Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 383 Even if you win, you will be defeated!

After the flesh and blood supreme completed the fusion of gods, the opponent immediately came to kill him, obviously shocked and frightened by him.

We must kill him in advance and not give him a chance to move forward.

The pseudo-immortal jumped up, and the huge sun soared into the sky, igniting thousands of degrees of heat. The space couldn't help but tremble, and it hit Li Su directly.

Fast, very fast.

Like a meteorite, it carries a huge mass and is filled with terrifying kinetic energy.

In an instant, it fell.

Li Su was silent, and the world of Life Fire was shaken. In an instant, the infinite vitality exploded, and the shadows floating in the Life Fire began to be reflected and directly manifested.

That is Peng, a huge golden roc.

Its eyes were agile and full of fierceness. It raised its head and looked at the setting sun in the sky.


Suddenly, it opened its big mouth and let out an earth-shaking roar.

It spread its wings, roared into the wind and clouds, turned into a stream of light, and rushed up.

It flew out and jumped from Li Su's huge life fire world, from the history of myths to reality.

The terrifying Taoist rhyme rises and falls on its body, and the texture of the supreme life flows.

It roared upwards and hit the sun directly.


There was a terrible roar, and the sun and the golden roc trembled.

Blood swayed down, covering the sky and the ground, just like real creatures.

The sun didn't feel well either. It was scratched through. The violent bird directly pierced the sun and clawed deeply into it. Golden-red blood splashed out.

The roc flapped its wings, flew thousands of miles away, and came back in the blink of an eye.

It was so fast it was unbelievable.

There are roc patterns on the body that shine, and there is a supreme sparkle. They are the Tao patterns of the roc bird, and they are the ultimate interpretation of the supreme being.

boom! boom! boom!

Once, and again, and again.

The Peng bird fought madly against the sun, making it oscillate endlessly. The huge high temperature and terrible burning could not stop it. It was cold, ruthless, and kept attacking and killing, trying to tear the sun apart.

In the sun, the pseudo-immortal's face was filled with shock and disbelief.

After the magical power realm merges with the gods, there will be a qualitative change in the power, and there will be a huge improvement.

But it's not that, it's really not that.

At this moment, it seemed as if it was facing a living bird. It was attacking it. Its magical power was shaken and it was penetrated several times. The huge power shocked it.

This isn't right, it shouldn't be like this.

How could the power be so strong?

It doesn't feel any weaker than the person who used Hunyuan Golden Dou.

He just merged with God, not became enlightened!

He wanted to get close to Li Su and wanted to use the magical power of the sun to suppress him. However, the pseudo-immortal found that he could not get closer unless he killed the roc. Instead, he was attacked again and again by the roc, driving him away from Li Su. white.

"Fire sun!"

Its face turned black and it was unbelievable that it was actually blocked by the power manifested by a mere magical power.

It roared, and the sun began to erupt. Billions of particles spewed out, turning into a terrifying solar storm and crashing into the flying roc.

With a bang, Pengniao was severely injured. Most of his flesh and blood were evaporated on the spot, and his bones were exposed, turning yellow and scorched.

However, it still did not stop. It rushed over, even if the bones were set on fire, it did not hesitate. The beak pecked through the huge sun, cut deeply, touched the center, and hit the pseudo-immortal.

The terrifying power explosion touched the body of the pseudo-immortal. It was the purest power. It was completely bent and a mouthful of blood spurted out on the spot. The huge force almost tore it apart, leaving traces on its body. An extremely huge wound.


The eyes glowed red and emitted red light. The pseudo-immortal screamed loudly, and the solar storm became more violent, directly burning the whole bird and completely evaporating it.

It breathed out, with blood at the corner of its mouth, and looked at Li Su fiercely, wanting to take action.

However, the next second.

The world of Life Fire shook, and another roc jumped out.

It landed on the ground, flapped its wings, and then raised its head and looked at the pseudo-immortal. Its eyes flashed with an extremely fierce light, and it roared angrily, making a sound that shook the earth.

The next second, a stream of light rose into the sky, and a roc with wings spread for dozens of miles flew out. Its body was glowing, and its Dao patterns were shining. In an instant, extraordinary particles with a radius of hundreds of miles were absorbed by it, filling it into its own body. middle.

It pounced forward again. This time, the speed was faster and the attack was stronger. Just by flying, it could cut through the sky and the earth, and the lines on its body became more and more dazzling.

It learned its previous lesson and flew around the sun. The wind, countless winds, were swept by it and turned into endless sharp blades, slashing towards the sun.

boom! boom! boom!

The pseudo-immortal was shocked and trembling.

What is this? What exactly is this?

Absorbing extraordinary particles independently can accumulate combat experience. Is this still a magical power? Is this still Taoism?

With the experience of the last failure, Pengniao did not engage in close combat with him at all, but transformed into the wind, surrounded it, and fought bloody battles with it.

The wings are like knives, gathering strong winds, becoming stronger and more cracked every time, and they keep slashing towards the false immortal.

The dignified pseudo-immortal, who has entered the realm of immortals, has an immortal body, and possesses immortal essence. It is entangled, and starts a fierce fight with Pengniao in the sky. Hundreds of beams of light are shot out from the sun. , hitting the Pengniao.

There is a bloody battle above, and there is no less concession below.

The black beasts rushed over, eighteen in total, heading towards Li Su.

Li Su raised his hand and pointed, and Yuqing Daoguo jumped out and jumped into a cave.

It raised its hands, the Pangu flag vibrated in the void, and endless space power sprayed out from it.

The earth is broken!

The space in all directions was rippled, folded and turned into countless fragments by the Pangu flags. They swarmed up and directly covered the black beast.

Layer by layer, piece by piece.

In an instant, hundreds and thousands were added up.

Space has no density and no entity, but at this moment it is extremely solid and can reflect light.

Eighteen black beasts were suppressed. Their heterogeneous bodies were not sensed by the soul or caught by Taoism. At this moment, they were still unable to hide or escape. They were forcibly corrected by Li Su's Yuqing Dao Fruit. The pressure, the dilemma, was fixed there.

The next second, a Dao Fruit jumped out from Li Sum's eyebrows. It jumped into a cave and began to vibrate.

In the blink of an eye and taking a breath, the cave sky disappeared, replaced by a sword, a sword with green light flowing.

That is the Qingping sword, the sword of the saint!

On the sword body, four colors of sword light flow, one is transformation, one is blood red, one is death, and the other is sharp.

The sword edge trembled and it moved.

In an instant, the sword intent penetrated thousands of miles and directly pierced the black beast suppressed by Yuqing Daoguo, leaving a deep sword mark on every body.


The sword intent exploded.

Sword intent like the sea spurted out from the bodies of the eighteen black beasts. There was too much sword light, too much.

It seemed like infinity directly submerged them. In the blink of an eye, it cut them into billions of pieces, completely disintegrating these black beasts from the molecular level.

The terrifying black beast, a genius in the magical power realm can severely damage the black beast and completely annihilate it if he is not careful for a moment.

They are undoubtedly powerful, but it is a pity that they encountered Li Su.

The Taoism of the saint is a kind of ultimate, a kind of perfect supremeness. It is the top and most invincible power in this world.

And they were just transformed by a trace of aura, too few in number and too low in level. Although they had strength close to that of a pseudo-immortal, they encountered Li Su who was in the realm of merging gods.

Even if the Yuqing Supreme and the Shangqing Supreme were not able to merge with the gods, with the flesh-and-blood supreme Fusion of Gods, with the compensation of his talent, he could still burst out with a trace of his due spirit.

After dealing with the black beast, Li Su took a deep breath, and the world of life fire began to shrink and converge towards him.

The life fire, like a texture, dug directly into his skin, compatible with flesh, bone marrow, and soul.

Li Su soared into the sky and flew straight towards the pseudo-immortal.

The roc bird seemed to sense it. It spread its wings and jumped thousands of miles, rushing in front of Li Su. It began to shrink crazily, turned into flesh and blood, and merged into Li Su's body.

The Peng pattern appeared, and Li Su, who was already approaching the extreme, seemed to have transcended the limit of time at this moment. In an instant, he came in front of the huge sun. He entered, and the terrifying life fire on his body evaporated, turning the pseudo-immortal sun The particles were shaken away, and the high temperature of thousands of degrees had no effect on him at all.

On the life fire, there are pictures and texts of the same fire beast. It is the phoenix, an extreme creature known as immortality.

Although it was just a shadow, Li Su did not learn the essence of his Taoism.

However, is the sun in front of the pseudo-immortal the sun transformed by the Golden Crow?


It's too far, too far, too far.

A mere guy who can't even pass the Immortal Realm and still needs pills to barely become a Sanxian is not worthy of Li Su's fear.

In terms of difficulty, it is not as scary as the three women.

Because it is just a high-rise building with a low foundation and a small body.

Li Su's foundation is far deeper, thicker, and more terrifying than the three women.


There is fear in the eyes of the pseudo-immortal at this moment. It really doesn't understand. The other party is obviously just a melting spirit. Why is it so strong and unreasonable?

He is an immortal, an immortal with an immortal body and immortal essence.

The sun rises on the fist of the pseudo-immortal, as if it is real and wants to be reflected by it.

The temperature was terrifying, constantly increasing, six thousand degrees, seven thousand degrees, eight thousand degrees, nine thousand degrees.

Li Su was ignited by the terrifying high temperature, and his flesh and blood were burning.

But the steaming life fire texture began to recover in the next second, allowing his flesh and blood to grow back.

Li Su waved his arm, and the runes gathered together densely. They were Kun patterns, a giant beast in the sea, a supreme being that could hit the water for three thousand miles.

Pieces gathered on Li Su's arm, wrapping his hand.

One punch!

In an instant, an extremely real giant whale jumped out. It let out a thundering roar, turned the space into an ocean, shook its body, and bumped into the fist of the pseudo-immortal.


With a shocking loud noise, Li Su flew out upside down. His body burned, his right hand evaporated directly, and his right shoulder was no longer there. Most of the right half of his body was smiling. It was pitch black inside, and his bones and internal organs were all burned. became black.

Fake immortals are no better.

Its arm exploded. The power of the giant whale was too huge. It was pure and incomparable brute force, an interpretation of the extreme state of life. Even immortal energy could not bear it or endure it.

Blood splattered and bones flew everywhere.

Almost the same as Li Su, half of his body was blown off.

Tragic, extremely tragic.

The next second, Li Su's body turned and he rushed over again. The burnt parts were recovering very quickly.

Flesh and blood are regenerated, and the arms are full.

Peng patterns and Kun patterns are intertwined like a huge Tao network, blending with the life fire texture.

He rushed in front of the pseudo-immortal and took action again.

The pseudo-immortal also showed a cruel look on his face at this moment. He didn't believe it anymore. He was a powerful Sanxian, but he couldn't beat a mere Fusion God.

boom! boom! boom!

They collided, giving up defense and fighting madly in the most primitive way.

From the sky, it hit the ground, from the ground, it hit the sky.

On the endless battlefield, hundreds of suns can be seen rising up to the naked eye, and there are complete birds and kun beasts. They are fighting each other, fighting madly.

The roc exploded, the sun shattered, the kun beast burned, and the sun broke apart.

The scene was simply indescribable.

Just like a natural disaster, it will cause the same calamity.

The Immortal Realm is not allowed to take action in the Earthly Immortal Realm? Why? Because once a fight breaks out, the Earthly Immortal Realm will be completely destroyed and will be unable to bear their terrifying power.

At this moment, Li Su and the pseudo-immortal, like two strong men in the immortal realm, exerted incredible power.

The entire space trembled, as if shaken by the power of the two.

This kind of fighting is too cruel and terrible.

There is absolutely no way for the two sides to confront each other head-on.

Li Su was beaten to death by the sun and his whole body was rotten. Sparks were spraying out of his opened flesh, but there was no blood.

Similarly, the pseudo-immortal was blasted dozens of times. The bones that had just grown were crushed and penetrated in the next second. No blood was left, and he had not had time to regenerate.

This scene made the man and the demon, who were not at a high level, tremble.

The people and monsters who have seen enough realms are full of fear.

Even in the immortal realm, he couldn't help but be shocked and frightened by Li Su.

That's right, Li Su!

The four monsters, the Wolf King, the Tiger King, the Python King, and the Crocodile King, could not help but look solemn and turned blue at this moment.

Already, can you fight with Sanxian?

how long will it take? How long will it take for him to reach the level of true immortal?

Although the demons present are immortals, in terms of realm, they can only be said to be at the limit of heavenly immortals. They are still one step away from the mysterious immortals. In other words, the existence that the Crow King wants to kill at any cost and regardless of means is not far away from them. It's really not that far away.

Can you win? The pseudo-immortal of the Crow Clan?

Can it win?

The balance of victory and defeat seemed to be flipped over again at this moment.

boom! boom! boom!

In the endless battlefield, the war is still going on.

The fake fairy went crazy. It kept yelling and attacking. It was obviously still in a stalemate, but its heart was trembling and fearful.

The level gap between the two sides was too big, but in the end he couldn't defeat the other side and couldn't end the battle.

It had never experienced this feeling in its life, and fear continued to spread and breed.

After another collision, it is gathering its strength to repair its body and take action.

However, this time, the sun did not rise and the power did not explode.

Its body, which had just recovered, was cracked. The huge immortal energy had reached its end and was completely consumed. The immortal body had been destroyed too many times, and all its essence had been exhausted.


There was another loud noise, and the pseudo-immortal was punched in the waist. The terrifying Kun pattern erupted, interrupting it.

Not just the waist, with the explosion of power, his soul was also shattered. The divine channel fruit was completely cracked. The terrible power penetrated his life and impacted the long river connecting it, shattering the soul he had sneaked in there. Tao fruit.

With a bang, the pseudo-immortal exploded completely, and its life and vitality came to an end.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out for a long time, Li Su didn't even look at the opponent. There was no joy of victory on his face, nor the happiness of defeating the immortal. He jumped up and flew towards Hunyuan Jindou. passed.


Li Youyou couldn't help shouting. She wanted to say something, but when Hunyuan Jindou appeared on the screen, her face suddenly darkened as she thought of the three women.

Although Zhang Shengying often squeezed her head and made her feel the danger of death, her ability to escape had a lot to do with Zhang Shengying's care.

Zhu Chongba and others also breathed a sigh of relief and won, but the price was too huge.

Yi Ren, Zhang Shengying, and Zhu Chihu are all rare talents for the Xia Kingdom.

On the side of the demon tribe, the Crow King's face was extremely cold, and the Crocodile King and others also had murderous intent on their faces. At this point, there was no need to say anything more.

It’s a decisive battle!

I can't give that boy a single second, he is really, really too scary.

Even if there will be huge losses in this battle, he will not hesitate, otherwise when he grows up, the demon clan will undoubtedly be completely destroyed.


Before Hunyuan Jindou, Li Suta raised his hand and waved, and then the power of his family, Hunyuan Jindou, trembled slightly and dissipated.

The figures of the three women appeared in front of him.

The beautiful teacher's body was filled with black energy, almost all over her body, and her soul was covered.

Shengying's broken arm had turned pitch black, spreading to the arm.

Zhu Chihu's waist was broken, and most of his body was corroded by the black energy.

As if she sensed something, the lady raised her head. Her face was extremely pale, with almost no blood. Her slightly furrowed brows showed the influence of the black air on her, and her veins were constantly bulging.

She glanced around, and when she saw the pseudo-fairy queen whose life was disappearing not far away, she couldn't help but show a look of relief on her face.

"I'm sorry. I came in to help, but it ended up like this."

Taking a breath, Yiren glanced at Zhang Shengying and Zhu Chihu, raised her head, and said with a hint of unbearable in her eyes: "Su'er, listen to me carefully, there is a problem with this black energy, a big problem, maybe even bigger than the demon clan. Those bastards from the Monster Clan are indeed unreliable and have not considered the future at all, you..."

Before Yi Ren could finish speaking, Li Su cut the opponent's neck with a palm, knocking him unconscious.

At this moment, Li Su's face finally showed a smile, an extremely soft smile, "Well, it feels good. It's my first time to beat the teacher. But, teacher, what do you have to say? I, my master and the others Tell me."

He leaned down and hugged the three women directly into his arms, not paying attention to the lingering black energy.

The next second, Li Su's body began to light up with life fire. The flame was very big and bright, but it was extremely soft and full of life.

"Come on, I know you are conscious!"

"Compared to them eroding me, you should be more excited."

As Li Su's words fell on his hands, a black aura appeared on his body at the same time. This did not come from Yi Ren or the others, but from Li Su himself, "This is not enough, let alone touch my soul, it will be suppressed by my body." , ultimately ruled out.”

As he whispered softly, the black energy on the three women's bodies trembled, and they really moved.

Without any hesitation, he gathered towards Li Su. In an instant, a large amount of black aura covered Li Su. The originally small amount of black aura on his hands and body immediately surged and spread, launching an unprecedented invasion of Li Su. Contamination, to corrode his body and soul.

Li Su staggered slightly, severe pain emanating from the depths of his body and the end of his soul.

It was as if steel needles were piercing him. The huge pain almost made Li Su unable to stabilize his body.

He took two steps back, his face almost distorted by pain.

Lifting his palm, Li Su took out his World Book and opened it without hesitation.


Without any hesitation, he disconnected the family members and did not take back the power given to Yi Ren and them, at the cost of permanently losing a quota.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Li Su couldn't help trembling and fell to the ground.

This kind of cutting off had no effect on the women, but it was different on him. It was equivalent to severely injuring Dao Ji.

Faced with this result, the black energy did not hesitate at all. They expanded, accelerating the erosion of Li Su, and wanted to completely pollute him.

"You guys also want to infect me?"

Li Su raised his head, his eyes were like fire, and he shouted angrily: "Zhen!"

In an instant, a cave of flesh and blood emerged, and life fire steamed up to resist the black energy.

At the same time, he Daoguo jumped out one by one, five in total, and they began to glow and shine.

The terrifying Dao Yun burst out from each Dao Fruit, helping Li Su resist the black energy.

And obviously, the body of Shangqing Daoguo also has black energy.

There is no doubt that although Li Su killed the black beast, he also came into contact with it and was infected invisibly.

The caves appeared one by one, floating above Li Su's head, and terrifying magic elements spewed out from them, constantly washing away the black mist.

There is no doubt that once this black energy is infected, not to mention the magical realm, even the immortal realm cannot withstand it.

However, facing the supreme magical power controlled by Li Su and his almost perfect Taoist foundation, although the black energy was strong and terrifying, it was really washed away bit by bit by Li Su and had to be discharged from the body. go.

Facing this scene, Black Qi moved after a moment's pause.

It spread upwards and gave up the erosion of Li Su's body and soul, and went straight to his Dao Fruit, his cave, and his Dantian.

Several strands were split up in an instant, one for Dao Fruit and one for Dongtian.

As for the God-melted flesh and blood Supreme, most of them rushed over.

As the black energy merged, Li Su was startled, his pupils widened instantly, and the next second, he opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, his eyes and nose were all flowing.

His Dao Fruit, his Cave Heaven, and even his divine power of merging gods, they were covered and submerged. The power began to disappear, and returned directly to Li Su's body in the next second.

Another mouthful of blood was spat out, and the black aura completely blended in. His Dao Fruit and his cave sky all lost their luster.

Not only that, the black energy in the Dantian completely melted, turning into black mud-like substances. They flowed out along Li Su's Dantian, flowed into his meridians, and covered Li Su's body one by one. The meridians were blocked, and eventually it even entered his inner river.

This ominous black energy, like oil, filled Li Su's body.

The next moment, Li Su's aura began to plummet, and his realm began to fall.

Visible to the naked eye, not only Li Su himself, but everyone outside the endless battlefield can feel that the terrifyingly powerful Li Su's aura is falling crazily. In just a short time, he has fallen to the initial stage of magical power. Soon he cannot maintain it and falls. After returning to the Mana Realm, he became the peak of the Mana Realm. He kept falling, and continued to fall. He continued to fall until he reached the late stage of the Mana Realm. After he was no longer at the peak, he barely managed to get down.

"It's useless???"

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

Both the human race and the demon race all opened their eyes in disbelief.

Especially the demon clan. Just now, they were ready. The decisive battle would begin immediately, and they all started to notify the demon clan.



With a soft hum, as the black energy disappeared, the severely injured bodies of the three women immediately began to repair themselves. The soul quickly overflowed and they woke up.

"Eh? I'm not dead yet?" Zhu Chihu opened his eyes wide and couldn't help grinning.

Zhang Shengying was also startled, with a puzzled look on her face. The erosion of the black energy was too terrifying and there was no way to avoid it.

Only Yiren stood up and felt her condition, and her body changed drastically in the next second: "Su'er!!!"

With a quick glance, he immediately found Li Su who was lying on the ground not far away. In an instant, Yiren's expression changed drastically and she rushed to Li Su.

The moment she touched Li Su, Yiren's whole body trembled.

The body is extremely turbid, even ten thousand times worse than ordinary people, and all the meridians are blocked.

"You idiot, why are you doing this!!"

Yi Ren couldn't help but roared. Cultivation is a very personal issue, and life and death are all personal matters.

Zhang Shengying and Zhu Chihu were also startled. When they saw Li Su and felt Li Su's condition, their faces changed drastically, and they thought of the possibility for a moment.

Listening to the teacher's mid-level roar, just like when he was in school, Li Su smiled weakly: "Teacher, please be gentle, I am in the magic realm now, and I can't stand such a roar."


"Is it possible to just watch you die? If that's the case, then it's okay if we don't cultivate this Tao."

"But, but." Yi Ren couldn't help but tremble all over and looked at Li Su. She wanted to say something, but it was stuck in her throat and she couldn't spit out a word.

Zhang Shengying and Zhu Chihu also walked up. At this moment, they looked at Li Su blankly, not knowing the situation there yet.

The almost fatal black energy was absorbed by Li Su.

A big smile appeared on Li Su's face. His face was still extremely pale, but he raised his hand and made a V for victory and said: "Haha, you don't have to do this, just smile. This time, the Hundred Years War is... Our Xia Kingdom’s complete victory, no one died, everyone survived.”

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