Ku is gone and can’t be found anywhere.

This not only makes people a little anxious.

If you change someone else or do something else, if this kind of thing disappears, it is most likely that you will not care too much if you want to die. After all, if you are useless, living is also a burden.

But obviously, Ku is not that kind of person, and he doesn't have the habit of not causing trouble for others.

He is a arrogant person, and he can ignore the rules and do things like directly take his son to kill Li Su, which shows what his psychology is like. It is true that such a person will find ways to cause trouble for you while he is alive. How could he die?

Even He Mai himself frowned and felt a little uneasy.

They knew this person very well. He was no bigger than Li Su, and he was also very cruel. He was bitten by a wild beast while hunting, and he then brutally killed him, and it took him a full hour to kill him.

He was a little angry and regretful. Considering the problem of people's hearts, even though he made a mistake, he still treated him. Not only that, even if his position as the leader of the hunting team was canceled because of his disability, his status as a hunting team member and his supplies were not cancelled. Although he was downgraded to one level, he was still at the level of a hunting team, which was pretty good.

The primitive society was very cruel, and people who were seriously injured or disabled should just wait to die.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have treated him and let him die directly, and there would be nothing to do after that.

He Mai was more active than Mo Mai and directly launched the hunting team to search for it.

He understood Ku's personality very clearly. Unless he was dead, the other person's disappearance must be for revenge. Not only that, this person would not only take revenge on Li Su who crippled him, but He Mai would also be hated by him.

Of course, the person was not found, but he brought back some not-so-good news.

Some hunting team members found traces left by Ku outside the tribe, not just footprints, but also handprints.

After receiving the news, the expression on the elder Si Mai's face suddenly changed, and he looked a little ugly.

In the belief of gods, they all walk on two legs and their hands will not fall on the ground. This is a characteristic of the four-legged tribe of the beast god.

He's face turned cold as he thought of a very bad possibility. Ku betrayed his faith and ran away.

This kind of behavior is very rare in the tribe, but it is not unheard of. Some people who are cruel and powerful cannot stand the rules of the tribe, so they choose to betray. There have been cases where strong men from a certain tribe defected. , he was still a warrior, went to the Four-legged side, became a king, fought against the original tribe, and finally killed him after paying a heavy price.

Different from the belief in gods, in the belief in beast gods, as long as you hold a statue of the beast god, abandon your reason, and return to the wild and animal desires in your heart, you can gain protection and become a subject of the beast god.

Not only that, the people of the beast god are also different from the people of the god. Although they have the ability to think and are not low in intelligence, they are closer to beasts. They do not have the concept of bloodline of the people of the god. Individuals are more cruel to each other and cannibalism is not a problem at all. Surprise, but the acceptance of outsiders is also very simple, the only requirement is strength.

Under normal circumstances, a disabled person who went to the Beast God would have a very difficult life, but Ku was different. He was originally the hunting leader, and now even if a hand is broken, the experience and strength of the leader are still there. In the Beast God Although you will lose the use of weapons under shelter, your physical body will be improved, and your strength will most likely increase instead of decreasing.

In the central thatched house, the faces of the elders of Simai were not good-looking, especially Hemai who was even livid.

Sizu and the Gu clan have been mortal enemies since before the Gu clan was established. The hatred between the two is as deep as the sea. The ancestors were killed by the other party, and the blood shed was not just for a while, but dozens or hundreds. day and night.

"What should we do? Do we want to send a team of people to chase him?"

It's not a small problem to leave early or late, but to leave at this juncture.

After all, the seven hunting teams of the Gu family had just left with their front legs, and the other party followed them with their back legs. You can completely guess what they were thinking.

Once the opponent returns to four legs, there is a high probability that this team will be attacked.

In this operation, there was no intention to compete with the four-legged people. They planned to go quietly, avoid the four-legged people, and wait until they reached the riverside station to find a place to stand firm, hunt big fish to obtain resources, and focus on defense instead of starting a war with the opponent.

This time, there are strong people in the team. The tribe’s strongest first, third, and fifth hunting teams are all in it. They also possess three bone weapons. The purpose is to avoid being discovered by the four legs, so as to call in the ancestral spirits. attack. But if Ku went to Sizu and conveyed the news, Sizu would definitely send a large force to hunt down and snipe from the beginning, especially for the ancestral spirits, not just one, but multiple.

With a bone weapon in hand, the probability of being captured directly is very low, but casualties are inevitable.

Once there are too many casualties, not only will the big fish resources on the river be unavailable, but it will also affect participation in the Tenjin Day in the near future.


Chao shook his head: "If the other party is protected by the beast god, he will have far more advantages than the hunting team when traveling in the forest. He will not be attacked by wild beasts. He is not weak. He deliberately waited for his body to recover before leaving the tribe. Obviously We considered the possibility of being chased and couldn’t catch up.”

He said: "Then let someone notify the leaving hunting team?"

"No, seven hunting teams is already the current limit of the tribe. If there are any more, there will be problems in defense and hunting."

"Where's Shui? Is that okay?" Well, I'm talking about Li Su.

"He has very strong tracking ability. When he is with the hunting team, he can detect mountain leopards with extremely high concealment capabilities."

Soon, he shook his head and was denied.

There is no doubt about Li Su's strength, but he is still too young and has not had enough time to grow. It can be said that from now on, he will undergo earth-shaking changes in less than a night or a day.

Let him out at this time. If something goes wrong, it will be a huge loss for the Gu clan.

"Let's do this for now!"

Finally, Chao shook his head, "I believe in the strength of the hunting team, and they also brought out three bone weapons, one of which has a great effect on the ancestral spirits. Even if Ku arrives at the Four Legs and rushes the troops, The hunting team must have found a base. If we just defend without fighting bloody battles, it won't be a big problem to hold on for one night. But as long as we wait until dawn, the advantage will shift to the hunting team."

Listening to Chao's words, although the other three people's expressions were still very ugly, they still nodded and acknowledged the other party's words.


Li Su naturally knew about Ku's situation.

He didn't expect that the other party would actually defect, which was undoubtedly quite surprising to him. In order to take revenge, the other party was actually willing to pay such a huge price, going from being half-intelligent to completely mentally retarded.

Sure enough, once a human being becomes filled with hatred, it is really terrifying and it can do anything.

After exhaling, Li Su felt much more relaxed.

In fact, the enemy is not afraid of being ferocious and cruel, nor is he afraid that the opponent is powerful and terrifying. What he is most afraid of is that the opponent has obtained the identity of his teammate, is protected by the rules, and can stand beside him majestically. This is the most uncomfortable thing, especially Disgusting, feeling uncomfortable all over.

Went to Four Legs? It's really great. Next time I encounter him, I'll beat him to death without any excuses.

He exercised his body calmly. It was so boring that technological means had no place in this world. Although the cultivation effect was very poor, only a few days of breathing and specific movements could produce such a small effect. , but it’s better than doing nothing, right?

But what are the rules of this world?

It doesn't matter if there is no heat to make a fire out of wood. Even if you dig a hole and bury a few spikes, this simple trap will not work.

Li Su personally tried it. There were no spikes buried underneath, but a thin layer on top. As a result, someone just walked over without falling into the trap. This was a big mistake.

By the way, he walked over and fell in...

So, what about logic? What about physics? Faced with the strange situation in this world, Li Su had only one feeling. Fortunately, Newton was not in this world, otherwise his outlook would be shattered. Anyway, he, Li Su, was shattered.

Time passed little by little, and he continued to exercise his body. Li Su was growing steadily. Another day passed, and he was one year older. His body was almost 1.6 meters tall. At the age of seven, he was 1.6 meters tall. He is considered a giant at his age, and he can look down on all the children under nine years old.

Night comes slowly.

It must be said that it is indeed a large tribe, completely different from when he flashed in the cave.

At that time, they had already begun to prepare to block the cave. Everyone was crowded in a cave and did not move. They lived on stored food every day and tried not to make any noise, so as not to attract wild beasts outside and Li Su's body. Not bad, otherwise he might not have survived the first night.

As for the Gu clan, although they have begun to block the outside and are no longer going out, they are still doing what they should do inside. The women and children are not nervous at all. The hunting team all came back, and among the garrison tribe, there were fourteen of them, more than one hundred and forty people, surrounded like iron barrels. There were also bone vessels. Li Su had not been able to see them before, but he saw them as it got dark. In the center of the tribe, a table was taken out with a bone tool placed on it, and a hunting team was watching over it.

According to Amu, once something happens, the guarding hunting team will immediately pick up the bone weapon, activate the bone weapon's ability, and drive away the wild beasts.

The bone tool that Gu took out is also a sound tool. It is said that it comes from a carnivorous beast that stands on one leg and has horns on its head. This beast is very special. When it walks, it makes a thunder-like sound from its body. The excavated bone tool also looks like a drum, and you can make a sound by hitting the bone tool with your hands.

The sound is extremely loud, and it will produce a very dull feeling when heard. It is similar to the bone weapon of the Night Demon, but its nature is to make the hiding creatures rush and run around, although there is no control to attract people. It is powerful, but the effect is very amazing. From the first sound, it will produce a huge sense of boredom. After three sounds at most, you can't stand it and want to escape.

Taking a look at the bone tool from a distance, Li Su was a little curious. The only one-legged monster that could match his knowledge was the Kui Niu, but it had no horns on its head and the sound came from its mouth, not from the mouth. in stomach.

Of course, what intrigued Li Su the most was the one-legged beast. What did it eat? It's okay to eat grass, and it's okay to jump and walk. After all, it can't run away from grass, but this guy eats meat. How on earth does it catch its prey?

It soon became dark, the bright moon was in the sky, and the stars were twinkling all over the sky.

Very peaceful, well, I should say rare peaceful.

It has been four days and three nights since I came to this world. This is the first time I have spent a quiet night alone, without everyone crowding together, and I have not taken a shower for the next three hundred and sixty-five days. In the end, the smell can kill a person.

This was very good. Li Su couldn't help but burst into tears and was so moved.

Civilization is indeed very important!

Even if it is just the simplest thatched house.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Unfortunately, the silence didn't last long. The sound of rapid knocking on the wooden board was heard, and it was not just in one place, but in several places at the same time.

Soon, there were noises outside, hurried footsteps, rapid breathing, and nervous words, all of which undoubtedly indicated one thing: danger was coming.

Faced with this result, Li Su naturally couldn't sit still and went out.

They were in a panic. The Gu clan, which numbered more than 2,000 people, had a rare look of nervousness on their faces, including women and children, as well as the hunting team.

They were so nervous that the hands holding the stone spears couldn't help but exert too much force.

Li Su couldn't help but be surprised that everyone in the hunting team could be so nervous, and then thought of a possibility.

Could it be that he came here on four legs? After all, there are not many things that can make a medium-to-large tribe with bone weapons so panic.

Thinking of Ku's departure, Li Su frowned slightly. In other words, the other party did not lead anyone to snipe the seven hunting teams that were out, but instead came towards the tribe?

Indeed, there are more people on the tribe side and they also have bone tools. But obviously, there are a lot of burdens and the goal is bigger.

Isn’t it said that if you believe in the beast god, you will become mentally retarded? This doesn't look like a fool's errand...

"All women keep an eye on their children and take them home with them. They are not allowed to come out."

"The men took up weapons and assisted the hunting party in their defense."

The elder's voice sounded, giving instructions to the panicked crowd. Some of the riotous crowds immediately found their backbone and began to take action.

Li Su also followed, joined the crowd, and rushed towards the closed entrance gate.

Standing on the gate lined with tree stumps, he looked outside.

The moon shines like the sun, reflecting the light outside.

But in the woods a few hundred meters away, there were many figures of people, no, it should be said that there were many shadows of beasts. There were nearly a hundred people in the woods, with pupils emitting green light, looking here faintly.

Among them, there are several obviously much larger beasts.

Soon, the four elders arrived and stood on the gate. The four old men had extremely ugly faces. Apparently they did not expect that the four-legged people would come straight towards them.

Looking at the shadows deep in the woods, there were at least hundreds of people. Not only that, there were also several ancestral spirits.

"Damn Ku!!!"

He's eyes were filled with fire, extremely angry, and he punched the gate fiercely.

After all, it was a place of fertility. I didn't expect that the other party would be so vicious and come directly with a large four-legged army. This was intended to destroy the Gu clan.

"Get ready!"

Chao took a breath, there was no doubt that a big crisis, the biggest crisis for the Gu clan was coming.

With so many four-legged people coming, there is no doubt that what awaits them next will be a bloody battle.

The other three old men nodded and began to make arrangements.

"Hunting team, Team 7 remains alert, Team 7 relaxes and rests. From now on, it is divided into two groups, with five teams in each group being on alert. Two teams guard the bone artifacts and at the same time be prepared for the sky...

This is a protracted battle, so don’t consume too much physical energy. Although the four legs are no different from wild beasts, they are very cunning and will not launch attacks randomly. The real fierce battle may be in the middle of the night, or even the night after! "

This is not the first time I have come into contact with them, and I am very familiar with the four-legged habits. Although I have abandoned etiquette and most of my wisdom, I am still a human being, full of cunning, far more cunning than wild beasts, and more difficult to deal with.


Not long after, Mo came over and asked Li Su to go over.

"Quadrugs are the best at waiting. Their patience far exceeds that of beasts, and they know how to use tactics. Nowadays, most of the main members of the hunting team have left. Although the rest are experienced, they have not directly fought against Quadrugs. They are too nervous, so If you go on, I’m afraid you’ll have a mental breakdown soon!”

Although high tension can improve concentration, who can stand it for a long time?

Ku brought Four Feet over. It must be said that he had been the leader of a hunting team and his consciousness had not been lost.

"What does the elder mean?"

"In order to fight out, the opponent came so quickly and was exposed just as it was dark. We discovered that they will not attack next, but will only continue to provoke, causing tension among our people and exhausting our spirit. It would be too passive to get into their rhythm like this.”

"So I expect you to go out from behind with the people from the second, fifth and seventh teams, and in turn directly attack the four-legged people. Although they are cunning, they think too close to the beast. They are good at sneak attacks, but not good at dealing with sneak attacks."

"The sooner you act, the less likely they'll be to think about it."

When Li Su heard this, he couldn't help but blinked his eyes. After all, he was an elder, so he really had his way.

He nodded without refusing: "Okay!"

Although there were many four-legged beasts outside, as well as several larger beasts, they did not pose a fatal threat to Li Su. It would be better to go out and hunt them down, especially the three-legged guys inside, so they should be killed early.

Well, with sharp eyes, he found the person whose shoulder he had broken, Ku, who was also inside.

Soon, Li Su, the second team, the fourth team, and the fifth team were assembled and got their weapons. The second team also brought the bone tools. Li Su thought for a while and left the mouth of the Night Demon to Ah. Mother, with her nasal cavity, she is about to set off.

There was worry on Zong's face, "Son, be careful!"

Li Su was very calm and said directly: "Okay, grandma, I have always been timid!!!"

If there is an accident, I will definitely run very fast!

Chao brought people over, each holding a stone bowl filled with blood, and handed it to Li Su and the others.

Seeing the second team drinking with their heads raised, Li Su couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and his eyelids jumped wildly. Is this the ancestor of the courageous wine?

Can I say that your Excellency, please come back and have a drink? No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are raising a flag, okay? Unlucky!

Soon everyone finished drinking and put down their bowls. When they all looked at Li Su, he had a toothache and had to hold his nose and drain the bowl full of blood in front of him.

"The Gu family will win!"

"Must win!"


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