boom! boom! boom!

The demon soul resisted fiercely!

It's strong, really strong.

Without a physical body, one soul is divided into three. Each one actually has the strength of the supernatural realm level, and the body is even more powerful. Even with the full strength of the six paths of reincarnation to suppress it, the opponent is still struggling, constantly shaking the six paths, suppressing it. It's extremely laborious to get up.

boom! boom! boom!

Its split soul is not bad either. Every combat capability is above the standard. Its flesh and blood is as high as Kunpeng's. It has super speed, can actinize, and can strike thousands of times a second.

Although the opponent couldn't reach the speed, he was able to defend himself. His reaction was amazingly fast and he could defend in time.

And in the Qingping Sword Fruit, his sword intention is so powerful. Needless to say, it can not only cut through real matter, but also severely damage virtual matter, and the soul is also struck by the Qingping Sword Fruit.

The opponent uses demonic fire as a domain, spread all over the body, to slow down the speed of Qingping Sword Fruit's sword intent, and then split the soul on its own, avoiding the sword intent that even the soul body is not immune to.

Also in the Buddhist Kingdom, when faced with an overwhelming attack, the opponent shrank itself down and turned into a small dot. The shell was more troublesome than a turtle, and it would be impossible to attack it for a while.

In less than a minute of fighting, each other found a way to correspond to their own supreme way. This ability alone is unquestionable and astonishingly strong.

At this moment, there is really no way to take it down.

One person and one demon soul were completely entangled, and they kept fighting there.

Li Su exhaled. There was no doubt that he was not relaxed.

The other party is in the realm of magical powers. Even if he does not have a physical body, he is still in the realm of magical powers.

Now that Li Su is strong enough, with the power of the magic realm, he can fight against such a being. You must know that he is definitely a monster on the side of the demon soul. He is a well-deserved backbone of the Xia Kingdom and has advanced combat power in the magical realm.

He can press down on the opponent and fight. Although he has no body, his performance is still extraordinary enough, no, it should be said to be extraordinary.

Under normal circumstances, there are geniuses who can break the limit, and there are also those who can beat people beyond the level, but those are usually ordinary magical powers who have just entered the magic realm. It will not be like Li Su, who directly beats the geniuses in the magical realm. , the gap here is too big, hundreds of millions of miles apart.

If a prodigy in the magical power realm hits an ordinary magical power realm who has just entered the magical power realm, it is no different from beating a son.

He was very tired. With the four major magical powers extracting his mana at the same time, just recovering would undoubtedly consume as much as a mammoth every minute.

Fortunately, Li Sulai had harvested a large amount of leeks before and basically wiped out the thousand-year-old demon soul. Otherwise, even if he had transformed into seventh form in this battle, he would probably lose not to his opponent but to him.

The use of face power is really a bit magical. A simple magic fire can be used to create flowers and produce miraculous effects.

Li Su slowly walked to the senior sister, first took a look at her situation, then he frowned and spread his hands.

No solution....

Love poison, although it is called a poison, is obviously not a poison at all.

This is a kind of lust, a physiological reaction, which arouses the desire and fire deep in the heart.

"Sister, how are you?"

"It's okay, no problem for now."

Zhang Shengying responded, because the atmosphere was very tense, the demon soul was suppressed by the junior brother again, there was no increase in strength, and there was no shameful and angry scene. Although the desire was still rising, it could still be suppressed, of course it was temporary!


Li Su nodded. His breath was uneven, mainly because he consumed too much. However, at this time, Li Su also discovered some unknown characteristics of himself.

For example, the conversion rate of spiritual energy is really fast.

As soon as Nei Changhe absorbed it and fell into Dantian, it was immediately converted into mana, and the progress was still increasing. It seemed that this was the first time that this happened, and he was still not used to it.

Moreover, his physical body was constantly shaking, his bones were glowing with golden-red light, and his meridians were beating, transporting golden-red light throughout his body. His flesh and blood were oscillating, stimulated and enhanced by the golden-red light.

There was a faint golden red brilliance flowing on the skin, over and over again.

His soul was shining, the seven supreme beings were vibrating at the same time, and supreme scriptures were flowing.

He is improving, improving beyond expectations.

The unexpected strength of his opponent made him look relaxed on the surface, but the actual pressure was very great. He was in a dilemma, and his body could not keep up with his magical powers. Under this pressure, his body and soul were Undoubtedly, they all demonstrated high-intensity adaptability and quickly improved.

This is the effect of breaking the five modernizations!

Li Su was startled for a moment. There was some improvement when he broke through the fifth level, but it was not obvious. Unexpectedly, now that he was under pressure and felt the crisis, he actually grew again. He thought he had reached the limit of the limit, but he didn't expect that he It actually pushed the ceiling upward again, constantly enlarging, widening, and deepening this node.

Li Su kept breathing, a little unsure of his own growth!

Is he still in the magic realm?

Shaking his head, Li Su didn't think about it deeply. After all, the time was wrong, the crisis was still there, and the senior sister's situation was a bit bad. Now thinking about breaking through the ceiling of the magic realm again, he would definitely not be able to help but laugh. , what a laugh.

Recalling that after fifteen hundred years of perfecting his mana, the last two leaps directly brought him a qualitative change, which was undoubtedly a breakthrough.

The five transformations are broken one at a time.

In total, six times.

Break the five transformations, seven times.

Seven transformations, nine times.

Including this now, does this count as breaking the limit nine times? Others are at level ten in their magic realm, but he is at level nineteen?

"Junior brother, leave me alone and leave quickly!"

She didn't know Li Su's condition. In Zhang Shengying's eyes, she might be able to suppress him, but there was almost no possibility of defeating him. The demon soul was too strong. She could feel that her junior brother was no longer weaker than her. It was unbelievable that it was so short. In this time, the other party has grown to such an extent, and because of this, he cannot die here. He is undoubtedly related to the future of the human race.

"It's actually walking."

Li Su answered directly, of course, if we leave, how could we stay where we are? What if some demon soul discovers something is wrong? There is no wisdom in the magic realm, but there is in the supernatural realm.

The demon soul that was dealing with the senior sister was put into the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Without its demonic nature, what would happen if other demon souls in the supernatural realm came in? It's so difficult to fight this one. If another one comes up, it might be Li Su himself.

"But I don't know the way, senior sister!"

Leave again?

Do not know the way?

Zhang Shengying was stunned. Can the junior brother's magical power move directly? This is somewhat unexpected.

But don’t know the way?

"So, junior brother, who are you? How did you get in?"

"I don't know either. It's just that there was a small accident when the demon wave came. I was pulled down. When I came back to my senses, I was already here, and my body was being taken away."

Zhang Shengying was stunned. It was her junior brother's way of talking that made her a little bit at a loss.

What do you mean you woke up here? What does it mean to be taken away from your body?

This is serious, okay? There is a big problem!

Li Su said: "Senior sister, do you know the way out from here?"

Hearing this, Zhang Shengying suddenly had a wry smile on her face. In order to prevent the demon souls inside the Blood Cave from going out and causing trouble, all other roads here were blocked a long time ago, leaving only one exit, which is That's where Centipede Spirit and the others are guarding.

Of course, there must be other ways, but they are obviously unknown. What's more, there are many dangers in the Ten Thousand Demons Blood Cave and one cannot break in. Therefore, there is currently only one place that can be entered and exited.

And obviously, the demon clan will not let them pass.

Li Su rubbed his eyebrows. Ever since he felt Zhang Shengying, he had a hunch that the way back might be a little difficult and inconvenient.

Sure enough, it turned out like this.

He thought for a while and then said: "Senior sister, I remember that you came here to prepare to break through the magic realm and advance to the supernatural realm?"

Zhang Shengying was startled for a moment, asking this now? But she still nodded and said, "Yeah!"

"Have you advanced?"

Hearing this, Zhang Shengying suddenly had a wry smile on her face, advance? She naturally entered, and it was because she entered that she had a big problem. Her location was betrayed, she was ambushed by the demon clan, and she was directly hit hard.

Although her external injuries have healed now, the big trouble is inside, especially her soul. She was pierced by the scorpion spirit's tail thorn, and her soul was contaminated with poison. If her soul hadn't been powerful, she would have had the advantage of practicing in the Moon Palace and Taiyin. Even if you don't have the chance to run into the Ten Thousand Demons Blood Cave, you will have to die on the spot.

Although she was gifted and powerful, it was obvious that she had just entered the magical power realm and was immediately attacked by the demon clan's veteran magical power realm demon. It was already a miracle that she survived.

"Junior brother, don't think about it anymore. My Taoist body was injured and my soul was poisoned..."

"I see, why is Senior Sister's soul so weird?" Li Su was stunned for a moment. He has the power of six paths and can directly feel the soul. He can directly look at people's souls, especially women. This is undoubtedly very impolite. After all, The soul is different from the body, and generally cannot wear clothes. Under the observation of Li Suhun, even if there are clothes, it is of no use.

So I can feel something is wrong, but I can't put it into words.

The Tao body was injured and the soul was poisoned. No wonder the other party's soul was stuck in the middle. His feelings were still in the process of transformation and were stuck in the middle.

Li Su's eyes lit up. Senior sister is in the supernatural realm? That would be easy.

With the senior sister's talents, if her strength is restored, it will not be difficult for her to join forces with him and kill the guy she can barely suppress. If she rushes out from the exit, it should not be a big problem.

"Senior sister, what are you waiting for? Recover quickly. I guess you have recovered, and your situation should be suppressed."

Hearing this, Zhang Shengying shook her head and smiled bitterly. Recovery? She also wanted to, but the problem was that it didn't work.

The injury was too severe, and she had to suppress the poison of love. Under the double impact, she was able to speak to Li Su, which was already amazing. Treating the injury? impossible!

"Junior brother, don't spend any more time on me. My injuries will only be suppressed by a large amount of soul-nourishing medicine to replenish the consumption of the soul."

Nourishing the soul is a rare treasure for monks.

Why is One Hundred Thousand Demonic Cave so popular? It is obvious that the demon soul is poisonous and will pollute the soul, but people still come? It's because absorbing demon souls can replenish souls.

So, Li Su said directly, "Sister, I remember that the demon soul can nourish the soul...?"

Zhang Shengying had a bitter smile on her face. She was a little shocked and looked at Li Su in disbelief: "Junior brother, how did you get permission to enter the Hundred Thousand Demon Cave?"

Li Su was stunned for a moment, how did he come here? Naturally, it was sent directly by Pangu Banner.

Zhang Shengying shook her head, "The demon soul in the demon cave is highly poisonous. I was fine before I was injured. But once I am injured, I cannot use the energy of the demon soul to repair my soul."

Yes, why is she stuck here all the time?

Because it’s a dead end!

The demon tribe's plan was very good and beautiful. They wounded her, forced her into the Ten Thousand Demons Blood Cave, and captured her almost without a single blow.

By the way, the demon soul is poisonous.

Li Su's eyes lit up when he thought of this. Does that mean it's okay if it's not poisonous?

"Sister, I'm sorry!"

Li Su took a breath and put his hand directly on the other person's abdomen.

As the Yang Qi approached, Zhang Shengying couldn't help but shiver. In an instant, countless images appeared in her mind. She had been instilled by that damn demon soul in the past few months. She was shaken and her eyes almost watered. Come.

She squeezed her palms tightly, suppressing, suppressing.

With great difficulty, she was able to suppress the almost explosive passion. Biting her lip, Zhang Shengying felt a little angry, a little embarrassed, and more out of shame and anger, so she was about to speak.

"Sister, absorb it quickly!"

Li Su didn't think much about it, after all, his magical power was still fighting. The thunder from the sky and the fire from the ground hit not far away, and the demon soul jumped like thunder and screamed.

There's no such thing as that!

Too spirited, too spirited.

They were fighting life and death, but the other party's body actually ran to chat with the woman, and his passionate hands reached out to the other party's abdomen.

That's his woman, that's his! ! !

The demon soul was almost furious. He had never been so humiliated before.

Zhang Shengying was startled because a huge amount of spiritual energy flowed directly into her Dantian along the opponent's palm.

After such a long time, Zhang Shengying's Dantian was almost dry, even if she was in the realm of supernatural power. There was no doubt that after a long drought, nectar appeared, and her whole body was moisturized.

Not only that, along with that spiritual energy, there was also an indescribable substance floating over.

It is the unique brilliance of the demon soul, which can nourish the human soul and has excellent effects in transforming the Tao.

Zhang Shengying was startled, because there was no pollution in the light transmitted, and it was extremely pure. In other words, the poison of the demon soul was absorbed by Li Su.

"Junior brother, you~!" Zhang Shengying was nervous. Her eyes were really big. This behavior was tantamount to using his own life to achieve her success.

Li Su gave a low drink and said directly: "Senior sister, hurry up!"

The Taoist heart that had been immovable for thousands of years was shaken at this moment. Zhang Shengying's eyes became extremely soft. There are many ways to move women, and the most irresistible one is undoubtedly in times of despair. Gain hope that the other person will use their life to protect you in times of crisis.

Need more words? Do you need to know more?

no need!

Li Su herself has no objection in Zhang Shengying's heart. She is one of the few people who really treats her as an opponent and scares her to death.

Although I was very angry at the time, after the anger subsided, there was a different feeling in my heart.

Then let’s talk about appearance. Zhang Shengying may not be picky, but no one likes ugly people, right? Li Su is very handsome, very handsome.

I won’t talk about the devil in the heart of the Tao at that time. He transformed into the Tao a full seven times and broke through all kinds of ceilings. His life has exceeded the limit. It can be said that unless he deliberately becomes ugly and old, few practitioners will actually do it. There are ugly ones, and Li Su is the leader among them.

The appearance is not annoying, the character is not objectionable, we can get along with each other.

In addition to the difficulty of saving her, Zhang Shengying even sacrificed herself for her at this moment. Even if Zhang Shengying had a stone heart, she would be shaken at this moment, not to mention that she was not. And the most terrifying thing was that she was also poisoned by love...

She took a breath and took a deep look at Li Su, her eyes softer than ever before.

"Shengying will never let you down...!"

She said softly, then closed her eyes, and began to draw out the magic soul brilliance poured in by Li Su to repair herself.

Li Su was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but raise his head and look at his senior sister.

Senior sister, where do you start with these words?

He was a little confused. Monk Zhang Er was confused. What kind of ghost could I be if I didn't let him down? A life-saving grace?

Li Su didn't think much about it. After all, he just attacked the opponent. That was what he should do. As for the poison of the demon soul, it was ineffective against him. Besides, he had already reached the full level and could not gain experience. Although he had many demon souls in his hands, he probably had magical powers. In this situation, there is a high probability that it will be a drop in the bucket. If the senior sister can use it, just give it to her. It’s not a big deal...!



Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the demon soul suppressed by the Six Paths of Reincarnation moved. Its body actually shook, and it split into a clone again.

It didn't come to kill Li Su, nor did it attack Zhang Shengying. It directly bombarded the void, trying to escape from the ghost realm.

This bastard!

At this time?

Li Su's face turned a little dark. It was very troublesome to fight one against four. It was also a waste to send strength to Zhang Shengying. I have to say that this demon soul's timing was really accurate and his thoughts were so deep!

He took a breath, his eyes were shining brightly, and in an instant, the top of his head shook, and the Pangu flag came out of the world.

The ancient flag shook, and the four forces of earth, fire, wind, and water rose into the sky. Dao scriptures appeared on it, and the space was controlled by it in an instant.

With a soft buzzing sound, Pangu Banner directly transformed into the world and slashed out. With a bang, it hit the split soul, and directly flew it out of this space and fell under the Pangu Banner Banner. , the flag fluttered high, the earth, fire, wind and water merged into a space blade, slashing directly into the void under the flag.


A mouthful of blood was spat out, and the soul was separated again. The main body was weaker and could not withstand the pressure of the six reincarnations, and was shocked to the point of vomiting blood.

At this moment, the demon soul didn't care. It widened its eyes, which revealed incomparable fear and disbelief. The four separated souls were trembling, their faces full of fear.

The fifth saint? ? ?

At this moment, Li Su didn't care about the opponent, and he felt uncomfortable. He was a bit overloaded with output, Alexander.

He kept inhaling, and veins popped out all over his body. His flesh and blood began to vibrate, and blood overflowed. His internal organs were put under pressure and cracked slightly, bleeding. His seven orifices were also trembling, and blood flowed out.

Even if you have a body that breaks limits, you can't play like this. You are still in the magic realm, you will die! ! !

Li Su ignored him and continued to output wildly.

As expected of the magical power realm, the extraction speed is really fast, and I have to say that the senior sister is powerful. Once replenished, the soul quickly begins to transform, suppressing the poison on the soul body and forcing them out.

Feeling Zhang Shengying's condition, Li Su breathed out, "Very good. If this continues, once the senior sister recovers, he will be the one holding her thigh..."

However, is Senior Sister too impatient?

Seeing that the other party had given up on managing the love poison and concentrated on dealing with the trauma in the soul, Li Su frowned. There was no doubt that this would be very fast, but once the love poison spreads, the next scene for the senior sister would not look good.

However, thinking of Zhang Shengying's strength and character, Li Su didn't say anything. The other party shouldn't have much of a problem. If he dared to do this, he should be able to put pressure on him without a doubt.

As time passed by, Zhang Shengying's aura became stronger and stronger. Finally, after a full hour of absorbing and digesting nearly 10,000 peak mana level demon soul brilliance, she forced out an extremely vicious aura.

Poison, extremely poisonous, can infect even souls. It is a magical toxin unique to the scorpion spirit clan.

Zhang Shengying took a breath, her eyes turned into snow-white, her hair turned into snow-white, and the surroundings instantly turned into a world of ice and snow. However, it seemed that due to the influence of love poison, it was like a withering world, with inexplicable... With a touch of pink.

"Senior sister, are you okay?" Feeling that the opponent's strength had recovered, he must not be able to defeat the meaningless thigh level. A smile appeared on Li Su's face. The Ten Thousand Demon Blood Cave was level!


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Suwa spat out a large mouthful of blood.

Zhang Shengying originally had a smile on her face when she heard Li Su's words. Although she was quite cold, when she saw him vomiting blood, her eyes became really cold, without any warmth at all.

With a movement of her body, she rushed directly into Li Suguan's formation.

This is the fifth transformation, the real five transformations. Although the demon soul is a monster, it is undoubtedly much worse than this extreme.

Facing the sword formation, he did not dare to resist forcefully, but as soon as Zhang Shengying entered, Li Su Dong's sword power was transferred to him. The gap between the realms of the real geniuses was very, very big.

She raised her little hand, ignoring the demonic fire all over the other person's body, and directly grabbed the other person's head and pulled it up.

No matter how chaotic you are, no matter how evil you are, Zhang Shengying froze you directly and tore off your head.

With a turn of the hand, the demon soul entangled with Kunpeng was shattered and turned into ice slag.

Raising his hand a little, he directly penetrated the outer space of Li Sufo's country, and his finger force instantly fell on the huddled turtle, freezing it to death.


Facing Zhang Shengying's same realm and super-level attack, the genius of the Demon Soul Clan could not withstand it.

After all, it has no body, and even Li Su can't deal with it. Facing this kind of existence standing in front of the ceiling, the gap is even greater, and its power is like a castle in the air.

Zhang Shengying raised her white and tender little hand, and a full moon rose in her hand. As the full moon rose into the sky, countless silver lights fell down, and the whole thing returned. Even the six reincarnations were frozen in an instant and could not turn.

Although Zhang Shengying did not learn the way of a saint, it was one of the three thousand great ways, and the five transformations were all based on Taiyin, so she could reach the pseudo-sage level in terms of nature.

"No!" Demon Soul shouted in horror, completely not expecting that things would turn out like this.

However, as the moonlight fell, the demon soul that had been entangled with Li Su for more than an hour, causing him to bleed from all his orifices, withered and dissipated directly in the silver light.


Looking at his senior sister, Li Su couldn't help but tremble. Although she wanted to hug her thigh, she didn't expect her thigh to be so strong.

He took a breath and prepared to speak.

Zhang Shengying suddenly appeared in front of him, her nose almost touching his.


Li Su was startled for a moment. It wasn't just the other party's behavior of being too close, but the other party's eyes. Even though they were white as snow, there were still flames that could melt Jijiu inside.


Before he could finish his words, he was blocked by his mouth, and then an indescribable scene that could only be understood occurred...

"Wait..., senior sister, don't get excited."

"Slow down..., I can take it off myself..."

"Don't tear it up, don't tear it up, that's all I do..."

"Wait a minute, hiss! This posture..., senior sister, you..."


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