Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 240: The devil is beginning to move again

"Master, is the sword master uncle up there?"

In Shushan, on the sword selection stage, a cute little loli blinked her eyes and said in a sweet voice.

Since the sword master's sword call a thousand years ago triggered thousands of sword intentions in the Sword Trial Mountain, and raised the Sword Trial Mountain thousands of feet before it fell, the Sword Trial Mountain is no longer just a place to choose swords, but also a symbol of Shu Mountain. The myth in the hearts of countless swordsmen in Shushan.

The huge Sword Trial Mountain is always shrouded in endless mist, and its true appearance cannot be seen clearly. Only the sword intention reveals the truth. It permeates the avenue and is densely covered with Taoist rhyme, like a torch in the night sky, illuminating the entire Shu Mountain.

"Yes, Senior Brother Asu is on top of the Sword Trial Mountain, and a thousand years are like a day."

Girl, thousands of years have not left any traces on her body, and time cannot destroy her appearance. In these years that are almost unimaginable to ordinary people, she has accumulated an unimaginable charm, just like the water collected from the Nine Heavens. The fine wine carefully brewed from all kinds of rare and exotic fruits is like a fairy that can't eat the fireworks in the world, and it is even more unparalleled than imagined.

Thousands of years have passed, and now she has entered the cave realm and stands on top of the world.

Her eyes were faint, looking at the Sword Trial Mountain covered by clouds and mist. With longing, memories, and longing, she said softly: "Yingqiong, you have been a beginner for three years, and it's time to choose a sword. Feel it carefully." Come on, your uncle's sword intention, no one in the world can match your uncle's sincerity towards the sword."

The little Loli nodded. Her name was Yingqiong. If this story was not about the Lotus Lantern, she would undoubtedly be the protagonist.

Unlike the movie, Gu Yue is now living a good life with her master, and is gradually getting closer to taking him down. She is no longer alone in Kunlun, nor has she been accidentally attacked and reincarnated by the legendary old monster from Youquan.

And all of this is undoubtedly the result of the sword master's single stroke across the sky, which completely changed the world.

As a result, the demonic path has been weak for thousands of years. Even if it has recovered somewhat now, it is basically as humble as a mouse in front of the absolute Shushan Mountain.

The little Loli sat down cross-legged on the sword-testing platform, fully feeling the sword intent falling from the sword-testing mountain.

The sword's intention is like rain, the sword's intention is like the moon, the sword's intention is like the sun, the sword's intention is like fire, the sword's intention is like water...

Thousands, tens of thousands, seemingly endless, seemingly endless.

Endless sword principles slowly spread out, interpreting everything, forming an incomparably grand realm of swordsmanship.

Just for a moment, the little Loli couldn't help but opened her big eyes with shock on her face, a look of extreme shock on her pretty face.

Is this the sword master's sword intention?

Her eyes couldn't help but curl up, with a look of great joy on her face.

As the protagonist of Shushan Legend, it goes without saying that Li Yingqiong's talent is extremely close to the ceiling of cultivation. She has been studying swordsmanship for several years with great sincerity and has made rapid progress. Not only has she quickly entered the realm of magic, but she has also stayed where she is and kept honing her swordsmanship. Through swordsmanship, you can understand the principles of the sword, understand the heart of the sword, and turn it into the meaning of the sword.

Rumor has it that the Shushan Sword Master did not practice quickly when he first started, and it took him a long time to enter the realm of magic power.

But after entering, he quickly perfected his magic power and became a soul. After practicing for fifteen years, he opened the sky with a sword and entered the cave, becoming the best in the world.

Since that day, Shushan Sword Cultivator's pursuit of the realm itself has gradually weakened, and he has begun to pursue the ultimate principles of swordsmanship.

Thousands of years of development have come first, and great changes have taken place in Shushan. The realm of cultivation has become a joke in front of them. Basically, all Shushan disciples have the ability to build foundations and cut mana, mana kills souls, and souls can break holes.

Not only Shushan, but Kunlun as well.

That year, there were dissatisfied major factions and all six factions were suppressed. Only Kunlun was safe and had a very good relationship with Shushan. Almost every year they had gatherings, either from Kunlun to Shushan or from Shushan to Kunlun. There was a sword master in Shushan and no one dared to say anything. , but there is no doubt that he is super jealous that Kunlun has become the second largest sect in the world because of his relationship with Shushan, and he can't help but provoke him.

As a result, without Kong Chenzi, Gu Yue alone inspired Yue Jinglun to fight alone.

The moon filled the sky, and the six Dongxu sect they fought were in a state of panic. They smashed hundreds of mountains into pieces. Under the moon wheel blooming with peerless brilliance, they suddenly became the sword master of Shu Mountain who conquered the world with his single sword. The master of Shu Mountain, Abao, used his Yuan Yuan. After Shen Wanli slayed demons, another super peer appeared on the scene.

In today's world of cultivation, there are five outstanding figures who are famous all over the world.

Shushan Abao, Shushan Girl, Kunlun Guyue, Wutai Buddha, and Tianshi Shenxiao can be said to be the pinnacle of the realm of practitioners.

Uh, you mean Li Su?

Not counting Li Su, that thing has gone beyond Dongxu. In the eyes of many people, the Shushan Sword Master who carries the Trial Sword Mountain and stands thousands of feet above the void with his sword intention is a mortal immortal, a true immortal!

Not just strength, but status too!

Why do you say that?


Five hundred years ago, the heavenly general came to Shushan when he issued an edict. The heavenly general first bowed to the Sword Testing Mountain and then went to Abao's place to read out the edict.

When did the heavenly generals care about mortal practitioners? Never had.

The little Loli closed her eyes again, letting herself merge into the sword master's sword intention, and swim in the endless river of swordsmanship and the sea of ​​swordsmanship. With constant realization, there were signs on her little body. The sword intention is sprouting, breeding, and growing.

On the side, the girl had a smile on her face, not surprised by this.

Li Yingqiong's talent shocked Shushan, and he made an exception and was accepted as a disciple of the fifth generation.

You must know that thousands of years have passed, and today Shushan has developed to as many as eighteen generations, jumping directly to five generations. After a thousand years, there is only one Li Yingqiong.

"Junior sister!"

At this time, Abao's voice suddenly sounded.

"Huh? What's wrong, senior brother!"

"There is news from Kunlun..."

The girl's eyes narrowed, and a smile appeared on her face: "But sister Gu Yue is here?" Over the millennia, she and Gu Yue have undoubtedly developed into good sisters who are more in love than each other, and they often discuss how to attack their master's tricks.

"Well...!" Abao's voice was slightly solemn.

The girl frowned immediately, "What happened?"

Abao took a breath and said slowly: "Junior sister Gu Yue is injured!"

Her brows were bunched up, with murderous intent overflowing. For thousands of years, she has spent half of every year on the sword trial platform to comprehend her senior brother's sword intent. There is no doubt that the girl is a peerless swordsman, ranking at the top of the ceiling. In terms of killing, it is rare in the world. She once There is a historical record of a sword breaking through thousands of mountains for thousands of miles. In terms of destructive power, it can be said that it is inferior to the sword master, but unparalleled.

"I'll come right away!"

Leaving a ray of sword intention behind, when Li Yingqiong woke up and informed the other party, the girl moved her steps and appeared directly in the Jianzu Palace the next moment.

At this moment, there were already thirteen people in the palace.

The leader is naturally Abao, the other five are also there, and then there are six new caves.

One of them is none other than the second-generation elder who was killed by Qiu Wuhen with a sword. His true spirit was not destroyed. Although Qiu Wuhen’s original intention was not clear, he was given the opportunity to reincarnate and rebuild. Now he has After retrieving his memory, he stepped into the cave again and achieved the height of five thousand feet. His strength was far greater than before.

There is also Li Ruoxue. After she voluntarily put down the Heavenly Fencing Sword and returned to Sword Mountain hundreds of years ago, she rarely appears in front of people. Now her strength is unquestionable. She has directly matched the realm of the Shushan Sword Ancestor and opened the sky nine thousand feet. He is about to enter a calamity. Once he succeeds, he will be able to ascend and achieve the realm of immortality.

Abao took a breath and waited until the girl entered and immediately said: "There was news from Su Mei from the Hehuan Sect..."

The moment the words fell, the only two women in the hall showed unpleasant expressions on their faces, and at the same time they felt a little palpitated. Let’s not mention the good and evil tendencies of the Hehuan Sect, but there is no doubt that its essence is actually no different from that of a brothel. Let’s not mention men who are thinking creatures with their lower body. Women are very unhappy. They are a group of coquettish foxes, wild flowers that specialize in destroying family harmony.

The person who created this sect back then was frequently visited by Li Ruoxue, Yatou, Gu Yue and the others.

Not only the nature of the sect, but the most important thing is that in order to expand his business and increase his reputation, this bastard has been publicizing the fact that he survived from the sword master.

Yes, it is for this reason that the Hehuan Sect is popular on both sides of this black and white world.

The sword master didn't kill her!

According to the nature of Li Su's slaying demons, he wanted to kill oil refining people. The founder of Hehuan Sect who had never killed anyone was naturally not in that scope. He was still a human being. After all, you and I are willing to do it. Just smoke as much as you can between men and women. Isn’t that what time is like? If we have to take care of all this, is there any justice? Is there any royal law? Just like his brother-in-law, he is too shitty.

Therefore, Li Su practiced swordsmanship for thousands of years just to settle accounts with his brother-in-law.

Everyone didn't understand why Li Su didn't kill the leader of the Hehuan Sect, and even ignored him when he established the world's largest sphere of influence.

But in order to lick the sword master's thigh, even the Kaitian Sect, which likes to stand on the highest moral point of slaying demons and demons, recognized the Hehuan Sect because its existence was reasonable.

However, the Hehuan Sect is still very measured. From the founding of the sect to the present, basically no lives have been lost due to the practice of Kung Fu. Finding trouble is another matter, such as not paying for whoring, or wanting to have sex for free... , Do you really think I am a vegetarian?

The only time he got carried away was that he vaguely said that the sword master had no objection to this aspect (well, there is no doubt that he liked it very much, and he was obsessed with it for a year and a half...), and the women in Shushan suddenly became the most popular among women in Shushan. The sword cultivator and even Gu Yue exploded.

What kind of existence is the sword master? Looking up at the mountain, the model of our generation, the perfect existence in the hearts of thousands of practicing girls. If Gu Yue hadn't lived in a bad man in her heart early in the morning, she probably wouldn't have been able to escape.

Such an existence is absolutely perfect, rational, and can be watched but cannot be blasphemed.

Then the anti-pornography campaign in the cultivation world began. There were no dead people, and even the bones were almost broken by hammers. This triggered a series of problems, the most classic of which was the second-generation leader of the Hehuan Sect. Su Mei was obsessed with the twin pearls of the cultivation world. That is, Yatou and Gu Yue... They are so domineering.

This is where the heart palpitations on the girl's face come from. Those days are really unbearable to look back on. Not to mention that the other party is a woman and has never had a relationship with a man. The love is very hot, very real, and purely outrageous, but the methods are a little bit... He is twisted and fanatical, which makes it difficult to kill him.

Li Ruoxue was so frightened that she didn't dare to show her head, fearing that she would be entangled.

The corner of Abao's mouth twitched, and he remembered the unbearable past. Su Mei was very powerful, and because she was a jade girl, her attraction was far greater than that of ordinary Hehuan Sect disciples. Shushan was blocked for a full week. .

After all, the man just wanted to see the girl and didn't make a move. Even if the girl put a sword to his heart, he didn't fight back.

Youdao is that fierce women are afraid of crazy men. When faced with this kind of brown candy, it is difficult to make a move. If you just give the other party a beating, it will make him more eager? This hurts.

In the end, there was no other way, so she sent him to the sword testing platform for two hours before Su Mei finally chose to leave, letting this sincere relationship come to an end.

From that day on, the sword master brother became a word on the lips of the second generation of the Hehuan Sect. From then on, any news related to Shushan would be sent to him unconditionally as soon as possible.

By the way, this is not a change of heart, this is another person who is more attractive, so there is less entanglement.

cough! cough!

Abao coughed twice, diverted the atmosphere away from the Hehuan Sect and said, "Seven days ago, junior sister Guyue was attacked outside. The location was twenty miles east of Yuzhu Peak in Kunlun Mountain. The disciples of the Hehuan Sect and the disciples who were at the scene were Another disciple of the great sect said that there was a moon shadow rising into the sky, walking in the mountains, and wildly colliding with green skeletons, and the hundreds of miles of mountains were destroyed by the battle between the two."

"Although the green skeleton finally disappeared and retreated, they saw Junior Sister Gu Yue spitting vermilion from her mouth and suffered a lot of damage. Now the Hehuan Sect is fully investigating, and Sect Master Su personally presided over it, vowing to find the murderer..."

As A Bao finished speaking, the atmosphere in the open hall suddenly condensed. Gu Yue's strength was definitely unparalleled in the world. Even a girl in Yue Jing Lun would have a headache. It was true and false, false and true. , there are too many tricks, and one will be stabbed accidentally.

"Everyone!" Abao took a breath, his face was solemn, and he spoke slowly: "In recent practice, when I draw spiritual energy from Emei's spiritual veins, I can always feel that there is some unnatural power mixed in the spiritual veins. Now that I think about it, this aura is extremely ominous, and there are demonic shadows surging inside... Thousands of years have passed, Asu's sword intention has disappeared from the six sects, and there is no movement on the mountain of seclusion and sword testing. Except that we can still sense his through the sword testing platform. Sword Intent, the outside world has not known the existence of the Sword Master for too long. Now, some people have begun to promote that the Sword Master is about to break through, transcend the tribulation, and ascend to the fairy world!"

"Junior sister Gu Yue was attacked this time. I'm afraid it's because of this that the demonic path that has been suppressed by Asu for thousands of years has once again started to send out provocative signals and is ready to take action...!"

"Girl, you have the best relationship with Gu Yue. I want to send you and ask Uncle Li to go to Kunming..."

For a time, the atmosphere in the entire palace was solemn. No one knew the situation of the sword master, but he was ahead of others.

This was the case with the Shushan Sword Ancestor back then. After becoming invincible in the world, he began to live in seclusion. He survived for a thousand years and broke through the world to ascend to the throne.

Obviously, the devil is testing to see if the myth is still there...

"Wait a minute, there is nothing but wild land outside Yuzhu Peak, and there are no treasures. Why are the people from the Hehuan Sect there? Are they with other disciples of other major sects? Is it because the Hehuan Sect misrepresents information and intends to mislead us?" When the atmosphere was extremely solemn, the girl suddenly frowned. She was tricked by the Hehuan Sect and was tricked out by Su Mei.

For an instant, everyone present was stunned, even Abao couldn't help but his eyelids twitching.

After all, Li Ruoxue had had a love experience. She suddenly thought of something, and her pretty face turned red. She lowered her head and cursed: "Shameless!!!"

The girl was stunned for a moment, after all, she was no longer a little girl who had never been exposed to anything. She was in a trance, and then exploded. She raised her foot and stomped it down, and the top of her head was smoking. She couldn't help shouting: "Hehuan Sect! !!”


For a moment, the palace of the Great Sword Ancestor flew in the void through the Emei Mountain spiritual energy in a formation, and was trampled down ten feet...


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