Under the cliff.

It's not quite right to describe it this way.

If you want to describe it, you should use words like abyss to express the scene you feel after walking into it.

There is an extremely huge crack in the void.

Too big, too big.

It is completely beyond words to describe. The chasm stretches from the foot to the ground with no end in sight.

The two sides of the chasm were also very fast and incredibly wide.

The vision of immortals is very terrifying. From a distance of thousands of miles, you can see even the lines on the feet of ants clearly. If you use Taoist and magical powers, you can undoubtedly see further, even if you stand under the sky. It can penetrate the sky and look directly into the universe without using any instruments. Even stars that are several light-years away can be seen clearly and what scene is under the star can be captured.

This kind of vision is very amazing. Not only can it be enlarged, but it can also be reduced. Even the smallest bacterial surface can be directly captured by the naked eye. No texture can escape, even the atomic surface can be detected.

With such visual support, the width of this huge gap was still too huge for Li Su and others who entered, making their vision blurry.

It can only vaguely capture the barrier of the chasm, where extremely terrifying energy is flowing and flowing downward.

No amount of words can describe the sight of this terrible chasm at this moment.

The only feeling is that if another map of the Milky Way is placed in front of me at this moment, then this gap can penetrate the entire Milky Way and cut through it.

Why do you feel this way?

Because on the barrier of the chasm, something is flowing downwards along with that terrifying power.

Some were corpses, broken arms, cracked spines, half collapsed, and skulls with sharp angles, which were still the size of a human head even though they were several light years away.

There are also stars, surrounding a huge star ring, with three or five satellites. Half of the body is sunk in the terrifying energy flowing through the broken wall, and the other half is exposed.

The magnitude of this impact can no longer be described in a few words. He has obviously achieved the realm of immortality. At this moment, in front of this huge gap, there is only one feeling, and that is how insignificant he is.

Shocked, shocked.

Even though Xi Chan taught Taozi, who was prepared in his heart and had obviously been here before, Gao Hua squeezed his fist again and again at this moment. It was obviously not the first time, but he was still shocked by this stunning scene.

After a long time, he took a breath and slowly said: "I think everyone already understands the situation here, right?"

"It can be said that if this place is not there, and this is just a corner of the picture, not the real location, we people may not even have room to struggle, and we will be torn apart and shattered by this huge gap.

Therefore, I would like to remind you again and again, everyone, do your best, and don’t get addicted to it just because of what you see. Although this place is just a corner of the scene, the picture still contains indescribable unpredictability and horror. , once lost, it will be lost, and the soul will not be able to return. "

After listening to Gao Hua's words, everyone came back to their senses and couldn't help but take a deep breath. Even the most talented people in the mythical world had restrained all their arrogance and extravagance at this moment, and some were just cautious. Be cautious.

There is no doubt that this place is in front of a saint, and I am afraid that even the saint's surface is extremely powerful.

Monkey King, at this moment, this second, the figure that is engraved in the bottom of my heart becomes bigger and more majestic.

The scene inside the Great Sage Gorge may not be able to express even one ten millionth of the power here, but only a trace of lingering drifting from thousands or tens of thousands of worlds.

"Get ready!"

Gao Hua spoke again, and everyone quickly took out the treasures that had been prepared long ago, which could protect the body and guide their souls.

On the other side of the Buddhist gate, there are relics, relics in the Daluo realm. After sitting and transmutation, four relics appear on the hands and feet, four on the torso, and two on the skull. A total of ten relics are strung together in a string.

What Gao Hua took out was a tower, and Daoxuan held a golden bell. In terms of human religion, it was a Bagua mirror.

The objects in the hands of the three are all magical. The outer metal structure is obviously the mother gold of Daluo which is higher than red gold. There are numerous runes carved in it. In each center, there is a character rising and falling, which has the power of a saint.

The bodies of the two people in the Ghost Sect both showed huge ghost bodies. They were alien ghosts, weird and extremely high-level. They exuded the aura of Taiyi. On their foreheads, there was a bright yellow rune on it. The word "Zhen" was written with Dao patterns. It was Da Luo's handwriting, and it had the aura of a saint attached to it.

The Heavenly Court and the Demonic Court each had their first object, which was of glazed color and extremely spiritual. It was not a magic weapon, but an immortal weapon.

What Heaven holds in his hand is a nail, very big, with flashes of thunder.

Yaoting held a fan in his hand, with wind constantly falling on it. This wind was very strange. His body could not feel it, but his soul was inexplicably shaken.

"Hiss, the Thunder Nail of Raibu Masami? And this is a banana fan, right?"

Daoxuan couldn't help but take a breath and said directly: "Have you got all this stuff? You are planning to go deep this time!"

On the side, Li Su was shocked. He was not familiar with thunder nails, but he was very familiar with the banana fan. Didn’t the Bull Demon King’s wife, Princess Iron Fan, use a banana fan soon?

In Journey to the West, because Red Boy can spit out three flavors of real fire, some people with great imagination connected him with Taishang Laojun, thinking that Red Boy is actually Laojun's child, and the banana fan is actually the iron fan given by Laojun. The princess's protective item.

Of course, the story here is basically impossible. How could a person with a superficial level like Taiqing Sage, who had lived for countless epochs, have such thoughts?

The most likely relationship between Hong Hai'er and Lao Jun is related to the Bagua furnace that was kicked from the heaven to the Flame Mountain by Brother Monkey. The three-flavor sacred fire is burning in it.

But where did Yaoting get the banana fan? Brother Monkey is so awesome, let alone the other Seven Saints, the Bull Demon King is definitely not too weak, but when I think of the rumors about Princess Iron Fan, she is a Rakshasa girl from hell, a princess of the Shura clan, and can be regarded as the elder of Styx. Ancestor's daughter...

As for Patriarch Minghe, when he was in the Earthly Immortal Realm, he was the one who betrayed and caused the underworld to be robbed, so much so that Empress Pingxin took action in anger and shocked the other party to death.

Li Su shook his head and refused to think deeply. After all, it was still unclear whether Princess Iron Fan was the girl of the Ancestor Styx.

However, the preparations are really complete.

The magic weapons all have the aura of saints, and the immortal weapons are at the level of spiritual treasures. It has to be said that they spent a lot of money for this time.

Finally, there is the Southeast Dragon Palace and the Peacock Girl.

Each of the two true dragons took out a true dragon scale, which was the reverse scale part. The moment it appeared, a huge true dragon shadow was formed to cover them.

As for the peacock girl, Kong Qing took out a tail feather, but it was not the tail feather of the peacock tribe, but a phoenix feather flowing with eternal flames.

He is worthy of being a disciple of various sects, or a disciple of a powerful force, and he looks like a rich man from head to toe.

In comparison, Xiao Xuan, who was almost beheaded by him before, was not even close. There is no doubt that it would be difficult for Li Su to take down any treasure in the hands of anyone present, and he would have to be forced to do so. In utter embarrassment.

After all, he was only in the early stage of immortality and his realm was too weak.

Li Su naturally also used the treasures he held.

It's the simplest, you don't even need to take it, you just wear it on your body.

Not to mention suppressing the body with a treasure, the Daozi suit itself can cope with this kind of scene.

Immortal power overflowed and poured into Daozi's cloak, robe, and tokens. The two in front served as protection, and the one in the back served as a light to guide the soul.

After everyone was ready and protected their bodies, Gao Hua said calmly: "Everyone, some people have been here, but some people have not come, so let me tell you in advance that once the soul leaves the body, the spirit will fall directly into this world. In the end, everything will be different.”

"It will trigger strange phenomena and produce violent shocks, but please don't panic, and don't be fooled by what you see. Just watch the Qingming Festival at the mourning platform. Do you have any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Then, let's begin!"

In an instant, the eyebrows of the fifteen people present began to glow, their spiritual consciousness emerged from the heavenly palace, and the diameter jumped out from their eyebrows.


As his spirit came into direct contact with this world, in an instant, a terrifying scene appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

There is a terrifying giant beast in the void, which is tens of thousands of miles away. It is so big that it can cover the sky and the sun and flood the galaxy.

Its body is extremely terrifying, with countless eyes. The moment you look at it, those eyes will also fall on you the next moment.

It is obviously just a corner of the scene that can only be touched through the spirit, but the moment they are seen by those eyes, everyone has the feeling that their souls are to be torn apart, to be absorbed by the eyes, to be swallowed and chewed by them.

At this second, even Li Su couldn't help but his eyes narrowed, extremely heavy.

Before everyone could take a breath, there was a terrifying mountain above Zhou Yu? No, mainland? Not right either. Yes, it's a stick made of stars and rivers? Sweeped down.

It was horrible, that sight.

The universe seemed to be torn apart. The falling long stick destroyed huge galaxies one after another. The violent flames swept out countless millions of light-years. The infinite universe was torn apart. A huge collapse occurred, and the gravity and rules between stars and galaxies formed in the universe were shattered.

The huge stick fell with a rumble, and the giant beast below also sensed it and let out an extremely violent roar.

Countless hands sprouted from its body, grabbing the pieces of the universe, stars, and galaxies. It pulled its own body hard, and the huge universe was used as pillars. stepping stone.

The space was torn apart, the stars were crushed, and the galaxies were trampled, collapsed, and exploded.

The beast jumped up and charged towards the giant stick.

The two sides collided directly head-on.


There was a sound, and in an instant, Li Su and the others lost their minds. Their souls were blank, and their consciousness was drowned by the ocean-like information.

There is too much content and too high a level for them to handle or accept.

I just looked at everything in front of me absentmindedly. The last scene was that the huge stick was crushing the void of the universe bit by bit, splitting apart the huge galaxies that were tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of light-years away, like a piece of glass. Shattered, it pressed down on the roaring giant beast and knocked it down, creating an incredible scene in the universe, an extremely huge gap.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The giant beast was shouting, and blood like an ocean continued to spray, rushing out to a height of tens or hundreds of light years, forming a blood waterfall.

Finally, everything stopped, the stick was withdrawn, the beast's voice was no longer visible, and the terrible chasm they had seen not long before appeared.

It was obviously a huge galaxy before, with endless beauty, but now it is empty, leaving only a terrifying gap and endless star debris.


Mian Lian let out a breath of shock, and everyone finally came to their senses. They were speechless for a moment, and even those who had entered once were in shock.

Although they had seen some pictures before, there was no doubt that they were not so realistic. At most, they only saw the huge stick and did not see the existence being suppressed by the stick.

But this time, it was obviously different.

Not only did they see the stick, they also saw the enemy under the stick, whose mere breath made people feel extremely terrifying and trembling.

"What is that monster??"

"What is the Great Sage fighting against? Is that thing the existence that caused the destruction of the ancient times?"

For a while, everyone couldn't calm down, and their bodies and minds received a huge impact.

Involuntarily, everyone turned their heads, especially those from Buddhism, Chanjiao, and Renjiao looked directly at Li Su.

Is it because of the fifteen fires? Was there such a terrifying scene before?

Sure enough, getting involved in the Fifteen Fires will trigger some incredible sights!

Li Su was naturally shocked. Although he was prepared, he was still shocked by the content in the picture. The monster looked a bit like the enemy of Zhenyuan Immortal. Did Brother Monkey also encounter it in ancient times?

However, when he raised his head and saw everyone's eyes looking at him, Li Su was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but said: "What? Is there something wrong?"

Gao Hua took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "It's okay!"

"Okay, everyone, we have now entered the cliff. Next is exploration time. I believe everyone understands the rules, right?"

Everyone nodded directly. Although they were still shocked and needed time to digest, they no longer had the time.

All around them, fragments were scattered everywhere.

And there is no doubt that those fragments are the purpose of their trip!

Old scene! ~

The scenery left behind before the great destruction of ancient times contains avenues that were excavated in ancient times.

"Let's separate first. The speed of time here is different from that outside. A day outside is equivalent to a year inside. This exploration lasts for ten years. We will gather together after ten years and everyone will try to go deeper together. How about that?"

"no comment!"


Soon, Dragon Palace and Peacock left, as did the Ghost Gate, Demon Court, and Heaven Court.

Gao Hua also left after saying hello to Li Su.

Then there are the two from Buddhism, Taoism, and Humanism.

Soon, only Li Su was left. He took a breath and took action, walking towards the 'old scene' closest to him.

Unexpectedly, the so-called old scene was not the scene on the planet, but the scene of the starry sky in the universe.

Li Su was sure that the saints from ancient times were very strong, but this was really a breakthrough, right? ?

With one stick, instead of cutting apart the stars, it destroyed a galaxy. It was simply outrageous. My sister opened the door for outrageousness. It was outrageous.

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