Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 35 The uncomfortable Tianzi generation

"Junior brother? Junior brother?... Tianming!!!"

"Ah, here, what's going on, senior brother?"

"What's the matter? I've called you several times and you haven't heard me?"

"Ah, no, it's just, I..."

Looking at the incoherent monk Tianming, Abbot Tianjian sighed deeply. He was clearly discussing the matter of going to Xixia, but Tianming looked distracted.

On the side, Monk Tianxing frowned and said, "Tianming, what are you doing? At such an important time."

Tianwen also frowned. There is no doubt that the next plan will affect the future of Shaolin.

Tianming struggled for a while, took a deep breath, clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, I'm sorry brothers, something happened before I came here, I'm a little uneasy, I don't know where to start."

Tian Xing frowned and was about to speak.

Tian Jian raised his hand to stop Tian Xing's words, looked at Tian Ming with some curiosity and said, "What happened? To make junior brother so confused?"

Tianming thought about it and realized that it was obvious that the matter could not be hidden. Even if no one knew about it now, they would be discovered after going to Xixia.

"Brother, do you still remember that in order to test my disciples and observe their character, I wrote down the three of the four major magical arts of our sect, the Yi Jin Sutra, the Vajra Indestructible Magic Technique, and the introductory volume of the Bodhi Heart Sutra, and sent it to Xuan Clear them up?"

Tian Jian nodded, of course he knew this.

It is not allowed under normal circumstances. There is no doubt that no matter which one of these three magical skills, just getting started is extremely difficult. Do you know the Arahant Magic Skill? Xuan Kong has been the only one to succeed in cultivation for hundreds of years, and the four great magical skills are undoubtedly more difficult.

And this kind of difficulty is not simply that it is difficult to practice, but that the content inside is too advanced.

Without decades of martial arts experience, it is impossible to practice.

Tian Jian smiled and said: "Xuan Cheng and the other boys have been fetching water recently, and the hostility in their brows has also reduced a lot. What's wrong? Is there something wrong? From what I see in Xuan Cheng's case, the effect is pretty good. "

Tianwen and Tianxing also nodded rarely, with smiles on their faces.

Tianming is undoubtedly very good at educating people, which is why he became the leader of Luohan Hall.

Tianming took a breath, hesitated for a moment and then said: "The education effect on them is good, but..., the first to be punished are seven people, not all eight."

"Huh?" Several people were startled. They just knew that Xuancheng and the others were not practicing these days and were carrying water every day.

I really didn’t pay much attention to how many people there were.


"Killing is to protect life, killing karma is not killing people!"

Tian saw several people's eyes widening at the same time, this word...!

"The one who was not punished was Xuan Kong, and he also wrote these words."

The eyes of the three people couldn't help but light up. This understanding is really not bad. If you can understand this truth, the leader of the Discipline Academy has a successor.

By the way, remember that he practices the Arahant's magical skills, which is very good. Once he has mastered it, he can start teaching him the Discipline Academy skills...

"In addition to not being punished..., Xuan Kong also did one more thing."

Tian Jian was startled, frowned and said: "Speak directly, what do you think of mother-in-law and mother? What did Xuan Kong do? His talent and talents, as long as they do not violate the Shaolin Temple's two points of hurting fellow disciples and being treasonous..."

"It's nothing. He just taught me the second volume of the three-volume technique that I passed on to them for testing."

Tian Jian smiled and immediately said: "It turns out that I just learned the exercises. I thought I was doing something..."

"What did you say???"

Tianming said with some numbness: "He has learned one of them, the second volume."

Tian Jian's mouth twitched, and Tian Wen and the two of them also widened their eyes at this moment.

"What is the second volume? The Bodhi Heart Sutra?"

"The magical power of indestructibility!"


Although the Yi Jin Jing is said to be the number one skill in Shaolin Temple, but, but, the Vajra Indestructible Magic Skill is exclusive to the master.

Those who can learn it are basically the next abbot successor, unless they give up on their own.

Monk Tianjian couldn't help but said: "He has mastered it? How did he master it?"

The corner of Tianming's mouth twitched, this was his reaction, in fact he did the same.

Following Xuan Kong's attitude, Tianming said with a look of helplessness on his face: "According to the requirements in the scriptures, and then the practice was successful! Well, this is Xuan Kong's answer."

Tian Jian saw that the corners of the mouths of the three people twitched wildly. What the hell kind of answer is this?

According to, then it became?

If the indestructible power of the Vajra had to be so simple, would the Shaolin Temple be in such a predicament now?

No, this can't be done.

So, who am I? Who am I if I haven’t started studying for ten years?

How many people in Tianjian feel that their decades-old Buddha hearts are cracked, Ami, you are a Buddha, Lord Buddha, how partial are you?

That's right, Tian Jian, Tian Wen, Tian Xing, and Tian Ming all practiced the Vajra Indestructible Magic Skill.

And this is undoubtedly very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

For a time, the abbot and the first seat were no longer fragrant.

Comparing people with others will lead to death, and comparing goods with goods will lead to throwing away.

If the teacher's spirit had not passed away, I would probably dislike them at this moment...

They still remember that Teacher Lingquan said more than once that you are the worst class I have ever taught.

Is it difficult? Is it that difficult?

Like this, like this, like this, and then like this, isn’t it done? It's clearly written in the book, so why can't you practice it?

Master, you left early.

If you are still alive, you probably have to smoke all over the place...?

The magical power of Vajra Indestructibility, Master Lingquan’s biggest regret in his life is that he failed to learn it, otherwise...

cough! cough!

They coughed almost at the same time. After Tian Jian and the others looked at each other silently, they quickly calmed down their emotions.

"Brother, what should I do?"

"What should I do? I've learned everything about cold salad."

"No, I mean, do you want to take Xuan Kong with you?"

"Uh, you said this..., um, take it."

Tianwen and Tianxing couldn't help but say: "Senior brother!"

That is the indestructible King Kong, and given Xuan Kong's age, given him twenty years, the number one in the world might not necessarily be the Xiaoyao Sect.

Tianjian took a breath and said softly: "Every disciple who goes this time will be given a Great Return Pill."

Tianming and others were startled, and the words they were about to say suddenly stuck in their hearts.

Damn, forgot about that.

Da Huan Dan, the unique holy medicine of Shaolin Temple.

It can revive people's bones and improve their skills.

How many people desire it?

Therefore, the Shaolin Temple has set a rule that its disciples are absolutely not allowed to use the Great Return Pill to practice martial arts.

Violators, no matter who they are, even the abbot of Shaolin Temple, will be expelled from the sect.

Therefore, for so long, it was only two years ago that Xuan Xin and the two were seriously injured before they got the chance to take it, and they only used one-third of it, and this was only obtained because he fought against the Buddha in white for his master. .

Why should Xuancheng and the others participate in the Song-Xia war? In addition to attracting attention, this is also one of the purposes.

Although Xuancheng and the others are extremely talented, they have too little experience. This is a common problem among monks in Shaolin Temple. Therefore, although the Song-Xia War is dangerous, it is also a rare opportunity. If they can participate to a certain extent, it will undoubtedly be good for their future. It helps a lot.

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