Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 348 How could I fight a bloody battle with someone?

Li Su stretched out and jumped out from the void, and let out a long breath.


After feeling it for a while, sure enough, the first god did not move at all, and did not react at all because he killed the fourth and fifth gods. At this moment, the light of the innate pictures and texts that represented it shrank, and returned to its original appearance, extremely calm. .

In other words, in the short term, no, there will be basically no problem until you decide to have a full-scale collision with the first god, or until that day comes when one hundred days and nights come.

In this battle, he obtained eleven original cores.

There are six gods on the fourth day and five gods on the fifth day.

Not only that, he also gained two innate powers, the thunder and frost pictures and texts. This time, he swallowed them abruptly without having to comprehend them. The two big pictures and texts immediately became his things, just like being swallowed by wild beasts. Just like gods and creatures, they directly obtain the opponent's power.

However, unlike wild beasts that don't know how to use them effectively, Li Su restrained them in a complete state when he swallowed them.

Li Su did not swallow these two powers, but retained them.

There are many innate images and texts in his body now, including flesh and blood, sound, gravity, space, and radioactive metals.

Each one is incredibly powerful and can continue to be developed.

Even if more people are de-integrating, they are only adding means, and the improvement is not obvious.

It would be better to swallow the core directly.

Now, even if three of them are given to the axe to continue to revive and break the curse of the Green of Resentment, Li Su will be enough to enter the million-year level.

And this undoubtedly gives him the strength to confront the second and third gods head-on. Even if these two guys are not fully recovered, they will no longer be able to pose a fatal threat to him. Once he absorbs the energy After it ends and enters the same level as the other party, you can imagine how difficult it is to solve it.

There is a high probability that it will be similar to the fourth and fifth ones. It is just that the energy is huge and the use of power is too crude and vulgar.

"You actually killed the fourth and fifth gods? You even scared the third god away!"

Outside, the ax that had seen the battle from beginning to end, with the opponent alone fighting against the three gods, flew over. At this moment, it had extremely complex emotions on its face, which were unimaginable and even more unbelievable.

That was a god. Even if he was only a three-level god, he had been standing at the pinnacle of this world for hundreds of thousands of years. How could he be killed so easily?

You must know that this battle is not a difficult and bloody battle. If the third god of anger does not appear, it will be a direct crushing game. The fourth and fifth gods cannot even be in the hands of Li Su. Stick to one move.

He was directly hit hard by him in the most arrogant and brutal way.

As for the third god of anger, although it has not fully recovered, its strength is undoubtedly far superior to the fourth and fifth. As a result, Li Su turned his head and whipped him to the ground, wailing. Although the opponent recovered quickly, he could It can be seen that even if the third day god is angry, in fact, he does not have much advantage against Li Su. Therefore, as the second day god has not come for a long time, when he sees the fourth and fifth gods being devoured by the opponent, the third day god cannot help but He continued to develop without giving up, choosing to flee in the face of the wind. He even gave up on his own tribe and headed directly to the depths of the west, escaping from the central continent that the gods had occupied for millions of years.

Looking at Li Su, Ax felt very embarrassed, super embarrassed.

You must know that not long ago, he advised the opponent to hide and slowly build up strength. If you can't beat him, you will be killed. As a result, the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth were all beaten by the opponent, and the following ones were all beaten. Kill him.

This is very uncomfortable!


Li Su raised his hand, and three origin cores appeared, and he threw them directly to the axe: "If you have too much, I won't give it to you. I need it myself. If it is not enough, then I will hunt it after breaking through the million-year surface layer." The second and third ones are for you."

Ax was stunned for a moment, and he caught the energy that lasted for three hundred thousand years.

It should have been extremely happy, cheerful and swallowed it without hesitation. It hesitated, turned its eyes with great difficulty and said: "It makes me uncomfortable when you are like this!"

"Just for the waste of time, you came over and immediately put the wool back on the mattress?" Li Su was stunned and looked at the other party in disbelief.

The ax stopped working, and he protested loudly: "Every yard is a yard, the ax still costs face!".

"Really?" Li Su couldn't help but laugh.

Ax said deeply: "You are undoubtedly the target of the First Heavenly God. These energies are very important to you. The future is your capital to fight against the First Heavenly God. Give it to me. I won't help you fight it. How about After you deal with the first god, come back and do your best to help me recover!"

Hearing this, Li Su smiled directly, looked at the ax and said lightly: "I dare to give it to you, naturally because I don't need it. Besides, the realm is the same. If I still lose, then there is nothing to say. This is not because the opponent is too strong. But I’m too stupid.”

The talent is weighted by 200, but at the same level, he has lost to the person with the highest 100% talent in this world. Li Su might as well just find a piece of tofu and kill him. What kind of immortality is there? In what way?

This is not self-confidence, let alone confidence. This is Li Su's request for himself.

You are absolutely invincible in the same realm, and you can blast the opponent across realms. Otherwise, how can you live up to your own talent weighting?

This is true and will continue to be true.

In the same realm, he has never met an opponent, and most of the time when he crosses realms, he presses the opponent's blaster.

Except for that smelly bird, he didn't talk about martial arts, but although he personally attacked him several times, he only made him embarrassed and failed to kill him.

Ax was speechless. He felt that Li Su was very arrogant. He had never been severely beaten by society. He actually dared to say such arrogant words. He might be beaten to death outside if he went out!

It's not saying anything. It's already said it. If you give it back, then it'll accept it. Big deal, big deal, help him. Of course, it's just for a little while, such as taking the other person away.

Isn't it just a mere god? It's not like he has never been hunted down before. Didn't he escape when his old bones were beaten to the point of clanking?

Li Su blinked his eyes and said curiously: "By the way, you have absorbed so much energy, you should more or less regain some memory, right?"

"A little bit, along with my resuscitation, recovery."

"What are they? You said that you existed a long time ago. Do you know how long ago it was? Is it earlier than the gods? I saw that there was something wrong with your aura when you were practicing. There were many cracks on it. Is that a Tao injury? Has anyone fought in a bloody battle before?"

Ax was stunned for a moment by the question, but the next moment, its eyes became a little frightened. Li Su looked at this in disbelief and said: "A bloody battle? Wait, who? Me? Did I have a bloody battle with someone? And I fought to the point where I couldn't even see the light. Are they all seriously injured? Did you ask about the wrong ax?"

Obviously, its attention was very unusual, and it suddenly focused on the fact that it was actually fighting a bloody battle with someone.

Listening to the unbelievable voice made by the other party, Li Su couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his eyes. If his memory was correct, the cracks in the other party's spiritual light were not just one or two, but densely packed and large, too many, too many.

It wasn't just a fight, it was a heavy blow.

It would be absolutely impossible for such a level of Dao injury to cause such terrible scars without the thought of both being destroyed together, and without engaging in an advance-and-retreat battle.

The fact that the other party was able to survive and recover was basically a miracle.

Under normal circumstances, it would not be surprising to die on the spot with such an injury.

What's more, the other party was not only severely injured, but also infected by the Green of Resentment. Although I have never seen what the Green of Resentment looks like when it is active, you can imagine the huge feeling of disgust that can't help but arise in your own body and mind. How vicious is this thing?

It makes no sense that there would be no memory of such a battle.

If it were Li Su, he would definitely remember it forever. As long as he was alive, he would never forget it. One day, he would find all the guys who seriously injured him, capture them, and beat them all to death.

"In other words, you still can't remember anything? Didn't you say you recovered some memories?"

"I have recovered a little bit. Some fragmentary things are very blurry and ambiguous. I can't see the content. In fact, I don't know if they are my memories."

One hundred thousand years of energy, that's it?

Li Su was shocked. This damn baby can raise 5,000 twenty-year-old people, but it doesn't even make a sound? Isn’t this a bit too watery?

I don’t know how much the 300,000 energy can restore it. Well, let’s go back to the human race first, and then go into seclusion directly. When it breaks through a million years, we will go find the second and third gods and beat them to death.

I just hope this thing is not a bottomless pit that can never be filled.

"I can actually fight with people? And severely damage my aura? How is that possible? How can I do something that only a reckless man can do? No, no, this is wrong, this is very wrong."

At this moment, the ax is still doubting life. It is not that it boasts. In these millions of days and nights, what it is best at is bullying the weak and harvesting leeks. It is the best in benefits and the fastest in fierce battles.

If it considers itself second in the ranking list, no one will be able to be first!

I think back then, he was chased by the First God and was beaten more than a hundred times in the air. His body made a clanging sound and his aura was shaken out. However, it still didn't fight back. It just ran around, burrowing through the sky, the earth, and the air. The word "Congxin" has been engraved into its soul. How could it possibly do such a bloody battle?

Li Su frowned slightly as he looked at the ax that was trying his best to deny his past.

Was he also sealed in the battle where he was severely injured? Or is this part of the memory lost?

What happened to this ax back then?

What happened before the period of gods? Does the emergence of the Green of Resentment really mean the destruction of a civilization?

Question after question made Li Su a little confused.

After all, the place he was in was not a world with a continuous history, but a fragment of the world shaped by a story.

Since it is based on a story, shouldn't there be scripts that go beyond the story?

However, the memory of the gods also contains content about the time before the gods.

Damn, my head hurts!

Looking at the axe, Li Su took a breath, hoping that as long as he continued to pour energy, he could recover and recall everything, and then he also hoped that the First God of Heaven would be the end of this world. Boss, don't go into trouble and jump into other things.

After all, Li Su came to the world fragment just to break through the magical realm. It was such a simple purpose. This was not to become an immortal or a Buddha. However, the content of the story was actually so broad that he could save the human world, not to mention fighting against the gods. Oh, why are you so perverted? If we still want to get involved with the previous civilization and face the aftermath of the previous era, it would be too much.

It’s just a magical realm, what do you want me to do?

Don’t forget that the core of this story is the Sui Man’s ability to obtain fire. By the way, how did the Sui Man obtain fire? Li Su almost couldn't remember. Did he get the fire by saving the world?

Too much shit, really too much shit!

It's already like this. If he were to have more drama, it would be outrageous for both humans and gods! Those who knew it said it was to draw fire, but I didn’t know why I thought I was drawing scriptures!

Is it possible that he is planning to activate Nine-nine-eighty-one in the realm of magical power?

"Let's go, meet the human race first." Li Su took a deep breath and said directly.

"Well, then I'll absorb the energy." Ax didn't object. As long as he didn't continue to trouble the gods, it didn't matter where he went.

At this moment, it couldn't wait to swallow the three original cores that Li Su threw to it, got into the opponent's arms, and began to work hard to digest them. In fact, it is also curious and scared, because it really does not understand that it actually fought a bloody battle with people a long time ago? And the aura was severely damaged? How can this be? How could this be it?

That style of painting of a strong and reckless man doesn’t go with it!

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