That’s it for the police department.

Has the military also become a sieve? Shouldn't the Xiaolong Gun be top secret?

Li Su's eyelids twitched, feeling like he was being targeted.

If he is still in the supernatural realm, he will naturally not be afraid of firearms or anything like that, no, even if the flesh and blood supreme is not suppressed.

Now that mana cannot be used, this weapon is a bit deadly just relying on the physical body.

Xiaolong sniper rifle, the lethality is no different from that of a cannon.

If it hits the center of the target, everything within one square meter in diameter will be shattered, leaving some fragments within five square meters.

For example, Viper's childhood home, which was less than ten square meters, was filled with all the joys of childhood. Well, no, it was the place where memories of hunger, beatings, and coldness were made. It was gone and turned into a big hole.


Li Su stopped and suddenly took a few steps back.

The next second, the corner of the house next to him that was blocking him exploded. At the same time, he didn't stop, and the place he should have just reached was also exploded.

The rocks thrown up by the explosion hit his face and body with crackling sounds.


It took about half a second before the melodious sound of gunfire rang out and reached Li Su's ears.


Li Su was a little surprised, there was more than one?

The distance was wrong and the shooting speed was too fast.

He is also someone who has used sniper rifles. He is a thief in the Xiaolong series and has the title of sharpshooter.

A huge chill hit him. Without thinking, Li Su rushed forward, cracked the wall of the house in front of him with one punch, and rushed in.


He broke into the house, and a terrible roar also sounded. The house in front of him exploded, and the roar and impact of the bullet almost touched Li Su's head.

Damn it!

Li Su's face turned green. It's not a big deal to have a sniper, and it's not a big deal if the opponent has Xiaolong. They are top snipers, and there are two of them. This problem is a bit serious.

There are not many shelters in the black cave. The two guys are probably adjusting. After three shots at most, the rhythm will pick up. Once a top sniper like this forms a tacit understanding, the distance between the two sides' shooting will become shorter and longer. The closer.

The effective killing range of Xiaolong is too large. Although Li Su is fast enough, the explosion still requires distance.

He can directly break through the sound barrier with his physical body, and can even reach Mach 7 or 8 at the fastest, but it requires a certain distance. This is the same as in the movie, Superman always flies for a while before breaking through the sound barrier.

Without mana, there is trouble.

He took a breath, stepped away, and then shouted loudly.

It is said that the horse is like a chariot, and the punch is like a cannon.

Li Su punched out, creating a huge air pressure that instantly shattered a large area of ​​houses in front of him. The punch was so powerful that it had the power of dozens of meters.

The moment the wall cracked, the internal force exploded, sending up smoke and dust all over the sky.

In the distance, close to the center of the upper and lower cities, in a certain room, it was almost three thousand meters in diameter from Li Su.

There was a young man sitting inside, holding a toothpick in his mouth. With a frivolous look on his face, he stared at the picture fed back from the tablet computer.

What the hell?

It's not magic power, but the wind pressure exerted by the physical body. It can penetrate dozens of layers of walls. Not to mention it can also form a secondary explosion after blowing up the house?

This skill can no longer be described as 666.

Thinking back to when their instructors once taught them, they were already very proud to beat a cow across a mountain with just one punch. What the hell is this kind of double strength with one punch?

After feeling it for a while, he found that even if he used his magic power, it would be difficult to do it.

This tyrant, His Majesty, is only strong in divine channels and magic, but is his physical martial arts so low? The young man was a little shocked and couldn't help but recall the instructor's sigh.

Today's Raiders have a big problem. They pursue higher realms and powerful Taoism, and have forgotten the fundamentals.

In fact, it's nothing to me. After five years of training, I'm just a small success, and my talent is very mediocre.

A true martial arts genius, a guy who has honed his martial arts realm to perfection, is terrifying. Even if he doesn't use magic power, he can turn decay into magic simply by relying on his physical strength.

When you meet that kind of person, don't think about what others have or don't have, just run as far as you can.

To be honest, the young man is very unconvinced. His martial arts skills are average. The most important thing is that he has never met the kind of person he said since his debut. Although some people were praised to the extreme, they were not killed with one shot.

Unexpectedly, I actually met the kind of person the instructor mentioned today.

The young man took a breath and his eyes lit up a little.

Before taking action, he already knew who the target was, the tyrant, a being who created the myth of invincibility in the battle on the Endless Battlefield a year ago.

It's a pity that in the end, he was crippled in order to save others.

A complete idiot, although his actions made countless girls love him even more, especially Zhang Shengying and the others.

There are many strong men in this world, but there are very few who are strong and gentle and can risk everything for a beauty.

Especially for Li Su, whose magical power realm is already a mythical existence, this is even more so.

The young man admired and was jealous of his move to become a god in one battle, because for a whole month, he was the one on the headlines.

I took on several missions that year, but was suppressed every time.

Therefore, when Huang Long found him, he did not hesitate at all. Even though time was a little rushed, he rushed over immediately and took less than ten minutes through the special passage.

Kill the tyrant?

The next headline should be his, right?

A month? Half a year? Or a year?

As a passionate young man, he was very excited at the moment.

Especially Li Su's punch, although he was dumbfounded, the more it happened, the more excited he became.

Just be strong enough.

Otherwise, if you snipe and kill a loser, just because your status is high enough, there is nothing to brag about, right?

At most, someone would say that he was so audacious that he would risk his life.

Unlike the caterpillar, this young man has not been severely beaten by society and currently values ​​his reputation more than his own life.

He took a deep breath, his eyes widened, and he stared at the rising smoke without blinking.

Your Highness the Tyrant, judging from the previous three shots, you must have used a sniper rifle before, right? It's a good idea because of the smoke and dust, but times have changed a long time ago.

In the past two years, science and technology have advanced rapidly, and the era of locking with the naked eye and spiritual consciousness has long passed.

Do you think you can't be found hidden in the smoke?

Thinking too much!

You have been locked by me.

Wind speed, humidity!

Shooting angle, timing, possible dodge direction.

In an instant, the young man's pupils were vibrating, as if he had an insight into the future a few seconds later. In the next second, he pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

Seven shots!

The seventh shot will make the opponent unable to escape.

Gunshots, shots fired.

Bullets pierce the air and clouds.

In an instant, he broke through the distance of several kilometers and flew towards Li Su's location.

However, at this moment, the smoke that covered Li Su suddenly exploded and was blown away by the strong wind.


The young man was stunned, and his eyes couldn't help but widen, because Li Su's location was completely different from the location scanned by the computer through various advanced instruments.

Infrared capture, audio capture, light and shadow capture... there are seven or eight state-of-the-art instruments, all of which are wrong.


With a sound, Li Su moved.

With one step, the shoes he just bought cracked under his feet, and the ground cracked as well. He left an extremely clear footprint, and the ground with a diameter of ten meters was dented by a full inch.

He tore the air apart, and at a distance of only ten meters, he had already surpassed the sound, forming a terrifying sound barrier.

He rushed towards the location of the sniper rifle.

What a speed!

The young man was startled. His body broke through Mach? This refreshed his outlook again and again.

But yes, straight lines are the fastest.

The distance of more than 2,800 meters, measured by Mach, would be reached in eight seconds.

Unfortunately, for a sniper, this distance, even at Mach speed, is still deadly enough. Can he shoot eight?


Li Su, who stepped into the void and rushed more than a hundred meters, accelerated again at this moment, and the sound barrier became larger.


Damn it!

The young man's expression was a bit explosive, Mach 2? Four seconds?


Before he could think about it, Li Su stepped on it again, and the range of the sound barrier increased again.


The young man's scalp was numb. The speed was undoubtedly beyond his endurance. He wanted to aim, but found that he couldn't aim at all. Li Su did not fly in a straight line, but ascended by stairs.

Not only that, the two accelerations have completely different heights of improvement.

Of course, mathematical calculations will not deceive him. If you give him time, he can still calculate it.

Unfortunately, he didn't have that much time, because the call came in such a hurry, and it only took more than ten minutes to arrive and set up.

Oh shit.

The young man's face turned blue and he slowly closed his eyes, already seeing the result.

He has never lost his hair, and the myth has been shattered.

Damn, do you know how much time he spent on this achievement? It took three years, three full years, and more than two hundred assassinations to finally achieve it.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have accepted Huang Long's mission. Even if I had to accept it, I shouldn't have been in such a hurry.

Seeing Li Su rushing into the room where the sniper rifle was, the young man sighed. Unfortunately, he didn't intend to use this method, so he had no choice.

Opening the red lid next to it, he pressed it down directly.

As a senior sniper, he has hunted countless targets, and it’s not like his lair has never been found.

He never forgot the instructor's words. Once the sniper's lair was found, there would undoubtedly be only one result waiting for him. Although the young man was not afraid of death, he remembered these words.

Okay, although using bombs will disgrace your reputation as a gun devil.

You are the tyrant, and I will give you preferential treatment.

There are not many people in this world who can let me use bombs.

There are a lot of people in that building. You will find a way to stop them, right?

However, it can be considered a lesson. I didn't expect that so many electronic instruments have been deceived by the other party.

Next time, pay attention.

After getting up, the young man put away his tablet, took a bottle of Coke and opened it. After taking a sip, he glanced at Pang Zha who was tied up next to him.

"How about it, not bad, right? The target is a tyrant, and it seems you know it too, haha, yes, that's right, I killed that tyrant. From tomorrow on, I will be on the headlines, at least for a month."

His face was full of pride. As for Xia Guo's reaction? So what if there is a reaction? After this time, he will not return to the mortal world for a short time.

Once your reputation is established, will you still lose business in the future?

And the tied-up Pang Zha, whose face turned even paler, actually assassinated the tyrant? That myth from TV a year ago?

This guy is a madman, a madman.

If he meets a madman, can he still survive?

After drinking a few sips of Coke, the young man wanted to eat something but found that there was nothing. He looked at Pang Zha and said earnestly: "I'm telling you, Pang Zha, there are three treasures in the otaku, Coke, French fries, and hamburgers. You said you prepared Coke, but what the hell are these noodles? Where are the fries? Where are the burgers?"


"Is this kid an idiot?"

Having left City H, Qing Chong's eyelids kept twitching as she looked at the movement behind her. Finally, with a violent explosion, she couldn't help but roar.

The Xiaolong sniper rifle and bombs are in the urban area of ​​Xia Kingdom?

What is this? ? ?

It's all about trouble, don't you know the red line?

Large-caliber equipment cannot be used in urban areas and ordinary people cannot be affected. This is the bottom line of Xia State, okay?

The assassination of His Highness the Tyrant is already a big deal, but you want to touch another red line?

Even if he ran away today, he would definitely live worse than a dog in the future, and he would be hunted everywhere.

"Yes, he is really an idiot."

Beside, a young man in his thirties suddenly spoke.

The caterpillar was startled.

While driving, the young man said: "A year ago, when he was assassinating the target, he clearly killed him with one shot, but inexplicably fired more than twenty more shots, hitting the target's heart, delaying the retreat time, and almost died. Beaten to death.”

The caterpillar was stunned and couldn't help but widen his eyes. Then he said flatly: "Why?"

The young man was silent for a moment and then said: "To make headlines!"

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