boom! boom! boom!

war! war! war!

Two figures kept colliding in this vast world.

Their power is so strong that they can split mountains and split seas.

Every attack was an unimaginable collision. The sloping force lifted up the ground where it was located. The terrifying power tore through the void. Terrifying thunder and lightning were intertwined, and earth-shattering thunder was heard.


As if it was the end of the world, an incredible battle was taking place here at this moment.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Fists, crazy collision.

The hands of the fish demon are shining with black light, which is its natal magical power, which contains the supreme texture of its clan.

Fish scale patterns are intertwined, and with every punch, you can see a huge life rising into the sky from the vast sea. It is a whale, a huge whale, a whale that can cover the sky and the sun.

When it rises up at once, it is a terrifying force of hundreds of thousands or millions of tons.

On the other side is a man. He doesn't give in at all. His body is flowing and sliding, and blood is rising. The blood is as red as fire, reflecting the sky. From a distance, it looks like a huge torch, which can be clearly seen even from thousands of miles away. . His skin is glowing, covered with supreme chapters, and nurtured by the principles of life.

His hands were like white jade, with blood rushing out from the gaps. With each punch, six billion cells were vibrating, and the muscles, bones, skin, and meridians were all glowing. Indescribable vitality, indescribable life.

Every time he punches, it will form a terrifying shadow of life, with dragons roaring, phoenixes roaring, and unicorns roaring inside.

This is the most extreme evolution of life and the highest sign of living things.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The entangled figures kept fighting each other, creating the most terrifying sparks.


The thousand-foot mountain collapsed!


The river that was hundreds of feet long was blocked in half, and tens of millions of tons of river water was knocked upside down, rushing into the void, and then torn apart and evaporated.

Fun, fun!

The ones fighting were naturally Li Su and the bearded catfish.

The two sides have been fighting for more than an hour. Tens of thousands of ordinary kilometers of land have been affected and destroyed by their battle, turning into shocking scorched earth.

The more he fought, the higher Li Su's will became, intense emotions gathered, and the supreme chapter flashed in his eyes.

This impact, this feeling, is so wonderful!

Li Su couldn't help laughing. He was arrogant, arrogant, and extremely cruel.

The severe pain that kept coming from his body stimulated him and guided him. The texture of the supreme flesh and blood became more and more brilliant, more and more dazzling, vibrating and cheering.

I originally thought that after transformation, my flesh and blood would have been developed to the limit by myself, and I would naturally be able to show my divine power when I reached the magical realm.

But as the battle began, Li Sucai deeply realized that the supreme chapter was not that simple.

His transformation was just the beginning, just the beginning.

He stared at the fish demon in front of him, constantly colliding with it, constantly feeling the power bursting out of its body, which belonged to it, the ultimate texture of the fish.

Li Su's flesh and blood are vibrating, they are ringing, absorbing, and digesting.

As the supreme flesh and blood, this texture is essentially an interpretation of life. With constant impact and capture, Li Su's six billion cells began to write and record, trying to write down the opponent's supreme texture. .

What happened to this human race? ? ?

In comparison, Li Su, who became more and more fanatical during the Vietnam War, was overturned, and the more he fought, the more frightened he became.

The opponent's progress is too fast.

At first, it was almost impossible to fight him head-on, but now I can keep pace with him, fighting back and forth without taking a step back.

My body hurts so much.

The opponent's strength is gradually adapting to his own attack, and it has also penetrated through, leaving traces on its body.

Although he looks fine on the outside, there are little accumulations of scars on the inside. The scars are full of fire, a fire that can burn everything.

boom! boom! boom!

The battle was still raging, but the Bearded Catfish's eyes became more and more frightened, because it discovered an extremely terrifying situation. Not only was the opponent increasingly able to withstand its attacks, but the opponent's body began to grow infinitely. A special texture, its own texture.

Is he analyzing his own power? Studying yourself?

As this thought arose, the bearded catfish couldn't help but tremble, and its huge eyes kept spitting out shock and fear.

It can't go on like this, it can't go on like this.

This human race is stealing its things, stealing the power that the fish demon clan is proud of.

ah! ah! ah!

After another battle involving thousands of hands, the bearded catfish couldn't help but roar up to the sky. Its pupils were blood red and its murderous intent was overwhelming.

Its body was glowing, with black light and terrifying textures all over its body, and the void was stirred and distorted by these textures.

"Overturn the sea!"

With a roar, the bearded catfish used the supreme magical power it had mastered, its natal power.

Endless textures appeared from its body, blending into the sky, the earth, and everything the two fought.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

The heaven and earth trembled and turned into a huge ocean. The texture was changed. The sky, the earth, and the space turned into water and turned into an endless ocean.


Li Su's body trembled, and he suddenly felt pressure. He was captured by the opponent's magical power and suppressed.

The bearded catfish did not fight with punches, but quickly lay down in the sea. It was very fast, unbelievably fast. It kept moving its hands back and forth, stirring in the sea. waves.

boom! boom! boom!

The whole world seems to have become its battlefield, and the aura is rising and rising.

The land with a radius of hundreds of miles is the ocean, rolled by it, tumbling by it, becoming one with it, completely making Li Su independent and becoming his only enemy.


And this way….

Li Su stopped. He was a little surprised. This bearded catfish actually turned this whole world into its territory. The use of textures was undoubtedly unique, forming a field-like situation.

At the same time, it has the effect of increasing one's own strength and suppressing external enemies.

Interesting, this fish.

This combat experience and level of control over magical powers is probably even more powerful than the Zoe clan with the fifth surname that he encountered back then. At least they have not evolved their magical powers to such a territorial level.

Actually borrowing the power of heaven and earth...

Li Su laughed, funny, funny, really funny.

His palm trembled, and the white jade-like palm cracked. His palm had turned into bones, and the next moment it turned into flesh and blood. The flesh and blood kept surging, and white bones stuck out.

It instantly turned into a bone spear.

Li Su was about to pinch it, and the lightning began to flash.

Black thunder, white thunder, the power of punishment and calamity is gestating.

The depths of Li Su's eyes are glowing, and textures are appearing. Flesh Supreme can capture and learn the opponent's texture, so Leifa Supreme does the opposite, observing and understanding the opponent's texture, finding flaws, and targeting the core.

Boom! Boom!

God is angry!

The extremely terrifying black light and white thunder formed on Li Su's bone spear. Their light was fierce and vibrated in the void, and the power that suppressed him was rippled away.

Come, let me see what your full power looks like.

Li Su didn't hide, he just stood there, the terrifying thunder wrapping around his body like a god or a demon, making all living beings tremble uncontrollably.

The final tribulation of heavenly punishment, the most feared enemy of all living beings!

One appears when they are trying to transform and change their destiny.

One that appears at the end of the world when everything will be destroyed.


The bearded catfish couldn't help but tremble. It was the fear that originated from the deepest instinct of life, and was the emotion left in the memory of the ancestors.

It turned its body and gathered all its strength. It rushed forward and rushed towards Li Su.

Its hands brought the ultimate destructive power, and its fist seemed to be able to penetrate everything.

Kill, kill, kill!

The bearded catfish's eyes were extremely crazy. The person in front of him was an enemy, an enemy of life and death, an enemy of race. He must die!

It had no hesitation, forgot everything, and hit Li Su with all its heart and soul.

Li Su took a breath, and Mian Rongshan showed a rare solemn look. Not counting Gui Ya's time, this was the first time he felt the threat to his life in the same realm.

He slowly raised his bone spear, and black light and white thunder instantly burst out to an astonishing size of a thousand feet, with endless supreme scriptures shining inside.

The next moment, the thunder converged, and all the light was narrowed by him. The whole world seemed to darken at this moment, and the white bones formed by the supreme texture could not help but shake, and were burned red like iron.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

There was a deafening sound, and the power of destruction was stirring.

A meal of time and space!

The next second, a man and a demon collided with each other.

The bone spurs of black light and white thunder, carrying the fists of tens of millions of tons of waves, touched the space between heaven and earth.


The void collapsed.

Two extreme forces, the all-consuming force, directly tore apart the space, forming a huge black cavity, and all the power entered it.

The next second, the void began to expand. It couldn't bear it anymore and burst open.


The terrifying shock wave exploded, and the land thousands of miles away first trembled, and then collapsed. Huge land of thousands of square meters was squeezed up, and tens of thousands of tons of soil were lifted hundreds or thousands of meters.

The next moment, it exploded!

The terrifying shock wave covered a hundred miles of land in an instant, and everything in between was destroyed.

The mountains and rivers had been destroyed. At this moment, they were completely destroyed by the impact of one person and one monster. Everything was crushed into powder, and all life died in this instant.

boom! boom! boom!

The terrible impact lasted for tens of seconds before it stopped. The center of the battle seemed to have experienced a terrible catastrophe, and it was beyond recognition.


After a while, Li Su's figure appeared. He was holding something in his hand, and he flew out in a slightly embarrassed manner. He landed on a mountain col not far away that was nearly eight levels destroyed by the force, leaving only a small hill. .

Physically, it's all about the upper body.

The texture belonging to the fish demon was almost all over his body, reflected in his skin, flesh, meridians, and bones.

The terrifying power of destruction kept strangling him.

"You actually gave up all your defenses just to kill me?"

Li Su spat out a mouthful of black blood and was extremely seriously injured. The main reason was that the opponent's texture had completely invaded his body. For a while, the flesh and blood supreme had to completely extinguish the opponent's power and could no longer use it.

Lowering his head, Li Su looked at the things in his hands.

It was the bearded catfish. The transformation had disappeared and returned to its original appearance. It was a catfish weighing almost three hundred kilograms. It died. Half of its head and body were destroyed by Li Su's punishment. Its soul was directly exposed and transformed. It's ashes!

Li Su took a long breath and sat down.

After throwing the bearded catfish aside, he said: "Teacher, ask a question!"

The shadow appeared and said nothing.

"It doesn't seem to be resurrected?"

Li Su was a little confused. Wasn't Qiudaoya supposed to be immune to death? Even if the holding time is not enough, it should be given away.

'nature! The value of the servant's existence is just to make you, as a direct disciple, more powerful. Once it loses its role, there is no need to keep it. ’

Li Su raised his brows and smiled on his face. Well, this is very respectable. The fight was so strenuous and the opponent had to stay alive. It was a bit uncomfortable. Do you think this is unfair? Haha, there are a lot of human souls in the aura of Bearded Catfish, almost all of them are mortals... Is this fair?

"Can I take a break?"

'Can! There are ten days. ’

"Really?" Li Suguan lay on the ground, his flesh and blood still destroying the power of Bearded Catfish.

Shadow was shocked and said nothing. Li Su's behavior was undoubtedly very irregular. However, looking at the bearded catfish, the shadow shook slightly. The Taoist realm killed the magical power realm. Even if the level of magic power was increased, one can imagine how amazing his talent was.

No wonder that shameless bastard Qing Ping Jian gave it away for free...

"Teacher, can you send those four girls over? This thing looks quite nutritious."

Shadow's eyes instantly glanced at Li Su. He didn't say anything, but there was a taste in it. Do you want to eat farts?

Li Su was a little disappointed, and then said: "Then, can you give some to them quietly?"

'Can! ’

Li Su raised his hand and waved, the sword light fell, cut off a third of the bearded catfish and said: "Trouble, teacher!"

The shadow disappeared, and the chopped off third of the bearded catfish body also disappeared.

‘Remember, ten days! ’

"I know!!!" Li Su continued to lie motionless.


Xueya, in the room.

Zhu Chihu and the other girls were waiting anxiously, but after several days, Li Su still didn't show up.

"Damn you bastard, what are you doing? Isn't it just to watch or not to fall in love with you? Sure enough, men don't have any good things, so if you think about it, I will let you do it every day when I go out!!"

When Lu Qian heard this, her pretty face couldn't help but blush. When facing Li Su, she was undoubtedly the type to charge, but without Li Su, it was another matter.

The two girls, Zhang Zhuzhu and Zhu Tongyu, couldn't help covering their mouths and snickering. Their faces were also flushed and they were very shy.

Sure enough, it was the veteran driver's turn, and it was Zhu Chihu.

Zhu Chihu slapped the table, and his big chest couldn't help but ripple. The three of them, the magnificent Lu Qian, couldn't help but take a breath and look down at themselves.

Well, not bad! This is Lucy.

How could it be so big? This is Zhang Zhuzhu.

Why isn't mine growing? My aunt said that men like this one so big that it is best not to be able to hold it with one hand. This is Zhu Tongyu.

Just when the four girls were about to say something, a piece of meat fell down and landed between them.


The four women were startled at the same time and couldn't help but pull back.

‘Eat what he has given you. ’

When the voice sounded, the four women were stunned and immediately realized who it was.

"Wait a minute, can you please let us meet."

‘He’s not available, he’s on trial. ’

"Wait!" Zhu Chihu couldn't help shouting, but there was no response, damn it.



"Is this demon meat?"

"Really...? The flesh is white, from the fish demon."

Zhang Zhuzhu ran forward curiously, smelling the aroma of the wine, and felt so hungry. After a while, she couldn't help but tear off a piece and threw it into her mouth. Because of her special relationship, she continued to eat.


The next moment, Zhang Zhuzhu's belly straightened out and became round. There was a trace of pain on her face, but she was extremely satisfied.

"So full!"

The three girls were shocked. Did they see that it was just a section of their little finger? The little girl who was still not satisfied after eating two cows was actually full?

what's going on?

With her belly puffed out, Zhang Zhuzhu took two steps back and said happily: "This is the meat of a supernatural monster. I have eaten it. My brother is so good."

Divine power realm? ? ?

Zhu Tongyu also walked up curiously and couldn't help but take a piece. However, after taking a look at Zhang Zhuzhu's appearance, one piece became two sections, two sections became three sections, and finally it was so thin as a fingernail that he threw it into his mouth.

Another big belly appeared, extremely satisfying, with a hint of pain.

Zhu Chihu and Lu Qian looked at each other and couldn't help but step forward to take some and swallow it.

Lu Qian's belly is big and round. Zhu Chihu's belly is better and bulging. She looks about three months old. She has a strong body and great digestive power.

It was a demon clan, no doubt of the supernatural realm, and the meat was very fresh, just slaughtered and delivered.

In an instant, the two women couldn't help but have a strange look in their eyes. It's hard not to think of the monster flesh of the supernatural power realm and the trial.

Could it be….

Boom! Boom!

There was a knock on the door, and Zhu Chihu was startled. He hid the large piece of meat that appeared without hesitation. The reason why a secret is a secret is because not many people know about it. If possible, try not to let anyone know more. more to avoid problems.

"come in!"

The door opened, and several people filed in, including the magical realm.

However, when they stepped in, they were stunned and looked at Lu Qian and the other three with their big bellies, as well as Zhu Chihu, whose belly was slightly bulging.


Everyone couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air and shout, "F*ck". The corners of their eyes couldn't help shaking. They were so shocked that they couldn't help but think of what happened not long ago.

Chen Hao, you are awesome! ! !


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