The body is really inconvenient.

Through Centipede Jing's memory, Li Su returned to the place where the other party rested.

Not far from where he was found, Li Su then regretted it and felt that he should not have turned into a monster and should have continued to run away.

Damn, it stinks.

Despite being in the supernatural realm, the cave is still filled with an unspeakable stench.

There was a lot of excrement piled up in the corner, which made Li Su frown. He was a very particular person, so putting the toilet and the bedroom together was a bit overwhelming.

This is unscientific. What's going on with this thing? You are such a monster, why are you still pouring out such bad substances?


Li Su's eyes twitched. There were bones in the pile of stool, human bones.

Quantity, quite a lot.

Taking a gentle breath, Li Su pinched the opponent's soul and directly increased the firepower. Listening to the opponent's miserable wailing and loud begging for mercy, he felt a lot of relief.

Flames rose up on his body. This time it was not the fire of life, but the fire of the Yuqing chapter. After instantly burning everything in the cave, Li Su curled up and shrank in.

It’s so uncomfortable.

You said it's obvious that you can transform into another form. Isn't it tiring to have to create such a body?

After feeling the surroundings for a while, Li Su's eyes moved, and he pinched the soul of the centipede spirit and entered the Buddha Kingdom directly.

Without hesitation, he asked five hundred Arhats and three thousand Bhikshunis to set up a flame and start roasting.

To be honest, the taste of centipede meat is really amazing.

Among the Seven Eagles, centipedes are the best to eat. After removing the poison, they are fried, grilled, or roasted, and they are very fragrant. The meat is very tasty and full of protein, not to mention nutritional value.

The famous centipede wine is said to be very good at nourishing the kidneys.

Unfortunately, the physical body has to maintain the art of transformation, so there is no way to eat centipede meat directly, so let's make do with the soul first.

After reading the memory of this thing eating people, there is no doubt that the other party has fallen to the lowest level in Li Su's eyes. If it is not necessary, just cut it and boil it. If necessary, take your time, and the real spirit will be burned away by you.

The huge centipede essence was roasted directly. Li Su opened his mouth and ate it. Well, it tasted good.

The soul, especially the soul that has been successfully cultivated, is also a good thing. In the Yuqing Scripture, there is a special analysis of the soul. When the soul grows stronger, it will have physical properties and have the characteristics of a physical body and become a real existence. Therefore, if possible, you can get some souls of people with hair and horns to grill and replenish soul matter.

Hiss... Master Yuqing is unhappy with Master Qing's miscellaneous disciples. Isn't it because of this reason?

Li Su chewed the essence of centipede essence with big mouthfuls, and his mouth was full of oil. His soul felt more satisfied than ever before, and a lot of memories poured into his mind.

After burning away those damn cannibalistic scenes, he gradually accepted all the memories belonging to this centipede spirit.


As he ate, Li Su's eyes brightened a little and he saw something.

It was a huge stone slab, very magical, with Taoist rhymes flowing on it, and the laws of the great road appearing on it. It was a mural.

Coming from the depths of this Hundred Thousand Devil's Cave, the Lord of the Centipede Spirit managed to get it from an extremely dangerous place and risked his life.

This mural is very special.

It has magical power, the lines engraved on it, and great power. The centipede spirit clan’s magical power of transforming into dragons seems to come from it.


Li Su blinked, not sure, it was too little.

But it is true that the carvings should be the lines of some kind of animal, which is quite interesting.

It's a pity that although the reason for watching directly from the other party's mind is very mysterious, it is still separated by a layer and cannot be seen clearly.

This thing should be useful to you!

The marks on the lines touched him greatly. The flesh and blood supreme was beating and longing for it. If he could get it, his flesh and blood supreme should be able to take a step further.

Then Li Su immediately searched his centipede spirit's mind for a way to get close to the stone slab.

After a moment, he couldn't help but cursed inwardly, "Trash!"

It was indeed a waste. Even if it died, Li Su couldn't help but pinch the remaining soul of the other party and burn it with flames.

Waste, too waste!

This guy only got one chance to look at the slate. As a result, he couldn't stand the pressure of the slate and soon vomited blood. Although he luckily mastered the method of transforming into a dragon after waking up, the level was so poor that it was almost impossible to see.

I finally know how it got its nickname of "Thirty-Nine". According to the rules of the Centipede Elf clan, the strongest ones are single digits, then tens, and then twenty digits. These are undoubtedly the core of the Centipede Elf clan.

Thirty digits? Sorry, it's just a more powerful cannon fodder. It is specially used to deal with ordinary enemies in the human race's magic realm. I don't give it a slightly more powerful one, for fear that not only will it fail to kill the opponent, but it will be killed by the opponent.

Although it is not important, it knows more than the centipede in the magic realm, and it is very familiar with the environment here.

It would still be very troublesome if the soul was to be enslaved by the human race.

After throwing his last soul into the oil pan and refining it directly, Li Su raised his finger, and a ball of fire floated on it.

The true spirit belongs to the centipede spirit.

There is a corner missing on it. It should be that the fragments of the true spirit were split and placed in the Centipede Spirit's base camp. Once the true spirit escapes or is completely annihilated, the news should be available there.

Putting the true spirit away directly, Li Su lay on the ground and began to think.

Although he can wait silently for a month, and then go directly to the fragments of the world to become the magical realm.

But in reality, it doesn’t work!

In terms of transformation, he has only now completely completed the second transformation. The chapters of Buddha Kingdom, Vajra Realm, Thunder Method, and Yuqing are not enough, and the shortcomings are huge.

It would be of no benefit to him to blindly advance to the magical realm.

And if you want to continue to transform into the Dao, resources are also a huge problem. Without the Dao-seeking Cliff, it is not even remotely difficult to break through.

However, Li Su's eyes flashed when he thought about the resource problem. According to Centipede Jing's memory, although the Centipede Jing clan in the Hundred Thousand Demon Cave also uses extraordinary spiritual stones, the main resource here is not spiritual stones, but demonic spirits!

They are the unique demon souls in the Hundred Thousand Demon Cave. Although they are very terrifying, once they are caught by them if they are not strong enough, their souls will be eaten and their bodies will be taken away.

But at the same time, their souls carry an extremely strong evil spirit, which can be used to strengthen their bodies.

The reason why the centipede spirit is so strong and its body is so hard is actually not just the stone slab, but also the relationship between the demons in the Hundred Thousand Demon Cave.

This undoubtedly makes Li Su very interested. It is equivalent to movable resources. He has a lot of resources left now, but there are too many needed to transform the Tao.

And the thing is not obtained through rationing, but by hunting it by oneself, which is undoubtedly very convenient for him.

It's a pity that this guy is too weak, and he doesn't even dare to go to the magical realm. He only dares to hang around in the magic realm, and the number of demons he obtains is pitifully low. After all, it is in the magical power realm, and the place where the mana realm has to cultivate the next generation of centipede spirits cannot let them hunt at will.

Thinking of this, Li Su had an idea in his mind, got up and took action.

Although these centipede spirits have been assigned the task of monitoring various places in the Hundred Thousand Demonic Cave, they need to patrol and guard every day.

But it doesn't mean that you need to stay in place anytime and anywhere. After all, for monks, the most important thing is practice.

Instead of going to the hunting place in the magical power realm, Li Su still headed towards the hunting place in the magical power realm, intending to try it first to see the effect. After all, he was only in the magical power realm, so he rashly went to the hunting place in the magical power realm. , if you really can't beat it, wouldn't you just give food away?

What's more, according to the centipede demon's memory, not to mention the magic realm, the strength of the demonic soul in the magical realm is more than ten times that of the magic realm. It has been there once, and if it hadn't been for a clan member passing by, it would have almost died. After that, there was a shadow, and I didn't dare to go there anymore. I kept wandering around the magic realm.

Although this demon is very weak, it is still in the magical realm, right? It's better to be careful, at least to understand the methods of the demon soul.


"I said Sanjiu, are you here in the magic realm again?"

There is an old centipede guarding the magic power realm, and there are many small centipedes. It looks very disdainful. The main reason is that this Sanjiu has become a magical power realm, but it keeps running here to beat the autumn wind and rob the resources of the younger generation. .

In an instant, those little centipedes also looked at Sanjiu and began to whisper.

They haven't awakened yet, and they can't speak or make any sound.

But maybe because of turning into a demon, Li Su understood.

‘That’s Sanjiu? ’

'I heard that I have been in the magical power realm for decades, but I have never dared to hunt there, so I have been in this magic realm. ’

‘Yes, yes, I’ve heard about it too, but I didn’t expect to see this person! ’

That tone, both inside and outside the words, had the same meaning. How did this guy achieve the level of supernatural power? Simply ridiculous.

The corner of Li Su's mouth twitched, feeling once again that he had become the wrong monster. He was in the realm of supernatural powers, and was actually being ridiculed by an old monster and a group of little monsters.

In an instant, the memory belonging to Sanjiu emerged, well, this is not the first time.

I was drunk, the demon clan, the jungle preys on the strong, but these guys actually dared to mock in front of it?

Recalling the centipede that was surrounded from all directions, the reaction was also very wrong. Under normal circumstances, does the supernatural realm require such a formation to hunt down the mana realm? No need?

Now that I think about it, I'm so damn afraid that it won't be able to defeat it!

But why?

He didn't understand. How dare the other party pursue him so bravely?

Li Su was a little confused, and he didn't say anything. Anyway, he wasn't Sanjiu. He just raised his feet and walked inside. That's what the centipede spirit in his memory was like.

The old centipede shook his head. There was news over there not long ago. This guy went to hunt down the mana realm of the human race, but he ended up fighting for a long time, which alerted many demons to come out to encircle and suppress him, even if he couldn't kill him.

It takes so much effort to kill a person in the magic realm, but to be able to reach the supernatural realm is like God is blind.

Entering the hunting territory, Li Su took a breath and began to control his aura, suppressing the power of the magical realm.

Although most of the demon souls have no thoughts, their instincts are still there. When the demon souls in the magic realm feel the aura of the supernatural power realm, they will naturally turn around and run away, and will not come over at all.

For this reason, Sanjiu, who has advanced, has specially learned a set of tricks to hide his aura so that the other party won't notice.

Looking through the contents of the other party's mind, Li Su had no idea. After all, he had never encountered a demon soul before. Who knows what the other party's methods were? It is undoubtedly best to be careful.

He restrained his movements and did not take the initiative to attack. Instead, he waited where he was.

After all, Sanjiu's size is very large. Once it moves, it will make a lot of noise, which can easily alarm the demon soul. What's the matter with the breath gathering technique it has learned... It can be described in four words as extremely stretched.

I can't move, I get discouraged when I move.

Then Li Su started to wait, and waited, and waited, and waited.

He was getting upset after waiting, thinking that this guy was so screwed up that it was so inconvenient, when finally a demonic soul floated over.


Li Su took a breath and his eyes flashed.

At any rate, it’s here!

Soon, the demon soul felt something and rushed towards Li Su.

Then, the demon soul was gone!

Li Su felt a little bit of demon falling on his body, making a small splash and then disappearing.

I can feel some benefits, but there are too few, and it’s not even enough to fit between my teeth.



Staying there in a daze, Li Su took a deep breath. He understood what the demon soul was.

This thing is really difficult to deal with, it's a bit evil, it specifically targets souls, it has no ability, it's really hard to defend against...

But thinking of this, Li Su's face turned dark. To this extent... Are you in the magical power realm? Even if the level is ten times stronger, that's all.

He took a breath, stood up, turned around and left.

As far as the strength of the mana realm is concerned, killing a thousand to ten thousand people is like listening to the sound of water and has no effect at all for Li Su.


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