Xia Kingdom would not be Zhang, but Zhang. !

The man has been a noble surname since a thousand years ago, and it only takes him a hundred years to defeat him.

Watching the father and daughter leave, Li Su took a breath, secretly suppressed the evil fire in his heart, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's getting worse and worse. Ever since the day when Fang Jun was pressed down and beaten, Li Su felt that his nerves were being challenged every day, and his charm resistance level would be updated every day. Fortunately, Wu Mo appeared in front of him every day. , otherwise I'm afraid the gun will go off the next day.

Finally suppressing the evil fire, Li Su felt a little happy, so good... In the novels I read before, why did the protagonists always say that women would only slow down the speed of drawing their swords after they passed? ?

The more you use a sword, the faster it becomes!

If you leave it alone, isn't it just a decoration? What's the difference between the forced dicing of the Sunflower Book at the beginning?

Sitting on the sofa, Li Su slowly closed his eyes, and the five magical powers in his body started to operate spontaneously, constantly adjusting himself to make his body more perfect.

Less than two weeks to go...!

Taoist realm, here I come!

By the way, what is the jade slip given by the master? Haven’t watched it yet!

Take a look first...

Don’t know what it is this time? Eighty-Nine Mysterious Skills? The art of transformation of Tiangang and Earth Demon? Mending the sky? Or the legendary Three Pure Scriptures?

If possible, it is best to use Taishang Master's Taiqing Sutra. After learning it, it is best to directly join the human religion. It is safe for you and your senior brother. Most people basically dare not make calculations.

If it doesn't work, the Jade Pure Scripture will do. At worst, I will just be a tool. As long as I am good enough and agreeable enough, the twelve golden immortals will become thirteen!

As for Shangqing..., the leader is a good person. He is really a good person. Being his disciple must be very happy, very happy, and very heart-warming.

But...however, intercepting the religion is too confusing, it's like wanting to die...and it was wrong from the beginning. Master Tongtian, you have a good idea. It is undoubtedly a great source of vitality to intercept a piece of life for all living beings, but you use Isn’t it a bit excessive to establish a religion to save all races due to the fate of the human race? If Master Yuanshi didn't feel something was wrong first and took action in advance, when Master Tongtian couldn't suppress him, I'm afraid even the Holy Throne would be damaged.

Well, you ask why you are so respectful and respectfully call me master? Nonsense, that is the founder of Taoism, the supreme being worshiped in the hall for thousands of years, the backer of the human race...

Of course, the Nuwa Empress is naturally very reliable. She is the Holy Mother of the human race. She raised her up with tears and tears for the sake of the human race, and even got three saints to stand on.

As for the two big guys from the west, although there are some small problems between the brothers, the Buddha is the Tao, and we are all one family!

And the empress from the underworld is also... Six paths of reincarnation, God is so kind, and all things are grateful!

So, it’s definitely not fear, absolutely not!

It’s respect from the bottom of my heart, unparalleled respect, yes, that’s it!

However, what Li Su didn't notice or pay attention to was that the golden ball in his mind moved, and there seemed to be a figure moving inside...

Holding the jade slip, he integrated his spiritual power into it and began to feel the content inside. The next moment, the scripture came into his mind.

Li Su couldn't help but be stunned. These two techniques...!

It’s interesting!


I'm going to start a new book soon. I guess there won't be too many words today. I need to sort out my thoughts. I feel like the update is so fast. Is it because there are too many words? It feels like I could update the content for two months before, but it’s gone in a daze... If this continues, is it possible that the two hundred chapters will be advanced to the supernatural power book? Masaka, Masaka...!

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