Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 514 Historical Error Old Scenery on the Cliff

"Under the cliff should refer to the strange place formed under the Great Sage Canyon in Huaguo Mountain."

Hong Jin thought for a while and then said: "That place is very unique. It is a huge alien space inside. Its situation is very special. Ordinary people will get lost and cannot find the direction when they go in. Only those with a high degree of enlightenment can Only when people enter it can they react and see things that others cannot see."

Li Su was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but speak, wondering: "Did you just see something? Why is there any need to enter? And why do you invite so many people there?"

"The scene inside is related to the ancient times. According to the sect's analysis, it should be an old scene that existed before the ancient times were destroyed, and it was silenced there."

Hongjin said softly: "Your Highness, do you know that the world of mythology today is not complete, it is incomplete?"

Li Su nodded. After the great destruction of the ancient times, the entire prehistoric continent was shattered. The four continents collapsed, and countless caves and paradises sank. In the end, only some of them remained, and they were reorganized to form the current mythical world.

This point has been recorded even in Xia Guo's information. Most of it is just speculation based on limited information. Jiejiao's information is much more complete. He has also read it and paid for it.

Today's mythical world is actually less than 1% of the original prehistoric world. The reason why it is mainly divided into two regions, east and west, is because the fragments in the north and south are very small.

In ancient times, there were four major states in the ancient world.

Shenzhou in the east, Zhanzhou in the south, Luzhou in the north, and Niuzhou in the west.

Among them, the remaining fragments of Dongsheng Shenzhou and Xihe Niuzhou are larger, and the remaining fragments of Zhanzhou and Beijuluzhou in the south are less than one thousandth.

Therefore, in terms of boundaries, the Southern Territory and the Northern Territory are relatively small, especially the Northern Territory, which has less than one ten thousandth. Moreover, there is heavy snow all year round, the temperature is extremely low, and the environment is extremely harsh, making it difficult to survive even in the Immortal Stage.

"Your Highness, do you know that the Mythical Realm is not friendly to people from the Outer Realm? Their flesh and blood souls can eliminate the evil nature of the creatures in the Mythological Realm. Once they appear, they are almost inevitable targets for killing. But even so, there are still people in the Outer Realm for thousands of years. Come here and never stop, why?”

Li Su was startled. He naturally knew that because the Taoist rhyme was incomplete, as a person from outside the land who had completed the completion once, he naturally understood clearly that whether in the human world or the earthly and immortal world, the Taoist rhyme was severely damaged, as if There are two sides of Yin and Yang. There is only one side outside, and the other side is missing.

Could it be?

He thought of a possibility, but did not show it. Instead, he shook his head deliberately and said: "I don't know!"

Not far away, Zhong Yan also pricked up her ears. When she heard something related to herself, she naturally couldn't miss it.

"Although people from the outside world have no evil nature, the Dao in their bodies is naturally incomplete. The complete Dao seems to have been cut off. There are major problems. If one achieves the realm of immortals in one way, there will be problems in terms of combat power. Let’s not mention it for now, but there is no doubt that the next road will be cut off directly, let alone the saints, even Da Luo and Tai Yi will not be able to break through.”

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the other party took the initiative to contact me, Jiejiao, and spent money to ask questions in this regard. Since they were all human beings, I gave them the answer and asked them to directly contact the mythical world after completing the golden elixir. Come and become a heavenly being."

Li Su was stunned, and so was Zhong Yan.

"You are lying!!!"

Before Li Su could speak, Zhong Yan suddenly shouted loudly and spoke angrily.

Hong Jin was startled for a moment, then looked back at the other party and said calmly: "Lying? To you? In front of His Highness? What's the need?"

At this moment, Li Su also had doubts deep in his eyes.

This was not acting, so there was no need for Hong Jin to deceive him, but obviously, this was undoubtedly somewhat contradictory.

Because as Xia Kingdom moved forward, the history of the human race there was only a thousand years old.

Obviously, the time span between the mythical world and the human race over there is one to one. There is no time difference, hundreds of thousands of years ago.


At this time, there is nothing wrong with it.

Here, the rumor that the ancient times were shattered was hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Outside, the ancient Great Destruction happened thousands of years ago. This is a time gap of hundreds of times. Why are there records of the Great Destruction in both worlds? This is unreasonable!

Zhong Yan had a sneer on her face and did not explain, but at this moment she was extremely vigilant in her heart. The human race has experienced the Great Destruction in just a thousand years. You said that people from outside the world came into contact with you hundreds of thousands of years ago? Isn't this a joke?

Sure enough, the other party is no different from other people in the mythical world. He treats himself like this. He is simply deliberately playing a trick. He wants to use her as a breakthrough point to gain favor, and he intends to obtain other people's information from her.

Haha, this is simply delusional!

Hong Jin frowned. Although she didn't know why, she could feel that the woman in front of her had become extremely hostile to all people in the mythical world again.

As a subordinate, although he didn't know why His Highness would bring such a troublesome person with him, Hong Jin knew what he should do, which was to handle the team's atmosphere well, and there must be no internal problems.

"Your Highness, please allow me to be rude."

Li Su had no objection. At this moment, he also had many questions in his heart and hoped to get answers. He nodded immediately and said: "It's okay. I'm also a little curious. Our Jiejiao actually had contact with the human race outside hundreds of thousands of years ago. Seeing the other party before The reaction to contacting us should be that it was the first time he learned about the teachings of Jie Jiao and not cannibalism."

Hong Jin nodded, looked at Zhong Yan and said calmly: "You should feel honored because His Highness accepted you, so I have to explain to you."

Zhong Yan sneered, you continue, but do you want me to believe you? hehe!

Hong Jin didn't look at the other party's expression and just said calmly: "The flesh and blood souls of outsiders are a great supplement to the creatures of the mythical world. They can be regarded as rare treasures. Although this description is a bit excessive, there is no doubt that it is. A tremendous resource.”

"Indeed, your fate is unpredictable. Even Taiyi would have a hard time making causal calculations on you who are only at the level of Jindan."

"But that doesn't mean that Daluo realm can't do it, and saints can't do it."

"If the saint is willing to die, do you think that an outsider who is no more than a mere immortal at the highest level can escape the saint's speculation?"

Zhong Yan was stunned, and Li Su also took a breath. Indeed, let alone Da Luo, the realm of saints is too far beyond. If they take action, unless outsiders have a treasure like him that can shield their own cause and effect. , otherwise it would be too easy to be discovered.

It was him, who obviously had a treasure, but because of a causal thing, he was immediately targeted and almost killed.

If it had been anyone else, they wouldn't have survived at all. They would have been quickly discovered and found.

Zhong Yan's eyes narrowed. After all, the word saint was not unfamiliar to her. She had heard it too many times. Although she had never seen him take action, there was no doubt that it was beyond the concept she could understand and was extremely terrifying.


Because there are records in the Xia Kingdom that there are terrible beings in the mythical world. Mentioning their names will be perceived by them, and they will find you through cause and effect. Even if they are hundreds of millions of miles apart, a thought can kill you.

If you just say a name casually, you will be discovered by the other party. You can kill with a thought even though you are hundreds of millions of miles away. What is the concept of that?

"Indeed, saints don't care about evil nature. They have already transcended. In fact, they are in the Daluo realm, and your flesh and blood is of little significance. But this does not mean that there is none. In fact, under Taiyi, your flesh and blood and soul are still It is of the highest quality and can effectively solve the problem of evil nature."

"When you first appeared, you were just like Da Luo. You were constantly hunting, and almost no fish slipped through the net."

"It wasn't until later that your existence was noticed by the saint. After several meetings, Da Luo was finally prohibited from going down personally. The reason why this restriction could not reach the Taiyi surface is because only the great religion can suppress the evil nature. Yes, and Taiyi generally cannot afford the high fees, the most important thing is to avoid people who are interested in using this as an excuse. After all, even a saint must first take care of the creatures of the mythical world, not the relatively small number of human races in the outside world."

Having said this, Hong Jin paused before continuing: "So, if you have the soil to survive in the mythical world, it is because the 'saint' gave you permission, not because you can't find it!"

Zhong Yan was stunned. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't utter a word at the moment. Because if she didn't know the power of the saint, she would naturally be able to refute the opponent without hesitation. But if she knew it, if the saint really wanted to If you want to do something about outsiders like them, it will be like an ant nest that is seen by others. Life and death cannot be decided by oneself.

Li Su's eyes also flashed, and he was a little shocked. There was no doubt that the explanation given by Hong Jin was very reasonable. If he didn't mention it, the others would not be suppressed by the treasure.

But what about the time gap of hundreds of thousands of years?

This ratio is really too big.

Not one to ten, but one to hundreds.

Moreover, the most important thing is that in the entire history of the outside human race, there has never been any record of contact with the great religion of the mythical world. If there had been any, the sages would have established communication methods long ago.


For a moment, both Li Su and Zhong Yan couldn't help but feel doubtful.

After Hong Jin saw that Zhong Yan stopped talking, she turned to look at Li Su and continued: "Your Highness, I told you about the situation of people outside the territory and the situation in the mythical world before. Now I have returned to the place under the cliff. problem."

Li Su nodded, most likely understanding what the other party was going to say.

"Are you saying that there is also a problem with Tao in the mythical world? Is the old scene under the cliff related to Tao?"

Hong Jin smiled and said, "Yes, but it's a little different."

"no the same?"

"Well, first of all, the Tao of the mythical world is complete. There is no doubt about it. The old scene under the cliff is not more complete than the Tao of the mythical world. Rather, it is more!"


"Your Highness, before the Great Destruction, that is, in ancient times, it was very glorious. There were countless innate demons and billions of terrifying creatures. It is said that at the peak of the Heavenly Court, there were hundreds of thousands of Daluo alone, hundreds of millions of Taiyi, and almost endless immortals. .

That period was extremely glorious. Not to mention the most powerful Heavenly Saints, there were hundreds of corpse-killing Saints.

Therefore, an extremely bright mythical era was created.

The number of innate avenues has been sorted out to be so numerous that they are almost endless. The avenues all over the sky hang high in the sky, and at a glance they are like a galaxy and an ocean, endless. "

Hong Jin's tone was a bit ethereal, and she was extremely looking forward to and yearning for the ancient scenery. For practitioners, even if there were big problems in that era and it was shattered, for those who wholeheartedly seek the Tao, it is still a fairyland and a dream.

Heard the Tao in the morning and died in the evening.

This is no joke. For seekers, if they understand, they will die, and if they do not understand, they will live. They will choose the former without hesitation. Immortality is long, and people may be able to bear it if they live for hundreds or hundreds of years, but if it lasts for thousands or thousands of years, that is another matter.

The longer you practice, the weaker your emotions will be, and all desires and other things will be gone. In the infinite time, when everything is known, everything is used to it, there is no sense of freshness, everything has been experienced, and everything has become numb. Under this, in fact, living will become a huge pain. This is similar to the state of a sage after chasing the girl he has longed for and successfully hitting the base. Because the desire is vented, the expectation is lowered. Maybe it is still fresh a few times, and it is not boring after dozens of times, but it can be used by hundreds of people. After thousands of times, problems will naturally arise. This is why flash marriages usually don’t last more than three years.

With a look of great regret on his face, Hong Jin sighed: "Unfortunately, everything was destroyed with the coming of the Great Destruction. Those excavated avenues were shattered and destroyed, and everything was dissipated. Between heaven and earth, it no longer appears.”

"The Tao of the mythical world is complete, but at the same time it is also hidden. Go under the cliff and look at the old scenes inside. If you are lucky enough, you may be able to see the hidden things that are no longer visible between heaven and earth. The true avenue.”

"The reason why we go in a group is because everyone has a different understanding of Tao. The more people there are, the more old scenes will be shown. Of course, people with higher understanding often see more old scenes, but this Under these mutual reflections, even people with low understanding can expand the old scene they can see and gain more benefits."

"However, it is not safe under the cliff, there are certain dangers, and you need to meet certain standards before you can go there."

"The security issue is because of the old scene itself. According to the descriptions of people who entered it in the past, the time when it was cut off should have happened just before it was destroyed. Therefore, there is an ominous factor in it, involving the destruction of the mythical world."

"If your Highness wants to go, please remember that you can view the old scenery and step into it, but you must not go deep. The deeper you go, the greater the danger. Once there is a situation around you, please retreat immediately. Your Highness's Taoist Jade Pendant There is a strange power in it that can protect His Highness from intrusion in a short period of time. As long as you retreat quickly, you can ensure safety."

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