Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 303: Hidden danger eliminated, supreme return


Li Su was not unconscious for long. It can only be said that he lost consciousness for a moment and woke up immediately the next moment.

Such an injury was devastating to the body, but it was nothing to his soul.

He slowly opened his eyes, checked his situation, and couldn't help but let out a breath, damn bastard, he really could do this.

The final explosion was just like what he thought, like a bomb.

This explosion caused unimaginable damage to his body. The inside of his body seemed to have been penetrated by particles. There were holes in his internal organs, densely packed and very small, and countless nerves were pierced.

No wonder the other party said it was dangerous, and the best way was to use the totem. At this moment, the other person would have been dead. In fact, even if he was not dead and survived by luck, he would probably be crippled.

Li Su's situation was undoubtedly more dangerous. The pseudo-god's power exploded even more fiercely, and he was simply rushing to kill him. The injuries were so heavy that the cell walls were penetrated.

Under normal circumstances, it would definitely be a serious injury, and it would be the kind of internal bleeding. This kind of injury is difficult to treat not only in ancient times, but also in modern times.

The power of the false god seemed to think so, so after destroying Li Su's body, it immediately ignored his body and directly targeted his power of order to seal it, obtaining the Suihuang Fire, Xihuangzi, and Nonghuang The herb fire is completely blocked and does not give it a chance to grow.

Of course, there is no doubt that His methods are ferocious and terrifying.

But it was obvious that the other party had gone in the wrong direction.

Is the most terrifying thing about Li Su injecting new vitality into the power of order in his body? of course not!

It's his talent, a terrifying talent.

Although that explosion severely injured him, it also caused another problem, that is, the total suppression of Li Su was suddenly reduced by eight levels, and the rest sank deep into the power of order that sealed him.

Immediately, his talent was completely unleashed and could be fully realized.

The first thing to show its power is naturally the innate soul.

Innate, innate, what is innate?

Creatures who are short-term are naturally in front of the great road!

The superhuman five senses and terrifying physical fitness are actually just the appearance, not the inner part, not the core.

Let's put it this way, all the big guys in the prehistoric era are basically innate beings, including Sanqing, Nuwa, the two masters of the West, and even Taozu at the top.

Because Li Su is an innate person, he may not possess the innate principles and master the first-class power of heaven and earth, but his innate ability is improved through the skills of the seven saints that he has mastered, and the nature of his soul has undergone extremely terrifying changes. Changes, possessing supernatural powers, and mysteries.

With the complete liberation of his soul, even though Li Su had no consciousness at all, his soul started to act on its own.

It slowly opened its mouth and started breathing in sync with its body.

With just one breath, all the cells in Li Su's body became active. This was the highest level of flesh and blood. It was reflected by the innate soul, pulling the cells to repair the injuries on the physical body.

Flesh and blood are supreme, what is the biggest feature?

Flesh and blood nourishes the will, and cells can act independently. Even if the body is killed and the soul is cut into countless pieces, as long as there is a drop of blood, it can be reborn. After years of precipitation, even the non-existing soul can be reflected again.

It can be said to be the fundamental law.

Therefore, the fatal injuries were almost invisible to the naked eye, but the small wounds that penetrated the muscles, tendons, and organs began to repair themselves quickly. Even the cracks that were broken and thinner than hair were immediately noticed. , found that the cells began to grow like flesh and hair intertwined and kneaded together.

With each breath, the trauma on the ninth floor was restored, and with each breath, the injuries on the internal surface began to be repaired. In just a few minutes, the injuries on the body except deep inside the internal organs basically disappeared.

So within a minute of being unconscious, Li Su woke up.

Sitting up from the straw bed, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and move his body. Not to mention that he had almost completed the treatment, the unprecedented fatigue had also been replenished, and he began to regain his full strength, no, it should be said to be further.

Facing this scene, Li Su couldn't help but laugh out loud. He didn't expect that just because he was unwilling to give it a try, the effect was so good.

Is it considered a coincidence?

"The rules of this world are really special..."

Li Su's eyes were shining with golden light. They were Dao eyes. At this moment, they were no longer the sporadic dots before, but turned directly into golden pupils.

The shackles disappeared and he looked at the world again. The extraordinary true appearance was immediately revealed in front of him. It was no longer hazy like holding a pipa and half-hiding his face, but was extremely clear and thorough.

This world has extraordinary power and is very special.

The structure is like pictures and texts, and things like words and paintings are floating everywhere. They flow almost throughout the entire world. Everything you see in front of you is the sky, the earth, the mountains, and the rivers.

Not only that, when you look directly through the stone house and look at the sky outside, you can see dozens of huge pictures and texts running through the sky and the earth, towering high, showing extraordinary.

There are big and small, and three of them are particularly conspicuous. They are the farthest, facing the extreme east, which is the direction where the sun rises, but they are also the largest, and there are also problems above them. There is also a huge area there. Text patterns are penetrated, infected, and parasitized by their words...

False gods..., and beast gods?

Li Su couldn't help but blinked his eyes, lowered his head and picked up the bone tool hanging on his chest.

There are also inexplicable laws contained in this, along with the observation of Tao Eye and the analysis of Tao Explanation. If the understanding is correct, the meaning should be sound.

And the structure is very weird. Some of them have the same properties as false gods and beast gods, while others are obviously much weaker, very monotonous, and nothing special.

Although there are very few parts that are the same as those of the false gods, they are undoubtedly the source of the power of this bone vessel. Once air is blown into it from the entrance, the words will vibrate and emit special frequencies, which will confuse living beings and even cause confusion. The effect of the attack.

The larger part is mainly the sound, and its function is to stimulate the smaller part to generate huge power.

Interesting, really interesting.

Is this also considered a different kind of nature and nurture?

In other words, the so-called false gods are actually the innate spirits of this world? Is it the first thing to appear in this world that shows intelligence because of its specialness?

However, what is slightly different from the prehistoric world is that the innate nature of this world is not perfect and has shortcomings.

Although innate power is great, it cannot manifest itself and needs help from the day after tomorrow.

Yes, the Night Demon's bone weapon showed very clearly that although the core part has magical powers and is innate, in order to activate it and exert its power, it requires the help of acquired parts.

At this moment, looking up to see the false gods and even the beast gods, this feature is undoubtedly more obvious.

Of course, there is still a difference between the two. Beast gods are mainly innate, while false gods are innate.

Reminiscent of the story between that man and his general, the so-called beast gods are actually ancient beasts. They ate the predecessors of the false gods and gained the power of the other party. Therefore, they dominated the future and stole the innate to use it Slave.

And those false gods are dominated by themselves, and their pictures and texts are filled with countless acquired patterns, controlled by them.

Seeing this, Li Su's eyes couldn't help but flash. This is the reason why they will keep the human race... Even if the human race has the possibility of creating new power and subverting them, this is not the case. Possible threats were dealt with, but instead they were kept in captivity and allowed to continue to grow stronger.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t!

No wonder the other party wants to vigorously develop a slave society. Shiobe's actions may obviously lead to a large reduction in the number of people who believe in him, and may even lead to rebellion. The other party does not stop it, but instead helps.

If we want to unite our thinking, slave society is undoubtedly the best way to let some people stand at the top of the pyramid. Even if these people have power, knowledge, and wealth, they are only a minority. In order to maintain their status, they will not resist, Instead, they will work hard to maintain this situation and prevent it from being destroyed.

As for most people, their thoughts are suppressed and they just need to continue to believe in them and ensure they survive.

They are really capable of doing this, a group of things that don’t even have flesh and blood and rely on parasitism to survive.

There was a cold light in Li Su's eyes, and he became increasingly unhappy.

He has no empathy with primitive people. Except for a few people he cares about, everything else is fine, not to mention that the world is completely different.

But he is also human!

How could it be possible to feel happy in the face of such a scene?


Suddenly, Li Su's eyes twitched and he couldn't help but look not far away.

Is this too close? ? ?

From the distance, it is only more than a hundred kilometers. You must know that this is the depths of the Southland, the territory of the beast god, and the characteristics of the huge picture and text are undoubtedly those of the false god.

How did He...? ?

Li Su's pupils shrank, and the next moment he rushed out.

He raised his head and looked into the distance with his eyes like torches.

Under the supreme resurgence of flesh and blood, his originally supernormal five senses began to become abnormal. Even if the entire village, no, it should be said that the Southland has been filled with heavy fog, he can still penetrate it and see into the distance.

After a moment, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath and clenched his fists tightly.


Although he couldn't see the real scene, through the hint of the map of heaven and earth, he was extremely sure that something happened over there. It was most likely the Gu clan, and they were found by the false god.

A large number of people were killed, hunting parties, and children were almost slaughtered, and only a few people were left.

Not only that, Li Su also saw a very strange picture and text, like a painting, with an innate scene of the resurrected false god. The most intense one should be the nearest false god.

It's that guy!

Looking at the missing corner of the opponent's right arm, Li Su's eyes were slightly red, and he had murderous intent.

His mother is also there! ! !


His teeth were clenching as Li Su's killing intent continued to build up.

Time and time again, he provoked his nerves. Do you really think that if you are a god, you will not die? ? ?

Taking a breath, Li Su jumped up and wanted to go over.

"where are you going?"

Yes, her room was not far from Li Su, and she was responsible for taking care of him. She ran out immediately after hearing the noise.

"The false god has arrived in the south. I'm afraid the Gu clan has been discovered. I want to go over and have a look."

After saying that, Li Su jumped up and galloped towards the direction of the false god.


Yang was startled for a moment and his eyes couldn't help but widen. Are you kidding me? This is the south, the land of the extreme south, the territory of the beast god. Not to mention whether the false god dares to come, how will the other party find the Gu clan? Not only that, how did the other party know? This place is far away from where the Gu clan is, but there are hundreds of mountains between them.

"Wait a minute, you can't run around here!"

Seeing Li Su leaving quickly, Zhang immediately chased after her. She stretched out her hand, ready to grab Li Su.

The Southland is no different than the outside. This place where civilization cannot shine is shrouded in miasma all the year round. The miasma here in the village is poisonous, but it is different outside. Some miasmas, once they enter, will be directly dissolved, leaving no bones left. .

Although she was fast, Li Su was obviously faster.

Just as he jumped onto the tree, Li Su had already sunk deep into the forest, and disappeared into the miasma in the blink of an eye.

Damn it!

Zhang couldn't help but stretched out his hand and punched the tree pole next to him. The person who hit him hugged the tree and shook it for a while, then turned around and returned.

That's not to say not to chase, but to inform the leader of the news.

She quickly rushed into the room where the leader was and pushed the door open. "Chief, it's not good. Sui suddenly went out and said that the false god had found the location of the Gu clan, and he ran over."

Um? ?

The moment the words fell, besides the leader, there were several people in the room. One of them was extremely embarrassed and panting. He had obviously just come from outside.

"How did he know?"

The leader was shocked. You must know that he had just received the news. The messenger had just come to report the message, and he hadn't even had time to take a sip of water.

Although I knew that Li Su had amazing hearing, the problem was that the person who sent the message was not dictating it, but the animal skin brought by the hummingbird, with the message conveyed in pictures on it.

"Something really happened?"

Zhang was also shocked. She couldn't help but take a breath. By the way, recalling the direction Li Su left, there was no doubt that in a straight line, it was right opposite the place where they arranged Gu's village.

Their clan is undoubtedly regarded as a thorn in the side of the false gods, and they would like to kill them all. In order to avoid the situation where one of them is found and all of them are blamed, the secrecy method is very good. There are multiple hiding places in the Southland, but there are only Only a few know.

Since Li Su came here, they have been given an order, saying that his hearing is very good and they should not discuss randomly, especially where other villages are located.

Taking a breath, the leader holding the animal skin had a wry smile on his face. He shook his head and said, "It's true that someone from the Gu clan prayed for this totem, and was sensed by the false god and came here.

I'm afraid that after the previous battle with the beast god, the god quickly returned to the edge of the Southland and waited there.

There were still many people from the Xibe tribe, and the Gu clan was basically taken over in one fell swoop! "

"There are still people praying? Are all people from the Gu family **? (** probably means the same thing as pig)"

Zhang's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. The entire clan had been abandoned by the gods and given to Xi to become slaves of others. Even the protection of the gods had been taken away. Under such circumstances, Do you still pray to false gods?

There was a wry smile on the leader's face, with extremely bitterness, yes, why are you so stupid?

Obviously among the six tribes, only the Gu clan was the most complete. Nothing happened to the village and the separated people, and they were all safe in the end, but they took the initiative to give away their heads.

The most terrifying thing is that the tribe's Tengtu was taken away by the false god, which means that this lineage is completely finished.

You will never be able to escape the enslavement of the gods, you will be affected for the rest of your life, and you will never be able to escape.

"What should we do now? The Gu clan is useless." A person next to him suddenly said, "This place is no longer safe. It has been exposed. I think we should retreat immediately and destroy everything here."

"The genius you brought back will have to give up. The totem of his lineage fell into the hands of the false god. With the character of the false god, he will definitely investigate his bloodline, find his blood relatives, and directly curse him through his blood relatives. , triggering the power possessed by the body, which will expose us.”

After listening to the words of several people, the leader frowned tightly. Li Su's performance was undoubtedly very good. He was one of the best human beings he had discovered in hundreds of years. When he found out that the other party did not believe in gods, he let him go. , discovered that the Xi clan was attacking the Six Tribes and wanted to enslave everyone, and immediately took action, even attracting the Beast God to rescue them from the false gods.

Because he saw a glimmer of hope in him. After all, he was no longer young. Although he relied on strength to maintain his young body, he was already empty inside and needed a new heir.

After a moment of hesitation, Na looked at Zhang and said slowly: "Zang!"


"You bring the golden bones and the blood of the false god..."

Slowly closing his eyes, the man felt a little painful, but without any hesitation, and said with extremely cold eyes: "If you find the other party before the curse has broken out, ask him if he is willing to break the curse with blood. If he is willing, Then help him get rid of it on the spot, and bring him back regardless of life or death. If you don't want to, or the curse has already broken out, just give him a ride..."


"Hey, we must not let him be obtained by the false god...!"

After being stunned for a moment, she took a deep breath, slowly raised her head and covered her face with the animal skin again, "Yes, I understand!"


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