Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 262 The Perfection of Magical Realm


Li Su breathed out, feeling very beautiful.

After he came out, he thought that his actions would be dangerous and unsafe, and that he might be exposed. Then there was a bloody battle, fighting all the way, and the fight was earth-shaking and earth-shaking.

In the end, what to fight?

This is a fucking paradise, really paradise!

After leaving my room, all the way here is a big road. It bifurcates every ten meters. Each bifurcation is two roads. Each road is almost a hundred meters long. There is a room every ten meters away. In each room They all carry a lot of demonic souls!

They are all of high quality, in units of one hundred, and all of them are at the limit of the magic power realm. If the soul power of the magical power realm is not strong enough, they may be snatched away by them.

At first, Li Su thought it was just an exception, but after walking around, he found that this was the case, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

When other people saw this scene, they probably couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts. They would have a completely new understanding of this underground devil's cave. They would feel the horror of this place and identify it as a huge threat.

There are so many peak magic souls in such a long tunnel. No kidding, there are almost twenty rooms on a single fork in the road, and each one has a hundred demon souls in it, that's two thousand.

At first glance, this straight road has about a hundred branches, one hundred on each side.

How much does it add up to?

Four hundred thousand!

These are all at the peak level of the magic realm, with such a huge number. If they can get out, what will happen?

It's enough to overturn the current bipolar pattern of shemales and monsters.

This is equivalent to two nuclear powers that were originally only owned by themselves and were in opposition, but suddenly found that the silent one next to them revealed nuclear bombs and had the same number of nuclear bombs as you. This will definitely scare you to death.

For Li Su, it's different.

This is a leek, a large piece of leek that allows him to achieve the fifth transformation, the sixth transformation, and the seventh transformation.

Of course, Li Su was not stupid. After realizing what was going on here, he stopped instead of devouring it desperately.

He had experience in cutting leeks and had seen it a lot in his previous life. He knew that if he cut leeks too quickly, something would happen and he would attract attention.

It would be bad if the leeks were not harvested enough and attracted the magical power realm.

Therefore, he stopped and did not continue to harvest. Instead, he returned to the place where he had cut before. After taking a look, he went directly to another room and directly activated the six paths of reincarnation in the image of the demon soul to suppress the demon soul inside and pile up I moved a few waves out of the fork in the road full of demonic souls, and filled in the ones behind it.

Then he began to harvest quickly, staring at the forked roads that were already full, leaving a row blocking the outside. While swallowing all the contents inside, he consumed part of the power of the demon soul to collect the Lingbao Sutra and Yuqing Chapter through the stones. , transforming it into the form of a demon soul and stuffing it inside so that there is no difference in appearance.

After everything was done, Li Su started cutting leeks frantically with his eyes shining.

After mastering the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the restraint on the soul is too strong.

In the same realm, he didn't even have the ability to resist. He was pinched and suppressed by him in an instant, and then he swallowed and digested him with the power of six reincarnations.

Li Su couldn't help but curled up the corners of his mouth, feeling an unprecedented sense of happiness.

After the demon soul swallowed by him enters the six realms of reincarnation, not only will its power be absorbed by him, but its true spirit will be washed and transformed into spirituality to fill his six realms. This is undoubtedly a great benefit to the chaotic demon soul. Liberation is transcendence, reaching the pure land of the soul.

Therefore, after a batch of copying, Li Su's six-path reincarnation resounded with singing. It was the sound of the soul of the dead who could not transcend after liberation. It was a thank you to him and a praise to him. It not only improved his ability to suppress the six-path reincarnation. His ability also gave his soul an amazing cleansing. This was not just cutting leeks, it was also redemption.

It was a dual satisfaction both materially and spiritually. Suddenly Li Su felt the state of mind of his sixth master, Empress Pingxin. To be saved, he had to rescue all the demon souls here and transcend them!

With joy, Li Su kept moving.

He didn't know if it was because of the rescue, but he felt that the energy squeezed out of the demon soul was quickly absorbed by him, and the speed of transformation became much faster.

Time passed quickly, and in just one week, he swallowed nearly 50,000 high-quality demonic souls. The quality was undoubtedly at the peak of the magic realm, and was about to transform into the supernatural realm.

The progress of the five modernizations is astonishing, the meridians have been completed, only the final skin is left.

Originally, Li Su only planned to complete the five transformations. Faced with this result, he was a little dissatisfied.

Directly start to transform the Diamond Dragon Realm and the Six Paths of Reincarnation at the same time.

The Vajra Dragon Realm naturally starts from the skin, while the Six Paths of Reincarnation starts from the bones.

It was still a bit difficult to achieve the five modernizations on the skin, but after a lot of hard work, it was done.

There is something wrong with the bones.

Even if Li Su repeatedly depicts it, the five transformation scriptures will soon appear, obliterating the mark of the six paths of reincarnation, and there is no way to continue to implant it.

This result made Li Su frown.

Is it possible that the five modernizations are really the limit?

Unable to proceed any further!

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that he will waste two pieces of Supreme? Can I watch it or not eat it?

Fortunately, in the Diamond Dragon Realm, the Six Paths of Reincarnation cannot transform into the Dao. Li Suna said quite unwillingly that this Supreme Sect is very miraculous. He himself transformed into the Dao from the highest level of flesh and blood. His soul has acquired the attributes of flesh and blood, and can recover even if he is severely injured.

Now, in turn, the body acquires the attributes of the soul, which is undoubtedly a two-way sublimation. Once it is completed, it will definitely undergo a qualitative change and possess unprecedented abilities.


Li Su is undoubtedly a very patient person, and here at this moment, there are so many demon soul leeks for him to cut. Although some energy will be wasted if the transformation fails, more will still accumulate in the body.

He didn't believe it.

If there is a way, God will not take it, but he will be blamed for it. With such a good opportunity, he has mastered so many supreme and fundamental methods. If he just ignores it, will it lead to great disaster?

Li Su didn't hesitate and started to engage in the six transformations of Bones, one after another, frantically removing the marks.

Failure, failure, failure.

Once, ten times, twenty times.

He kept imprinting himself to carve his soul supremely on his bones and completely complete the transformation.

Every time the engraving fails, a large amount of demon souls will undoubtedly be wasted, and five rooms are needed to replenish them.

Gradually, gradually.

Although the carving of the Dao was unsuccessful, every time the Dao was shattered by the other five Dao, the fragments of the Dao would remain on the bones and be absorbed by Li Su's bones.

Click, click, click!

Li Su's bones were ringing and vibrating, and the color on them became more and more obvious, from silvery white with gold, gradually turning into pale gold, with golden light flowing.

There is no doubt that perhaps for Li Su, he is just in the sixth transformation.

But it is obvious that his behavior at this moment is not just transforming the Tao, but breaking the limit, breaking through the upper limit that has been set and is destined to be only five transformations.

However, along with his actions and tapping again and again, something was being broken by him...

Fifty times, sixty times.

As if he was sure, Li Su kept changing the path, his eyes were red, and he became reckless and decided to fight to the death.

At this moment, it lasted for a full month, an average of three times a day. Finally, after his bones turned into brilliant gold and began to flow with red light, and the mark of the Six Paths of Reincarnation finally landed on it, Li Su's body couldn't help but He was shaken and started to vomit blood profusely.

His body was shaking, all the Dao fruits were trembling, and the golden-red light on his bones began to flow toward his meridians, flesh, and skin.

The flesh and blood vibrated inexplicably, and the great road was humming, making a sound of joy.

Power is growing and great power is emerging. Just like when mana reaches its limit, Li Su's body is transforming, undergoing inexplicable changes, and sublimating, as if it is about to become another species, completely transcending the level of mana realm and transcending human beings. Kaner.

Feeling that he was successful, he hid directly in the ghost realm and completely covered himself so that no breath could leak out. Li Su couldn't help but take a deep breath at this moment, and threw himself on the ground with an extremely happy expression on his face.

He couldn't help laughing. Even though all his orifices were bleeding at this moment, the skin all over his body was also bleeding, and his mouth was bleeding uncontrollably. Li Su had to hold down his lower body and burn it directly with life fire, otherwise You have to risk it too.

Damn it, even though you were very strong, you were finally taken down by me, right? ? ?

After a long time, Li Su stood up and let out a big breath.

His body is still vibrating, constantly vibrating, the mutation is not over yet, it is still going on, something is changing, not fast, very slow, but definitely.

The most remarkable thing is that at this moment, it is clear that he has not absorbed the demon soul, nor is it progressing, but the soul on the bones is vibrating on its own, starting to shine spontaneously, all over his bones, and transforming on its own...

When Li Su came back to his senses, barely breathing, the six transformations of his bones actually completed by themselves. If there was not enough energy, the meridians would also start automatically.


Facing his own situation, Li Su's brows flashed, showing a hint of strangeness.

There is no doubt that every time you complete the process of transforming the Tao, you will make progress, although not much.

If the limit of the mana realm is ten, completing one transformation is equivalent to eleven.

Five transformations, that is, reaching fifteen.

But this time the bone transformation was completed, Li Su did not feel the improvement in strength, only an increase in attributes.

Although it broke through the limit, it also reached the highest limit?

With this question in mind, after cleaning up the stains on his body, he jumped out and cut the leeks again. After quickly harvesting all the demon souls in two branches, Li Su hid in a room and continued Become enlightened.

The Vajra Dragon Realm, this time of flesh and blood, is also the sixth transformation!

There was no obstacle, it was easy, and he succeeded.

The meridians continue the soul to the highest level, and are also very easy and quickly completed.

However, the amount is very large, and the energy consumption is directly doubled or several times more. If there were not enough leeks, Li Sudu would be hesitant to transform.

Yuqing chapter!

This is normal. Not only does it consume a lot of money, but it is also not fast. The overall five modernizations have not been completed yet.

In this way, about half a month passed, and Li Su stopped and no longer transformed.

It’s not that it’s not melting anymore, it’s that it’s already full!

It’s not the five transformations, it’s the seven transformations.

Unexpectedly, since he broke through the Sixth Transformation of Bones, it seemed as if he had broken some barrier. It was no longer difficult to transform into a Tao. As long as he had enough energy, he could transform into a Tao.

Transformation, generally speaking, has two benefits for monks in the magic realm.

One is the overall improvement, and the other is the increase in soul attributes.

After the fifth transformation, although the difficulty is gone, the function of the former is also gone!

The latter is still there!

The soul can still continue to gain attributes, but if you feel right, looking at the condition of your soul, it is almost the limit.

It's not that you can't continue to transform into a Tao. You can, as long as you have the skills.

But Li Su's situation is a little different. He studied the supreme chapter and practiced the fundamental method.

Basically, the progress that every fundamental method brings to his soul is a comprehensive and thorough improvement.

It was okay once, but now I have done it seven times, and I have learned almost all the supreme chapters of the prehistoric saints except Taozu and the dead Pangu. Not to mention seven chapters, they all involve the fundamental methods of the saints. .

The attribute of the holy way is itself the ultimate, very comprehensive, and covers a wide range of things.

One of these attribute enhancements is terrifying. With seven superimposed, Li Su's soul has reached an extreme level. Even if other techniques are added, there will be no improvement in his soul.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but let out a breath. It's okay, it's okay. Although he can't continue to become stronger at this stage of the magic realm, it's finally over, isn't it?

Looking at it now, how many rooms are left?

One branch road has twenty rooms, two hundred branch roads, and 4,000 rooms.

A lot of waste was wasted when the bones were transformed into the sixth form, five rooms at a time, a hundred times, and almost five hundred rooms were used up.

The five transformations themselves consume a lot of money. Five hundred rooms are used to prepare the bones, meridians, and flesh and blood, and three hundred rooms are used to complete the final skin.

In other words, the total number is eight hundred.

Add the six transformations, five hundred plus eight hundred, one thousand and three.

Then came the Sixth Transformation and the Seventh Transformation. The difficulty was gone, but the amount was extremely large, very large. The Sixth Transformation completed a thousand rooms, and the Seventh Transformation was even more, a thousand and two.

You must know that the five transformations only have 800 rooms, the six transformations have one thousand, and the seven transformations have one thousand and two.

In the end, four thousand rooms and four hundred thousand demon souls, how many did he eat?

One thousand three, one thousand, one thousand two.

Three thousand five!

Three hundred and fifty thousand….

Damn it, Li Su had devoured the millennium of flesh and blood millstone in just two months.

Faced with this huge amount, if he really still had the Supreme Law, Li Su himself would have a headache and feel that he could not afford to lose.

It is definitely a consumption of resources that can bring down a whole race. However, the result is only the perfection of one's own magic power.

Well, let’s harvest the rest.

Glancing at the remaining rooms, Li Su did not hesitate. After all, killing a demon soul meant saving a true spirit. Although he could not strengthen himself unless he reached the realm of magical powers, who would have too many resources?

In the past two months, a lot of demon souls have been replenished. On average, one can be replenished a day. Given a thousand years, it will be almost 400,000. This is an external evil and cannot be left behind.

In order to hide themselves, at least ten were left in each room as cover, and there were still 40,000, which was quite a lot!

Thinking of this, Li Su did not hesitate and harvested again. In short, he would weaken as much as he could.

Seeing that today, after bringing a perfect magic soul and a magical soul with a physical body into the depths on time today, Li Su breathed out a breath and left this extremely beautiful vegetable garden. He remembered this place, and through Yuqing Zhang Zhang memorized the spatial fluctuations in this position, and when he was strong enough but lacked resources, he would harvest again.

Um? Are you saying that all the magic realm has been eaten up?

Haha..., isn’t this still a magical realm? ? ?

After running out of the leek garden, Li Su quietly hid his traces. He took a breath and kept moving away. When he saw a hole, he dug into it. After making sure that the distance was far enough, he began to wait and prepare.

He was going to take action, kill a magical person, and then obtain the underground information, find the map, and then leave this ghost place.

Although he did it covertly, if the other party wanted to check him, his cutting of leeks might be exposed, so the sooner he left, the better.


Li Su was suddenly stunned for a moment. He couldn't help turning his head and looking at a certain location.

This is..., the most yin energy? ? ?

There is no one who can cultivate this in the Hundred Thousand Devil's Cave. If there is, there is only one... His eyes flashed in an instant.

Senior sister, Zhang Shengying!

Save? Of course I am saved!

Not to mention anything else, just looking at Senior Sister's beautiful appearance is very eye-catching. Besides, the future is so dangerous. If you have one more genius, you will share more pressure, right?

Li Su has been having a lot of trouble lately, just the demon clan, external evil spirits, even the thought of it makes her scalp numb...!

So, he moved and went straight to where the Yin Qi was.

Almost a hundred meters away, there was a sound.

There was an evil laugh, full of obscenity.

"Struggle, resist, let lust enter your soul... I'll see how you keep your composure!"

"Shameless, um...~!" A cold voice sounded, with coldness and anger. Unfortunately, the words were half-finished, and I couldn't help but let out a soft hum. The voice was extremely strange and trembling, and it was actually filled with incomparable emotion. Allure.


Outside, Li Su, who rushed over, shivered on the spot... and almost fell to the ground.

Lust into the soul? ? The target is still his senior sister? That senior sister who is dedicated to seeking the truth and is pure and pure?

Damn it, this demon soul is so arrogant?

Are you planning to seize the body, or are you planning to do something else? ? ?


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