Zhu Chihu came and met with Li Su, but she left soon.

When I came, I had a little bit of hope. When I left, my eyes were filled with fire. I saw the road and found the direction.

Li Su curled his lips slightly, closed his eyes and continued practicing.

Next, he didn't ask anything else and just concentrated on practicing.

Occasionally, I would chat with my senior sister, Zhang Zhuzhu, Zhu Tongyu and the others. Unfortunately, Wang Meng was in the mortal world, so the cost of chatting was too high, while my senior sister was in the fragments of the world.

Time passes day by day.

The Transformation Path changes very quickly and to a very high degree.

This kind of transformation is not improvement. After all, he is already above the ceiling, reaching the limit of the magic realm, and cannot improve or surpass it.

Therefore, the current transformation is not an improvement for him, but a move towards the depths.

The effects of the seven transformations are all going deep into Li Su's deep level. To describe that feeling, it is probably strengthening his foundation, strengthening his heritage, and making preparations, not for the realm of magic power, but for the realm of supernatural power. For the realm after that.

Time passes little by little.

The seven magical powers continue to shape him, and his body and soul are being sublimated little by little.

This change is difficult to describe, but it is fundamental.

Just like biological changes and evolution, with the passage of time, certain substances in the depths have been completely changed, sublimated, and undergone tremendous changes.

Then, something started to overflow.

It emerged bit by bit from the bone marrow, an indescribable power.

His body has undergone tremendous changes, its properties have completely changed, and the cells or DNA that make up his body have undergone fundamental changes.

Something awakened in the bottomless depths.

On the seventh day of the transformation, which was also the tenth day of the twenty days since the start of the National War, the transformation completely rippled out, began to flow in his body, began to have an impact on him, and changed him.

It's a weird feeling, this is it!

He could feel this unusual change.

The world becomes clearer.

It's not because of his improved realm, but because as a living individual, his level of perception of the surrounding materials has increased.

All five senses are heightened.

With a gentle breath, he can capture thousands of flavors from it. If he is in the wild, even without using magic or supernatural powers, he can see everything within a radius of dozens of kilometers, and can detect water sources dozens of kilometers away with just one breath of smell. breath.

His hearing has also been enhanced, and he can easily distinguish all audio frequencies. He can also capture even electronic frequencies, can easily discern the fluctuations of all sounds, and can control them at will.

Taste, although it is weird to describe it this way, you can taste countless flavors by licking the air, and you can even capture what has stayed here through the air. Is it a human? Or an animal? What is a person? male? female? etc.

Vision, needless to say, is originally the carrying place of the Tao Eye. It can see the essence of all Tao Yun, but now it has an added aspect. It can also analyze the physical properties. If the surface layer is analyzed, it can reach the cell surface layer at most. You can capture it directly as long as you are willing. There is no doubt that the art of change has almost no effect in front of Li Su. Unless the opponent can master the supreme method of flesh and blood, and the level is higher than him, otherwise he can directly capture the changes in mana with his naked eyes. The other party's cells sense it.

Finally it feels….

How to describe it….

If I had to describe it, there is a high probability that he can seek good luck and avoid disaster, be able to capture crises, and be able to detect dangers. It seems to be sublimated, and his whole body is constantly capturing and transmitting information to him. There are various levels, and there are simply too many. To the point of disbelief.

The unimaginable amount of information formed a huge intelligence system for Li Su. To a certain extent, it had an effect similar to predicting the future. When the other party raised his hand, he could feel what the other party was going to do next.

There is no doubt that his five senses have reached a level that can be said to be supernatural.

And the soul!

Although the nature is slightly different, it has also changed. The same five senses, but are aimed at the void attribute. They can capture soul light and interpret spiritual power. It was only a vague sense before, but now it has become extremely clear, and It has been hierarchical, and it is no longer a big lump of information, but divided into five levels: vision, hearing, feeling, smell, and touch.

In terms of the direction of transformation, the physical body is improved in height, and the soul is strengthened in depth.

Taking a deep breath and spitting it out for a long time, Li Su blinked his eyes. Although it would be strange to describe it this way, there was no doubt that he was no longer a human being.

Well, that’s not the right way to describe it. It’s a human being, but it’s the next stage of human beings.

Just like humans evolved from apes, Li Su's individual life evolved from humans to another level.

This kind of leap is completely indescribable, just like apes and humans, two-dimensional creatures and three-dimensional creatures.

Of course, not to that great extent.

To apply the description in the prehistoric system, he has completed the transformation from an acquired being to an innate being. In the concept of teaching, there is no doubt that he has deep blessings, good roots, and is the favorite of Master Yuanshi. Cub!


Li Su breathed out a deep breath, "Very good, the transformation speed is faster than expected. I thought it would take a lot of time, but I didn't expect it to be completed in only ten days."

Of course, it will take a lot of time to settle down, but it’s not a big problem, just a few days.

Twenty days, there are still ten days left, three days are spent to settle, and the remaining seven days are to enter the world fragments, and then just catch up with the national war between the human race and the demon race that happens once every fifty years.

After waiting for another three days, until the energy flowing out from the depths of the bone marrow and from the roots of the soul completely spread throughout his body, his blood completely turned golden red when he looked inside, and his whole body exuded a strange fragrance, and even On his body, visions take shape, Tao rhyme blossoms, and laws take shape.

As we all know, the so-called innate creatures are born and raised by nature. They are the first things in the world, such as clouds, flowers, etc., they are destined to be extraordinary as soon as they are born. They are born gods, master the rules of the great road, and have shortcuts. .

Li Su is a little different. He is an acquired transformation into innate, which is essentially the innate transformation of a human being. Although he does not have the rules of innateness, his body is almost the same as an innate creature. He has visions and is a short-term creature, although he has not mastered the rules. , but he is also a god!

Standing up, he blinked his eyes and looked ahead.

There's a door there!

It is not a real door, but a virtual image, created by perception.

That was the door to the magical realm. He was already standing in front of the door, very close, so close that he could go in with just a push of his hand.

Unfortunately, there is a lock on the door, and he lacks the key to open it. So far, he has no way to enter it and achieve magical powers.

Although he couldn't open the door, Li Su felt something else, and that was...

There is no way out!

The appearance of the door reflected in his eyes made Li Su inexplicably have the idea that his next step could only be to advance. Even if he passed the key to the world, he would not be able to advance. Unless he advanced, he would not be able to advance. There is no way out, it's the end.

Well, it’s time!

He has been waiting for the magical realm for a long time.

Donghuang plotted against him time and time again, and the national war that followed shortly after was also specifically targeted at him. For this purpose, he even took out the Wujixinghuang flag, one of the five flags of heaven and earth, although the five flags must be united into one. It is an innate treasure, but any aspect of it alone is at the level of an innate spiritual treasure, and its value is astonishing.

Moreover, it is a real spiritual treasure. In fact, there are very few people in the Xia Kingdom human race who have physical spiritual treasures. The person from the Ministry of Education, Zhang Tao, has another one. The Heaven and Earth Oven he used has a corresponding treasure. , Laojun furnace.

That's why it was so troublesome when the Crow King was suppressed in the first place.

Although it is not Donghuang, it can undoubtedly learn Sun Fire. The fire magical power has natural immunity, but it was still burned miserably. Because of the treasure, even if your body is fire, it will still practice it. Correct.

The world fragments were also prepared by Xia Guo for Li Su, and he took them out directly from his desk.

This is the type where one person enters alone. This is probably the last time!

After reaching the supernatural realm, the breakthrough to the immortal realm cannot be made here. You have to go to the other side, the mythical realm.

There is no doubt that that side is the real big world. It is huge beyond imagination and almost endless. Whether it is human race or demon race, in fact it is only on the outermost periphery and does not go deep.

It was too dangerous inside. King Xia, the most powerful king of the Xia Kingdom, also disappeared because he went deep into it. He has not returned for decades. Now he only knows that the person is not dead, and there is no other news.

There is not just a simple world there, but a folded world. When you are close, you can reach it in one step. But once it is separated, you can't get here even if you run for a lifetime.

Over the past thousand years, many immortals from the human race have entered it and completely disappeared there, and there have also been many demons. It can be said that the level of danger is extremely high!

As for why you went in? Naturally, the mythical world has many benefits, great dangers, and great opportunities.

For example, the reason why King Xia is so strong is also related to the inside, and the same goes for the Eight Kings. The Crow King obtained the Sun Fire in the mythical world, although I don’t know why the East Emperor also came out with it.

However, in the conversation with the Great Heavenly Lord, if you want to save the people in the world fragments, maybe the way is in the mythical world.

Taking a breath, Li Su took out the world fragment and planned to activate it.


He paused, took out his ID card, and contacted Zhu Zhong.

"What? Is there any problem?" Zhu Chong's voice sounded.

"Well, I just want to tell Uncle Zhu that my transformation is complete and I am ready to enter the world fragments and break through to the magical realm!"

"Done?" Zhu Zhong's eyes widened and he couldn't help but take a breath, "So fast? Are you sure?"

"I am sure that I am no longer transforming and have completely reached consummation."

Is it because the way of transformation is different? Transformation so fast? Under normal circumstances, complete completion almost always takes years, years, or even decades.

There is a problem here. In this case, it is 100% too late to prove that under certain circumstances, it is a national war.

Yes, that’s right!

Therefore, where Li Su is, it is abnormal!

Although the flow rate of time here is the same as that in the outside world, one day is actually equivalent to a hundred days outside, and one month is almost equivalent to a hundred months. In other words, thirty days can buy about eight years.

Zhang Shengying and others have all used it. It is a very special treasure, but under normal circumstances they would not use such a high magnification, as it would consume too much.

Usually it is ten times. Li Su's one hundred times consumption is very large, especially if it is used for a full month, it is extremely terrifying.

That's why Zhu Zhong would specifically remind the other person that after completing the transformation, he would remind him first and then enter the world fragments.

Unexpectedly, Li Su completed the transformation in just thirteen days, one hundred and thirty days, or about four months.

Zhu Zhong let out a breath, no matter how it was completed, not only the resource consumption did not exceed expectations, but the time calculated now was undoubtedly sufficient.

"Li Su, Uncle Zhu, I won't say anything more. My father also told you specifically before the level of the magical power realm. I believe you also understand that unlike in the past, those in the magical power realm have to go to the world of broken skin. There is a source of inevitable death, and those three must be avoided no matter what, and they must not go in. If they do, they will definitely die, do you understand?"

A smile appeared on Li Su's face, and she nodded directly: "Don't worry, Uncle Zhu, I will pay attention to those three plots and avoid them!"

"Yeah!" Zhu Dian nodded and said nothing more.

Li Su also took a breath and hung up the communication.

He activated the world fragments with his magic power and jumped in without any hesitation, "Supernatural realm, here I come!!!"

"Father, Li Su has completed his transformation and entered the world fragment!"

Zhu Zhong did not hesitate and informed immediately.

"Going in?"

Zhu Chongba murmured, couldn't help taking a breath, and turned to look at Zhang Hao, "It's begun!"

No matter how strong the martial arts realm or magic power realm is, it cannot change the situation of the human-monster battle. Only after the magical power realm can one truly intervene in the overall situation and have an impact.

Judging from Li Su's performance, his martial arts is invincible, and his magical power can kill magical powers, if he advances to the magical realm, the situation in the earthly immortal world will undoubtedly change completely.

Why did the demon tribe put so much effort into killing Li Su?

Isn't it because of this? Give him a little time, just because he doesn't want Li Su to have time to grow up, so he wants to kill him in advance.

So, it all depends on this time!

"Hope it goes well! As long as you don't enter the three mortal sources, it shouldn't be a big problem..."


At this moment, the world is in fragments.

As Li Su stepped in, three dungeons appeared for him to choose from. He was originally confident, thinking that he would be able to advance to the magical realm after this time...

Then, he looked at the three books in front of him, and his expression froze.

The first book is pitch dark!

The second book, the flood is overwhelming!

The third book is available in ten days!

Standing there blankly, Li Su couldn't help but spit out the sweet fragrance, and directly expressed condolences to the creator of the world fragment, including his relatives, and displayed the Chinese curse words in a clear and precise manner, without repeating them for three hours.

"Fuck your fucking hermaphrodite asshole, *\u0026*...\u0026%¥ # ¥%\u0026*!!!"

Xia Guo counted three of them in total. He didn't miss any of them, he hit them all...!

What does this mean? What level are you talking about? It's better to die, it's best to die, to be completely liberated, and nothing will happen...


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