Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 434 The Ancestor of the Earth Immortal

Hidden in the center of the fairy mountain, according to memory, the place where most of the remnants appear.

Li Su's breathing eased and he was practicing.

He has not absorbed the Tao Yun. He has too many defects. Even if he drains the Immortal Mountain, he will not be able to recover. On the contrary, he will be noticed by others.

Moreover, at the moment he has Tao Yun, and there are many of them.

The dragon horn pulled from the head of Daozi of the Hanging Sect contains a lot of Taoist rhyme, not only that, but also the true dragon inscription.

Daoyun Li Su naturally absorbed it without ceremony, but for the True Dragon Inscription, it would undoubtedly be too wasteful to absorb it directly.

This inscription is very magical.

More than half of that Daozi's power comes from this corner of his head.

In fact, if one can put aside the physical size, the Xuanxian of Xuankong Sect is not as powerful as that Daozi in the realm of golden elixir.

Although both of them can break the void, there is no doubt that the Taoist method is more amazing.

Put it this way.

Xuanxian uses space to capture Li Su.

Daozi used space to directly tear Li Su's position apart.

The concept is completely different.

The latter is a sure-hit move!

Unfortunately, he met Li Su at the wrong time!

Facing Li Su, who mastered the supreme power of the Seven Saints, he was restrained too much. His most powerful killing technique had no effect at all against the Western Saint's Glazed Body.

Being able to defeat him was entirely due to the crushing skills.

Not only that, after the dragon horn came into Li Su's hands, he immediately discovered that the Daozi's development of the dragon horn was far from reaching its limit. He had not fully absorbed everything about the dragon horn, and had not fully absorbed the true dragon's power. The inscription is completely integrated with itself.

If the two parties meet later, the other party will be at a higher level, not a golden elixir, but an immortal or higher.

This battle will not have that outcome.

A crime other than war!

In fact, Li Sutian defeated the opponent.

This dragon horn is so extraordinary that even Li Su can't bear to destroy it directly. If used properly, Da Luo can use it as his own weapon before.

Daojie is in full operation, and Li Su is analyzing the dragon horns and dragon patterns.

At the same time, the Shangqing Daoguo was also vibrating. The scriptures of the Lingbao Chapter and the Casting Chapter were shining. He was practicing. In addition to learning the Shangqing Sage's killing technique, he had another peerless magical power.

Cut off teaching, cut off teaching.

Li Su has always been confused.

The holy path of Shangqing Sage is to intercept a glimmer of life, and he is taking the completely opposite path to Yuqing Sage, going against the will of heaven.

So what exactly is his core method?

How to intercept that glimmer of life?

Is it the most powerful killing technique? Unless the Four Saints take action at the same time, is there an unbreakable Immortal Killing Sword Formation?

Not really!

As he entered the mythical world, replenished his soul, and made the Dao fruit complete, plus fighting people from the mythical world, Li Su's mind blossomed, his vision was broadened, and endless aura began to fall, 200% The talent weighting and Taoist interpretation allowed him to discover his Taoist method in an instant. Although he was not wrong, it was not completely correct.

The most powerful Taoist method of the Jiejiao Saint may be the Four Swords of Zhuxian, but it is not his strongest Taoist tradition!

His strongest lineage should be to refine heaven and earth into treasure!

Supreme Purity Lingbao Tianzun!

The word "Lingbao" is not for nothing, it is real.

Li Su had tried it before and truly realized the horror of the casting chapter, as well as his own mistakes at the current stage.

The Qingping Sword and the Four Swords of Killing Immortals are indeed the means he will finally master.

But that was after Daluo, a pseudo-sage, a power that could only be grasped and exploded in the realm of a saint.

Now, he is far from worthy of that kind of power. Although he has great power, due to his own condition, it is extremely limited, and the effect is far less powerful than the techniques suitable for him.

Just like Daozi of the Xuankong Sect, Kong has terrifying power, but in fact he cannot exert it at all.

Yes, what he needs now is not the most powerful magical power!

With the Seven Saints Chapter as the foundation, he has already created a Tao body with a supreme foundation, both externally and internally.

Therefore, for him now, the supreme is not necessary.

What is needed is the Taoist magical power that corresponds to one's own realm and can explode with absolute strength.

He wants to refine the treasure!

Taking the Lingbao chapter as the core, you can refine a magic weapon that suits your own seven saints' orthodoxy.

Why the Lingbao chapter?

Because the saint's way he practiced was too extreme and overbearing.

There is no possibility of cooperation or even fusion between them. Every path is telling a story.

I am the only one in the world!

Only the Great Way of Shangqing Tianzun is different.

Although he was also extremely domineering, he left a little leeway for Li Su.

This is undoubtedly related to the way of the Sage of the Supreme Purity. The so-called interception of a glimmer of life gives the extremely domineering Saint of the Supreme Purity a touch of gentleness.

Otherwise, even if the Tao Qing Tao emphasizes inaction, it will definitely not allow other forces.

Because we do nothing, we do everything.

Sage Taiqing's way, speaking truthfully, is no worse than that of Sage Yuqing, but Yuqing takes the kingly and domineering road. The so-called general trend is mine. Saint Taiqing seems to be a lot gentler, as if he were boiling a frog in warm water.

Look at the yin and yang millstone, which uses the six poles to form power and swallows all things to nourish itself.

The so-called Tao gives birth to one, and gives rise to two.

On the other hand, one can naturally nourish one by two, and the other by cultivating the Tao.

This tyranny is not on the surface, but deep down.

This is true for all the saints of the Three Purities, including Nuwa, Houtu, Jieyin, and Zhunti. They are so domineering to the core.

In fact, Li Su was a little lucky, because the incomplete Tao allowed him to integrate the Seven Saints' Tao into one body.

Otherwise, when he learns one supreme skill, there is a high probability that although he can also learn other supreme skills, he will not be able to fully master them anyway because the holy way is not integrated.

Thanks to the incomplete Taoism of the outside world, the tyranny in the Saint's Avenue was not revealed, giving him the opportunity to do everything in one go.



In his mind, Li Su's Shangqing Dao Fruit wielded the forged divine hammer, using his own mana as firewood, soul light as the refining material, mind as the refining material, and Tao Yun as the refining material.

He was hammering, and pounding.

This beating did not hit some kind of magic weapon, or the shape in memory.

This is the invisible form.

It is the Tao body, the carrying body.

It is the most miraculous casting technique in the Lingbao chapter and the casting chapter.

The material itself determines its direction!

The Six Saints Path Fruit felt that every time Li Su struck it, the Six Saints Path Fruit would release a trace of its own energy and blend into the struck crystal.

Something is being nurtured quietly, little by little.

The speed is not fast, but it is generating, evolving, and evolving.

Li Su's aura is changing!

All these thoughts, considerations, and understandings over the past few years have turned into results and changed dramatically at this moment.

Li Su, who was already at the limit of the divine power stage, wanted to make progress. Originally, he could only achieve enlightenment, send the fruits of the path into the long river of the world, and start immortalization.

At this moment, he quietly shattered the established path, broke it open, and blazed a new path, taking the next step in the Fusion of God Stage.

Of course, the road is still very shallow and far from deep enough.

Even Li Su, the founder, is still exploring and has no way of knowing what is gestating in the depths.

Taking a long breath, Li Su couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth, and a smile appeared on his face.

To be honest, he felt pressure, tremendous pressure.

Ten Fire Golden Pills, this means, extraordinary.

The mythical world has a way to break the mirror, which is not a good thing for outsiders like them.

The three fires are comparable to the four transformations, and the six fires are obviously stronger than the five transformations.

Of course, the five modernizations here are still a little different.

The five transformations of teachers and others are naturally inferior to them. After all, they master the supreme chapter. Although they are not at the saint level, they are only at the holy way level.

But even so, according to Li Su's feelings, Rongshen and Jindan were much worse.

Especially Shi Huo, even if Li Su wins, it doesn't mean that he really doesn't care. In fact, the opponent is really strong. If the Taoist level can go outside, he can crush almost everything, and some immortals will be chased. Hit.

Originally, there were many strong people in the world of mythology, and they were far further than them in realm, which was not bad.

Not only that, is the Ten Fire Golden Pill really the limit of this world?

According to the memory obtained by Li Su, the place where the Ten Fire Golden Pills can become a genius is only in the middle region of the mythical world.

So here comes the question.

The Mythical Realm not only has the Middle Realm, but above the Middle Realm, there are also the East and West Upper Realms, and above the Upper Realm, there is also the Forbidden Realm.

Let’s roughly divide the situation in the mythological world.

The forbidden area is located deep in the east and west ends, which is the black and red zone explored by Xia Kingdom.

Then there are the East Upper Territory and the West Upper Territory, which are divided into two parts with the center as the boundary, mainly occupying the blood red and big red areas.

Next are the four middle regions of Central South, Central North, Central West, and Middle East, mainly in the medium red and light red areas.

Finally, there is the soil where Li Su lives now, the Lower Domain, located in the yellow area.

The above corresponding situations can also make you feel how terrible the mythical world is.

In the yellow area, the gods are the ancestors!

Light red, medium red, Xuanxian is respected.

Big red, blood red, I'm afraid Da Luo is involved.

As for Black and Red, the realm of false saints!

After cutting off the existence of the three corpses, the state is comparable to that of a saint, only short of enlightenment!

If he really goes on step by step, let alone the black and red areas, it will attract the existence of the bright red and blood red areas. He will most likely die, he will really die!

Shaking his head, Li Su took a deep breath and opened a new path, which meant that he could be stronger.

Once he completes the Dao and transforms into an immortal, he will undoubtedly have higher combat effectiveness.


Li Su was suddenly startled and couldn't help but open his eyes.

At this moment, not far from him, a scene emerged, a picture was generated, and a figure appeared inside.

In an instant, Li Su's pupils shrank, his expression suddenly changed, he almost jumped up, turned around and ran away.

What's this?

Damn, what on earth is this? ? ?

According to the scene in the memory, the appearance of the Dao Mark will be accompanied by some pictures, in which a back figure will appear, which is the legendary ancestor of the Earth Immortal. There is a trace of him left on it, pointing directly to the Dao.

But what about Li Su?

What did he see?

What he saw was not a back figure, but a corpse! ! !

It was broken from the shoulder to the clavicle, and most of the body was torn apart. The internal organs and bones were all visible.

The back figure has no breath. It has died long ago and has experienced the invasion of endless years.

However, the flow of time did not have even the slightest impact on him. On the contrary, there were terrifying Dao patterns rising and falling on his body. Every Dao rhyme on his body was like a shining star, filled with terrifying the power of.

There is emotion in the picture.

It is the last thought of the deceased before his death.

He is angry and murderous! !

Therefore, the world in the picture is also roaring and shaking.

In the sky, billions of thunders kept beating, and meteors and fire rain kept falling. On the earth, endless fire is erupting, and a trillion-level tsunami is exploding.

The whole world is oscillating, going crazy, and wailing because of the last emotions of this dead man.

That is doomsday, that is destruction, that is disaster! ! !

The idea of ​​a saint-level being dying in anger created a terrible massacre that would destroy all living beings in the world and could not be calmed down for billions of years.


Li Su couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, with an extremely horrified look on his face, and was shocked by this scene.

Is it that one?

Is it the legendary one?

The figure did not respond.

He just stood there, even though half of his body was cracked, but he never fell down. In the apocalypse, he looked at the sky without saying a word.

Li Su couldn't help but be stunned, and his thoughts couldn't stop exploding.

Is it an external demon? Are they those aliens?

Even the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, who is called the ancestor of the Earth Immortal and has gone through endless years of prehistoric times and still appeared in the Tribulation of Journey to the West, can't survive?

What happened in ancient times?

To what extent did the battles of that century reach? ? ?

Li Su was shocked and couldn't stop thinking about it.

Very suddenly, the screen moved.

The body of death suddenly raised its hand and pointed a finger at the sky. Beyond the billions of thunders, there were stars in the sky.

"Foreigners, die!"


God, it's broken!

The entire sky exploded, the atmosphere was overturned, and billions of cubic meters of air were shattered.

Outside the planet, everything was exposed.

However, what made Li Su even more horrified was that the side that should have been the infinite starry sky was occupied by a huge body, a black wriggling figure.

It has countless eyes and exudes astonishing malice. Even across the screen, Li Su can't help but feel scared.

Suddenly, a huge hand appeared on the sky.

With a gentle movement of the palm, a huge sleeve appeared, containing years and a long river of stars, not a large section, not hundreds of thousands, but years and stars from one era to another.

In an instant, the huge body was taken in, covered by the long map of the history of the era, baptized by endless years, and impacted by endless stars.

The huge body was instantly shattered. Unable to withstand the terrifying power, it screamed and wailed, and was destroyed.

"Zhenyuan Immortal, Zhenyuan Immortal!!!"

Deep in the starry sky, a giant beast was wailing. It let out an extremely angry roar and roared at the figure who should obviously be dead.


A big hand formed, ten thousand times bigger than the stars, and rushed out.

In an instant, in the depths of the deep sky, countless stars were wiped out.

There is a huge shadow, strangled by that terrifying hand, but destroyed.

"Great Immortal Zhenyuan, Great Immortal Zhenyuan!!! One era, one era, another era, how long can you hold on?"

A gloomy voice sounded, with a mocking voice.

"It's nothing more than the passage of life and death."


Another roar sounded, and in an instant the color of the sky changed, the deep sky disappeared, the thunder returned, and the sky fire was turbulent.


Li Su couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, staggered a few steps, and woke up from the picture. When he looked at it, the center position was no longer in the picture.

It was replaced by a dao mark. Not only that, there was something glowing in the dao mark.

Without waiting for Li Su to react, the luminous object flew out and instantly melted into Li Su's eyebrows.



It is a black token with words engraved on the front and back. The words are very old and have the breath of time. They are words that Li Su does not recognize but can understand. This is the text of Taoism, the text of the great road!

This is?

With this token, you can enter my dojo and get a ginseng fruit!

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