Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 209 He is dead, I said so! !

Encountering such a situation, Li Su was really overwhelmed.


Are you going to beat this one to death?

Li Su is a simple person. If you treat him well, he will repay you a hundred times. If you treat him badly, he will kill you on the spot.

If this guy in front of you, who manages the Zhao family, Wang family, and Li family, wants to kill me, I will beat you to death in front of me.

After the thought fell, Li Su's eyes turned a little red, his flesh and blood undulated, the thunder sounded, the Buddha's kingdom shone in his veins, and he began to chant.

In an instant, the disciple surnamed Zhao felt nothing, but the two military disciples who rushed towards him were stiff, their limbs were cold, and their bones were feeling cold. The people in front of them were no longer administrative pension disciples that they could take down at will, but... It's a huge devil's cave, reaching out to chop you up, stretching out your legs to chop you off, peeling off your skin, pulling out your bones, and boiling you into oil.

Approaching Li Su, the two of them immediately got goosebumps. At this moment, their lives were no longer in their hands, but in each other's hands.


The faces of the two military disciples suddenly changed and turned green.

Those who can be here are all elites.

Those who are qualified to enter and can cultivate there, if their talents are not comparable, how can they be so stupid?

They immediately realized that there was something wrong with Chen Hao's identity! ! !

Big problem!

He is definitely not a useless person who appears to be supported by the administrative department.

Why do you say that?

With their few years outside and hundreds of years of survival experience inside the fragmented world, this feeling is completely correct.


Sure enough, impulsiveness is the devil!

Because it was Zhao Kang who gave the order, they didn't think much about it. But at this moment, the two of them thought about it carefully and found that the other party asked Zhao Kang to consult the superiors three times. How obvious a hint was this? No, it can be considered an explicit statement, right?

As a result, Zhao Kang, the bastard, didn't listen at all and didn't care about what the other party said. Instead, he thought that the other party had disobeyed him, so he became furious.

Frozen on the spot, the two military disciples were in a daze, and countless images flashed before their eyes...

Ah, what the hell, the revolving door has appeared?

Who is this person in front of me? ?

They clearly felt that this person named 'Chen Hao' was not actually targeting them. He only had a murderous intention because of Zhao Kang's excessive behavior.

And just such a trace of murderous intention caused the two of them to have souls appear, and the revolving door appeared.

What is this concept? What kind of gap is this?

Well, it was probably like a mammal cat, which was seen by the Indominus dragon in ancient times. If the other party moved, there would be no bones left waiting for them.

They are not inexperienced people. They have had the experience of fighting with countless geniuses. They were even lucky enough to fight with Xia Kingdom's two geniuses, Sheng Zhan and Zhang Shengying, to kill pests.

There is no doubt that they felt the superficial pressure at this moment, no, it was obviously greater! ! !

The man in front of him had too violent killing intent.

Mom, I'm sorry, I'm dying!

It's so tragic, it's so tragic that he died in this way.

You must know that what they hate most in their lives is undoubtedly the dude, but they didn't expect that through a sudden habit, the two of them actually became the dude's subordinates, and they took action against the being who must never take action.

Damn, I’m so sorry! !

Why did the higher-ups want this guy to become the team leader...?


On the side, Zhu Chihu couldn't stand it anymore. He didn't receive the order. What is your request from Zhao Kang? Doesn’t that cut off other people’s opportunities? Xia Guo has the requirement to obey the orders of his superiors, but it is obvious that Zhao Kang does not have that much power. If you do this, is it surprising that the other party can be convinced?

Not only that, Li Su's words also made her feel something. She asked the other party several times to find her superiors to implement the orders. However, she didn't look like a member of the administrative pension, but had some identity.

Now Zhao Kang's obviously insane behavior has undoubtedly pushed both sides into the corner. The demon clan and the five surnames all looked over.

If Chen Hao really has a different identity, Zhao Kang will undoubtedly be fully responsible for this matter.

And executed on the spot? She, Zhu Chihu, didn't have that authority unless it was clear that the other party's behavior was rebellious.

Is there a person named Chen Hao? No! Because Zhao Kang is not qualified to make such a request!

Thinking of this, Zhu Chihu said: "Okay, Zhao Kang, that's almost enough!"

When Zhao Kang heard this, he turned back directly. He looked at Zhu Chihu with cold eyes and said calmly: "Major Zhu, I respect your status and it was specifically explained above, so I don't care what you want to do. How do you like it in Qiudao Cliff?" That’s it? It doesn’t matter whether it’s a waste of time or whether you act alone, but please don’t hinder me. As the person in charge of this operation, I have my rights!”

Yes, he admitted that he was a little impulsive and regretted it after giving the order.

But, because of this, he must do it, must!

At this moment, the entire team is looking at him, everyone is looking at him, Xia Guo, Wu Xing, and Yao Clan are all looking at him.

Whatever happened this time, whether it was right or wrong, it didn't matter.

The point is that the authority of the leader cannot be ignored, and you must know that it is still outside.

He can't manage a guy who is just a pensioner in the administrative department. He doesn't obey orders. How can he command the team after he gets in?

Originally, because of the special mechanism of Qiudao Cliff, many people have other ideas, are not very obedient, and do not have enough authority. Then they will be unable to move inside, and something will happen!

Looking into each other's eyes, Zhu Chihu was stunned. At this moment, she wanted to say something, but in the end she sighed and stopped talking. She felt what the other party was thinking, and Zhao Kang was a bit stuck.

Unlike Shengzhan and others, Zhao Kang himself did not have the power to convince the public. He was directly appointed by the superiors. On the surface, everyone obeyed, but it was hard to say what they thought in their hearts.

For the sake of the stability of the team, he must maintain his authority.

Seeing that Zhu Chihu was not talking, Zhao Kang nodded with satisfaction, and then turned around. When his eyes fell on Li Su, Zhao Kang immediately felt a sense of violence and uncontrollable violence in his heart. If it weren't for this person named Chen Hao, The bastard tried to make him unable to step down again and again. How could things be like this?

Why not accept it? Why not accept it?

You're just a guy from the administrative department, how dare you challenge me? Embarrass me?

He regretted it.

But it's not that he regrets that his order was too impulsive, but that he should take action directly and kill the opponent on the spot without giving the situation a chance to continue.

He is the leader of the team, and his thoughts are the most correct!

He looked at the two disciples from the military department who had not moved since Zhu Chihu opened his mouth, and yelled: "What are you still doing? Hold him down and execute him on the spot!!!"

When Zhu Chihu heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head. He regretted it for the first time. Maybe he shouldn't have refused Zhang Shengying who came to see him. At that time, the other party wanted to hand over the command of the team to her, but she refused. She was stuck in the original It has been a long, long time since she was born. As a second generation, although her physical strength is constantly getting stronger, she is still stuck in the Taoist realm. Is she not panicking? She panics!

Seeing that Zhao Kang was doing well, she shook her head and refused, saying that she would cooperate with Zhao Kang.

Recalling Zhang Shengying's eyes and words at that time, this Zhao Kang was really not suitable to be a leader. His ability to withstand pressure was too small, and his own courage was not enough.

Faced with the pressing pressure of the demon clan, he kept retreating and retreating. Now it is obvious that because of the pressure, he is demanding more and more harshness from the team itself? what is this?

Arrange others to give up their own opportunities based on your own ideas? The one with the loudest voice won’t know how to win the battle, and he doesn’t dare to do so. How can he win? Because I don’t have that authority!

After this time, go back and tell your father that Zhao Kang is no longer suitable to be the leader of Qiudao Cliff. Now that Zhang Zhuzhu and Zhu Tongyu are here, he will be replaced next time.


Now, here comes the problem.

Li Su sighed softly, his murderous intention faded away, mainly because he felt a little pitiful.

It was not Zhao Kang, but two military disciples who were frozen in place.

The two people clearly felt something, so they froze. Their faces were pale and their eyes were dull. They must have been frightened by their own energy.

The poor two guys' expressions changed dozens of times in an instant, and finally they showed a look full of regret and a look like "Mom, I'm going to die." This made it difficult for Li Su to start.

After all, people in the military put obedience first.

And this scene is undoubtedly very typical. It belongs to the incompetence of one general and the exhaustion of the three armies.

If they were monsters, Li Su wouldn't care and would kill them all. However, the other party was not. They were the demon conquering army. After realizing his mistake, the fire in his heart also faded a lot.

Forget it, if you argue with a pig, will you become a pig yourself?

Moreover, if his feeling was correct, he could already enter Qiudao Cliff. Did Xia Guo prepare it for him in advance? Forget it, never mind!

In this case, he no longer needs to continue playing house with this idiot Zhao Kang outside.

If you can avoid being exposed, it’s best not to be exposed for the time being.

As for Zhao Kang? Want to show off? Find someone else!

After thinking about it, Li Su turned around and jumped up. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he rushed directly into Qiudao Cliff. Qiudao Cliff sent out a ray of light and took him in directly.

Um? ? ?

"Ha ha...!"

Not far away, the demon clan who had discovered the situation suddenly spoke out.

The leader is the evil crow, the strongest in the Taoist realm of the demon race. It looked at Zhao Kang and couldn't help but laugh. Zhao Kang was his old rival. He was a trash who thought too highly of himself. How to describe it in the words of the human race? His strength could not convince the crowd, and his virtue could not match his position. Thanks to him, the demon clan was able to quickly suppress the human clan. In just two months, they almost brought down the Xia Kingdom. I am really grateful to him.

"Zhao Kang, you can't do it. It's incomparable to winning a battle. You can't even control your subordinates!!!"

Following the words of the evil crow, the demon tribe immediately began to laugh with great ridicule.

Not far away, the Five Surnames also glanced at Zhao Kang. They didn't say anything, but there was obviously a trace of disdain in their eyes. The leader Chen Sheng shook his head directly. Outside, the Xia Kingdom, the Five Surnames, and the Monster Clan were three pillars.

But in Qiudao Cliff, there is no doubt that the demon clan is now the dominant family, and the human clan can hardly kick them up.

Zhao Kang has a great responsibility.

Feeling the disdainful looks shown by the demon clan and the five surnames towards him at the same time, especially Xie Ya's words about "you and winning the battle are simply incomparable," Zhao Kang's heart burst into tears, and various emotions such as anger, murderous intent, and pressure filled his body. His eyes immediately turned red.

How dare? How dare he, that bastard? ? ?

Extremely furious, he took out his tablet, clicked on Chen Hao's picture in a few clicks, and without even thinking about it, he clicked on the application with his own authority.

'Chen Hao disobeyed orders and acted without authorization, which caused major problems in the Qiudaoya mission. Zhao Kang, the commander of Qiudaoya, is now a second-level officer of the Ministry of Administration. He will be deprived of all rights and charged with treason. Everyone related to him will be charged with treason. , hold accountable! ! ’

After finishing, Zhao Kang turned off the tablet and crushed it into pieces. He was so angry that he shouted loudly: "Military disciples obey the order. After entering, they found Chen Hao, locked his identity, and immediately expelled him from Qiudao Cliff." !!”

He's dead, I say! ! !

The next moment, Zhao Kang stopped organizing the team, and directly accepted it, and continued to arrange the entry of new students.

"Do you think it will be fine as long as you go in? Tell you, no!! You are dead, you are dead!!!"

Zhao Kang's eyes were full of anger and he was extremely crazy. He was in a very bad mood to begin with, and the several defeats in Qiudaoya were even more uncomfortable. Although he maintained his vitality in the end, his prestige also plummeted.

Now there are team members openly refuting his orders. If he can't kill chickens and scare monkeys, what kind of leader is he?

After the freshmen made arrangements, he looked at the more than fifty military veterans without hesitation.

"After you enter, after completing the transformation, immediately search according to the location, command the password, and use the hands and fingers, and you must obey."

"have you understood?"

More than fifty military disciples looked at each other, nodded and said, "Understood!"


Zhao Kang gave the order and took the lead and rushed in.

Soon, more than fifty military disciples followed closely and rushed in.

Seeing Zhao Kang walking away in anger, Zhu Chihu almost broke his silver teeth and turned blue.

Even if you are refuted by Chen Hao, shouldn't the first thing you have to consider is the mission of seeking Dao Cliff itself? Why did you lead people in so recklessly? ? ?

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting, so interesting."

Not far away, Xie Yao laughed and laughed loudly: "It's true, there are people in Xia Kingdom who are so disobedient to orders. Boys, let's go and watch the fun!!!" Thank you so much, thank you so much, Xia Guo actually arranged for this idiot to continue to be the leader.

Opportunity, great opportunity! This time, the Taoist realm beat out all the humans!


The evil crow waved his hand, and more than five hundred demon clans immediately jumped into the air, and rushed into it with smiles on their faces.

Damn it!

Zhu Chihu couldn't stand it anymore. She took out her tablet and wanted to contact her father. She immediately assumed the identity of this bastard. She actually let such a pig become the leader of Qiudao Cliff? ? ?


Seeking Tao in the cliff!

Zhao Kang took the lead and appeared directly, his face was cold and gloomy.

His eyes were filled with red light, and he was looking down.

The location where he appeared was on the ninth floor of the learning cliff, which meant that he was only one step away from the cave.

Although he is not big-hearted and his talent is not good, his strength is still quite good. There were only five people from the military department who came out with him, and unlike him, they had just stepped into this level, while he had been here for a long time, and he was only one step away from breaking through.

Therefore, it can be said that in the entire team, except Zhu Chihu, no one is stronger than him!

Although Zhu Chihu is strong, it is obvious that her cultivation direction is wrong. She is neither fish nor fowl at Qiudao Cliff, and has not been able to break through the third level so far.

In other words, Zhao Kang is undoubtedly the strongest and well-deserved leader of the Xia Kingdom!

He said nothing and looked down coldly, waiting for the announcement.

Soon, information came from below.

Signals were sent out from the first, second, third... floors. Of course, this behavior itself will be punished. The manual has already explained a lot about how strict the rules are here.

Zhao Kang didn't care anymore, he had to deal with Chen Hao no matter what, no matter what!


He was startled. There was no doubt that there was only one message coming from below. Wasn't he there?

None here? ? How..., above three floors? impossible.


Didn't come in?

Zhao Kang couldn't help but sneered. Entering Qiudao Cliff is equivalent to entering another world. It is like entering a world fragment. There is a prepared place where you can see your own situation and enter after confirming it.

Have you read the manual? Do you know what's going on inside? Do you plan to get stuck in the preparation area and wait until there are enough people to enter?

Zasui, do you think you already understand Qiudao Cliff?

No, you don't understand!

Zhao Kang took a deep breath and calmed himself down. Well, there was some mistake. He didn't need to be in such a hurry. There was no need to chase him in. From the moment the other party entered without permission, the initiative was in his hands.

Looking back now, the treason charge was a bit unsettling, and it was not enough to convict him just like that.

It should be rejected, so after leaving here, he will take the initiative to modify it, cancel the request, and change it to disrespect the order.

Um? Is Zhao Kang not angry anymore?

Of course not, how could it be possible? How could he be willing to do this without letting the other person regret for the rest of his life and cry bitterly?

He just calmed down and disrespected orders. Although this was far less than treason, once he was branded, the other person's life was over.

Now Xia Kingdom is in a state of war preparedness for a long time, and the orders issued by superiors mean everything!

Therefore, after calming down, he has many ways to target Chen Hao, various deployments, various tasks, and destroy the opponent bit by bit.

"Lian Meng, you send them a message, don't worry about it!"

He gave the order, thinking there was nothing he could do if he hid it?

Among the five people who came out together, one of them stood up and spoke directly, and the sharp whistle was passed on with ups and downs.

As soon as the voice fell, the voice of Incomparable Eyes rang out in the void.

‘If you make a loud noise, you will be punished with three whips! ’

In an instant, three bloody red whips fell, hitting the body of the man who opened the mouth directly.


With a sound, the extremely powerful man's face suddenly turned pale.


With a sound, his body shook, his face was bloodless, he was dizzy and in unbearable pain.


There was another sound, and even though his will was as strong as iron, he couldn't help but fall to the ground at this moment, with blood flowing from all his orifices.

Undoubtedly, the rules at Qiudao Cliff and Xue Cliff are terrifyingly strict.

Zhao Kang ignored the situation of Lian Meng who fell on the ground. At this moment, his eyes were full of coldness. He was not going to look for it. The other party was still a little clever. Unfortunately, he was still one step away from the tenth level. As long as he became a disciple of the cave, he would have orders. You can do whatever you want with other people's rights when the time comes! ! !

As he said, Chen Hao is dead and no one can save him!

The four people next to him turned their heads away. They helped the downed person up, with a trace of perseverance flashing in their eyes...

But at this moment, a new person appeared, an unfamiliar face.

Zhao Kang glanced at the dozen or so new people who appeared, and there was a haze in his eyes, the demon clan...!

As expected, one of them laughed directly and said: "Oh, it's so miserable. It's a direct violation of the rules... Three whips, your soul is hurt, right? By the way, has Zhao Kang found the guy who violated the rules? Kill him. Are you done? Do you want me to help you?"

Zhao Kang couldn't help but clenched his fists, and said coldly: "Evil Crow, take care of yourself... This time, it won't be the same as last time!!"

The evil crow smiled, and its eyes slowly filled with contempt: "Really? Then I really have to look forward to it." Hey, trash, what do you think I don't know? If it weren't for the fact that Qiudaoya was not very friendly to the demon clan and had to transform into human beings to come in, the human race would have been cleared out by them long ago.

But that's it this time, the magical realm is ready, and soon this place will become the territory of our demon clan.


At the same time, Li Su was there.

Has he come in?

He came in naturally, without even entering the preparation area, and was sent directly inside.

So he was a little shocked at the moment.

Under normal circumstances, people who enter for the first time will usually appear between the first and third levels of the Learning Cliff, and then go up step by step, and finally reach the three caves and become a disciple of the cave. This is what they can do after entering the Seeking Cliff. The highest status obtained, at least that's what the manual says.

Don't underestimate it. In fact, this status is quite impressive. It comes with certain benefits and a lot less rules to abide by. Not to mention, it also has the right to command disciples outside the cave. The two of them got it when they won the battle. The demon clan is in a miserable state. The only pity is that they cannot be killed, otherwise none of the demon clan will be left.

At this moment, Li Su bit her lower lip, her face a little stiff.

His mask came off directly, revealing his true face. Not to mention, he was in the wrong place.

He was in a large hall, facing an extremely noble and lifelike dragon chair carved with nine dragons.

Where is this?

Li Su's mind was filled with questions, and he couldn't stop recalling the contents of the Qiudao Cliff Survival Manual. It was obvious that there was no description like this in the whole book.

Unable to help himself, he raised his head, wanting to confirm where he was.

As soon as he saw it, his face turned green and he couldn't help but tremble.


Above the dragon chair, there is a plaque hanging with words on it!

That word contains the rhyme of Taoism, carries unparalleled power, blooms with terrifying light, and can crush people's minds.

If his eyes are correct, those are three words. If his thinking and understanding are correct, those three words should mean...

Yuxu Palace~!

Jade Qing Yuanshi Tianzun? ? ?

The corners of Li Su's mouth twitched crazily, his scalp was numb, and his mind exploded.

Didn’t I go to Qiudao Cliff? Why did you get into Yuxu Palace? ? ?

You must know that now he has inherited the inheritance of the Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, and holds the Qingping plus the Four Swords of Zhuxian, which can completely cut off the disciples of the sect.

Obviously, what Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun dislikes the most is the disciples of Jie Jiao. He thinks they are people who have been transformed into eggs by wearing hair and armor..., huh? Wait a minute, uh, I was born viviparally!

Just when Li Su had a lot of thoughts and was thinking wildly.

'kneel! ’

There was a sound, which landed directly on Li Su's soul. He couldn't help but tremble, unable to resist at all, his knees softened and he knelt on the ground with a snap.

hiss...! It hurts.

Is my leg bone cracked? ? ?

‘Kowtow! ’

Before Li Su could say anything, the voice continued to sound.

With a bang, Li Su's head hit the ground, and his brain was shaken.

‘Kowtow again! ’

Another thud, his head hit the ground, and his brain was hit with a hammer.

‘Kowtow three times! ’

With another thud, his head hit the ground, and he felt like someone was dancing in his head...

Cracked, cracked.

He was so shocked that Li Su almost screamed and burst into tears. He felt like Boss Yuanshi was educating him and reminding him that it is true that you were born in a fetus, but your words and deeds must not be harmonious. Learn from your master.

Li Su screamed and wanted to explain that he was different from Master's other disciples. He knew the rules best. When he was conferred as a god, he would tie up Zhao Gongming and tie him to the roof of the house. Shen Gongbao came to find him and kicked him. Half dead.

I promise not to let the scene of the Three-Qing War unfold! ! !

Just when Li Su was swearing all kinds of things in her heart, she was shouting at her uncle to be merciful and stop trying to control him to kowtow. If he kowtows like this, his brain will really break. I can do it myself.

Suddenly a golden light fell down and attached to his body. In an instant, his clothes changed and turned into a Taoist robe. On the Taoist robe were golden lotuses and colorful clouds, which was extremely magical.

At the same time, another token fell and appeared directly in front of Li Su.

It was a jade plaque with Yuqing written on the front and Order on the back!

Li Su bit her mouth, her whole body was a little numb, and she didn't speak for a while. Although she hadn't reached out to get the token, there were a lot of things in her mind.

Just now, was that a disciple...?

No, what about you, old man? Can you just say no to accepting a disciple? Can you promise to kneel down?

Lying on the ground, Li Su held his head, activated the Creation Sutra, and then treated him.

It was so close, it was so close, the apprenticeship turned into a funeral!

After complaining in his heart for a while, Li Su was happy. He picked up the token and kissed it without hesitation. He shouted without any restraint: "Disciple, thank you Master!!!"

Haha, disciples of two great saints? Is the title of god stable? Is there any!

It's a pity that there is still one less. If Taiqing Daode Tianzun also accepts him as his disciple, haha, he, Li Su, is the brightest kid among the gods~!


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