The blood is endless, the blood is vast.

Under the Shu Mountain, demons are surging.

There is a blood-colored tide, rolling in, advancing along the spiritual veins of Shushan Mountain.

Sounds, terrible sounds, kept coming.

As if tens of millions of people were wailing at the same time, the entire land was greatly affected and began to twist and mutate.

In the blood-colored tide, there are green branches spreading together. The shining green color is not life, but death. There are countless heads hanging on them. Each of them has a ferocious face and a miserable death state. Obviously only their heads are left. Still couldn't help crying.

There is also a gray aura permeating the air, which is full of corruption, disease and other auras. It flows billowingly, and wherever it passes, even the mountains and rocks begin to grow streaks, as if they are sick and have been affected, unable to strengthen.

There are swarms of insects, all black, flying in the air. They are buzzing. The insects are as big as a palm, and there is a dead soul restrained on each small insect. They are so densely packed that there are probably millions, or even As many as tens of millions.

This is devil!

The most terrifying demon!

And, not just one, but a whole four.

There is no doubt that every time they appear and wherever they go, people will be devastated and the land will be wailing.

Under the spiritual veins of Shushan, Daodu and their auras were distorted into another shape, and the space was affected by them, filled with the smell of death.

And in this rolling demon blood, there are still figures shuttled inside, one after another, the lowest is the magic level, there are thousands, and even the powerful souls, there are hundreds. .

Each of their bodies is entangled with a lot of resentment, and there is no doubt that they are all giants of the devil outside.

Moving along the endless blood tide, they laughed and screamed, as if a hundred demons were walking at night, with no taboos.

Today will be a grand day, an unprecedented magical event.

The Blood Demon Ancestor contacted, and the Green Demon Ancestor, Disease Ancestor, and Death Ancestor came together.

Today, all the big demons from the east, west, north, and south are gathered here.

Normally, it would take at least two righteous sects to confront such a demon, but now they are all here.

The righteous path, starting from today, will succumb to the power of evil. From then on, the whole world will fall into their hands. The long night is coming, and the evil way is everywhere.

Someone may ask what about heaven?

You know, one day in heaven and one year on earth.

By the time Heaven reacts, no one knows how many years have passed on earth.

The demonic path is different from the righteous path. What they seek is not eternal rule, but temporary speed.

There are still prerequisites for using all living things as blood food. For example, there must be enough people in the world. Otherwise, if they all kill, eat, and die, what's the point of gaining the world?

Not to mention that only after enjoying a meaningless life such as peace, freedom, and love, can the ultimate delicious food be brewed when pain comes.

Therefore, what the devil wants is not the world at hand, but incomparable pleasure and unlimited killing. No one can come out and stop them in a high-sounding way.

Kill, kill, kill!

Hundreds of souls, thousands of mana, they were roaring, and the rolling demonic sound seemed like tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dead souls roaring together.

"Ancestor Blood Demon, how did you find the spiritual veins of Shushan Mountain?" Ancestor Green Demon couldn't help but ask. He thought he needed to attack by force, but he didn't expect that he could sneak over directly.

Rushing directly into the hinterland of Shushan Mountain, this would undoubtedly be a disaster for any righteous sect.

The Righteous Sect not only has powerful enough individuals, but what is even more troublesome is their mountain-protecting formation. Once it is activated, even old demons like them want to break through it, and it will not be a matter of time.

The faces of the other people also showed curious expressions. After all, the Blood Demon Ancestor specially invited them to come. They thought they were just pretending, but they didn't expect that they could actually destroy the Shushan lineage. Not only that, with so many righteous paths gathered together Next, after this time, the righteousness of the world will undoubtedly be severely damaged, and the younger generation will suffer heavy casualties.

The Blood Demon Ancestor smiled lightly and told the story directly.

"Ha ha!"

"Jie Jie!"


"What a fool..."

The three ancestors laughed almost at the same time. As a thousand-year-old demon, everyone who survived has experienced countless blood and fire existences. At their level, how can they still not understand plots and calculations? don't know?

If so, they wouldn't be alive now.

In just an instant, the three ancestors basically understood each other's thoughts.

"Sword Ancestor left behind a trump card?"

"It's most likely, that old guy, it's impossible not to be on guard against me, he will definitely leave some tricks behind!"

"Haha, that junior is really interesting. This idea reminds me of a three-year-old child."

"Jiejie, he's so cute. I haven't met such a pure and stupid guy for a long time."

"Gaga, I really look forward to what his expression will be like when we appear together? Could it be that I only invited the Blood Demon Ancestor and not anyone else?"

The four ancestors couldn't help laughing, with endless ridicule and disdain in them.

The means can only be described as immature.

The mind is even more shallow.

Why do saints make plans and become invincible? But if I forget you, if I want you to live, you will live, if I want you to die, you will die?

Because their power is invincible, doing it yourself is too boring. What's the difference between swatting mosquitoes to death? The so-called calculation is just for fun.

Whether it's success or failure, it's just for fun.

It's a pity that in the face of their absolute power, basically no living being can transcend them.

The Demon Clan can’t do it, and the Witch Clan can’t do it either. As for the Great Luo Golden Immortal? Even worse.

The biggest reliance is just the method retained by the Sword Ancestor? Are you embarrassed to play games next time? Quite a chess player, right?

Not to mention the four ancestors coming, even the Blood Demon Ancestor was not afraid alone. The other party simply did not understand the meaning of handing over the Shushan spiritual vein.

The Blood Demon Ancestor said directly: "Let's get started. I am looking forward to the expressions of those righteous sects."

"Yeah! Looking forward to it too!" The other three nodded at the same time.

In an instant, the power of the four people escaped, turned into little bits of spiritual light, and directly integrated into the Shushan Spiritual Vein. Through the Shushan Spiritual Vein, it continued to escape outwards.


At this moment, on Shushan Mountain.

Accompanying hundreds of streams of light, a terrifying sword intent broke through the sky and pointed directly at Shu Mountain.

Raising his hand, Changtian took a breath, and the next moment he shouted loudly: "Sword Ancestor of Shushan, Feiguang of Huashan is here to seek justice!!!"

Qiu Wuhen, who was originally in the Jianzu Palace, suddenly changed his expression. His pupils suddenly widened and he stood up in disbelief.


how come? Why? What kind of justice do you want?

He couldn't help but clenched his fists, feeling that the development of things seemed to be beyond his control.

Taking a breath, he flew out directly. After being pointed out by the other party, he naturally couldn't stay in the palace any longer.

"Fellow Daoist Changtian, I wonder if there is anything that offends me in Shushan, so that I would like to come here to investigate at such a time??"

He floated in front of him, his soul appeared, turned into a huge figure, and spoke directly.

"Qiu Wuhen?"

Changtian glanced at the other party, then showed disdain and contempt on his face, and said directly: "You are not worthy of talking to me, let Shushan Sword Ancestor come out!! A few years ago, your sect's disciples tricked and killed my sect's disciples. , give me an explanation today!!!"

As his words fell, Qiu Wuhen was stunned for an instant.

A few years ago...? ? ?

Wasn't that matter already over at that time?

"not good!!!"

In the VIP room below, Abao's face suddenly turned sideways and he became nervous. Yatou and the others also looked at each other and took a breath, thinking of something.

Even Gu Yue's expression changed as she thought of a certain passage in Asu's experience.

"What's wrong?" On the side, Kong Chenzi was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled look on his face. As for Li Ruoxue, she also frowned. What happened a few years ago undoubtedly ended with Chang Tianren herself killing the souls of the sect disciples, and now he comes again. , it’s really weird to mention this again.

"That's an excuse!"

Abao's face was extremely ugly, "Huashan is planning to attack me, Shushan, as an excuse!"

Remember A Bao, your position determines your bottom, evil and heretics are terrifying, and the righteous sects are also important to guard against!

On the surface, they are bright and righteous, but secretly forcing girls into prostitution, some righteous sects are far more terrifying than evil heretics.

The reason for restricting them is to put it bluntly, it is a matter of face, such as taking advantage of others' danger, such as practicing the same evil way.

So before they take action, there are probably two methods.

One way to do it in secret is to cover your face and pretend you have no face.

The other way is to do it openly, with a high-sounding excuse, and start directly.

There is no doubt that Huashan chose the second option.

Damn, damn!

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it at all.

Huashan was so shameless that he directly broke his skin.

As expected, Chang Tian said humanely: "Five years ago, Shushan disciples Abao and others plotted against me to send three disciples, so that they died without leaving their souls. Shushan Sword Ancestor should give Huashan an explanation for this matter." ?”

Qiu Wuhen was stunned when he heard this. Although he was very sinister, it was obvious that Chang Tian was shameless. Was he looking for trouble?

However, he was good at holding back his anger, and his mind was moving very fast. He took a breath and said: "Mr. Changtian, if that's the case, I'm sorry to say that the Abao you mentioned is now a traitor to me in Shushan. If Mr. Changtian wants If you want to seek revenge from them, you can..."

"Damn it, you idiot!"

Abao couldn't help but cursed. He had never seen such a stupid person before?

"What's wrong?" Kong Chenzi and Li Ruoxue were both stunned for a moment. No doubt Qiu Wuhen's behavior was insidious, but it was not wrong, right? Since the other party is looking for them and they happen to be hostile to the other party, then they should simply get rid of the trouble completely.

"That's not true, Master!"

Gu Yue shook her head and said: "The other party is obviously looking for excuses. The purpose is to characterize the Shushan Sword Party's attack on the Huashan disciples. No matter what A Bao and the others do, they cannot say that at this time. After all, then Shushan will attack Huashan. It’s a fact, so Huashan will have an excuse to attack Shushan. And just now, Qiu Wuhen personally gave this excuse to the other party! This is undoubtedly the stupidest choice."

"Betrayal? Haha, hahaha, what a betrayal!"

As expected, Changtian burst out laughing, "So today I kill thousands of your Shushan disciples, and tomorrow I will also betray you. Does it mean that you in Shushan won't ask me to argue with Huashan?"

"Fellow Taoists, listen, listen to what I say...!"

"Qiu Wuhen, since you want to make the decision, then give me an explanation! Either hand over Abao and the others immediately, or Huashan and Shushan will go to war!!"

Qiu Wuhen shuddered and stayed where he was. His eyes were wide open and he looked at Changtian in disbelief.

At this moment he also understood and understood.

Huashan came here just to take action against them.

Hand over Abao and the others? If possible, he would also like to. But immediately? is it possible?

"Tsk, tsk, you actually attacked your comrades. Although the Shushan Sword Sect heard that you were overbearing, they didn't expect you to be so domineering. Is the Shushan Sword Ancestor here? Why don't you come out and talk about this matter? Can you block the world?"

However, before Qiu Wuhen could speak, there was a sound and someone flew out, it was Hengshan Yin Yang.

"That's right, Shushan Sword Ancestor, this matter must be handled unkindly!" Taishan Sect Kaitian.

Soon, figures flew up one by one. Six of the seven major sects who came to Shushan, except Kunlun, flew up at the same time, with questioning faces on their faces.


My mind was shaken, like a bolt from the blue.

This scene, this extremely familiar scene.

How similar is it to the Jiuxiao Palace that was destroyed five hundred years ago?

Qiu Wuhen was stunned, and Abao and the others turned pale. Although the latter had never experienced it, it was written in the history of the sect that it was so tragic in just ten words.

In October, during the Third Righteous Path Conference, Jiuxiao Palace was bleeding like rain. There were only 73 people left out of 6,700 people. Among them, 45 people died of serious injuries and their souls disappeared after a hundred years, and 22 people went crazy. The huge Jiuxiao Palace Only six people survived well..., a ratio of one in a thousand.

"Jiejie, the drama has begun!!"

"Quack, interesting, really interesting!"

Under the spiritual veins of Shushan Mountain, looking at the farce-like scene above, the four ancestors couldn't help laughing. They really couldn't get enough of seeing those righteousnesses tearing apart their faces.

"How about we go out later and help Shushan? I think this will be fun."

"Hey, don't tell me, this is really good!"

"When the time comes, let Shushan make a contract and give us 10,000 blood meals every hundred years!"


There is no doubt that regardless of the righteous path or the demonic path, this Shushan is just a meal in front of them, and what is happening is the most bloody reality.

how so? how so?

Qiu Wuhen froze on the spot, his plans, thoughts, and intentions were all ruined at this moment.

Before the Blood Demon Ancestor appears, the first thing he has to face is the siege of the Six Righteous Sects? ?

Sword Ancestor’s method?

Yes, it can break the situation.

But once it is used against Huashan and the others, what will the Blood Demon Ancestor do?

Abao and the others below also made a complete mistake and stood there helplessly. After all, they were still just children and didn't have that much experience at all. Being able to reach this level was already the limit.

Li Ruoxue took a deep breath, raised her hands and cupped her fists and said to Kong Chenzi: "Senior brother Kong Chenzi, Ruoxue wants to ask you something."

Kong Chenzi was stunned for a moment, and then when he saw the death wish in Li Ruoxue's eyes, he immediately moved and understood what the other person was thinking.

"Junior sister Ruoxue, you..."

"Shushan is my home after all... No matter who is in charge now, without Shushan, there would be no Li Ruoxue. If Shushan dies, then Li Ruoxue will die today."

"Elder Ruoxue!!!" Abao and the others couldn't help shouting.

Li Ruoxue turned around and raised her hand, instantly freezing the seven people who were only in the magic realm, making them unable to move.

"Senior Brother Kongchenzi, please!"

Kong Chenzi was startled for a moment. He couldn't help but clenched his fist, loosened it, and then tightened it again. After a moment, he nodded with a wry smile and said, "Okay!"

If I am here, I will definitely hold the seven of them without incident.

Hmm... I finally understand why Abao didn't care when Huashan destroyed the clan. On the contrary, after Gu Yue died, he not only went to get the soul back, but also worked it back bit by bit. Not only did he give Tian Feng Jian, but later Dan Chen The son even gave away the position of head...

Li Ruoxue had a smile on her face and said brightly, "Thank you!"

There is no doubt that Abao and the others will become peerless talents in the future. Although they can no longer see it, Shushan will definitely be re-established after experiencing this catastrophe. It is inevitable.

“A Bao, I’ll leave it to you from now on to rebuild Shushan and create greater glory for Shushan!!!”

She said one word and took one step.

She hates Qiu Wuhen extremely, but for the sake of Shushan, she can put down her huge hatred!

"Qiu Wuhen!"

With a calm voice and calling her by name, Li Ruoxue appeared directly in the void.

Qiu Wuhen was stunned and turned to look at Li Ruoxue who came out in disbelief. He couldn't understand why the other party appeared at this time.

There was no emotion in Li Ruoxue's eyes, only determination, unparalleled determination, "Give me the master's sword intent!"

Qiu Wuhen was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but when he looked at the other party's eyes, he couldn't say a word. He blankly took out the sword left by the Sword Ancestor and had been refined a lot by him. That sword intention.

Picking up the sword intention, Li Ruoxue didn't even look at the opponent, her soul instantly overflowed, and she integrated the sword intention into her soul!


As the terrifying sword intent rose into the sky, Li Ruoxue's soul was shaken, and her seven orifices spurted blood. In an instant, her hair turned pale, and in the blink of an eye, it turned infinite blood red.

With one sword, she cut off the realm, stepped directly into the cave, broke through the six thousand feet of sky that blocked her, and continued to rise.

After a while, they reached the extremely terrifying eight thousand feet of sky.

She stood with her hands together, and the Heavenly Fencing Sword burst out with peerless brilliance, illuminating the entire world.

Want to eat Shushan?

Come~! Try the sword from Shushan Sword Cultivator first! !


Chang Tian's face changed slightly, and the hearts of the four old demons below also jumped.

It was completely different from facing Qiu Wuhen. This girl who suddenly jumped out, blah, blah...

That old madman Jianzu! ! !

Why is the world afraid of Sword Ancestor? Why didn't even the old demon who killed people in the city dare to climb the mountain before he died?

Not just because Sword Ancestor is strong enough, but because he is ruthless and crazy enough!

At this moment, so is this girl.

Burn your life to fight with you!

In a life-threatening battle in the Cave Void Realm eight thousand feet in the sky, even the six sects of the Righteous Path couldn't help but turn blue at this moment.

Damn it, I should have taken action just now.

I never expected that the Sword Ancestor would actually leave behind such a method, and that there would be a cave genius who could fight at all costs at the expense of his true spirit being shattered and his own eternal demise! ! !

what to do?

For a moment, everyone hesitated.

If nothing else, it’s obvious that this girl doesn’t care about her own situation at all. Anyone who dares to step forward will die!

"Interesting, interesting, really interesting!"

"If this energy falls into the devil's path, I'm afraid a great devil in the world will appear."

After the four ancestors were shocked for a while, they suddenly smiled. This peerless scene is undoubtedly worth admiring, especially when such people are facing the righteous path instead of them, it is even more exciting.

"Aren't you coming? If not, then I'll go over!" Li Ruoxue's eyes were like swords, her aura was like abyss, her terrifying sword intent soared into the sky, and the avenues of heaven and earth were affected and suppressed by her sword intent.

Damn it!

The people from the six major sects looked at each other and moved.

At this point, there is no retreat.

Eight thousand feet in the sky, no joke, it would be easy for her to kill them if they were separated. Now they can only attack together and suppress them with all their strength.


There is an explosion of sword intent, the sword of flying light, the sword of opening the sky, the sword of yin and yang, the scorching sword, there is thunder, and there is green mist.

A terrible conflict is about to take place...


At this time, under Shu Mountain.

A figure came slowly, one step at a time, heading towards Shushan.

Finally, the road has come to an end!

It was Li Su, he finally came back.

Behind him, more than a hundred people followed quietly from a distance, their eyes shining.

Their realm is not weak, and they can already feel that something big is happening in the mist-shrouded Shu Mountain, something terrible and terrible.

So, what will this strong man from Shushan who doesn’t know his name or who he is do?

He stopped, his silver eyes slowly raised, and looked at Shushan Mountain above the sky, which was obscured by thousands of clouds and mists.

His brows moved slightly, feeling something.

After a moment, Li Su took a gentle breath, slowly stretched out his hand, and said lightly: "Sword~ Come!"


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