Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 204: Er Meng’s magical power and magical power Li Su!

"Asu, you should have mastered the supreme chapter, right?" Ermeng said seriously.

Li Su nodded, "Yes! Got it!"

"Very good. Our clan has a magical power, which was specially developed by my father to deal with this kind of desperate situation."

"Oh~!? Keep talking!"

"It allows you to temporarily gain all my power!"

Li Su was shocked, got all the power of Er Meng? Doesn't that mean that you can directly become a magical power? Is there such a magical power?

“But there are certain limitations….”

The full power of the magical power realm is still in the Taoist realm, so it is strange that there is no limit. Li Su is not very surprised by this.

Ermeng took a breath and said slowly: "Asu, you have the power of the supernatural realm, can you destroy this place?"

Li Su glanced at the weird tree. After a moment, he nodded. If he had the power of the supernatural realm, destroying it would not be a big problem.

After all, he has mastered the entire six supreme chapters, and it is still the fundamental method. This cannot be destroyed. Isn't his training in vain?

"Very good, I knew Asu could do it."

A smile appeared on Ermeng's face, and she was very happy. She nudged Li Su with her big head, "Asu, you keep your word, right?"

"Of course, destroying this place is not a problem!" Li Su took a deep breath and nodded.

"Okay!" Ermeng took a breath, looked at Li Su and said, "Then, I'll start to use it!"

"Okay, come on!"

Er Meng didn't see any movement, and his body shrank rapidly in the next moment, getting smaller and smaller, until finally, the whole bear turned into a cub.

It breathed out gently, and a red light appeared from its mouth.

Very weird!

The red light looked like a piece of clothing, with Tao and endless inscriptions on it. There was no energy fluctuation at all, but it was filled with incredible magic.

After spitting out the red light, Ermeng felt a little sluggish and exhausted. This magical power consumed all its power.

"Asu, stretch out your hand!"

Ermeng couldn't even care about it, it was extremely serious and sacred.

Li Su also became serious and stretched out his hand.

The red clothes slowly fell down, landed on Li Su's palm, and blended into his body.

With a sudden shock, an unprecedented power burst out in his body. In an instant, Li Su's two silent Daoguo felt something, and red clothes flew over and were draped on them respectively.

I'm coming!

Li Su's eyes lit up and he felt the terrifying power he had in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story.

There is the power of Tao Fruit blessing.

The Buddha Kingdom is shaking, the ghost realm is stirring, the Vajra Realm is trembling, black light and white thunder are shining, flesh and blood are sprouting, and Qingping Sword Fruit is also rejoicing.

The realm of magical powers, the realm of magical powers, the real realm of magical powers.

"Asu, how do you feel?" Ermeng's breath was very weak and she spoke weakly.

"Well, good!" A smile appeared on Li Su's face. He could feel that destroying the tree was not a big problem now. "But, Ermeng, what will you do?"

Undoubtedly, Ermeng was very weak at this moment, very weak. All the strength in his body seemed to be transferred to himself, and his ability to defend himself was probably gone.

Once you take action, Zoe's immortal may come.

If this thing is destroyed, you can imagine how angry the other party will be. Once Er Meng is affected at this time, it is very likely to die directly.

"I'm fine!"

Ermeng took a breath, raised his head, and said with bright eyes: "Asu, we must destroy this place, it is too evil."


"By the way, Asu, let's take action soon and take away the core of this mineral vein!"

"Of course, it's impossible to give the other party the opportunity to continue making this thing."

It can be said that that tree was completely formed by the terrifying spiritual energy of the spiritual veins. Without the spiritual minerals, it would be difficult to recreate such a tree.

"Then I'm relieved!" Ermeng nodded, seemed to have lost all his strength, and fell directly to the ground. "Asu, I'm going to take a nap first. My dad should react soon and be here!"

Li Su took a deep breath. With his luck, the Buddha Kingdom appeared, intending to put Ermeng inside, and no matter what, he would protect the other party's body within one minute...

"Wait a minute, Ermeng, why is your body disappearing?"

"Huh? Didn't I tell you? Once I activate this magical power, I will lose all my power, and then the magical power my father left on me will be activated and send me back to my old home, so Asu remember to be careful later. It's such a big fuss, otherwise my dad might not be able to feel it." Er Meng, who was about to fall asleep, froze for a moment, then raised his head cutely and said.


In an instant, Li Su's face turned dark.

"Asu, remember, 50-50, you admitted it, you have to keep your word, don't lie to the bear!!" Ermeng was extremely cunning at the moment, he was very happy, how much small money is the core of a large mineral vein?

Although I traveled a lot and did a lot of work, it was all worth it!

Then, Ermeng disappeared, completely without a trace from here!

Standing alone, Li Su exploded!

Damn..., I was tricked by a bear? ? ?

Li Su's liver almost burst. He recalled the serious look on this guy's face before. What was too evil and what must be destroyed? He looked so noble and majestic. He could be called the pillar of righteousness. His emotions This realization was all given to me? ? ?

Also, that statement is true to its word, now that I think about it, where was the problem of destroying that tree? Obviously, let’s say it again, five to five points, remember!

I thought I could hold my thigh for the first time, but in the end I had to fight for my life?

And, let's take a closer look at the so-called magical power of the clan in Ermeng's mouth. Damn, take a closer look. Isn't this the magical power of wedding clothes? ? ?

Yes, Yan Nantian’s peerless martial arts.

Zen Buddhism, the magical power of wedding clothes.

The magical power entered his body, and with the absorption of the two Dao Fruits and the analysis of Dao Eyes, Li Su suddenly understood.

However, unlike the magic power of wedding clothes, it is not completely passed on to others and used as wedding clothes, but the effect is changed, turning one's own power into a source that can be lodged in others.

There is a time limit and non-recoverable properties.

Who modified this technique and created it like this? ? ?

calm down!

Li Su kept taking big breaths to calm himself down. He couldn't let out his anger because of his anger, and let the five magical powers outside sense it.

However, as the power from the wedding dress continued to come, as if there was an endless stream of power, smoke came out of Li Su's head.

Ermeng, can't you really destroy that tree?

No, it can destroy it!

Do you really think that the realm of supernatural powers is like Chinese cabbage? This magical power, even the simplest Taoist attack, is enough to destroy this place, right?

The strange tree has strong resilience. When faced with Er Meng, it is still just a tree!

Therefore, the real purpose of that bear doing so much was not the tree, but to get Li Su to get away the spiritual mineral crystals.

Five percent or fifty percent, what would you choose?

Li Su was so angry that he almost sold himself out without digging a hole! Routines come and go, and in the end, you get trapped in them.

Why do you think this bear has changed its gender? You think it is a bear raised by the Xia Kingdom. It has extremely righteous views and has the consciousness of being a pillar of the righteous path. But in fact, this is just a bear. What do you expect a bear to do?

Don't be angry, don't be angry...

As a national treasure, his job is to act cute, eat bamboo, and then be touched and held. It would be too much to think more about it.

That figure-footed step, those cute eyes, even though it is a bear, can it really be related to a bear? could not be reached....

Li Su quickly calmed down. After all, he was relatively tolerant of the national treasures in his previous life. The most important thing now was his own side.

This power is time-sensitive. Once activated, he has ten minutes at most!

Therefore, we must race against time.

And Er Meng, the cheater, also said that he should make more moves, which means that by targeting him, once his father takes action, he will most likely have to face Zoe's five magical realm enemies and the immortals on his own first. The pursuit of the environment...

Li Su's face was dark, pure black.

Ermeng, just wait for me. If I don’t round you up and play bowling when you go back, I won’t call you Li Su!

Taking a deep breath, Li Su's eyes began to glow with golden light.

He knows how to fight!

But before that, let’s talk about transforming into a magical power.

Flesh and blood flew out and entered the center of the large mine directly through the hole in the tree tendon. Without hesitation, Li Su began to extract the spiritual energy inside.

Qingping Sword Fruit appeared, and as Li Su entered the magical realm, the Dao Fruit in the sword was also dressed in red.

Under the realm of magical power, the somewhat uncontrollable Qingping Sword immediately became more skillful, and Guan Zhi Shen moved.

A slight tremble, a drop, like an arm using a finger, directly performing the simplest, clearest, yet extremely complex and mysterious carving on one's own meridians.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes.

The speed of Tao transformation was beyond imagination. With the blessing of the great realm and the analysis of Tao eyes, in just four minutes, the supreme Tao of flesh and blood was perfectly carved on his meridians.


Even Li Su couldn't help but trembled at this moment, and an afterimage appeared on his body.

That's his soul, his true self!

The skin, flesh, meridians, and bones began to glow, and chapters emerged, bit by bit, falling towards his soul, starting from the body and imprinting the soul!

The soul transforms into the Tao, which can also be said to be the Tao.

It seemed like a century had passed, but in reality it was only a few seconds.

Li Su's soul became visibly clearer to the naked eye. The supreme chapter of flesh and blood continued to vibrate and began to compress. He frantically absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy into it. Little by little, his soul began to change, and fire was rising.

The fire was not bright, and it barely produced even the slightest bit of light to the naked eye.

The fire was also bright, and all the cells inside the body were illuminated by it, and all the cells were jumping for joy.

With a slight tremor, Li Su's soul returned to its original form. At the same time, a piece of scripture appeared on his Yuan Shen Dao Fruit, and the scripture culture turned into a flame, covering the whole body of the Dao Fruit.

Less than twenty days after arriving in the Earthly Immortal Realm, Li Su transformed into a Taoist form once! !

Unable to bear it, Li Su let out a long breath, it was different, completely different.

The difference between those who have transformed into Tao and those who have not transformed into Tao is really not an ordinary fight. The effects brought about by the supremacy of flesh and blood are beyond imagination.

Not only that, he felt it, very clearly, that something was broken...

The ceiling of the Taoist realm! ! !

Yes, he made a breakthrough and achieved enlightenment with the fundamental law as the core.

He is truly standing in the same league as Ying Zhan and Zhang Shengying. Although they are not tied yet, as long as he continues to transform, it is basically only a matter of time before he catches up with them.


After exhaling a long breath, Li Su's eyes flashed. It must be said that the consumption was extremely high.

Fortunately, it was on Zoe's mineral vein, otherwise Li Su would have consumed most of his resources just to transform his soul into a Tao and become a Taoist.

No wonder it is so laborious to transform into the Dao in the Supreme Chapter, but just the consumption can be said to be at the mammoth level, especially for the soul to transform into the Dao. Li Su never expected that the consumption is actually the sum of skin, flesh and blood, tendons, and bones. sum.

"about there...."

Li Su stood up straight. Although he really wanted to continue to transform if possible, time obviously did not allow it.

The magical power that Er Meng originally passed on to him only lasted ten minutes, and he had already used half of it.

We can't delay any longer!

Taking a deep breath, a cold light flashed in Li Su's eyes, he moved!


Terrifying flames soared into the sky. The fire was not material fire, not void fire, but the fire of life. It could ignite everything and burn everything. There were countless inscriptions in the flames, and each point was made up of the height of a piece of paper. Li Su punched the strange tree directly.

At the same time, a country rushed out from behind his head. The country was huge and endless, and there were sceneries inside.

There is a huge Buddha seat, a thousand-mile Buddhist temple, a thousand-foot-long dancing tree, a hundred-foot-long Buddha bell, and while the bell is ringing, infinite light shines on the heaven and earth, the water of eight merits roars down, five hundred Arhats create a masterpiece of precious light, and three thousand bhikkhunis recite the Amitabha Sutra. .


With a shocking sound, thousands of feet of fire shot up into the sky, and the thousand-foot-long Buddha Kingdom descended into the mortal world!

The Zoe Mine, which covers an area larger than the town, exploded with a bang! ! !

"not good!"

"Damn it!"

In an instant, the expressions of Zoe's magical powers, a total of five of them, changed drastically. Countless inscriptions burst out on their bodies instantly, with traces of the avenue. Terrible power and suffocating power rose from their bodies. The magic power was like fire, and the huge sky was distorted by the burning.

Facing this scene, Li Su, covered in black mud, strode out. His blood was like a dragon, and his blood was like fire. As soon as the fierce fire appeared, the area of ​​10,000 meters was directly ignited.

"Die to me!!!"

The five magical powers, with blood-red eyes, rushed towards Li Su without hesitation. Their bodies were each manifested, with five-color swords, colorful giant towers, Vajra giant apes, undersea kun beasts, and blood-stained dead phoenixes.

On each one, there is a remnant of the supreme inscription, and the avenue is attached.

As soon as it appeared, the world was shaken, and the huge mountain range was shattered inch by inch under the power of the five people, which was unbearable.

Facing this terrible attack, Li Su did not dodge. His eyes were like torches and he could penetrate the void. He raised his palm and white bones flew out. Those were his spine bones. There were scriptures on them, which were the supreme chapter and the path of the great road. .

The moment it fell into the hand, it turned into a huge sword.

Li Su shouted low, his blood rushed up, the void turned into a fire, a supreme chapter flashed in the fire, it was the Book of Creation, it was the fire of life, the chapter shook, a rhyme flashed again, the flame trembled, there was life The rhyme is injected into it, transforming into a dragon, a phoenix, a unicorn, and thousands of ancient mythical beasts roaring out.

He raised his hand and struck a sword, and saw three thousand golden sands emerging. There were dragons in the golden sands. One grain of sand had three thousand realms, and one realm had one dragon.


Nine hundred thousand divine dragons burst into the void!

Another sword was turned around. There was a domain on the sword, and there were endless ghosts in the domain. The rays of the sun shone, and a woman opened her eyes. She rolled up her sleeves, and the void trembled, turning into a ghost domain.

Endless black mud swept out, like the nine-day long river, endless!

Then another sword came out, black light and white thunder, black light dots, white thunder shining in the sky, one is punishment, the other is calamity, one is reality, the other is void, two completely different forces are going to tear the world apart, and will Zhou Yu was penetrated.

Boom, boom! ~

The sound of thunder shakes the heaven and earth.

Finally, there is another sword. The white bone sword shows green light. There are four colors in the green light: the sword of killing intent, the sword of change, the sword of death, and the sharp sword. The four swords rise through the air and can split the heaven and earth. Cutting the heaven and earth can cut off the great road.

In the sudden flash of lightning, Zoe's face changed as he couldn't help but change the expression of his five great magical powers. What he saw was an unimaginable terrifying attack. That rhyme and the inscriptions were all written with the destructive power of the extreme realm.

The five people faced the five moves, but their faces were not relaxed at all, they were all solemn and shocked.

Flame divine beasts and swords, nine hundred thousand divine dragons and towers, infinite black mud and giant diamond apes, black light and white thunder and underwater kun beasts, four-color sword lights and blood-stained dead phoenixes!

A bang!

Boom! ! !

The sky was shaken.

The ground is cracked.

The previous great conflict in the supernatural realm had an unprecedented and terrifying impact.

Thousands of miles of land trembled, the earth overturned, and the mountains and rocks shattered.


There was a shocking sound.

Five streams of light rolled out, breaking the sound barrier at such a speed that they instantly retreated ten thousand meters and hit the ground.


The mountain is broken!

The river is broken!

The earth turned into scorched earth.

In an instant, the Holy City of the Five Surnames was the first to feel it. The supernatural power realm inside could not help but raise its head, with a solemn look on its face.

Battles, great battles, between magical realms! ! !

Then Xia City of Xia Kingdom and the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance of the Demon Clan also sensed it at the same time.

There's a war going on there? Is this the magical realm? This breath, the supreme chapter? ? ?

For a moment, everyone was shocked!

A battle in the realm of magical power has not happened in the earth and immortal world for a long time. The last time was ten years ago...!

In the center of the battlefield, Li Su took a breath, and his body felt a little uncomfortable. Although the wedding magic skill was wonderful, he was not in the true magical realm after all.

And Zoe's five magical powers are undoubtedly very embarrassing.

Some people's bodies were burnt, some people's bodies seemed to be torn apart by blunt instruments, some people's bodies were covered in black mud and their skin was bitten to pieces, some people's bodies were shaking constantly, there were lightning flashes inside, some people's bodies were cut open, and there were Terrible Tao Yun coverage.

The five people had extremely shocked looks on their faces, one versus five? They were actually beaten away?

Not only that, but feeling the power invading their bodies, the five of them were simply unbelievable. All of them were supreme chapters? The avenue inscriptions that were strangling them were too terrifying, and the magical immortality technique had been suppressed?

Who is this guy? ? ?

I have never heard of humans having such magical powers! ! !

They took a breath and charged forward again, heading towards Li Su without hesitation.

Although shocked, there is no doubt that this person cannot be allowed to go away and must be killed.

He came out of the mine, and the thing inside must not be exposed!


Even though their bodies were torn apart by the Supreme Chapter, the five people didn't hesitate at all and came to kill like crazy!

Li Su's expression did not change. He also knew that at the level of the magical power realm, it was obviously unrealistic to kill the enemy quickly.

He activated his magic power, and the two great fruits began to vibrate. The nine-color treasure light burst out, the nine golden lotus trembled, and the supreme power continued to fall. The red clothes draped on the two great fruits continued to be drained of power.

One sword of blood and fire, one sword of thunder and light, one sword of black mud, one sword of dragon realm, and one sword of four lights.

Facing the five magical powers, Li Su directly fought with them head-on.

As the highest power in the Earthly Immortal Realm that can directly take action under normal circumstances, the six people showed a power that was different from the Immortal Realm, but equally terrifying.

boom! boom! boom!

Treasure sword, giant tower, giant ape, kun beast, dead phoenix.

Surrounding the people in the center, they strangled them crazily.

The Tao Yun is colliding, the inscriptions are steaming, and bits and pieces of power are constantly falling out as the two sides fight each other.

It fell on the mountain and the mountain split.

If it falls into the river, the river will die.

Their aura was extremely terrifying, and their astonishing magic power scorched the entire sky.

Ten miles, a hundred miles, ten thousand miles.

Constantly entangled and constantly fighting.

"Who is that guy who was besieged???" The people of the fifth surname arrived first, but they did not come forward. The battle between the two sides was really too fierce. If this time passes, under the influence of Qi, they will be severely injured. .

"Zoe's people? Are they so strong?" The people from Xia Kingdom also arrived, led by Zhu Zhong. He looked at the battle not far away with a solemn expression, feeling that it was difficult.

Of course, the most troublesome thing is undoubtedly the guy being besieged, he is too strong, too strong.

Every time he struck, it was a supreme scripture. Regardless of the entanglement between the two sides, he was almost unharmed, while the five Zoe were constantly strangled by its power.

Who is this guy? ? ?

The demon clan also arrived, and Crocodile Ao was a little surprised. As one of the strongest second generations, the strongest among the human clan was undoubtedly Yinglong, but obviously the opponent was not, but it gave him the feeling that Yinglong was not weak at all!

This person cannot be kept! ! !

In an instant, Crocodile Ao made a decision. Apart from anything else, simply because the opponent was fighting in human form, there was no doubt that it was a human race.

Just as it was about to move, it was blocked.

Zhu Chong!

Fighting in human form, no matter who it is, it is undoubtedly a human race. Xia Guo and Wu Xing are not very good at dealing with it. Apparently they have had some discussions before, but have not yet decided. In short, the demon race cannot be allowed to show off.

"What should I do?" Chen's brows slightly furrowed in the supernatural realm. Do you want to take action? But Zoe obviously noticed them, but she didn’t speak.

Just when the three parties watching the battle were confused, there was movement in the center of the battlefield.

Among the five Zoeys, one of them suddenly changed his aura. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Li Su indifferently. Different from the expressions of the other four, he was supreme and indifferent to all living beings.

Needless to say, he slapped it with one palm.

In an instant, Li Su's face, which was originally at ease, suddenly changed.


This power, this intensity... was no stranger to him.

I had contact once, during the time of A Chinese Ghost Story, through Buddha.

Damn it, Zoe’s Wonderland?

Damn it, do you still want to criticize me? ? ?

Li Su quickly raised his hand, no longer attacking, but defending with all his strength, and the five supreme chapters were instantly closed.


Obviously, facing an entire Immortal Realm-level power, there is not only a gap in realm, but also in strength.

The Supreme Chapter trembled slightly and immediately shattered, and Li Su was completely shattered in an instant.


The Yuanshen Dao Fruit spurted out a mouthful of blood, and two of the Lotus Dao Fruits also broke in one tremor.

The formation of Dao hurts...!

Don't take it lightly, this is a great injury, the most troublesome and the most difficult to heal.

However, the flesh and blood on the top of Li Suyuan's Divine Dao Fruit began to vibrate, fierce flames burned, and powerful force fell down to repair the wounds on the Dao Fruit.

Without any hesitation, he walked away.

In fact, he had already run away. After all, he couldn't be killed. His fighting was so exciting, it was just attracting attention.

Countless blood spread out in all directions.


The possessed Zoe simply snorted, "How can the great deeds of immortals be understood by supernatural powers?" Do you still want to escape in front of the immortal even though you are in the realm of magical powers? ridiculous!

The sound turned into the sword of the avenue, locking all flesh and blood soul of Li Su, and fell directly with the sword.

Facing this scene, for a moment, the Xia Kingdom, the Five Surnames, and even the Monster Clan could not help but frown, Zoe's Immortal Realm? Actually ended up directly?

"Hey, they say that my demon race is shameless, and the human race is not much better!" Crocodile Ao sneered, no doubt Zoe's fairy realm could hear it, but did it care? It doesn't care!

There is a fairy behind it too!

Zhu Zhong frowned. The immortal directly attacked the magical power. Not to mention that this was against the rules. The important thing was that the other party was killing humans. When facing the demon clan, he had never seen the other party be so active.

Sure enough, none of the five surnames are good.

what to do? Would you like to send someone over? But I’m not sure if it’s from my side.

If it is, it's fine, if it's not, it's really fucked.

This guy has mastered several supreme chapters, counting them all... Suddenly Zhu Chong's pupils shrank and his expression changed.

not good!

Although it is a bit unbelievable, the possibility is not low, it is very possible! ! !

After all, that guy Ermeng is by his side!

He was about to shake him immediately, but unfortunately, it was too late and the knife fell.

The sword of Dao struck directly on Li Su's flesh and blood, piercing into his soul. His Dao fruit and red clothes were all split open.

The scattered flesh and blood immediately trembled, and then turned into ashes.

Somewhere, a drop of blood suddenly trembled, and the flesh and blood transformed into Li Su. He coughed up a large mouthful of blood and threw himself directly to the ground. His whole body was torn apart, and blood flowed out, and he almost died. However, his liver was glowing, and the golden cicada vibrated on it, absorbing all the injuries, and then turned into ashes.

You old bitch, Bi Lian doesn't want...!

The next moment his vision went dark and he fainted completely.


A scream sounded.

At the same time, somewhere in Xia City, the place where Xia Kingdom’s large mine is placed.

There was a red panda lying there. It was grinning and grinning. It had become rich. The price it paid was that it could not use its magical powers for a month. It was so profitable, so profitable.

Just as it was laughing extremely happily and rolling on the ground, a knife penetrated the void, locked the cause and effect, and fell directly on it.


With a scream, the red panda's soul was split open.

The soul cracked, and the injury was immediately reflected on it. The cute bear almost broke in half.

It's so miserable, so miserable.

In an instant, white light vibrated in its soul, and the light flashed away.

On the battlefield, Zoe's Immortal Realm face showed a surprised look. He could feel that the target was not dead!

Still alive? The ants are really acquainted with each other, but it's a pity that the magical power realm cannot be taken down, otherwise they can be captured and studied.

As for now, the action has been taken, and it will be over completely.

You must know that after the incident, it is obvious that you will be held accountable. Since you have taken action, you will naturally not hold back. Secrets must be hidden, and the ants must die! !

Just as the thought fell, he lit up, so bright that it lit up the entire night.

Immortal Realm was startled, and then his expression changed.

He was no stranger to this magical power.

Not far away, Zhu Zhong's expression also changed. Is this Er Meng's roll call title? !

Before he could speak, a shrill roar exploded in the void, and a terrifying body appeared in the sky. It was black and white, but it didn't have that cute feeling at all. It was just terrifying.

"Xiong Ri is your second grandpa's bastard. If the Immortal Realm takes action against my son, you will die if I am young!!!"

The bear exploded, completely exploded.

The second cute guy in his family said he wouldn’t fight, but someone dared to break the rules? Use the Immortal Realm to attack its second cuteness?


With a roar of a bear, Immortal Realm's expression changed, just as when he faced Li Su with disdain and contempt, he turned around and ran away without even thinking about the giant panda at the level of Eight Kings.

Unfortunately, he ran very fast, and the bear chased him even faster. The main reason was that his whole body was lit up, so he had no place to hide.

One bite at a time, it was extremely cruel, and it directly chewed up the whole body of the Immortal Realm, which was extremely miserable.

Although extremely embarrassed, Zoe's immortal did not dare to speak or say harsh words at this moment. First, he violated the rules, and then many pairs of eyes looked at him. It was the immortal realm of Xia Kingdom.

He just ran away. How awesome he was when he came, and how miserable he was at this moment.

He kept running, kept chasing, and ran directly out of the earthly immortal world. The light was really too bright, and he couldn't even hide there.

He gritted his teeth hard, took the right direction, and rushed towards the mythical world.

Finally, he finally arrived. The immortal was covered in blood, and the golden immortal blood flowed all over the ground. He rushed in.

The front half of his body had just entered, and before Zoe's immortal face had time to relax, a hand stretched out and directly pulled off his outer legs.

ah! ! !

A shrill scream rang out, it wasn't just the legs that were torn off the body, the soul was also torn off.

At this moment, a figure appeared, it was Zhu Chongba, Ermeng's second father.

His eyes were cold, and he stared at the mythical world. He beat my son, and also beat me, the genius of the Xia Kingdom. Fortunately, they were fine, otherwise it would not be a leg.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby" by the big Meng, it shouted, staring at Zhu Zhongba with its head, its eyes blood red and said: "Zhongba, Zoe is bullying Baby Xiong!!!"

"Let's go to Zoe's house. There must be an explanation this time!" Zhu Chongba put his legs away and spoke without hesitation.

Is it over if the immortal runs away?

Haha, let me tell you, this matter is not over yet! ! !


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