Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 330: Obtaining the mouthparts

Li Su didn't hesitate, how could he hesitate now.

He is no longer the person he was before. He has undergone transformation and has been promoted. His whole person is very different. If he can fight with the gods, his strength will naturally be earth-shaking.

Now, meeting his beloved Blood Mosquito again, how could he endure the power of space?

The flesh and blood supreme's way of obtaining resources is too cruel. It can feed on all spirits and eat everything bare, not just living things, but also plants.

Although Li Su was anxious, he couldn't do such a bastard thing as Cthulhu. He would limit a world just to deal with the enemy.

His heart is very kind, especially to his compatriots who are not ugly. When he is rich, he will not mind letting some of it out. Of course, he starts with the people closest to him. This is the nature of this person.

Therefore, Li Su rushed out and rushed directly to the new base of the Blood Mosquito. It was more than 1,500 miles away from the previous one. It was obviously a bug, but it was more cautious than most people, and it was faster. Caught up with him.

It's a pity that I was limited in the end. I just moved out of the province, not abroad.

Of course, even so, it was still amazing, and Li Su almost gave up. After all, it was hard to find, it was silent, and there was no way to capture the sound from a distance.

This time too, if gravity had not detected the abnormality in advance and the sound was quickly detected, comparing the two aspects, there is a high possibility that it would have passed by directly.

In a wetland, surrounded by mountains, it looks like a basin.

It was densely packed with blood mosquitoes, probably numbering in the tens of millions.

The shocking scene he could see before was now his pupils blazing, and he fell straight down and jumped into the big basin.

Blood Mosquito was stunned.

As the top beasts, they were named after natural disasters millions of days and nights ago, causing countless creatures to tremble even after seeing them millions of days and nights ago. The genes of their ancestors have awakened, and they continue to scream in their abilities. , making a mournful cry.

Today, there was actually a monkey who jumped among them, with an ecstatic voice on his face, expressing the emotion of not being a prey, but a predator.

In an instant, tens of millions of blood mosquitoes became furious. They waved their wings and were about to fly. Their sharp mouthparts reflected a cold light under the sunlight, as if they were about to freeze the world.

Facing this scene, Li Su's eyes did not change. His gaze was very direct, and he stared at the center of the basin, which was red and glowing, like a big light bulb.

It was it that made him realize that his sight had pierced the void and penetrated his heart. It was followed by the guy who chased him and squatted on him for seven days.

It also had a sense and began to vibrate its wings. The sharp mouthparts were flashing with light. The sharpness inside was simply beyond imagination. It was really like a sharp sword with only the tip open, which could penetrate everything. .

Li Su raised his foot and stepped on it hard.

In an instant, a huge gravity field appeared, with him as the center, filling the entire basin.

In an instant, the huge basin covered an area of ​​nearly one hundred square kilometers. Even a grain of dust suffered an undue impact, as if a stone weighing more than a ton had been weighed down on its head.

The ground collapsed and was pressed down for more than tens of meters. Under this high-intensity weight, the stone became stronger than steel.

The blood mosquito swarm is naturally very tragic.

Even if the entire group has become a strange beast, not to mention that most of the mosquitoes here are only the size of a palm, even if there are bigger ones, facing this terrible pressure is undoubtedly equivalent to encountering the most terrifying natural enemy, because it Their body structure is destined to be unable to withstand this force, it is too slender, and Li Su's attack is not natural gravity, but ensures that every cell in their body withstands this terrible pressure, and the external skeleton is instantly applied It was crushed in an instant. As soon as it flew up, it fell to the ground within an inch. It was crushed by the terrible weight and was crushed into minced meat.

Of course, there are powerful ones too.

There are several hundred of them, bigger than calves. Their bodies are reflected by the metal light, and their aura is extremely strong. Judging from the pyramid of blood mosquitoes, they should be ranked second. The blood mosquitoes covered in black and red can withstand it. They flew up precariously, their mouthparts filled with cold light aimed at Li Su, trying to launch an attack.

If it were the seventh god, these guys might actually be able to resist. After all, that god was stupid.

Unfortunately, what they met was Li Su. Once he mastered the power, he didn't just become familiar with it, but went straight to perfection, and even reached the pinnacle.

In a flash of thought, one cell is under stress and one cell is not.

With a crackling sound, the second strongest member of the Blood Mosquito clan shattered into pieces, his body torn apart by the gravity of different heights and directions.


A piercing scream sounded, and the strongest blood mosquito that Li Suta was staring at ran away.

It's no wonder that the other party went berserk, that is, its eyes couldn't express that kind of expression, otherwise it would be able to see blood and tears, right?

After all, just in an instant, Li Su killed the entire opponent's tribe, killing all the tens of millions of mosquitoes without a single one left.

There is no way, this thing is a pest. I was bullied by them a lot when I was a child. I have hatred deep in my bones. It is a super pest.

It's small, but normally it's nothing. But it's such a big lump, and it has terrifying power. Once it spreads, it will be a natural disaster of the species, an existence that can shatter the food chain.

And since the last time we met, the number of this group has increased a lot, and the number has increased several times, almost approaching hundreds of millions.

After a brief perception, almost all the species nearby have been eaten by them, and the trees have withered. If we come here for half a day, there is a high probability that this place will become a desert.

The most terrifying thing is that the basin is full of their eggs. Once it expands again, disaster will almost immediately happen here.

There was a loud sting.

Although he was almost a hundred meters away from Li Su, the space in front of him collapsed, creating a huge spark. The twisted space started from one meter in front of Li Su, all the way to his chest, and was less than a hair away from his skin. .

Bah! Bah! Bah!

Incomparably dense sparks exploded. In the blink of an eye, the space around Li Su was stabbed more than a thousand times. His skin was cracked and dozens of fist-sized holes were poked. The inside was dark and scary. The incomparable suction force is erupting, like a black hole, sucking everything in.

Smoother and scarier than before.

Li Su frowned slightly. The growth rate of this blood mosquito was really astonishing. His body was clearly suppressed by him, but it was still suppressed by a force that was far superior to other blood mosquitoes. Not only could it withstand it, but it also launched a direct attack on him. .

Understanding that the opponent is the power of space, one of the top powers in the great power of the avenue, he was on guard from the beginning and used gravity to distort his surroundings, disrupting the flow of space and making the opponent unable to attack even if he could use his mouthparts. There is no way to stab yourself directly.

However, even so, the gravity he arranged was still smashed by the other party. This is enough power to distort space. How strong is its mouthpart? Can't you handle such a high concentration of gravity?

Fortunately, in addition to gravity, he also had flesh and blood. Before the opponent penetrated him, his flesh and blood separated first, preventing the opponent's attack from falling. Not only that, every hole he was penetrated gathered incredible energy. Where is the source of the sound? Protect your physical body and prevent the suction force from the opponent's mouthparts from affecting your physical body.

Li Su breathed out a breath, raised his hand, and the bone spear appeared. The pictures and texts of the innate voice vibrated. Countless sound sources converged on the sharp point of the bone spear, and the void there jumped, and was surpassed. The high-frequency vibration tore apart, turning into a black void, and all the light was swallowed up.

He stepped forward and stabbed the bloody mosquito directly with the black-tipped bone spear.


There was a loud noise, and a large amount of black lightning exploded between the two. It was not actually thunder, but the scene of the void breaking apart.

Li Su took a deep breath, his right hand doubled in size, countless veins bulged, and billions of cells exerted force at the same time.

One spear, one spear, one spear after another kept stabbing towards the body of the blood mosquito.

His power was so great that the sky was trembling. It was obvious that all the sounds would be restrained after they left for a while, but the surrounding areas of the basin were being distorted little by little. All the rules seemed to have lost their effect at this moment. The violent friction of the air produced patches of thunderstorms, and strong winds rolled in, covering the entire basin.

The rocks and space were actually twisted, forming a swirling circle with the two as the center.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As if there was no end, Li Su kept poking, and the mouthparts of the blood mosquito kept vibrating.

The bright sun rises slowly, and the years keep passing by, until it reaches the top of the head at noon.

Li Su's bone spear broke through and stabbed the torso of the red blood mosquito.

In an instant, its torso cracked, and the surrounding void collapsed, tearing apart most of the opponent's body, smashing it into pieces, and sucking it in.

A shrill scream erupted from the mouthparts of the Blood Mosquito. It was severely injured, its body was completely smashed, and only the head and mouthparts were left.

It screamed angrily, ignoring Li Su's bone spear. An extremely cold light erupted from its mouthparts, and it stabbed directly into the void.

In an instant, thousands of mouthparts appeared and pierced Li Su's body almost at the same time. Some of them even penetrated into his body, and blood spurted out.


Not pumping, but spewing.

Each mouthpart, like a cannon with a caliber of thousands of millimeters, sprayed out an astonishing amount of gas. Each mouthpart contained billions of cubic meters of air. It erupted in an instant. Even though Li Su's body was covered with multiple defenses, Covered by gravity and wrapped in sound, he still couldn't resist and exploded directly.

The flesh and blood were beaten to ashes, and most of the body exploded. A river of blood rushed into the sky. The basin, which was twisted by gravity, cracked and completely exploded.

The air that could squeeze tens of thousands of hectares of space exploded at this moment, and the burst of air rushed directly to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

That terrifying power was equivalent to the explosion of several 10,000-ton nuclear bombs, destroying everything.

Depend on! Depend on! Depend on!

The ax screamed crazily, and it was blown away. Even with a weight of hundreds of thousands of kilograms, it could not suppress this terrifying power, and it was actually blown up to a height of nearly a thousand meters.

What the hell! ! !

It has lived for countless years and experienced numerous natural disasters, but this is undoubtedly the first time it has seen such a scene.

Let alone the scope, it is not worth mentioning. In front of the huge god, any attack can destroy millions of square kilometers of land.

However, the quality is high, but it is terrible. Super terrible, okay?

The attack of the Blood Mosquito was almost abnormal. At the pseudo-god level, no extra power was wasted, and the output was maximized.

As for Li Su, what the hell is this guy?

Ax was stunned, completely frightened.

Because the opponent did not exert much power, far less than the Blood Mosquito, but the explosive power was not weak at all. With the combination of hitting ability, the effect of 1+1+1 was greater than three.

This can't be done, this shouldn't be done.

Indeed, one kilogram of water plus one kilogram of water should equal two kilograms.

But the use of power is not calculated in this way.

Energy, quantity is quantity, quality is quality, the height is constant and will not be easily broken through.

As a supreme treasure, why should we be proud of it?

It's because fighting with it can break this constant boundary.

But Li Su was different. He simply relied on his own use and display of power to achieve it. He broke through this limit that was absolutely impossible to break under normal circumstances and entered a realm that could only be touched by this treasure.

Not only that, others are getting weaker the more they fight, so why does this thing get stronger the more it fights?

Why did the energy hitting him not only not diminish, but become stronger? It was clear that the power of ten exerted the effect of one hundred on him.

After flying for a while, the power finally decreased and it was no longer possible to push the treasure.

It flew back with a swish to see the result of this battle.

It's incredible, so exaggerated.

It has been proud for countless years, but today it was unexpectedly changed by a bug and a monkey.

The picture is undoubtedly very tragic.

Only one head of the Blood Mosquito was left, and it fell to the ground, undoubtedly dead.

Li Su was not much better. The last blow was obviously not easy to withstand. He was caught off guard. More importantly, because he could not let the other party escape, he did not retreat, but chose Resist hard.

A white bone leg, with four toes missing. Standing on the ground, half of the pelvis is missing. The spine is fine, but it is densely covered with cracks. The sternum naturally does not need to be used, and only a solitary one falls there. As for Speaking of the skull, it was completely leaked, and the white brain inside could be seen, and it was full of holes.

There were three or two tendons hanging from the white bones, and there was no flesh left at all.

It's so miserable, it's so miserable.

Faced with this scene, the ax was shocked, and then very angry. It flew over directly and couldn't help but lamented: "Damn, they both died together! Oh my God, how did this monkey have a brain? Is there any shit? Blood Mosquito Should he kill his monkey father or his monkey mother? As for that? There is really a deep hatred. Tell me about it. As long as you beg me and be humble enough, I won't be able to help you. I'll go if you die. Where.. Oops~!”

Before Axe could finish his words, he was slapped and sent directly into the ground.

The next moment it jumped up and flew around Li Su, looking everywhere, and at the same time shouted angrily: "Fuck, who the hell is beating me???"

"Me!" came a voice from behind.

The ax was so angry that he dared to hit it, but he dared to make a sound? Do you really think it's dead?

There is not much spirituality and not enough energy, but the ax still gathers strength, and a cold light shines on the edge of the axe. If it is going to happen, no matter who it is, it will hit him a few times before he falls asleep.

When he turned around, the ax was stunned, and the light of the ax flashed.

But seeing that there was only a skeleton left, with two or three veins hanging from it, Li Su moved. The bone spear in his hand retracted and turned into two ribs.

But seeing him let out a long breath, it was clear that his jawbone was flying off and his eyeballs were gone. After the residual bone shook slightly, he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Pure black, all dead blood, the cells were completely killed and turned into filth. It began to decompose the moment it hit the ground and became invisible.

Damn, he’s still alive!


With a scream and a swish of the ax, Li Su retreated for more than a hundred meters. Li Su was frightened by the fact that only bones were left, but he was still alive. In this long life, I have never seen such a terrifying sight.

What kind of creature is this? When did monkeys evolve to this point?

Also, what the hell was that mouth of blood just now? Why can he still vomit blood when there are obviously only bones left?

Li Su ignored the jumping treasure, but turned to look at the blood mosquito. After making sure that the other party was dead, he finally relaxed a little.

This battle, how should I say..., is a bit dangerous.

The progress of this blood mosquito was actually faster than he imagined. It has been more than ten years, but the extent to which Li Su has surpassed it is only limited.

This is really ruining the three views. He is Li Su. He is not boasting, but with his talent, he can overtake in corners at high levels, let alone at the same level?

Fortunately, before he found this thing, he had a fight with the Seventh Heaven God and learned the other's power and stole it.

Otherwise, he will definitely win this battle, but there is almost no possibility of killing the opponent.

Because the moment he landed, this thing was already preparing to escape. When all the mosquitoes were preparing to attack him, the other party had already started to use its mouthparts to break open the space, completely ignoring the group.

Therefore, Li Su immediately used all his strength to press the parts of it except the mouth opener in place with gravity. The mouthparts can move, but he cannot retain them, but the body is different. The other party has not completely digested the power of space.

However, even with such suppression and being restrained by his gravity, the opponent still started a war with him. The fight lasted for almost half a year before he exhausted all his energy and energy and was defeated by him with one blow. No life left.

But even so, the explosion at the last moment was still beyond Li Su's imagination, and he was severely injured. All his flesh and blood were blown away, his skull was penetrated, and a lot of brain matter dripped out.

Li Su had to admit that this verbal attack shattered his outlook on life and gave him some strange knowledge about mosquitoes.

Sucking is already very perverted, but you can still squirt?

It was indeed a natural disaster a million years ago. It was actually more difficult than the seventh god. You know, even the seventh god couldn't hurt him.

Li Su took a breath, smashed the remaining head of the blood mosquito with one palm, and took the mouthpart as thick as his arm in his hand.

To be honest, he really wanted to start practicing right away, but the blown flesh and blood was too far away. He might not have to wait forever to return on his own, and fighting the blood mosquitoes would consume a lot of money. Although he was constantly replenishing, It was just a drop in the bucket. After all, that thing was really powerful, especially the space piercing blow. Li Su had to deal with it seriously. If he was not strong enough, the opponent would seize the opportunity.

In the past ten years, the group has not been able to exceed 100 million. It is estimated that the blood mosquitoes are not born slowly. I am afraid that most of the energy has been absorbed by it and used to strengthen itself.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to be so powerful and not be pushed too far away by him.

This guy was obviously not that strong before. Was it because he failed to kill himself and the information was leaked, so he started to seize every opportunity to become stronger?

He glanced angrily at the ax floating in the distance looking at him with a horrified expression, "Come here!"

Ax's extremely hard body actually softened at this moment. He shook his head crazily like a human and said, "If you don't come, who are you?"

"Afraid of you, why are you still covering my wool?"

Li Su smiled angrily, saying that he was 100% sure, and this thing was not ambiguous at all. Even though he was seriously injured, it still didn't stop at all.

The ax shook a little, but still didn't move. It was a little scared. After all, the person in front of it had a precedent and swallowed it once.

Li Su's face turned a little dark. Is this really a treasure? Lived for thousands of years?

Isn’t it just the bones that can move? Isn't it just that the brain was knocked out and he is still alive? A monk's soul can long ago be placed in something else, so what big deal is it if his body is destroyed? Fuss!

Shaking his head and ignoring the other party, Li Su began to feel his own flesh and blood and wanted to find it back. Not to mention that it was a bit chilly to stand like this. It was still uncomfortable when the organs were missing or damaged.

He jumped up and walked away. As for the ax...

It rushed up with a swish, transformed into a hook again, and hooked it on Li Su's ribs. It became anxious and shouted: "I've agreed to follow you, give me the strength." , how could you run away on your own?"

"Shut up, and don't hang it on my ribs."

As he galloped along, Li Su kept sensing where his flesh and blood was and quickly collected it.

It took a full seven notches, and after running around for thousands of miles in a full circle, he gathered back most of the flesh and blood, which looked like more than four billion.

Li Su opened his mouth, and suddenly he started vomiting blood. He vomited so much that there was almost a pool of it. It was black and smelly, and it was all dead blood, cells destroyed by attacks.

After vomiting them all, his face turned a little pale. There were almost 500 million. Including the 2 billion that were completely wiped out, nearly a third of the cells were dead.

I think it will take a lot of time to recover!

Feeling his own situation, Li Su let out a breath. Too many cells died, and the power of flesh and blood was cut off by more than three layers. He had already entered the realm of gods, but now he fell out again.

However, Li Su was not sad, and his eyes were still shining, because he had obtained the power of space. As long as he mastered it, he would undoubtedly be able to lower his second saint's power.

At this moment, a message came from Xinhuo. It was not timely, but like a message. The date should be almost an hour ago.


Li Su was startled for a moment and couldn't help but open the message.

"Emperor, we have found it, it may be the place where the gods live and hide!!!"


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