Upper domain!

It is located between the bright red and dark red areas on the map of Xia Guofu.

It's a beautiful, yet extremely dangerous location.

The beauty lies in the concentration of extraordinary particles in the upper realm, which is astonishing. It is more than ten times that of the middle realm. Such a rich concentration of extraordinary particles has led to this place, where there are many immortal caves, strange treasures everywhere, and countless fairy flowers and divine grasses.

The mountains here are flying in the sky, and the rivers are flowing in the sky.

Nourished by spiritual energy, it floats above the clouds, hanging high above the world, as if in a fairyland.

Not only that, the most interesting thing is that this place is connected to the sky, above the clouds where the fairy mountain is located, and you can enter another world just by stretching out your hand.

The energy there is chaotic, the air is thin, and there are endless stars dotting it.

These stars are almost as big as grains of rice, forming a huge ocean deep outside the sky, with an almost endless end.

Of course, if he identifies a larger starlight and flies towards it, Daluo may be able to get close to it after spending several years.

Once you get close, you will find that this star is extremely huge, and there is terrifying power gathered in it. Once it exceeds a certain limit, it will produce an extremely terrifying suction force, pulling people over and making it impossible to escape.

Often, dangerous.

Even Da Luo may be killed if he accidentally falls into some stars.

After talking about the beautiful and wonderful scenery, let’s return to the dangers.

As an upper domain, the dangers here can be imagined. It is too close to the Jedi, right at the door of the underworld, and there is almost no peaceful moment three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

Occasionally, the sky will rain blood continuously for three to five months, and it will continue continuously, and the earth will turn into a sea of ​​blood, which is still endless.

From time to time, a cold light like the moonlight shines out, the earth is covered with silver frost, and the sky is frozen with strange and sharp ice flowers.

From time to time, there will be Yin soldiers traveling, and there are extremely many of them, millions or tens of millions. They are wearing battle armor, holding weapons, and have ferocious expressions, as if they are going to have a decisive battle with someone. Once they appear, the Tao Yun between heaven and earth will condense, All spells were unable to be used and were covered by the terrifying murderous intent.

Sometimes a mountain made of knives flows out, sometimes it's a sea of ​​fire, sometimes iron trees grow out of the ground, sometimes it looks like a steamer, sometimes there are red-hot iron pillars, sometimes big rocks keep falling down.

The earth under the clouds is like hell, with eighteen levels of purgatory alternating with each other.

And there is no doubt that no matter what kind, if a person falls into it, his flesh and blood will turn into mud and his bones will turn into ashes within a short time. The true spirit will not be able to escape, and will be swept away by it, leaving no trace from then on.

Golden elixir stage monks are like ants here. Only the immortals have a little bit of capital to survive. Only those above the Xuanxian realm can be considered to have certain capital to survive in this terrible place.


Li Su was sent here by the Jiejiao Saint. In the east direction of the Western Regions Chapter, there is only one high mountain standing above the clouds for thousands of miles.

That's called Jie Tian City!

It was a saint from the Jiejiao religion who, with his great supernatural powers, moved a hundred thousand nearby mountains and assembled them together. Rather than saying it is a mountain, it is better to say that this is a vast land.

This city is connected by a formation, with great avenues running through it horizontally and vertically, with the Li Brand on it, and covered by a network of roads.

There are one hundred and eight Dao characters engraved on the Dao network. They complement each other and release shocking power at every moment. Thunder and earth fire are intertwined, and space storms can be seen surrounding it.

In order to ensure sufficient water in the city, the saint went to the outer starry sky and caught ten huge mercury stars. There was endless water in them. He opened a hole in each and turned into a waterfall, flowing down from the top of the mountain and surrounding Jietian City, washing the water. All the filth is falling down, and it will not stop for thousands of years.

In this city, there are sun, moon and stars above, and four seasons and wind and rain below.

It's like a realm within a realm, so beautiful that it's endless.

It’s a wonderful sight, and it’s even more stunning.

There is no doubt that it can be said to be the central city and the largest city in the upper domain.

Even other major religions cannot compare with it.

Some people may ask, what is the purpose of such luxury? To show off? This seems to be the tradition of Jiejiao. On Jin'ao Island in ancient times, when thousands of immortals come to court, it can be said that the effect is very effective.

Now, Li Su can tell you that that thing is already insulated from the current Jiejiao. The Jin'ao Island and the Ten Thousand Immortals Coming to Court are all lessons learned from vomiting blood.

Standing at the gate of Jietian City, looking at the information on the life card, Li Su had a dark expression.

Entry fee, 1 merit point.

And staying in the city will consume some merit points every month. By the way, it is on the bottom floor.

There are a thousand floors in Jietian City. For each floor you go up, the merit points consumed will increase by one.

In other words, if you stay on the thousandth level for a month, you will have to spend a thousand merit points, which is worth as much as killing a thousand Ten Fire Golden Pills.

This is just staying inside, and does not include accommodation, practice, food, and fun.

If you want to carry out those activities, depending on the class, the daily consumption price can range from a minimum of ten bronzes to an unlimited ceiling.

There is no limit to the number of gods.

Some people here may ask, if it is so expensive, is there anyone living in Jietian City?


Li Su, who was standing at the door, was told that the places below the 700th floor were already full. If he wanted to go in, he could only go up to the 700th floor.

Li Su, who just thought he was rich, suddenly smelled of poverty.

That's right, this Jietian City is used to make money.

The originally extremely beautiful Hanging City was now like a wild animal in Li Su's eyes, with money visible to the naked eye falling into it.

"The one in front, can you get in?"

Just when Li Su's face turned dark, he heard a voice behind him.

Obviously, although he was sent here by the saint, he did not go through the legendary VIP channel exclusive to Daozi. To put it bluntly, there is no such thing as Jiejiao. The so-called Daozi can only get a 30% discount on certain things. In other respects, there is no privilege at all.

Just to mention it casually, there are nine-five entry disciples, nine formal disciples, eighty-five outer disciples, eight inner disciples, seventy-five true disciples, and seven Taoists.

This is the only treatment given by Professor Jie.

Therefore, when Li Su came, he had to wait in line for a long time, almost doubting his life, before it was his turn.

Can you get in or not?

Nonsense, proceed naturally.

When he was queuing just now, it showed that the lowest level he could enter was the 670th floor. When he waited, it directly changed to the 700th floor.

If I don't go in now, I'm afraid I won't be able to live directly on the 900th floor again and again.

The further up you go, the fewer spaces there are.

Although the sizes are the same, there are only 1,000 people on the 1,000th floor, 2,000 on the 99th floor, and 3,000 on the 998th floor. From this point on, the lower the floor, the more people can live there.

After all, after spending a thousand times the money on the first floor, the treatment is naturally very generous. I guarantee that you will feel anxious after staying there for three days.

Seeing the more than 700 merit points deducted from the life card, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath, feeling a bit toothache, which was equivalent to 2,100 pure gold. Why didn't he ask when he came? How nice would it be to ask? Asked to see if he comes.

Um? You ask, if it’s so expensive, why doesn’t Li Su leave?

Why doesn't he want to leave?

I just ran to the teleportation array and asked.

The upper realm is completely different from the middle realm. If the realm is not enough, there is no ground for you to walk on. Now the blood rain season has just passed outside. Not to mention that the blood rain itself is highly corrosive. The immortal can withstand it for up to three seconds. This will soon be In the Knife Mountain Season, there are steel knives that go up, down, left, and right, and each steel knife is almost equivalent to a full-power blow from an immortal.

In Li Su's case, he can probably withstand one hundred and eight thousand knives. No doubt, he's so good.

And Knife Mountain is not very fast either. It can stab him with about 3,000 knives in one second. Counting 108,000 knives, he can actually hold on for about 36 seconds. It is undoubtedly very impressive and can knock out countless eyeballs.

Then, he had to drive Hexi to the west.

When the golden elixir period is in the upper realm, there is no way to go!

So, the only way is to teleport.

However, Jietian City is located deep in the upper domain, and there is no direct transmission channel to the middle domain. You have to make a transfer first.

There are one thousand and eighty transmission nodes in the entire upper domain.

There are one hundred and eight groups, ten groups in total, corresponding to the ten central hanging cities.

Jie Tian City is not among these ten groups. It is alone and ranked at the most peripheral node. If Li Su wants to go there, he has to pass through almost fifty nodes from Jietian City before he can reach Shangming City, where the Shangming Sect is located in the teleportation array leading to the Central Territory.

When flying to Shangming City, one node is calculated as one thousand points of merit, which is exactly fifty-four thousand points of merit.

You ask, if it’s so expensive, how do people from outside come here? Go bankrupt?

Of course not!

There is a speed limit for transportation. Extra-slow trains stop at every station, while express trains only stop at the end. The prices are completely different. Furthermore, the prices are different for single-player teleportation and multi-player teleportation.

If many people sit very slowly, fifty-four nodes will only cost fifty-four red gold coins. For those who can survive in the upper domain, this amount of money is still enough.

How much can I use if I live here for two months? It rose to 20,000 points.

So, Li Su signed up directly to enter the city without looking back.

Seven hundred and thirty floors.

It is the place where he lives, with a population of 270,000.

When you were outside, you couldn't tell it, but when you entered, you immediately discovered that Jietian City was very, very big.

Moreover, spells were cast and covered.

Standing at the edge, you can see circles and circles of houses, people, and commercial streets that get bigger and bigger as you go down.

Countless people were swarming back and forth like ants.

And he seemed to be stepping on them, looking down from above.

But when you look up, all you can see is the sky. There are day and night, sunrise, moonlight, and stars all over the sky. Sometimes there is rain, wind, and snow.

From this unique perspective, in an instant, I feel like I have paid back all the 730 merit points.

Moreover, while it is magnificent, there is also a trace of regret, that is, there is an island hanging in the center, as if to explain to you that there is something higher above.

Here, there are mountains, rivers and lakes.

The mountain is in the center, and the river falls from the sky, forming a huge waterfall that passes through the center of the mountain. Part of it falls on this boundary, and the rest flows further down.

With Hollow Mountain as the center, there are countless buildings. There are no more than 270,000 residential buildings. They are all small three-story independent buildings with an area of ​​about 700 to 800 square meters.

The road is straight and flat. The roadside is planted with exotic flowers and plants, and there are towering trees. In the direction of the lake, there are egrets. They are nourished by spiritual energy all year round. They are pleasing to the eye and full of spirituality.

There are small animals on the lawn, including deer, rabbits, and horses, all of which are spiritual animals.

The extraordinary particles in the upper realm are more than ten times those in the middle realm. So here on the 700th floor, there are probably ten times more than that multiplied by seven.

It's so rich that when you take a breath, you feel like your realm is improving.

The environment is extremely pleasant. The most important thing is that hands-on combat is not allowed in Jietian City. If you have to go to the challenge platform, all forms of duels are welcome there, including life and death. Duels will also be set up according to the realms of both participants. If the field is willing to be provided for people to watch, the one who is alive afterward can still get dividends.

If there is a challenge, there are also special places for refining weapons, refining medicines, trading, etc. You can use, buy and sell them for a certain fee, and there is no limit.

We provide one-stop services for consumption. As long as everything related to money is beyond your imagination, there is nothing that Jiejiao cannot do.

For example, there is a large palace-like building in the south corner. People are coming and going there, some with excited expressions, some with crazy faces, and some with discouraged faces. Looking at the introduction of the fortune cards, there is a casino over there.

Next to the casino, there is a brothel, and it is also a cultural and military institution.

There is everything inside, including people, monsters, monsters, ghosts, insects, and trees. As long as you have needs and dare to go in, you can find everything.

On the opposite side of the south and to the north, there is a large amusement park, with rotating magic disks, flying swords, pirate magic ships, riding dragons, and fire phoenixes, it is a dazzling sight.

Li Su couldn't help but took a deep breath. Well, let's go see the room first!

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