One day, two days.

Finally, on the morning of the third day, we were only a few dozen miles away from Weizhou.

"Very good, we're almost there, just hold on."

Monk Tianming was undoubtedly very tired at the moment. Unlike Li Su and the others, who could rest for a while, although he also recovered his exercise skills, he basically remained vigilant. For two days and three nights, he did not close his eyes for even a second.

Even if you are a first-rate master, you still have a lot of energy, but your energy is undoubtedly consumed too much.


Wang Jiantong said: "Master Tianming, look at the straight road over there. There are checkpoints. Why don't we go there first and replenish food and water?" He was walking in a hurry. Although he brought a lot of dry food, it has been basically used up by now. . Basically, everyone has not eaten anything for five hours, and the last time they drank water was two hours ago.

Hearing this, the two girls Ming Yulong and Xu Jing couldn't help but light up their eyes.

I couldn't call him pampered, but this kind of march was unprecedented. From the first day on, I felt uncomfortable all over.

There must be running water at the checkpoint area. It would be nice if it could be cleaned up a little.

The eyes of Xuanci and the others were also burning at this moment. They were already hungry despite their strong bodies, and their throats seemed to be burning, which made them look forward to it with great anticipation.

Monk Tianming took a breath and glanced at everyone. Although he wanted to go as fast as possible, there was no doubt that everyone had basically reached a limit. "Okay... let's go to the checkpoint and rest for a while, and then we'll set off!"

At this moment, Li Su was undoubtedly very tired.

I originally thought that after he gained Qi, things like lactic acid would basically have nothing to do with him.

But when the amount of exercise exceeded his imagination, his body became sore as if he had no energy.

However, due to exhaustion, Li Su found that under such a rapid march, his Vajra Indestructible Magic Skill progressed rather than retreating.

The first level was immediately completed.

Once the power is exercised, although Li Su has not tried it, a large amount of 'Gang Jin' will gather under the surface, greatly improving his defense power, and even touching the blade with his hand will not leave any scars.

This is the first level, based on what the master taught him.

If the indestructible power of Vajra is not improved by one level, the defense will undergo a drastic change. By the fifth level, even if the opponent attacks with his true energy, he will not be able to hurt him if he fails to focus on his vital points.

Thinking about it, Li Su couldn't help but feel excited.

If all the Nine Levels of Vajra Indestructibility Magic Skills are mastered, there should be very few people in this world who can kill him, right?

Putting aside the reality, a few Jiazi's skills can no longer be regarded as martial arts, but should be said to be cultivation.

Of course, the Xiaoyao faction still needs to pay special attention.

After all, this sect, Xiaoyao Sect, is actually close to cultivating immortals. Let’s not mention Wu Yazi. Tianshan Tong Lao and Li Qiu Shui are almost a hundred years old. One of them looks like a girl, and the other is basically young. They are already anti-human. ?

Exhaling a breath, Li Su's eyes moved. The first level has been completely completed and he can start practicing the second level.

The second level of practice involves different celestial diagrams and different breathing methods.

This week is much smaller, with the five internal organs as the center. In terms of breathing, it is no longer about taking in a breath, but exhaling.

I thought this should be very simple, but after trying it a little bit yesterday, I realized how anti-human this thing is.

Take a breath and hold your breath, there is enough oxygen in the body, and with the real energy, it is not difficult even if you don't breathe for half an hour. But after exhaling all the energy in his body, it was difficult for Li Su to hold on to the cup of tea for half an hour. After several attempts, he almost fainted and even Zhou Tian was in chaos.

Obviously the Zhoutian path is much smaller, but the difficulty has been greatly increased.

Although it was difficult, Li Su's talent was not for show, and he successfully constructed it in just five attempts.

As he began to practice, Li Su discovered that Xiao Zhoutian also began to generate energy, but it was not directed outwards, but inwards.

That's right, all the energy generated by each round of practice goes towards Li Su's five internal organs.

Moreover, this energy is completely different in nature from the energy in the first level.

Once the energy in the first level is activated, it will be very obvious and active, but this energy is not. It is unusually calm. Except for what can be felt, there will be basically no movement, like a pool of stagnant water.

Faced with this result, Li Su couldn't help but wonder if it was because of oxygen? Probably not...?

The group of people quickly moved towards the checkpoint.

Seeing their arrival, a group of soldiers guarding the checkpoint immediately spread out their formation and began to prepare.

"Who is coming?"

The soldier who seemed to have the status of captain spoke directly.

Wang Jiantong immediately stepped forward, took out his identity token and said, "We are Jianghu people and were ordered to rush to Weizhou. Due to overwork on the road, all the supplies we brought with us were exhausted. I hope we can replenish them here."

Seeing the token, the captain still didn't dare to be careless and said: "Throw the token over."

Wang Jiantong was not surprised. During this period, inspections were naturally more stringent. After all, once someone is released, if they are spies, they will be held accountable at the checkpoint.

After catching the token and looking at it for a while, the captain nodded and asked everyone to put down their weapons and said: "Sorry, warrior, I was rude during the battle between Song and Xia."

"This is what it should be. Please ask the captain if there is any extra food here. If not, you can add some water."

Walk forward, take back the token, and enter the Wang Jian passage.

"Yes, but not much. I can replenish some dry food for you. I will ask someone to prepare it for you. By the way, go ahead and prepare water for the heroes."


Wang Jiantong turned around and nodded, while Monk Tianming waved his hand to signal everyone to take a rest.


"Sure enough, it's here!"

Beside the checkpoint, in the thatched house.

"At first, I thought it was a joke from the headquarters, but I didn't expect it to be true? Someone in Yan'an Mansion did guess His Majesty's plan. Fortunately, we had sneaked into the Song Dynasty more than a month ago, otherwise we would have It’s really troublesome. The leader should be the head of the Arhat Hall of Shaolin Temple, Monk Tianming. We should deal with him first as planned.”


Soon, the soldiers who entered the thatched hut came out carrying a bowl and a jar.

The captain's brows twitched and he immediately said: "You brave men, after a long journey, drink some water first."

He immediately called on the other soldiers to pour water and signaled it to Monk Tianming and others.

Wang Jiantong heard this and said with a smile on his face: "Thank you!"

Take the water and drink it immediately.

At this moment, even the two girls Ming Yulong didn't care that the bowl was dirty, so they took the water and drank it immediately.

Soon, the water was also handed to Li Su and Monk Tianming.

Monk Tianming bowed, "Amitabha, thank you so much."

Li Su, who was also ready to thank him, was stunned when he took the bowl.

It tastes so strong... Do you want to eat less of this meat?

There is undoubtedly a big difference in body odor between being a vegetarian all year round and eating meat all the time. Especially in ancient times, people rarely bathed. Even if they did, there was no modern soap or soap with strong detergency. This is why novels about time travel to ancient times often write that making soap will definitely make a lot of money.


The bowl was almost to his mouth, but Li Su paused and stopped.

I wasn't looking carefully just now, but when I look at it now, I see that the soldier handing him water is very different.

The shelves were huge and filled with clothes.

Obviously, the opponent is very strong in both muscles and bones.

This is wrong, very wrong, very wrong!

Li Su had seen soldiers from the Song Dynasty all the way here. Unless they were elite soldiers, ordinary soldiers were basically very thin.

Regardless of the developed economy of the Song Dynasty, in fact the military's treatment was not high, no, it should be said to be very low.

In the Song Dynasty, only the capital was considered an army in the true sense, also called the Forbidden Army. The locals are basically Xiang troops, who are mostly farmers wearing soldier uniforms. They don't usually train and have to work hard. After all, the emperor was afraid of rebellion and affecting the three armies.

And it doesn't make sense that the soldiers who set up checkpoints on this kind of road are elites or something.

After all, the purpose of this kind of checkpoint is not to stop the army, but to examine the passing people, or to report immediately if there are traces of the Xixia army.

Involuntarily, Li Su turned his head and glanced at the place where the horses were kept not far away, and then his eyes froze.

I didn't pay attention just now because it was blocked, but when I looked at it now, I realized that there were more than ten horses?

The Song Dynasty was in great need of horses.

In fact, the Central Plains has always been short of horses.

The levels will be prepared, but only one or two horses at most.

One person and one horse? Physically strong? Use such soldiers to guard the level? Did the Song Dynasty have such luxury? ?

No! ! !

Not only that, just now he just felt that the other person had a strong body odor, but now he found that the taste was very familiar to him. He had eaten a lot of it before traveling through time. It tasted like mutton.

The smell of sheep, elite soldiers, one man and one horse?

Taking a breath, Li Su broke into a cold sweat. There were so many things connected together. If you hadn't thought of it, you would be really stupid.

Xixia soldiers...!

But how is it possible, how could Xixia soldiers invade such a place? Also disguised as Song Bing?

No, this is no longer important.

What's important is that his life is in danger! ! !

Taking a breath, Li Su was like a cat with explosive fur. All the muscles in his body tensed up in an instant. He raised his head and made a sound for the first time since he traveled to this world!


At the same time, under the astonished gazes of the Xixia soldiers in front of him, his zhenqi gathered at his fingertips and pointed out without hesitation.

Two fingers have no form! ! !

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