The next day, Li Su got up early. After seeing off his wife, he still went to the broken wall engraved with the great achievements of the Chao Emperor.

The plan has been thought out.

But how to share it? You can't just take out the firepower and then go to everyone and say, come and share my strength with you, right?

Power is indeed a good thing, but with the huge pit of a god in front of him, even if he is a human race and not a god, he suddenly shows off this power, which is doubtful and unbelievable.

Therefore, before sharing his power, Li Su had to make some preparations to make others accept it.

He sat cross-legged and had an idea.

Although physical phenomena are rejected, one thing is still possible.

After waiting and waiting, it was finally time for dinner.

x came, bringing fresh meat and walked over.

At this moment, she was already an excellent wife, able to warm the bed, hunt, work hard without complaining, and all she wanted to do was give birth to a fat boy for him.

She walked to Li Su and sat down, and began to cut the meat. She cut into pieces the prey she had just caught today, picked out the newest tender parts, and handed them to Li Su.

Taking the raw meat from the other party, Li Su blinked and placed it on his palm.

His plan is simple, even crude, down to the worst of human nature.

As a race of human beings, no matter what situation we face, even if we jump into a pit a hundred times at the same time, we cannot change a single theorem.

That is, it smells so good!

The flames rose up, and under X's shocked eyes, Li Su directly roasted the meat of his palms with his hands.

The temperature is just right, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the aroma spreads instantly.

This is not over yet. He has not been squatting here all day in vain and made hundreds of attempts.

After finishing it, Li Su smiled, divided it into two, handed half to the other party, and threw the other half into his mouth.

After chewing slightly, Li Su almost stopped crying.


It’s really not easy!

After eating raw meat for almost nine years, I almost forgot what cooked meat tastes like.

For a while, he chewed until his mouth was full of oil and devoured it, forgetting his purpose of making cooked meat.

x looked at Li Su blankly, and after a while, she put half of the cooked meat in her hand into her mouth, and took a bite. The next moment she was stunned, as if she was concentrated by thunder, and her whole body was frozen. Once again, I couldn't believe the taste on my tongue.

What's this? What's this?

Although there is no way to describe it, Eaten the cooked meat for him.

After eating, X's eyes lit up. She turned around, picked up the remaining fifty kilograms of meat, and handed it to Li Su.

At this moment, Li Su also forgot his original plan.

He picked up the raw meat and began to raise the flames with his hands. The flames went directly into the inside, roasting and ripening the whole thing.

The temperature is not high, about 100 degrees, but it is very even and almost every part is burned and thoroughly burned.

Within a moment, a massive amount of meaty aroma erupted from here and spread to all around.


Feeling the transfer of the meat on his hands, Li Su quickly stopped. He took a stone knife and quickly cut it. In a short while, he divided the more than fifty kilograms of meat into hundreds of pieces and placed them on relatively clean stones.

"Eat it!"

Hearing Li Su's words, X acted quickly, one piece after another. She ate so fast that her pretty face lit up and shone.

Li Su also started eating. After all, he had been away from cooked meat for nine years in normal time. He was really touched.


While eating, eating, there was movement behind him.

When I turned around, I found that there were children, more than a dozen, and young people, more than thirty. They looked at Li Su blankly, no, it was cooked meat placed on the stone.

Even though this was the first time I smelled this fragrance, I still couldn't help but feel salivating in my mouth and a rumbling in my stomach.

Why do humans choose to eat cooked food?

In the eyes of modern people, cooked food represents hygiene, richer nutrition, easier to absorb, etc.

In ancient times, this was not the case. Not to mention that cooked food itself meant the loss of part of the food. There was no concept of stewing at that time. When roasted, it would inevitably shrink and cause waste.

In an age where every bite of food is extremely precious, cooked food is simply rebellious.

But no one objects, why? Of course, because it smells really good.

x Hu Duzi picked up the meat in front of him and ate faster. Although he thought in his mind that it shouldn't be like this, his body just wouldn't obey his control.

At this moment, Li Su also came to his senses, a little embarrassed, because he almost did this, but finally remembered his original purpose at the last moment.

He waved to the children to come over.

After receiving the permission, more than a dozen children ran over with a roar, their little eyes widened, and there was drool in their mouths, looking at Li Su without blinking.

Li Su nodded and said, "Eat!"

With a cheer, more than ten calves immediately rushed forward, using their hands and feet, grabbed the cooked meat and stuffed it into their mouths.

After one bite, their eyes completely lit up, and they were moved by the taste of cooked meat, and they ate faster and more eagerly.

After a while, Li Su had not even taken two bites of fifty kilograms of cooked meat, but it was eaten clean by more than a dozen calves and a gang.

Each one's little belly was round after eating, and they were spread out on the ground, with only the strength to breathe.

The main reason is that there is not enough meat, otherwise they would eat up.

The meat was gone, and while sniffing the residual fragrance in the air, thirty young people looked at each other with regrets on their faces and prepared to leave.

Li Su smiled, why would he let you go? This is his purpose, to create delicious fragrance!

"The meat is gone. Go get some raw meat and I'll get it for you!"

The young people's eyes lit up, and they disappeared in a swish, and reappeared in a swish.

Then everyone had a big lump of meat on their hands, at least thirty kilograms or more.

Seeing this scene, Li Su couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Thirty people, nine hundred pounds? ? ?

After thinking for a moment, Li Su stood up and said, "You cut the meat into thin pieces, the size of a palm. Wait for me for a while."

He stood up and jumped out of the tribe. After running for a while, he finally found a satisfactory stone. It was natural quartzite with extremely high heat-receiving ability.

Li Su waved his hand and chopped twice, cutting out a piece one minute thick and two square meters wide.

He swung back with the slate in hand.

At this moment, a large amount of palm-sized meat was cut out.

After placing the stone slab in place, he waved his hand, and the sliced ​​meat flew up and landed on the stone slab.

His hands caught fire and started to roast.

A large amount of flavor begins to explode, and the aroma of cooked meat is too attractive to humans, especially those who are hungry and eat raw meat.

There were more and more people, and soon the entire tribe was here except for the guys on duty.

Even the leader of the tribe, smelling the irresistible aroma, couldn't help but come to Li Su's side, holding a large piece of meat, waiting for him to handle it.

Soon, everyone in the tribe of hundreds of people was full of food and full of energy. At this moment, they seemed to have discovered the meaning of life, a second goal besides survival.

After such a noisy time, everyone realized the charm of barbecue.

Looking at everyone's reactions, Li Su was not in a hurry, he was waiting, day after day, day after day.

Although barbecue consumes a lot of ingredients, cooked meat is not only delicious, but also has a special energy-increasing effect. At first, the elderly were a little opposed to it, but they soon disappeared.

It’s so fragrant and has so many benefits. Whoever likes to eat raw meat can eat it!

The time has come!

Li Su stopped without hesitation. He stopped grilling people and directly expressed that he was tired and needed a rest.

Of course, this is a joke, it’s just cooked food for hundreds of people, it doesn’t matter even if it’s doubled tenfold.

Seeing the disappointed expressions on everyone's faces, especially the angry look on their faces, Li Su took action.

He used his own power of order, which he had already prepared, and he did not need to worry about it. The power of the Chao King essentially involves sharing and teaching.

All Li Su has to do is to release the authority of Suihuang Weiye so that others can obtain this power.

Once the inheritance is started, Li Su will be the source, and everyone who shares his power will be connected with him. Under normal circumstances, he will receive blessings from this, and Xinhuo will continue to gain will and become stronger because of this inheritance. .

However, Li Su's purpose was not here. He did not intend to use the power of the fire. He just spread the flames to form connecting stations one by one to obtain sounds.

x was startled for a moment. Although the form was different, it was undoubtedly very similar to the nature of the inherited nest king in the clan.

She couldn't help but stretched out her palm and placed it on Li Su's power of order.

Sure enough, something was passed from Li Su, entered her body, took root and sprouted.


x couldn't help but open his mouth and spit out this word that didn't exist a second ago.

She couldn't help but raise her palm. The next moment, a small, very small, but undoubtedly small flame appeared.

Everyone couldn't help but look shocked, especially the leaders. They widened their eyes and looked at the flames on X's palm in disbelief.

Different from Li Su, how to say?

Although they came down from one main line, they had split into two a long time ago. The source was still one, but there was no doubt that they had become two.

So when Li Su performed it, they couldn't feel it because they were too far away.

It's different here with x. Her power of order comes from their tribe and is shared by everyone, so they, as leaders, immediately caught x's situation.

This is the light of new rules!

It is the power of order!

Although it is very weak, with only a little bit of fire, there is no doubt that it is complete and different from the scattered order.

In an instant, several people became so excited that they could hardly speak. The inherited memory told them the importance of this ray of fire. For the human race, it was undoubtedly the starting point for rebuilding the ancient glory.

It is a pity that after the death of the Nest King, no one has learned this power, and it is impossible to regenerate order and light the fire of civilization.

Several people looked at each other, took a breath, and made a decision in their hearts.

No matter what, Li Su must be allowed to pass on this flame and allow him to allow this power to spread within the human race, even if he respects Li Su as the co-master.

He was about to step forward, but saw that Li Su was not putting away the fire, but looked at the young man aside. The child said: "Come on, learn how to barbecue by yourself. After all, you can't always be with me, right? What if?" Am I out?"

One, one, one.

Soon, dozens of people received the fire inheritance.

Then Li Su put it away, saying that he was tired, "This fire is strengthened by will. As long as you keep using it, it will grow bigger. If anyone wants it, you can just pass it to them."

"Here, let me emphasize that although the purpose of passing this on to you is that I don't want to barbecue anymore, I'm too tired, and if you want to eat it, you can make it yourself."

"You should also be able to feel that its nature is the same as the power of the gods, and it is the power I control."

Well, that’s right!

The power of the Nest King is actually the same. It is very close in nature to the power of the gods. However, the generation of the power of order is different from that of the gods. Perhaps because there are too many things that express its nature, it did not appear at the beginning, but was opened in the Nest King. Only after civilization did it come.

In fact, the power of the Chao King is not the order itself, but just a kind of order.

Therefore, the same is true for his power of firewood. With the help of the power of order, based on the meaning behind the meaning of drilling wood to make fire, it shows the future scene, bonfire civilization! As a result, he was absorbed by the order, and like the Nest King, he also mastered the power of order. The only difference is that the nature of his power is flame, while the Nest King is something else.

Then the Chao King was extremely powerful the moment he awakened. Li Su had gained control. Although his power was formed, it was extremely small.

Li Su said directly: "So, this is also a power that can be strengthened through one's own will. Because of this nature, the passing of the fire will also have a certain oath in it. To put it simply, the person who inherits the fire will get The power of those who are directly passed down by him, and as the source, no matter which of you inherits it, a power will be given back to me."

"Of course I have adjusted it and suppressed it to a minimum, but the nature of power is such that it will form a connection. The source of the fire you get is me..."

Having said this, Li Su paused. In fact, his nature is undoubtedly no different from that of a god.

"How much is this portion?" The leader came out and asked. Many old people on the side also frowned slightly. They all knew very well about this power and knew a lot.

The Nest King is also equivalent to a god, but they can believe in the Nest King, but they cannot trust the gods.

The reason lies in the distribution of this power.

Gods are extremely exploitative of human beings. They basically do not give any benefits, but instead continue to gain from them.

"The total power of the fire is one hundred. You should be able to feel it after you obtain it."

"So few?" The leader was stunned and looked at Li Su in disbelief. The God didn't say anything. Even if they said that one layer of the power of order they had was actually taken away, the Chao Emperor made changes before he died. , in order to prevent human civilization from being destroyed, the power of this layer is used to maintain the existence of the order itself, so that the broken power can continue and not be completely destroyed.

"If possible, I don't want it yet!" Li Su replied directly. If he didn't want to collect sounds, he would not be the source of fire at all.

"Don't want it?" A group of people were stunned. This is power. Once the number of people increases, the power will be extremely powerful.

Li Su glanced at the other party, how did Chao Huang lose? What is the current situation of God?

This powerful method seems powerful, but in fact its weaknesses are too obvious. Even if the gods impose many restrictions, they are still counterattacked.

How could a person like Li Su, who pursues infinite power, want this kind of power?

Of course, Li Su wouldn't mind if he could defeat the First God directly and blast the opponent with his hammer, but the problem was obviously not good.

Li Su began to meditate again in front of the Chaohuang Cliff, with an expression on his face that he would not bother me anymore and would grill the barbecue himself.

Then silently close your eyes and start to feel it.


Sounds are coming, although there are not many in number, but the effect is very good.

Through the innate voice, it is extremely easy to capture, with almost no loss, as if the sound is coming from his side.

Soon, the news was spread.

First of all, no one can stop the law that cooked food tastes great, and then it was the fire itself that brought them changes.

The power of the Nest King is fragmented and incomplete, so although the power can be obtained, there are actually problems.

But Li Su's fire is different. It is complete, complete, and the power of the gods.

At the beginning, the older generation was still a little defensive. After all, the human race was so miserably cheated by the gods. There has only been one Chao King for thousands of years. Could he be Li Su?

But as time passed, along with constant observation, and even after trying it themselves, they discovered that everything was really as Li Su said.

The power extraction is very small, and you can only feel the passage of it.

Not only that, this power has no restrictions at all. The nature of the power is not that after they inject their will and transmit it to Li Su, the corresponding power will return, but that it is directly strengthened by fire in the body.

This was the biggest difference and what shocked them the most.

The burning of the fire will consume their energy and physical strength, and gradually grow bigger, but at the same time there will be rewards.

After just a few days, I could clearly feel my strength improving.

This kind of improvement is not the kind that can be taken away by God's protection, but real. Even if the other party takes back the fire, this power will still not fade, it is yours! .

In an instant, everyone's eyes became extremely hot, with light shining inside.


Feeling the change in people's hearts in the tribe, Li Su often exhaled, "Very good, the second layer of true fragrance has been discovered."

The second benefit of the inheritance fire prepared by Li Su for them;

The spiritual path!

It's not just as simple as being powerful, it also covers Li Su's next step, which becomes more and more fragrant.

As a practitioner, his use of power is naturally easy and simple.

What is the most interesting thing about spiritual practice?

Naturally, it progresses step by step and is constantly upgraded.

As the supreme master of flesh and blood, he has implanted a subtle influence into the power of Xinhuo, but it will undoubtedly be strengthened step by step according to blood, muscles, and bones.

Not only that, when you reach a peak in your cultivation, you will be stuck and need to be passed down to improve.

After the blood is completed, it must be passed down at least three times before the next step can be successfully entered, otherwise the extraordinary power will be gathered in the fire and will not come out.

Muscle, ten times.

Bones, a hundred times.

In other words, if a person wants to complete these three levels of practice, he needs to create 113 fire inheritors.

Once completed, you will be comparable to a warrior, with superhuman five senses and a powerful body.

For this reason, Li Su also specially differentiated the levels, which will be announced after the first person completes the evolution of blood.

Beginner Warrior, Intermediate Warrior, Advanced Warrior.

As for why there are only three stages, it’s because Xinhuo is still too young, just a child.

Then Li Su estimated that when the streets are full of people in the third stage, it won't be a big problem for him to beat the gods.

As for the rest, let’s talk about it later.

When dawn came, with a ray of light piercing the earth and passing through more than thirty notches, a grand meeting was held.

There are not many people in this village, only a few hundred people, but it is obvious that they are connected to all the clansmen of the Chao lineage in the world today, and the number is huge, tens of thousands.

Not only that, because the totems were changed, a large number of humans escaped from the enslavement of the gods. According to the information passed back, hundreds of thousands of people have been taken away by them so far, away from the territory of the gods.

It's just because the food problem has not been solved, otherwise this number may become more powerful.

The topic of this meeting is very simple, passing on the fire!

Someone has already completed the blood enhancement, and they are the strongest group in the village, including x.

x She broke through quickly, because she passed on many people, but some people did not break through. He accepted the inheritance too late, mainly because he went on duty, and when he came back, he was the last one, and no one left him to pass on.

I couldn't help asking Li Su and found out about this situation.

He has no interest in the power of Xinhuo, but Xinhuo must also grow. The more people who master it, the greater the progress can be, right?

This is really not Li Su's deliberate restriction, but that he himself has no sense of the power of fire, and does not want to use this power to strengthen himself for fear of having shortcomings. Therefore, as the source, he does not grow fast, and the power he collects is too little to support so much. Multiplayer Fire Evolution.

He didn't hesitate and told the truth.

Either practice slowly and rely on yourself to continuously strengthen the flame transformation, or find more people.

The essence of getting more and more delicious is not that you recommend it, but that the other person can’t wait.

So the meeting was opened and everyone arrived.

Li Su was invited to the first seat, which was the unanimous request of everyone, including the leader. At this moment, his status was infinitely higher, and in the hearts of these people, he was basically on par with the Chao Emperor. uukanshu

The first is Li Su's safety issue, which is so important and related to the strength of the entire human race.

All the secrets of the clan were revealed and Li Su was asked to hide. Since the First God met him once specifically, it meant that like the Nest King, he was also being targeted.

One incident with the Chao Emperor was enough, how could we tolerate it a second time?

Arrangements were made quickly, and the method had nothing to do with the white mist that Li Su was taken away by the police.

Then there was the topic about the fire inheritance. As the topic dropped, the people in the tribe went crazy.

Not to mention breaking through the restrictions, there is no doubt that the first few people who started the inheritance are the fastest in cultivation, especially

Who else can sit still in the face of this scene?

Not to mention that there is still a ban, even if there is not, everyone can't help it.

"I'll take the team to the far east! I'll take people to the northeast! I'll take people to the north! I'll take people to the southwest...!"

Everyone's eyes are like fire. Although one person only has one copy of the inheritance, what about a hundred people? Isn’t it equivalent to two people practicing? A thousand people? Ten thousand people?

Oh my God!

This is a crazy number!


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