Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 247 Number 5, Code Name ‘Silver’

As Li Su and the others entered, the three old centipedes immediately took action.

They exerted their magic power at the same time, their bodies began to vibrate, and the eyes under their tentacles began to expand visibly to the naked eye. They expanded to an incredible extent.

The three people presented three angles and directly observed the entire world fragments from all directions with their own eyes.

At the same time, their bodies began to emit precious light, vibrate, make sounds, and resonate.

Along with their movements, in an instant, the Centipede Spirits that had been prepared in advance suddenly burst out in the center of each gathering point where the Centipede Spirits were located. Their bodies also began to glow, their eyes became huge, and pictures appeared. Pictures in the world fragments emerged from them. The eyes sprayed out and landed on the wall not far away.

Even in front of the entrance to the Ten Thousand Demons Blood Cave, in front of the two centipede spirits with single-digit numbers guarding the place, a small centipede vibrated its body and displayed a scene.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

There was a sound, and it was centipede spirits one after another, so densely packed that it was almost impossible to see the head.

Not only was the centipede spirit stationed there, but also a centipede spirit body appeared on the scene at a large market dedicated to trading outside the Hundred Thousand Demon Cave.

With the appearance of the two centipede demons, most people soon put down what they were doing and looked at the screen.

Single digit number challenger!

This is the biggest event of the Centipede Jing clan, which means that another strong person will appear in the Centipede Jing clan.

Those who can be included in single-digit numbers, there is no doubt that even if they are placed outside, they are strong ones, and they are quite powerful in the magical realm.

Every time a war starts, the Centipede Elf clan will broadcast it to the whole clan, so that all the Centipede Elfs can come and admire the clan's supreme strength and understand why they enjoy privileges in the Centipede Elf clan.

At the same time, this is also a show!

There are many races in the Hundred Thousand Demon Cave. Not to mention the human race, the number of demon races is even greater, and there are all kinds of races.

Insect monsters, plant monsters, and animal monsters.

Added up, I'm afraid there are not hundreds of kinds.

Although they are all said to be monsters, that's actually the case. When there are no humans, they will still be slaughtered with blood.

After losing three serial numberers in a row, the demon clan in the Hundred Thousand Demonic Cave was undoubtedly a little bit ready to make a move, feeling that the Centipede Spirit was not very good.

The young lair was attacked by surprise, which had never happened before.

For this reason, it is necessary to shock other demon clans and let them know that there are still strong people in the Centipede Jing clan, and they are still the same as before.

The three old centipedes were ecstatic about the outbreak of Sanjiu this time, and kept giving benefits and resources just for this day.

As for success or failure, it doesn't matter.

As long as the strength it shows is not too bad and the battle is exciting enough, that's fine.

In fact, they have already said hello to each other, and this time they can relax a bit. If they are about the same strength, one person will be left as a replacement for the single-digit number.

If you kill, you will be spared.

If you want to establish your authority, you can give him a severe beating. In this way, no one in the clan will provoke his younger brother.

"Do the centipede spirit numberers fight?"

Facing this scene, there was no surprise. It had been done too many times in order to show one's toughness and strength.

There are also people watching silently on the human side at this moment. They are the branch of the Xia Kingdom stationed here. Because a large number of monsters have died in the magical realm, many places have been recaptured and considerable resources have been obtained.

In the battle of Qiudao Cliff, although the human race lost Qiudao Cliff and could not enter again, they undoubtedly made gains in other aspects. Especially in that battle, more than fifty powerful monsters from the demon race were killed, which was undoubtedly a big deal for the human race. good news.

The biggest trouble plaguing the human race now is Zhang Shengying, who is trapped in the Hundred Thousand Devil's Cave. The centipede spirit clan and the scorpion spirit clan have joined forces. The defense is too tight and they cannot break through.

They looked up. The black one should be Man, who had recently become number three. The challenger was silver? Flying centipede? It's the first time I've seen it,

Isn’t this category very weak?

On the human side, there was a puzzled look in their eyes.

Of course, this is also the doubt in the minds of most demon clans. They are very puzzled. Although the flying centipede is also the development direction of the centipede spirit clan, there is no comparison at all with the dragon centipede. It is too weak.

Is this a plan for a massacre? Show your tyranny?

Centipede spirits have the habit of cannibalism. In order to show their cruelty, the numbered challengers are not always successful, and some challengers are killed.


Among the fragments of the world, Li Su felt what was here, and his eyes flashed. He didn't expect that there was such a thing specially used for competition... This was quite surprising.

However, Li Su turned his head and looked at Barbarian No. 3, who raised his body high after entering not far away, but remained motionless.

What do you mean?

Didn't you say that we should come in and start a fight?

Why is there no movement?

Does this mean you want me to take the lead?

Finally, the beast that had been frozen for a while started to move. Its body made a rattling noise and began to emit black light. In the light, there was a huge figure. Terrifying power exploded from its body, and it was raised high. His head and body were all flashing with Dao patterns, and his feet were shaking, causing a roar like an earthquake.


Opening his mouth, Man let out an extremely sharp roar, as if a sleeping demon had awakened. An extremely terrifying breath spurted out from its body, and the space was distorted by it.

Not only Li Su at the scene, the shock was also conveyed through the video played. Many little centipedes were almost frightened to pee. At the top of the Hundred Thousand Demon Cave, many monsters also looked solemn, feeling that they were just centipedes. The terrifying coercion conveyed by Number Three of the Jing clan.

The human race also looked solemn. They had just killed three of them not long ago, and now they just took the lead and showed amazing strength...

The centipede spirit clan is indeed a serious problem!

Li Su was shocked and was shocked by the other party's behavior. He just hit him. What does this picture of claws and teeth mean?

The next moment, Sanjiu's memory jumped out, making his tentacles move uncontrollably, and he felt like he was suffering from embarrassment.

This is the war dance of the centipede clan, the decisive battle between the same clan, or a necessary ritual at the night banquet of the centipede clan hosted by the centipede king once every ten years.

To be honest, Li Su didn't want to pay attention to it at all, but obviously, it couldn't be done.

He was silent for a moment and had no choice. After all, who made him a centipede now?

Okay, isn’t it just about showing off?

Who doesn't know it yet?

Li Su slowly opened his mouth. He was not worth mentioning in front of the dragon centipede. He also lifted up his small body that was almost like an insect. He gently opened and vibrated his thousand legs.

Undoubtedly, it is quite different from the previous one. It feels as if after watching a strong ethics film, a romance film pops up the next moment.

The whole person was almost boring.

That's it? ? ?

In an instant, many people and many monsters couldn't help but have such an idea in their minds.


At this moment, a huge roar erupted from Li Su's mouth that was completely different from his body. The roar was like an angry predator. As soon as it erupted, the earth shook, and the clouds in the sky of the small world were also oscillating.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

At the same time, there was a sound of thunder, and the waving thousand legs were getting faster and faster, and they had turned into a white light, with lightning flashing from above, turning into a terrifying thunder.


The domineering will belonging to Li Su exploded, with Kunpeng's Dapeng as the core, a phantom rose into the sky, and the predator's aura that used all living creatures as food completely erupted.

Bearing the brunt of it, Man couldn't help but be shocked, with goosebumps rising, feeling the power of the little figure in front of him.

Those in the magical power realm had goosebumps all over their bodies. What kind of scene was they watching outside?

Li Su's will is too overbearing, and his level may not be as good as it is, but in terms of quality, it is still above barbaric!

The small body that erupts is the domineering power of all beasts, the master of the jungle and the coercion of the ocean overlord.

In an instant, the stinking smell spread across countless venues.

Not to mention the magical realm, I was really scared to death in the magic realm.

Okay? ? ?

Li Su got impatient and started beating her, especially posing, there were only a few monsters in total, was it necessary?

His body began to vibrate, and his whole body was covered in silver light. His silver-white back began to glow, and a sharp Tao Yun emerged, unfolding directly and turning into a team of huge wings.

Then, Li Su moved!

A thousand feet shake, thousands of miles in an instant!

A stream of light, an extremely bright stream of light, flashed by in an instant, like a white horse passing through the gap.

In an instant, all the audience were stunned.

So fast!

The moment the thought fell, the small world shook.


The earth was directly cut open by Li Su, and dozens of hundreds of meters high mountains were interrupted. The direction Li Su rushed towards was like a huge knife, scraping off everything.


Cutting off is just the beginning.

Afterwards, those stones disintegrated directly into the void, were cut again and again, and were severely damaged to pieces.


Li Su smacked his mouth and turned around, because it was too fast and the angle was wrong.


Man slowly lowered his head and looked at his body.

The extremely hard thousand legs were broken, and a shocking gap of one meter long was cut out of the body.

Just now, the angle was obviously wrong. Otherwise, there is a high probability that it could be broken this time?

Its pupils shrank slightly, and its tentacles began to vibrate crazily.


The terrifying Dao Yun continued to spread, and the dark light spread all over the body. There was a Kun shadow shaking on the body. At this moment, at this moment, it realized that the seemingly ridiculous flying centipede in front of it was, no joke, a powerful enemy.

The black light began to erupt, shaking his body. The whole earth was shaken by it, like a magnitude 12 earthquake, and terrifying power continued to gush out from the ground.

Its body moved, like a mountain, striking and attacking Li Su.


There was a loud noise, and the ground for thousands of meters exploded directly. Dust rushed up to a height of thousands of meters, and everything there was turned into powder.

After striking out, Man immediately raised his head and turned to look to the other side. Needless to say, it was obvious that he missed the hit.

It was already very fast, breaking the sound barrier, but facing Li Su's speed like a stream of light, it was completely on two levels, a dimensionality-reducing blow.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

The body cracked, blood popped out, Man's eyes were shocked, and his whole body was cut apart with countless scars. The blow just now not only failed to hit Li Su, but before the power fell to the ground, he was surrounded by Li Su and slashed thousands of times. .


Is this the power of another force on the stone slab?

It smiled, its blood was burning and boiling, and it was really serious.

It raised its head and roared, and a terrifying aura erupted from its body, covering the surrounding area in an instant, covering dozens of miles around, including Li Su.

Feeling the restriction on his body, Li Su's tentacles twitched slightly, feeling a little angry.

Damn..., field!

The realm of magical powers has many characteristics, and one of the biggest characteristics is undoubtedly this thing. Through the use of huge mana, one can transform one's own magical powers to form a realm.

And this is undoubtedly what speedsters hate the most!

Damn it, you are only in the mana realm, so there is a fair fight!

He screamed in his heart, took a deep breath, and did not run away.

Undoubtedly, before entering the Qiudao Cliff or before coming to the Hundred Thousand Devil's Cave, Li Su would definitely not fight against the magical powers in the open realm. He would suffer too much and something would happen.

But now….

Having transformed into the Dao three times, his mana has reached its ultimate limit. With the strengthening of the demon soul and the improvement of the stone slab.

The ceiling of the mana realm has long been pierced and trampled to pieces by Li Su.

Even in the limit-breaking realm, he has surpassed imagination and crossed the limit.

Although it is a higher level of domain power, the threat to him has also been greatly reduced, and it is no longer fatal.

Moreover, it’s not like he has never fought in the field of supernatural powers, there are many ways to do it!

Looking at Man rushing towards him, Li Su's eyes flashed. The next moment, silver light erupted on his body. In an instant, his centipedes vibrated tens of thousands of times. Dao Yun appeared, and the shadow of a big roc shone between his eyebrows. It turned into a stream of light and hit Man directly.


There was a loud noise, and both of them shook violently and stepped back at the same time.

After a small collision with a big one, it turned out to be a tie?

The barbarian tentacles swayed, and he couldn't help but be shocked. Although he didn't have full firepower, he still had eight levels of strength.

And if it felt right just now, although it only bumped into it once, the other party bumped into it ten times in succession in an instant.

What the hell speed is that?

I am suppressing it by driving the field! ! !

Although Man was a little surprised, his hands did not stop. Baidu directly grabbed the ground under his body, like a pile driver, and directed his head towards Li Sugai thousands of times in an instant.

Li Su also refused to retreat. If he was covered by a domain, he would be involved. Unless he also owned the domain, once he dodged, the opponent would follow the domain and attack him, which would make the trouble even greater.

His body glowed and turned directly into a silver wheel. The wings composed of mana and avenue on his back turned into the sharpest blade and slashed towards the opponent's head.

Clang, Clang, Clang!

Silver wheels and black lights did not retreat, colliding crazily in the void.

Ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times.

Endless impact, impact.

The terrifying power continued to explode, and the air waves continued to fluctuate in circles. At this moment, the solid earth became as fragile as water, forming one after another of sand and dust that rippled outward.

They intertwined wildly, their power kept tilting, and they kept impacting again and again.


The battle inside was intense, and the outside was terrifying.

For the centipede clan, the fact that the flying centipede actually had such a huge combat power, the dragon centipede was surprised and the flying centipede jumped for joy, but that was probably nothing.

But for other races, that's another story.

This speed is really terrifying.

Even if they are suppressed by the domain, they can still show such terrifying speed. Looking at the silver centipede that has almost completely turned into a silver wheel, the human race, scorpion spirit, vine spirit, black rat spirit, etc. all have extremely solemn expressions on their faces. What came out was extreme fear and panic.

Too fast, too fast.

Its existence is too troublesome, far more troublesome than the dragon centipede!

It's just that it's powerful, but it's not scary at all!

If the speed is not low, death is inevitable!

No matter what means of escape are useless, the moment he sees the silver light, he will probably be killed by it.

This demon... is too dangerous! ! !


A full quarter of an hour, a full quarter of an hour.

Li Su's body shook, and the silver light directly cut through the lock on the opponent's field, and instantly turned into a terrifying stream of light, thousands of miles away in an instant.

After landing, he let out a breath and felt a little exhausted.

After all, he was still in the magic realm, and all his methods were restricted. He could only use the Peng Jue in the Kunpeng Technique.

If he had the means to do so, it would not be a big problem to kill the opponent. After all, he could feel that the opponent was very strong, but the centipede clan still had shortcomings, and their souls were not very good.

Thinking about it, Li Su's eyes were a little burning, shining and vibrating.

He is not in the magical power realm, he is in the magic power realm. With the body of the magic power realm, he can win the battle with the magical power realm. Although the opponent may not have tried his best, there is no doubt that he, who is still in the magic power realm, has already had the ability to fight head-on with the magical power realm. , and the ability to kill them.

Man didn't move anymore, it stopped in place.

If the opponent is too weak, then kill him, but if the opponent is strong enough, it is another matter.

There is no doubt that Sanjiu, who was once not worth mentioning, has shown the strength of the numberer. It is no longer a question of whether it is difficult to kill the opponent, but it is impossible for the clan to agree.

After taking a deep look at Li Su, it said directly the next moment: "Open the world!"

Soon, the world was opened directly, and Man moved his body and left directly.

Standing where he was, Li Su also relaxed a lot. After all, his magic power was about to dry up, and there would undoubtedly be problems if he continued to fight. He didn't dare to come in here to fight, but the three old centipedes said that this was a test, that is, Said that as long as the strength is sufficient, there is no danger.

He moved his steps, and the next moment he turned into a stream of light and rushed out.


As soon as Li Su came out, Man was gone and his brother was taken away.

But there are many monsters in the cave.

They looked at Li Su with bright eyes, filled with incomparable enthusiasm and respect.

Strength, for the demon clan, is absolute! ! !

Not only that, many centipede spirits who practiced the flying centipede method were extremely shocked. They saw the future and the expectations. It turns out that when the speed reaches a certain level, it can be no worse than the strength! ! !

Three old centipedes also came over and said with joy on their faces, "Congratulations, Lord No. 5, the challenge is successful!"

Li Su couldn't help but frown. Damn it, people have been undercover for three years and three years. How come you have reached the top in less than two months?

Sure enough, as gold, I will shine no matter where I am.

It's a pity that there is a lack of cheers from beautiful women here. Being respected by a group of insects only makes my scalp numb, and there is no feeling of pride at all.

But in this way, my position with Centipede Jing should be completely stable, and I can lurk for a while.


"The centipede spirit family, single-digit number, five, code name, silver! Master unparalleled speed, demonstrate extraordinary combat ability, and have a threat level of four and a half stars!"

Outside, human territory.

The leader, whose surname is Yan, is the head of the Xia State Administration Department and a descendant of the Yan family.

At this moment, he applied with great solemnity: "It is recommended to focus on erasing the target!!!"

The threat level of the human race, under normal circumstances, the five-star is only in the immortal realm...

Scorpion Spirit's hinterland, after the intelligence was transmitted back, said directly: "Number 5, the speed is extremely terrifying and the threat is great. If there is a chance, kill him!"

Where the vine spirit is, "This demon can't be left here! It's too scary. If it continues to grow, it will pose a huge threat to us!"

Black Rat Spirit: "It's so scary, so scary. Find an opportunity and kill it."

Wolf Demon: "I didn't expect that the Flying Centipede could evolve at such a speed... If I meet anyone who practices the Flying Centipede lineage in the future, I will kill them without mercy!"

That's right, it's Li Su who can shine with gold. In just one battle, he was directly on the must-kill list of all the major clans! ! !


1 second remember network:.

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