Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 346 The transformation brought about by the core


The ax was still there. It did not leave immediately, but kept looking at the location of the Sixth God from a distance.

It had been a while, and there was no movement inside.

After a while, it shook its head and said, "Look, this is called overestimating one's capabilities. This is the punishment of impulsiveness. Isn't it good to live? Do you have to die?"

"What a waste. Before the other party goes in, he should ask where his property is. After all, it is useless to leave the property after the person dies. It is better to give it to yourself, for example, leave the core of the origin and I will keep it for him. Give it back to him when he comes out..."

"If you can't come out, can you eat it now?"

"Yes, it's a waste, it's such a waste, if I eat it."

Ax nodded, and the next moment it was excited, and couldn't help but look back, only to find that Li Su had appeared behind it at some point.


With a shrill scream, the ax swished and ran hundreds of meters away. He was so frightened that he lost his mind and his aura floated up.

After a long time to confirm that it was Li Su and not the gods, Axe couldn't help shouting: "Why do you walk so silently? Do you know that scaring people can scare them to death?"


Li Su's eyes flashed and he didn't think much about it at first, but after Fuxi's words, the ax in front of him felt strange. His way of speaking and its vocabulary didn't look like an ancient weapon.

Although Lingbao has a mind, there is something obviously wrong with this way of communication.

It once said that in the era of innate gods, the gods were just its food, which meant that it did not regard the other party as an object to communicate with. After the first god turned around, it was hunted down several times and finally had to restrain its aura. It turned into a huge handful of bones and was held by the Seventh Heaven God.

In other words, for millions of days and nights, it had no one to communicate with.

As a result, this person spoke more eloquently than the tribesmen whose wisdom was suppressed by the gods when Li Su just entered.

And, if someone scares people, will they scare them to death? The words themselves are full of anomalies.

In this world, the only race that calls itself human is the human race!

Who has this guy communicated with before? Before the age of gods, were there humans?

"You gave up? Don't you plan to die?"

The ax slipped over with a swish, and without hesitation he started to tuck Li Su's wool. Not only was he stealing his power, he actually didn't forget the ones he had broken before, and took them all away.

"That's right! Is there anything in this world that is more valuable than your own life? No! A real man must bear the humiliation and bear the burden. Only by living can you have a future. If you die, everything will disappear. Let's go. When it comes to saving your life, I am the most important person. I have learned that even if the gods cannot find me on the first day, I will take you to my secret base. As long as you hide there, nothing will happen even if the world falls apart outside."

"Are you so afraid of death?"

"Nonsense, who is not afraid of death?"

"You've obviously lived this long?"

"Just living is not enough!"


"what why?"

"If you only live a few dozen days and nights, or if your life is about to come to an end, you can understand your desire to live. But you have lived for countless years, right? If you were a human being, you would be tired of living, right? Even if you Still not tired of living, so what's the purpose? In order to survive, even the aura is extinguished. If I didn't want to digest you, I guess you would still continue to fall asleep and not wake up, right?

The so-called living means moving, being able to talk freely, being able to do one's own things, and having a purpose and direction.

Are you living just to keep yourself alive? "

The ax was startled, and then it immediately retorted: "How is it possible? I have an extremely ambitious goal in life. For this reason, no matter how difficult it is, I must continue to live and beat the gods to death!"

"If there is no god, there will be others!"

"Then everything else will be boiled to death!"

"What an amazing belief."


"Well, so what's your big goal?"

"My goal, my goal is of course, of course." Ax opened his mouth, but when the words came to his mouth, he paused. By the way, what is my goal? The ax was stunned and stood there blankly, with an extremely confused look on its face, unable to think of anything at all.

"Have you even forgotten the purpose of why you want to live?"

"certainly not!"

Ax quickly denied it. It shook its head vigorously and kept jumping up and down. After a while, it suddenly remembered and said loudly: "By the way, I remembered that I hid the purpose of my life and sealed it." In the depths, one day when I fully recover, I will remember it.”

Hiding the purpose of living and sealing it in the depths?

Li Su's eyes flashed, "Have you ever been seriously injured?"

"how do you know?"

"The God of the Sixth Heaven told me that when the God of the First Heaven was chasing you, when the power bombarded your body, he found that there were cracks in your aura and you had been severely injured."

"Sixth God???" Ax couldn't help shouting.

"Yes, it was solved by me."

"Solve it? How is it possible???"

Li Su stretched out his hand, and the three original cores belonging to the Sixth God were revealed, and the huge power inside instantly surged out and washed over the axe.

The ax vibrated, and the next moment it burst out at an unprecedented speed, rushing directly towards Li Su's palm.

"what are you doing?"

Li Su was startled. Although he was on guard, this guy reacted impulsively when he saw the origin. Even his own origin core, which didn't have much energy, was longing for it physically and mentally, wanting to swallow it up in one gulp.

But the opponent's speed was really fast, and the space was torn apart. He locked on the location of the three original cores and wanted to pounce on them.

This guy can actually tear apart space?

Without thinking, Li Su put away the three original cores and slapped them with a slap. With a slap, the opponent flew out with his slap and was embedded in the soil, sinking deeply.

The next second the ax rushed out from the ground, "Original core, full energy of the original core!!! Give me one, give me one! You said before that as long as you kill the gods, you will share half of it with me. I don't want more. Just one, just one!”

Li Su was shocked. Did I say that?

Ax continued to shout: "If you don't give it to me, I will go to the gods and fight with you!"

Looking at the other party in confusion for a moment, Li Su stretched out his hand to the west, where the third god of heaven was, and said: "Go, I'll wait for you to call the gods to come over and beat me!"

After looking at Li Su for a long time, the ax fell to the ground with a bang, and he rolled on the ground and said: "You can't eat so much at once, what's wrong with giving me one? Just one, I can recover a lot, and I can continue to work with you." The gods have endured countless years..."

How dedicated are you to living? To what extent are you afraid of death?

Normal thinking shouldn't be to give you one, and you will go with me to defeat the next god? Want more? Li Su got three Origin Crystals alone. Anyone with any brains should understand that this is an opportunity to make a fortune, right?

Is it really necessary to restore this thing?

Li Su was a little confused and deeply doubted Fuxi's words. He felt that giving it energy was a waste of resources and would not have any effect. Once something happened, this guy would definitely be the first to run away.

However, considering its mystery, it existed in ancient times. It was hunted down several times by the First God, and was also held by the Nest King. Finally, it fell into the hands of the Seventh God.

There are too many elements, and there are too many things that are puzzling. It is like a foreign object that makes people unable to even think about it or not.

Forget it, let's not consider combat power or anything like that. After Fuxi told the other party's situation, he was really curious about the origin and situation of this thing.

"I can give you one!"

"Really!" Ax jumped up, extremely excited.

"But as a price, you must always stay with me."

"I don't want to fight with the gods."

"There's no need for you to fight. If God and I confront each other, you can hide wherever you want."

Ax was stunned and looked at the other party in great surprise, "Why?"

"I'm very curious about the reason why you sealed it and always planned to live."

"Are you curious about the reason why I plan to keep living? Brother, your illness is not serious. It is serious. You need to see a doctor."

Li Su laughed, the strange color in his eyes became more and more obvious, and said lightly: "Do it or not!"


Someone is giving money, and the request is so simple. Only a fool would not do it. To be honest, it is also very curious, why on earth does it want to live like this regardless of everything?

With a wave of his hand, Li Su cut open the void and entered another world with the ax.

He left all matters concerning the human race to Fuxi. Fuxi's power comes from the deepest thoughts and resonance of the human race, and it itself is the manifestation of the great will. There is nothing to worry about.

Entering the fragmented space, Li Su took a breath, took out three original cores, threw one to the axe, and threw the remaining two into his mouth.


Taking a long breath, he sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes.

How huge is the energy of two hundred thousand days and nights?

It is ten times the energy that Li Su holds now, and it is also the purest power that Li Su has obtained so far, which can be directly absorbed and digested.

His origin couldn't help but shake. It had been forcibly condensed by his will instead of the original core formed by himself. With the fall of two large pieces of energy, Li Su felt an extremely amazing change in himself.

This comes from deep, from the inside out.

It is different from the previous improvement, but the power he holds. All the power is advancing and becoming stronger.

Six billion cells are cheering, their voices are full of joy, gravity is beating, and radioactive metal is making sounds one after another. Even the phantom of the Pangu flag cannot help but flutter and vibrate at this moment.

This change, this improvement, is completely different from before and beyond imagination.

The life of a god is calculated based on the length of life. One hundred thousand days and nights and one million days and nights are two different concepts.

Facing the changes in his body, Li Su couldn't help but take a deep breath and understood what Axe had told him, down to the meaning of this transformation.

This is not an increase in energy, but a fundamental transformation.

Time flies by.

The power of the two cores is too much, too much.

The first origin crystal was formed, and the second one also began to appear. As it continued to increase bit by bit, heading towards perfection, Li Su's strength underwent an astonishing qualitative change. Not only did his understanding of power deepen, The power itself grew stronger.

His cells are constantly surging. Even if a hair pops out at this moment, it will transform into an extremely powerful creature when it hits the ground. It is far beyond the fire and can kill the gods.

The scope of the innate voice is even larger, with a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers. Standing in the center, it can capture almost all the sounds of the Seven Heavenly God Tribe. Opening its mouth and spitting out a word can travel thousands of miles away and split a hundred-meter mountain.

The gravity has exceeded ten thousand times, and it is like an asteroid with a huge mass.

Radioactive metals are even more terrifying. As long as Li Su is willing, he can kill all creatures at the ninth level of Xinhuo by just standing there.

As for the power of space, Li Su raised his head and looked at the space he was in. There were almost one million square kilometers here, which was as big as a province.

Compared to before, he was about ten times stronger!

Among them, the core of the origin has been condensed and accumulated over 100,000 days and nights, accounting for the majority.

For the first time, he truly confirmed that he had caught up with the divine beings and was on the same starting line as the three gods. He no longer needed to resort to tricks and could fight openly and defeat the opponent.

Li Suhe slowly opened his eyes, and couldn't help but smile. He turned around to see the condition of the axe, how much it had recovered, and whether it had been absorbed completely.

It took him a long time to absorb the two cores, which lasted two days and one night, three years.

Turning his head, Li Su was stunned.

The ax is still absorbing, its whole body is glowing, and the aura is coming out. Because of the large amount of energy it has obtained, amazing power is escaping from its body.

At the same time, there are countless cracks visible to the naked eye on the opponent's aura.

Not only that, but in the cracks, ghostly green things like spider threads were intertwined there. The spiritual light was everywhere, densely packed, and it was extremely penetrating.

What the hell is this?

Li Su couldn't help but take a breath, because his flesh and blood came with stronger hatred, as if the existence of this thing itself was a kind of disrespect and a blasphemy to life. His own flesh and blood could be said to be very ominous, and he could not look directly at it. If you look at it, your mental value will drop wildly, and it will most likely be blocked.

But this thing felt more ominous than his flesh and blood. Just the sight of it made Li Su feel huge discomfort. He could not tolerate this thing physically and mentally. The disgust seemed to come from the depths of his soul. He couldn't help but think To destroy it.

"It's actually the resentment of living beings!? I thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect it to actually exist?"

Suddenly a voice sounded, and it was Fuxi's voice.

Li Su was startled for a moment, but saw a small Bagua disk flying out of his body. The source of Xihuang's power was still in his body.

"The resentment of living beings, what is that?"

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