Not knowing what the gods were planning, Li Su was having a meeting here.

After discussing for a while, the decision was finally made. Everyone spread out, starting from the south, spreading to the east, west, north, and west. The faster the better.

The gods are now unable to move because they are temporarily trapped due to contract issues.

This is undoubtedly a good opportunity to quickly grow Xinhuo. Chao Huang has left a plan for reference. Coupled with Li Su's design of Xinhuo, it is natural to seize the opportunity and wait until the gods can act again. Before getting up, spread out the power of the fire completely. Even if everyone lurks down by then, it won't matter. It will ignite the entire human race like a spark that starts a prairie fire.

Soon everyone made arrangements regarding the allocation of manpower.

As a result, a tribe with more than 300 people was organized clearly from top to bottom, and everyone was included.

Especially children, because they are a good time to grow up at a young age and have greater room for improvement. Once they grow up, they will be extremely powerful.

After everyone made arrangements, it came to the last question.

That's Li Su!

The leader took a deep breath, but Li Su had already laid the foundation to become the next emperor of mankind.

Even if he didn't say it himself, and none of them said it, that was the fact. The appearance of Xin Huo completely changed Li Su's identity in front of them.

In such a tragic era, darkness has almost covered the inner world of all descendants of the Chao clan. Not only do they pursue power, but they also need faith, a faith that can support their own spirits and expectations.

In their inherited memories, there are great leaders in every era, and the greatest among them is undoubtedly the Chao King. He completely changed the way of survival of the human race, but it is not just the Chao King, but also the millions of people in the darkest place. Countless outstanding leaders have also emerged, otherwise they would not have been passed down to this day.

The several old men looked at each other and nodded at the same time. The leader was ready to speak.

The human race needs a co-owner.

Li Su is undoubtedly such a co-owner.

"Let me say a few words!"

Suddenly, Li Su stretched out his hand and knocked on the stone table, interrupting the leader before he was about to speak.

As someone who opened the door to the extraordinary for himself and others, the slightly noisy meeting calmed down in an instant. Everyone looked at him intently, with fire and expectation in their eyes.

There is no doubt that the people in front of him will be the ones in the next era, and they will follow his back and set off the clarion call to counterattack the gods.

The leader and others were stunned for a moment, because they had greeted Li Su before the meeting and wanted to confirm his status as the leader of the clan like the King of the Nest.

At this moment, he should wait in silence until things are done.

"I plan to bear the power of this fire with this word!"

Li Su stood up, wrote out the word and said: "This word is called '燇', which means a tool for making fire."

Everyone was stunned for a moment and looked at Li Su with some surprise. This was originally what was going to be held below, but the other party took the initiative to say it. This was undoubtedly a bit..., although the word was obtained very well, and it was better than they thought privately. That one is much better, but jumping out early by yourself is undoubtedly a bit awkward and gives people a feeling of being impatient.

The leader frowned slightly, because he knew Li Su and was very accurate in judging people. The person in front of him was not someone who was greedy for power, and if he really was, he shouldn't speak now, but should wait until the dust settles. .

Li Su ignored it and just said to himself: "The flint is a tool for retrieving goods. It also symbolizes our human race's use of wisdom. It is the biggest difference between us and wild beasts."

"Then the power you hold, I named it 'fire'! What is fire? Simply put, it is a burning torch, a ignited light."

"But it is more than that, because it is ignited by ourselves. Its fuel is not grass, trees, or rocks, but ourselves, our will, our beliefs, and our lives!"

Having said this, after scanning around the people who were confused, he said again: "This era is undoubtedly the darkest. For us humans, even if there is a bright sun in the sky, it is still like eternal night, filling this era. Incomparable despair, because there is this powerful god who treats us as ants and slaves."

"In this context, is Fire Fire just a force that makes you stronger for you?"

"No, never!"

"In my opinion, it is also part of your belief. It is the unyielding will of the human race to light up this darkest world and to take back from the hands of the gods the free heart that should and must belong to you. .”

"This fire is also the fire of the heart."

Having said this, Li Su looked directly at everyone and said: "I am the most self-aware person. I cannot afford to sit on this throne and I dare not take it.

Because there are too many sacrifices in this world.

After millions of days and nights, how many human beings have dedicated their lives to this?

How much blood has been spilled on this road...? How could he become the emperor of the human race with just a little bit of power? Too cheap. "

"Obviously, each of you has walked farther, longer, and longer on this road than me. How can I be so virtuous and capable?"

"So I think Sui cannot be anyone or anyone. I am Sui, because I have made a contribution by passing on the fire to you, and you are also Sui, because you are about to pass this fire to everyone. Even one person has made great achievements.”

Li Su paused for a moment, then stood up and said: "So no one is qualified to make you grovel. Each of you here is a great and a warrior full of faith. For this reason, I am here to ask you to maintain this Faith, continue to work hard, light the fire, and burn out this eternal night of injustice."

Dumbfounded, dumbfounded, everyone looked at Li Su in disbelief, deeply shocked by his words.

In fact, everyone present knew that in addition to arranging the inheritance of fire, the most important thing about this meeting was to establish the moment for the new emperor of the human race.

As a result, the existence they recognized must be as great as the Chao King in the future, tell them.

I am not Sui, you are.

Everyone who inherits the clan’s unyielding will and sacrifices is Sui!

He also told them that no one was qualified to make them bow down, they were all great.

The leader took a deep breath, stood up quickly, and bowed deeply to Li Su. He no longer had any doubts, and no one had any doubts about such an existence. No one was qualified to question it. people.

He said with guilt on his face: "I dare not do this, but I have learned my lesson!"

Then he straightened his body, knocked on his chest, and responded loudly: "Light the fire and burn the eternal night."

The words are sincere and full of power.

The old people also stood up at this moment. They stretched out their hands with trembling eyes. They couldn't help but burst into tears. They beat their hearts heavily and shouted: "Light the fire and burn the eternal night." .”

What runs through the cry is their constant struggle between life and death during the dozens of extremely long days and nights. In the end, it seemed that they could not get anything, but they did not regret it, but were happy with it.

The young men couldn't help but burst into tears. They had experienced a lot. Each of them had had their compatriots die. Looking at their fallen figures, they couldn't rest in peace. How many deserted nights did they cover their mouths and howl like crazy?

There is a grudge that cannot be avenged, a hatred that cannot be vented. Hiding in this far south, like rats in the gutter, how painful are they in their hearts? Hard to say? Afraid of death? No, they are not afraid! But I can't move, I can't move at all. If you move, you will attract the other person's attention. If you move, you will kill more people.

Closing your eyes countless times, the unyielding look of your compatriots will emerge. Those wide-open eyes seem to be asking, why are you still alive, why don't you avenge him?

At one point, sometimes I couldn't help but wonder, what is the meaning of this persistence? What's the point of continuing?

Does it hurt?

It hurts!

Do you regret it?

No regrets!


Because this is the belief they strive for throughout their lives...

The meeting is over.

No one is raising the topic of Li Su being the emperor. Although no one is mentioning it, it is no longer needed, not at all.

Soon, action was taken.

They are not gods and do not have that much time. When a day can be divided into 365 notches, the memories are already very long. When a whole half of a notch is opened, a lot of time has been wasted.

Soon, they said goodbye to Li Su one by one.

"Your Majesty, we will definitely complete the mission this time and complete the inheritance of the fire."

"No...!" Li Su's mouth twitched.

"Your Majesty, I guarantee with my head that if I go out this time, I will definitely add 20,000 people to the Sui clan!"

"Emperor, I have 30,000 here!"

"Fifty thousand from me!"

"With one hundred thousand from me, I can live up to the emperor's expectations of me."

"You guys!" The corners of Li Su's eyes were beating wildly.

One team after another, there were fewer and fewer people in the tribe, and finally only Li Su, Yang, the leader and his team were left.

"Sui Huang!" The leader stepped forward directly.

"Didn't I say that, I..." Li Su was so angry that he really jumped.

Why are there so many words about faith and will at the meeting? This is not his tune at all. It's not because this old guy suddenly came in during the middle of the night, which was a good time to have a baby. He said that there would be a conference tomorrow and he would be recommended to become the second emperor of the human race. For this reason, he specially I thought of a title for him, Fire Emperor.

After all, ability is fire.

As soon as the words fell, Li Su withered on the spot. Fortunately, the battle was almost over. The girl under the animal skin was defeated again and was defeated. Otherwise, if this matter was to be spread, how would he, Li Su, behave? It's less than three hours. It's simply a nickname that detracts from his animal.

But after the other party left, Li Su immediately became anxious.

Not to mention what the hell is the Fire Emperor? He has no intention of becoming emperor.

Thanks to the care of the ancestors, it is enough to master the power of fire. Now tampering with history? Is this okay?

What's more, what kind of existence are the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors? The co-owner of the human race, even if the world is different, doesn't this inexplicable sense of familiarity put him on a fire rack?

For a moment, my toes cramped in shame.

This won't work, this won't work!

He himself is not very interested in power, and has no intention of becoming a co-owner or emperor.

What's more, this is the deeds of his ancestors. How can Li Su be so shameless as to plagiarize poems and recognize his ancestors' great deeds? Although no one will know, I can't pass this test. Just kidding, this is my ancestor, the source of civilization, and it is a very serious question.

Therefore, after staying up all night, Li Su made a decision. This was the great deeds of his ancestors. Naturally, his name could not be changed. Of course, he would not accept this name. He planned to use it as a will, the true Sui Emperor. Will ignites the human race’s fire and starts a sustainable inheritance.

Everyone is Sui Huang, as long as they adhere to this will.

The leader smiled slightly and said, "You have inherited our fire. There is no doubt that you are the Sui Emperor."

I even said that you are about to inherit the inheritance, and you are all Sui Emperors...!

Li Su felt uncomfortable all over, as if there were a pot of ants crawling in his heart. He took a deep breath and did not intend to get entangled in this situation. He silently recited in his heart that I have inherited the fire, I am the successor of Sui Emperor, and then said: "Okay, no matter what you think, I can't change your will. But as the leader of the clan, you chose to go to the far east. Have you really thought about it? That is the territory of the First God!"

"Well, that's why I'm going. I'm afraid it will be difficult for others there." The leader nodded. He is undoubtedly the strongest in the tribe at present. He is still far behind in terms of strength. He himself has been beaten by the nest. Blessed by the emperor, his body is extremely powerful. After receiving the fire, he completed the strengthening of both blood and flesh instantly. Now he has stepped into the bone aspect. He smiled and said: "And the human race has an emperor. My importance is no longer only."

Li Su rolled his eyes, he felt uncomfortable doing this.

If something happens to the other party, the burden will fall on him. Who can bear it?

At most, at most, the worst he can do is come in later and beat the seven gods. Don't even think about co-hosting or anything like that. His biggest ideal in life is that no one in the world can beat me, and then I can hold him. My wife sleeps on the kang.

Soon, the other party also said goodbye and left.

Li Su took a deep breath and made a decision in her heart.

The next stage of Xinhuo must be completed as soon as possible. This guy must not be allowed to die.

He has organized a lot of cultivation realms. He divided them into three stages from humans to warriors, and from warriors to divine servants, there are almost three stages.

Only God, Li Su has a toothache.

Is this thing probably not level 18? Without a complete concept at level six, can I really beat the opponent to death?

He is very suspicious!

"Su, where are we going?"

After Li Su took out Sui as the name of the co-owner, he immediately gave himself another name without hesitation. Naturally, it was his real name and he did not intend to associate it with the word Sui.

He directly told Yang his real name and asked her to call him that.

"You really don't want to join them?" Li Su paused for a moment and looked at the other party. There is no doubt that passing on the fire is the fastest way to become stronger. Today's Zhi is not bad, and he is the first person besides the leader. He is about to enter the bone stage. After all, he is very close to him and communicates with him frequently.

Zhang smiled, shook her head and said, "My mission is to protect you and be responsible for external liaison, so naturally I have to be with you."


Li Su thought for a while, forget it, it’s okay, it won’t be lonely on the road, “Then let’s go!”


Soon, the two of them were on the road.

However, he did not go towards the south, but wandered around in the extreme south.

Of course, this is not a fool's errand. The practice of heart sounds has been completed, and all he needs to do is wait. However, Li Su is not at ease. The First God has given him huge pressure, and he has to find more ways to strengthen himself. .

And the goal is very clear! .

Strange beast!


He didn't forget the beginning of Li Su's extraordinary journey, because he obtained innate pictures and texts. Although his tribe had a lot of bone weapons, Li Su didn't ask for them. After all, unless he was a warrior, bone weapons were still very useful. And even if he really reached the realm of warriors, it would undoubtedly be useless to fight with bone weapons. There will be a big improvement. Although the strength will only increase by about one or two levels, it is obvious that at the same level, whether there is or not is the difference between victory and defeat, life and death.

The tribe also has a lot of bone artifacts, more than twenty pieces, and now Zang also carries one, a golden bone, which they have accumulated over countless years. The number cannot be said, mainly because some of them have been destroyed. Lost, some were lost in the battle with the Celestial Tribe, or were taken away by the other party, otherwise there would be more.

Therefore, not only in terms of combat effectiveness, but also in terms of historical value, it is not easy to ask for it. The acquisition of every bone tool in the tribe basically has a touching story in it, which is really not easy to talk about. Once it comes, The innate pictures and texts captured by him will be destroyed.

"By the way, is it really okay to attack the alien beasts directly? Will the Four-legged tribe have any objections?"

"It's okay. What the Four-Legged Tribe only cares about are the exotic beasts they keep in captivity. Wild alien beasts are not worshiped by them. In fact, they are also harmful beasts to them, endangering their lives. And wild alien beasts are basically Dwelling deep in the extreme south, far away from the gods and beasts.”

"It's not strange to stay away from the God of Heaven, why should the God of Beasts stay away too?"

"Except for his own descendants, other strange beasts are food in the eyes of the beast god. They are not only rich in nutrients, but also gain strength."

"I see...!"

"By the way, I once killed a night demon, I don't know..."

"Night Demon..." Zang frowned, "Four-legged, from the Dog Tribe..., if that's the case, then don't go southeast, go down from the southwest."


"There are two kinds of four-legged tribes. One kind still maintains a certain degree of rationality, and the other kind has completely discarded rationality. The former has connections with our tribe, and will ask them to take action when things are not right. They were also the ones who helped the last sneak attack on the gods. Those who have completely given up rationality are like the Congquan tribe. The beast god they believe in is also a man-eating evil beast. Night Demon is one of its descendants. This tribe has a strong desire for revenge. "

"I see, I listen to you and don't go over there...!"

The two figures moved rapidly in the forest, constantly looking for traces of strange beasts, heading toward the southwest and deeper into the extreme south...

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