Then Li Su didn't hesitate at all. He turned around and ran away. His body turned into an afterimage. Instead of going to Ang's side, he rushed towards the west.

He ran very fast, very fast.

It only took a few seconds to travel a thousand meters away, and disappeared on the other side of the mountain a moment later.

"Why run away?"

"Kneel down, sacrifice, pray to God with your soul and body, offer everything you have, and become a part of God...!"

After running a considerable distance, Li Su stopped.


His face was livid, because the head actually caught up with him. This time, he clearly felt that something was amplifying in the other person's remaining brain, and some kind of power was gathering. He felt the crisis, the crisis that was getting heavier and heavier, and he could not let the other party. If you follow him like this, you must destroy it.

He took the last two spears in his hands and threw them directly behind him.

The stone spear that could tear the air struck again, making a thunder-like sound in the void. Even if the rocks touched, they would be shattered. However, this time it did not produce the effect it should have. It was directly defended by something. He came down, was held, and stopped directly in front of the two heads.

"It's a meaningless move. Facing the great God, you, like an ant, have no room for resistance."

"Give up your struggle and devote yourself wholeheartedly. If you can please the gods, your soul will also obtain eternal bliss..."


Li Su's face was very dark. This was the most annoying situation. His own strength was completely useless in front of the other party...

His heart was beating harder and harder, and the pores all over his body stood up. Superman's five senses were constantly sounding alarms, reminding him that some terrible crisis was approaching and coming towards him.

Boom! Boom!

There was a sound, gradually getting louder, coming from far away, and coming in this direction. Turning his head, Li Su not only looked in a certain direction, but the sound came from the place where it came from, not from the air, but from the ground. roar.

His eyes searched involuntarily and became a point, focusing on the widest possible path to capture the source of the sound.

Because it is on the mountain, the geographical location is extremely high, and the direction is almost flat, with only patches of woods. This gives Li Su an excellent visual distance, and he can see very far.

It was hundreds of miles away, no, thousands of miles away. Although it had exceeded the limit of his sight and could not be clearly captured, the object was too big. Even at such a terrifying distance, it was as big as a grain of rice. It was moving rapidly towards Coming here, every jump will increase a lot, from a grain of rice to a thumb, it only takes three breaths.

The speed is too fast, beyond imagination, as if one step is several miles. It is difficult to imagine any creature that can move in this way.

No, there is..., God!

And that appearance was not unfamiliar to him at all. He had seen it before, and he had also taken the initiative to approach it when being chased by four legs.

The direction they came from was not the south, but from the east. Although they were still far away, Li Su could feel the other party's eyes looking at this place. .

Oh shit! !

As the appearance became clearer, Li Su's face turned blue, and he felt a desperate crisis, which was even more extreme than the last time, and there was really no way to survive.

How could human beings resist such a being as high as a mountain?

Even if you are not in the martial arts realm, you have to be in the magic realm, and it is still a very high level of magic realm to be able to fight.

what to do?

Li Su's mind began to vibrate crazily, digging into the depths of his memory and recalling the path he had taken.

Although there is no life left, he is not desperate. In fact, he is not the kind who will despair when encountering terror. On the contrary, the more desperate the situation, the harder he will struggle. After all, he is afraid of death and is a coward.

Being chased by four legs to that point, Li Su could run with all his life until he was completely unconscious. However, facing an unknown person with strange power, he could directly attack the gods, cause chaos, and create Chance.

Even if he had a chance to be resurrected, he would never give up.

"Towards the southeast, if you can run over a fairly high mountain before being overtaken by you, that mountain range is very high. You should be able to see it at a glance. As long as you run over, you might be able to survive... .."


Who is speaking? ? ?

Just when Li Su was quickly looking for a way, a sound came from his ears. No, it wasn't a sound coming through, but he caught it.

He didn't confirm who the voice was, nor did he use his eyes to find where the speaker was.

When Li Su asked the question, he had already run thousands of meters in the direction indicated by the other party's words.

Who is the other party? Is this a joke? He didn't even have time to think about it and fled quickly towards the southeast.

He ran extremely fast, and could run thousands of meters in just a few breaths. This was not a normal speed. It was the moment when a mouse was chased by a cat, or when a rabbit was locked by a wolf.

It is the biological instinct to be locked by a predator and when pursued, it can burst out at a speed that exceeds the limit.

A very, very high mountain?

He ran for more than ten breaths and really saw it.

However, riding a horse is too far, the visual distance is at least more than fifty kilometers.

Fifty kilometers away?

At his speed, if one kilometer was measured in ten seconds, it would take at least fifty seconds, close to a minute.

Does he have a minute?

Feeling the increasingly louder vibrations, Li Su did not stop. All the energy was sent towards his feet, and his heart beat at an extremely terrifying rate, approaching the two hundred mark.

Fat, protein, and blood sugar are consumed by him at a speed visible to the naked eye at this moment.

Between life and death, there is no saying whether he can or cannot. He will not stop until the end comes and death comes.

Survive, at this moment, this was the only thought in his mind.


The air was torn apart by Li Su. At this moment, he burst out with amazing speed, which was unbelievable and terrifying.

Everyone's head was stunned. He was a little unbelievable as he chased Li Su. The opponent's speed could be so terrifying. He rushed out to a distance of thousands of meters in just three breaths. Although he still could not shorten the distance with the god, he was still being continued. Closer, but no doubt he delayed his own death.

Humans, just humans, actually delayed their own time from the hands of gods?

This in itself is an incredible, unbelievable, and incomprehensible thing.

In the face of God, there is only one behavior that humans should have, and that is to be unable to struggle, unable to resist, and unable to delay being mastered.

After a moment of daze, the head became furious.

This is a naked provocation, disrespectful to God, and extremely disrespectful.

Whether in life or in death, when God's sight falls, human beings should act in accordance with God's will.

"Pathetic ant, your behavior makes people angry, just like those blood villains, flowing with extremely dirty thoughts that should not be had."

The head screamed, it was extremely angry, and began to spit out curses from its mouth, pulling Li Su's blood, triggering the effect of the contract signed in ancient times, asking Li Su to stop, welcome the arrival of the god, and donate his own flesh and blood.

"*\u0026%*\u0026¥ # ...!"

Those were incomprehensible words, which contained a huge amount of information. There were countless signals in the information. These signals pulled Ming Ming and had an inexplicable linkage with Li Su's body, causing part of his blood to no longer obey his control and resist. Him as the master.

Faced with this resistance, Li Su was no longer in the mood to scruple. At this moment, there was only one thought left in his mind: run.

Apart from running, he didn't even have the energy to analyze other things.

Most of Superman's five senses are turned off, no, it should be said that 99% of them are turned off, leaving only the possibility of making mistakes and falling when running wildly.

Otherwise everything is closed.

Except for the legs, all parts of the body that do not require energy have stopped. All nutrients from the whole body are being fed into the legs. The beating speed of the heart has exceeded 200, reaching an unknown territory.

It can be said that this is a risk-taking, everything-risking run.

The limit of the life instinct can burst out, the blood seems to be on fire, and terrible energy is gathered in it. His life, his longevity, are burned, turned into substantial power, supplied to him without limit, completed behavior this time.

Li Su's body was sweating, and the blood-red sweat steamed as soon as it came out, and the temperature reached an unbelievable level.

His body seemed to be on fire. In order to avoid igniting itself, the self-protection mechanism began to discharge a large amount of fluid. Sweating alone was not enough, and it directly discharged all the superheated blood together.

Thanks to his huge appetite, he stores a lot of energy in his body, and the water contained in each cell is extremely high. He can eat food that is not much different from his own weight in every meal, as well as a large amount of water.

Although a huge amount of blood was discharged, Li Su's liver was also rapidly growing and producing new blood.

Because of this, although there are very few, very few, little bits of black, mist-like things can be faintly seen in the blood and sweat discharged by Li Su. They were originally entangled with Li Su's blood and could not be detected. It can't even be cleaned.

There were a lot of them, and after being expelled, they were twisting like living creatures. There was something inside that made them as active as the two heads chasing him, and they could do incredible things.

They twisted and struggled, and the moment they were expelled, they actually wanted to go back and re-enter his body through Li Su's pores.

It's a pity that Li Su is too abnormal at this moment. Life is bursting out with its final glory. Beliefs, thoughts, desires, and body cells themselves are all unified. Following the instinct's greatest obsession, he is exerting his strength to survive. At this time, this heterogeneous energy is walking on the opposite path and competing with him. Can this be allowed?


The body was rejecting them, and more and more were expelled from his body.

With this discharge, especially some parts being thrown down directly, abnormalities appeared inside Li Su's body. In his blood vessels, the flow chart composed of the flowing blood formed strange pictures. It seems to be composed of countless weird words, and a corner of it is missing...

In a short period of time, a huge change occurred, causing its power to no longer be perfect, and one of the all-round shackles brought by the oath was broken.

It was just a small tear, but Li Su's eyes began to shine, golden and bright.

That is his Taoist eye, the power of learning to understand Taoism.

Ever since he learned it, it has always followed him, whether in this world or in fragments of the world, attached to the depths of his soul, and stayed with him.

It turns out that it is not that Li Su cannot perceive the extraordinary, but that he has been shackled from the moment he came to this world and sealed by a powerful force. Not only is the soul of the short-term path unable to sense the existence of the supernatural, but even the Taoist eye has been cast. The oppression is deep in the soul and cannot be released.

This is not because the opponent is too strong, but because Li Su was too weak when he was born.

In fact, even with the seal, he still gained superhuman five senses and sharp insights, which continued to improve with age.

Of course, even so, he still couldn't break through. Once a seal is formed, breaking it requires several times, dozens, or even hundreds of times of strength.

This inability to observe the extraordinary and obtain extraordinary power is even more so, with almost no chance.

But it's different now, one corner is broken, and it's Li Su's desire.

His eyes were shining, and he began to capture completely different things. His body was also vibrating, and the five senses of his body and soul were active, and he grasped something.

Unfortunately, Li Su had nothing in his mind at this moment, he just kept running towards the high mountain.

"This is impossible, how is this possible!!!"

"You're just an ant, how did you do it? It's impossible!"

The screams of the heads became more and more intense. They couldn't believe it, it was unimaginable that the other party actually expelled the ancient oaths and the shackles of humans and gods from their bodies and blood.

How did the other party do it? This is impossible and shouldn't be!

Except for death, it is impossible for man to fight against gods.

Well..., that's true, so Li Suta is actually between life and death at this moment.

The head shouted, and when faced with an incomprehensible scene, he suddenly laughed, "No matter what problems you have or what secrets you have, God will know it right away!!"


The shock was already in front of me, the god had arrived, and it took less than thirty seconds to cross a distance of thousands of miles.

He crossed the distance and arrived in front of Li Su. The moment he stepped down, the earth shook, showing his majesty.

The head laughed loudly, and couldn't help shouting loudly, "Ant, there is no point in struggling, kneel down and worship, God will offer you your flesh and blood, and hand over your soul!"

Whoops, whoops!

Li Su stopped. He exhaled loudly. His eyes were full of stars, and they turned black. All the strength was gone. His body shrank horribly, turning into skin and bones. The fat was gone and the muscles were gone. was burned.

He stood there quietly, standing on the side of the high mountain.

He ran over, risking everything he had. Li Su stood there. He didn't say a word, he just kept breathing. Can he survive? have no idea.

In fact, if we just leave him alone, he will die soon!

The energy consumption is too large, too much, and if it is not replenished, it will die soon.


His five senses were about to disappear, but he could still feel that the deadly giant was not far away from him. He leaned down and stretched out his hand towards him.

Tsk..., is this the end?

Li Su sighed, after all, he had done everything he could.

The god's hand was getting closer and closer, and he could feel the other party's gaze, extremely hot, staring at him hard.


Li Su's eyes suddenly moved. At the corner of his eyes, next to the mountain, seemed to move? ? ?

"hold head high!!!"

Suddenly, a huge, shocking roar sounded, and the mountain started to jump!


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