Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 254 The horse has a long face

Lying on the ground, Li Su felt pain all over his body.

The burning pain.

Why does it hurt so much?

If I had to say it, it would be like pretending to fail in diving and then falling directly into the water.

Li Su hit the ground. Even if he was driving the King Kong Realm, his nose was flattened and he suffered a shattered fracture. Thanks to his cultivation of flesh and blood, his body can reorganize and heal itself, otherwise you would see a paper man.

The air density is so low, too low.

To describe it, the air density in the mortal world is 1,000, and in the immortal world is 10,000, so there is only 10 here.

And if you observe it with the naked eye, you will find that there is no life in the air here, not even floating matter.

The gases in the space are all extremely irritating gases, which are highly toxic and acutely toxic. If you breathe even a little bit, your respiratory nerves will feel numb, your cell activity will be reduced, and you will feel fatigued.

Li Su was in the mana realm, and he was also the kind of being who was the ceiling within the ceiling, and the ceiling was overturned.

He is like this, and mortals will probably die quickly as soon as they arrive here.

The gravity is also strong, and the body seems to be filled with lead. The gravity here not only targets the physical body, but also binds the soul. The average weight is increased by about one ton per millimeter, which is very uncomfortable.

Li Su pushed herself up with some difficulty, and felt severe discomfort in Li Su's eyes, ears, and touch. The environment was too harsh and unfriendly to life.

Well, it looks like I'm going to feel uncomfortable for a while...

He thought so.

Then, his flesh and blood vibrated spontaneously, and his cells began to breathe, spitting out scriptures, manifesting the great road, and something magical was happening.


Li Su was startled. His body was growing and changing rapidly.

Through the sensory nerves, his lungs were vibrating, and they actually began to actively absorb and digest this toxic gas. The circulatory system was also changing, taking on the properties of plants, sprouting directly, taking root on these toxic gases, and absorbing them. Nourishing, and self-transforming.

The soul also vibrates, begins to shine, undergoes the same changes as the physical body, changes itself, evolves itself, and changes the theory of evolution that originally took thousands or tens of thousands of years to occur, changing at the speed of hundreds of years per second, and begins to Adapt to the environment here and become a life form that can survive in such a place.

When he came back to his senses, the restraints and physical pressure of this world on him were basically gone.

Not only that, with the operation of this artifact, Li Su found that he could absorb energy again. In this extremely harsh world, he was able to regain his strength bit by bit, and it was no longer a simple matter of consumption.

Well, there is no doubt that his three views have been refreshed again. After the Buddhist Kingdom, the flesh and blood supreme has also become quite spiritual.

Fortunately, there were no scales or bone spurs growing out, otherwise Li Su would have had a headache for a while.

The world no longer suppressed him, and he finally had the strength to look at the world with his eyes.

Gray, everything that catches the eye is gray.

Li Su couldn't help but shiver, and quickly took a look around him. There was no green water, no red hair. Fortunately, fortunately, it was not that place.

Taking a breath, the gray sky undoubtedly really frightened him, thinking that he had entered the terrifying place that he had seen because of the fundamental law.

Is this the deepest part of the Hundred Thousand Devil's Cave? It's lifeless... there's nothing there, no flowers, no trees, no grass. Looking around, it's all bare...

He also didn't find traces of the scorpion spirit that fell with him and finally escaped, as well as the centipede spirit No. 4. They should have fallen to other places.

Squatting down, Li Su grabbed a handful of soil in his hands. He quickly clapped his hands and threw away the soil.


This soil is dead.

It is similar to the yellow sand in the desert, exuding a dead air. Even if you drop the seeds, you will not survive.

The entire world, except where the huge whirlpool was located, could see a little movement, gave people a lifeless feeling.

It seems like there is nothing...? ? ?


Li Su suddenly froze. As he rotated 360 degrees to watch, when he turned around, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and looked at the figure standing in the void behind him. , it is a huge whirlpool with five smaller tunnels on it.

They keep rotating at different speeds.

But after taking one look, I couldn't help but be attracted by it. I stared at it without saying a word, but I couldn't help but raise my steps and walked towards it.

It is not beautiful, but it is so attractive that the soul is addicted to it and is pulled away by it.


Just when Li Su unconsciously walked towards the huge whirlpool, there was a sound of swords. It was the Qingping Sword Fruit. It was vibrating, and peerless sword intent spurted out, washing away his soul. The cold sword Like a basin of water, Li Su woke up cold on the spot. His neck was so cold that he felt like someone was gesturing back and forth with a dagger several times.

hiss! ~

Li Su took a breath of air and almost sat down on the ground. Good guy, really good guy. This way of reminder is so different and sobering.

He had a feeling that even if he didn't wake up like this, Qingping Sword would definitely stab him directly in the next moment, really stab him.

Damn it, do you want to be so cruel?


‘If a person is not ruthless, he cannot stand firm! ’

Did you reply?

Li Su was stunned, his eyes were wide open, his face was in disbelief, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Not only did Qingping Jianguo answer, but the answer also gave a sense of déjà vu. It was as if the grown-up self was having a conversation with the child self. It was him who was speaking, but the perspective of where he was standing was different.

Qingping Jianguo's soul is closer to the period when Li Su was young and was influenced by martial arts and fairy tales.

To put it simply, his mentality at that time was that he would rather die than be free.

There are also great chivalrous people who serve the country and the people.

Then if a person is not ruthless, he cannot stand firmly!

And people don't talk much, or they are cruel to others, but they are really cruel to themselves...

There is no sense of shame. People from a big country have the mentality of people from a big country. As long as I am not embarrassed by things like black history, you will be the one who is embarrassed.

The main reason is that Li Su feels that with Qingping Jianguo's mentality, it is easy for him to be in a situation where he is jealous of the sky and the earth.

If you let it go out to fight the enemy, you always feel that it will fight the opponent to the point of death and death.

Li Su took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions. It's okay. If you want to be rash with your magical powers, just be rash. Just don't be rash. Anyway, it can be repaired if it's broken, right?

At this moment, he slowly raised his head and looked at the large whirlpool not far away with a serious expression. He directly activated the fundamental method to suppress his soul and frowned.

That thing is so demonic.

It can actually tug at people's souls, and they are drawn in unconsciously. If Qingping Sword Fruit hadn't happened in time to wake him up, and he had continued walking like this, God knows what would have happened.

And I was attracted by the whirlpool just now and didn't pay attention. Now when I looked at it, I found that the whirlpool was very abnormal. It was reversing, and a lot of things were pulled out from it. The first and fifth children were vomiting something.

It was demon souls. Countless demon souls were spit out from the six tunnels and fell downwards.

If you look at it, you can see it is nearly one finger wide from a distance of almost thousands of miles, if it is close in front of you.

Recalling that through the memory of flesh and blood cells, Li Su discovered that he himself seemed to have been spit out from somewhere, but it was different from the soul body that fell directly downwards. Because he had a physical body, he was thrown out directly and fell on the ground. Thousands of miles away, a huge deep pit was dug.

Li Su frowned slightly, so many demon souls fell down, but it was obvious that there were no demon souls floating in the world he was in, which meant that there should be something else down there.

Go and have a look first!

After all, the only place where something catches your eye is there.

And if you want to get out of this place, let alone other methods, you have to look for it slowly. Instead, it is the vortex. Since reversing is sucking it back, maybe turning forward is spitting it out.

He went straight on the road and walked in the direction of the whirlpool.

Along the way, he would observe and check his surroundings, and capture the movements in the air, especially those under the ground.

Although the whole thing looks lifeless, who knows if there will be anything else.

It's good not to have nature, but if there is, you have to be careful. God knows what species there will be in this kind of world?

Li Su walked very carefully, not daring to fly, and remained vigilant.

He walked quickly, very fast.

Although the road was very rugged, it took less than half an hour to walk more than a hundred kilometers. There were mountains and rivers, well, I should say river beds, which meant that this world should have been normal...

All the way down, the journey was quickly over halfway. There was no living thing. While Li Su breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but frown.

It is also a troublesome thing to make the whole world without living things. No living things often means no civilization, which basically means everything. He can only explore it by himself...


What does this smell like? It smells so good?

Li Su suddenly stopped and couldn't help but look at a mountain not far away.

There was an extremely strong fragrance wafting over there. Just by smelling it, Li Su couldn't help but salivate. It was so fragrant, so fragrant.

The smell is just like when you've been hungry for dozens of days, and suddenly someone puts a piece of egg fried rice in front of you, and it's like the familiar dishes cooked by your mother are placed in front of you after you've been out exercising for a day.

Li Su couldn't help it. He moved and ran directly in that direction. Soon he climbed over the top of the mountain and looked at the place where the smell came from.

There is a flower there with red stamens that are so eye-catching that you can see them as soon as you come up.

There is a fragrance wafting out, very big, very heavy, very fragrant.

He shouldn't feel hungry, but he was so hungry that he panicked.

As soon as he lifted his steps, his fundamental method started to vibrate again, and the Yuanshen Dao Fruit spitting out black and white thunder vibrated, issuing a warning.


Li Su paused, and the next moment he couldn't help but gasped, and his face turned blue.

What's going on in this world? Do you like to attack people's souls so much? The whirlpool seduces the soul, this thing also seduces the soul?


Are there flowers there?

That red thing is not a flower.

It was an animal life form. Although it had the shape of a flower, it had obvious breathing and heartbeat. Red mist was constantly spraying out from its body, flying into the air, blending into it, and drifting away.

The so-called fragrance is that thing. In fact, it is not a fragrance at all, but it evokes memories deep in the soul. The smell just now is what Li Su has suffered. During that period, he spent all his living expenses on the Internet. In an Internet cafe….

After all, when he was in high school, mobile phones were not widely available... but it caused him great harm.

This is hunting! !

And as proof, at the foot of the flower, its rhizome is stuck in the body of something, constantly sucking something, making itself redder and redder. And around it, there are many corpses, obviously no one. Don't let people use its weird floral scent trick. Li Suruoran didn't have the basic method to remind you, and he just fell into the trap.

The thing the flower is hunting is not dead yet. With every suck it takes, the thing below will twist and its limbs will shake.

As for Li Su being hunted by it, he said it was an object, not a person...

Mainly because it looks humanoid...but not entirely human.

It has hooves, like those of a cow or horse, and its body is covered with a thick robe. Its face cannot be seen, it is covered with flowers. It has hands, with five fingers like humans, but the tips of the fingers have small hooves instead of nails.

people? Or a demon? Is this a failure to transform?

It's hard to describe Li Su, but that's not the point. The point is to save or not to save?

With every sucking of Honghua, the other person's breath is getting weaker, and the life is being sucked away by that thing. If it takes too long, the other person may be gone.

But he was a little hesitant to take action. He didn't know what Honghua's strength was. One-handed seduction would undoubtedly be quite tricky. If there were other means, it would be very troublesome to deal with it. To be honest, compared to this kind of opponent, he would rather face an opponent who only knows The reckless monster clan.

After a slight hesitation, Li Su took action. The 'person' under the other person's body was of great value and could help him quickly understand the situation in this world. If the other party did not intend to get along well with each other, he also had methods, such as soul interrogation. ....

As soon as the thought fell, Qingping's sword moved.

Li Su naturally did not go there. Not only did he not go, he also retreated a thousand meters.

The out-of-body Qingping Sword Fruit is different!

It is very angry and angry.

Twice, already twice, be it the whirlpool or the red flower, both of them are hooking its main soul?

Do you think you are easy to bully?

Qingping's brilliance shines, and the fairy's red glow appears.

In an instant, the distance of two kilometers passed by, and Duotou slashed across with a sword.

Honghua obviously didn't expect it. After all, it is very special. It has weird abilities and can confuse souls. It is basically at the top of the food chain in this world. All life will be automatically sent over to be eaten by it without any resistance.

The moment the Qingping Sword arrived, red mist burst out from its body, increasing its temptation to capture the Qingping Sword Fruit.

However, there is an obvious problem. Although Qingping Sword Fruit has a soul, it is essentially a sword. This scene is as funny as playing the harp to a cow...

Therefore, under Honghua's horrified gaze, Qingping's sword didn't even pause, and she cut off its head with one sword, cutting open its beating heart at the same time.

There was a shadow floating from Honghua's body, and it let out a mournful cry to settle the matter.

So simple?

In the distance, Li Su was startled for a moment, looking at the red flower that had been stretched down and completely lifeless, he couldn't help but blinked.

After waiting for a while, and after confirming through Qingping Jianguo that the thing was indeed dead, Li Su walked up. Coming closer.

As soon as he walked in, because he was dead, the red flower rhizome rooted on the head of the hoofed man also lost its power and fell from his face.

At first glance, Li Su couldn't look away.

Good guy, really good guy!

The legendary old man with a horse-faced face is probably like this.

Looking at the other party's horse face, it seems that because he has been sucked for too long, the old man is so long...!


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