Chapter 548 Taboo Myth

Something's wrong!

Taking a step forward, Kong Qing found inexplicably that Ao Qiong's eyes were full of expectation.

What was she expecting?

As my best friend, because of the relationship between adults, my relationship is very good, which is simply enviable to others.

Suddenly, her steps stopped.

She doesn’t know Ao Qiong’s temper yet? Under normal circumstances, she would only be angrier than herself. Although she is a female dragon and should be sexually promiscuous, this guy is different. He values ​​his chastity very much. He will never show his body to anyone except his husband. physical body. You said you saw light soon after you turned into a real dragon?

That's wrong. For real dragons, dragon scale coverage is equivalent to clothing, just like her feathers. After they transform into humans, the dragon scales and feathers fall off directly and become part of their supernatural powers instead of becoming their skin. .

Kong Qing couldn't help but think of the bump in the middle of the forehead when the other party looked like a real dragon, and suddenly she realized something.

So she rushed to Li Su and immediately braked.

In fact, the closer she got, the inexplicable uneasiness deep inside her heart. Li Su had given her a great threat. Although it was a bit unbelievable, if the other party was stronger than her, the situation would undoubtedly be very bad.


Seeing the other party stop and restrain his breath, Ao Qiong couldn't help but smack her lips. Sure enough, she didn't move, which made Aunt Kong suspicious.

However, thinking about the scene when the other party came out, she smiled again. She was only seen by Li Su, which was okay, and the other party was stronger than her. Obviously, no matter what race, powerful males and beautiful females would have Many suitors.

Even though it was looked at, it wasn't too bad.

Sure enough, this Aunt Ao had no good intentions. Kong Qing's eyes flashed and she took a breath, "Junior Brother Yang, are there still those people who have not been found?"

As she said this, Kong Qing's pretty face turned red. The topic changed suddenly, mainly because she was a little unsure.

She is absolutely confident in her own strength. If she can't defeat an immortal, she won't be able to capture her.

At Huaguo Mountain, if the other party hadn't been in the Fifteenth Fire, she wouldn't have cared.

However, the next line of the Great Holy Statue made her wary, and now Aunt Ao's reaction really caught her off guard. She knew the other person too well, just as the other person knew her. In this case, the Taoist Jie Jiao in front of him may have quite a problem. He is rumored to be the descendant of a saint, and the saint is extremely fond of him. Jie Jiao even rang the church bell before this.

I am afraid that Aunt Ao has suffered a loss. She is silent now, intending to let her eat too.

Okay, I’ll write this down first, and then I’ll make plans after I figure out the specific situation.

Her embarrassment is not just as simple as being angry, but she is really hurt. In fact, Ao Qiong is also the same. She seems to have recovered a lot on the outside, but she is quite anxious on the inside. She is definitely no better than her.

When the opponent failed, Li Su naturally put away the idea of ​​fighting one by one and said directly: "Senior brother Gao Hua and the others have not been found yet, and the specific situation is unclear. But just now, senior brother Daoxuan and the others have passed by. I am here I’m going to go find Hong Jin and the others first, what are your plans, Senior Sister Kong and Senior Sister Ao?”

"You are badly injured and are not suitable for walking alone. If I can escort you back to the middle section, then turn back."

Kong Qing took a breath and looked back at Ao Qiong. Although she was quite angry, it was really not the right time for intrigues, and more importantly, the two of them had a big responsibility for the cause of this incident. .

The Taiyi casual cultivator was killed by her, and after restraining his soul, she saw his memory. If they took action, they would undoubtedly lose the face of these people. For people with paranoid and demonic nature, this is obviously intolerable. of.

She has a proud temperament and is a little pretentious. If she is the only person being teleported, she will not care about the cause and effect and will just bear it. However, it makes her feel uncomfortable if she drags others down.

Make your own way, walk on your own.

If you cause trouble for yourself, take it upon yourself.

"me and you togather."

Of all the people, there is no doubt that the five girls from Jiejiao Hongjin are the most dangerous.

Although they are at a higher level, they are ordinary Taiyi. The limit of the Ten Fires is here, so they don't have much advantage.

And according to the memory of the casual cultivator, the five women were sent to Jiuzhangtian. There is no doubt that even in the entire Tongtian Dao, they are definitely among the top ten in difficulty and extremely dangerous.

Therefore, she will not leave until the matter is over.

Kong Qing took out a pill and quickly drank it. Ao Qiong also came up and said directly: "This incident happened because of the two of us. How can we leave?"

They are all practitioners, so naturally they are different from the girls who are about to get married. They have not experienced bloody battles. They may be cold and elegant in personality, but they are flowers that are budding in the cold wind, not a greenhouse. The vegetation inside.

Li Su took a deep look at the two women, trying to show off his strength.

Although the elixir temporarily alleviated their injuries, the condition of the two women was actually not good. Ao Qiong would not say it anymore. The real dragon's body was chopped open and its internal organs were exposed. The injuries were reflected back to the physical body. Recovery will not take a while. son's matter.

As for Kong Qing, although she did not have the terrible external injuries of Ao Qiong, her internal injuries were very serious, and her body was extremely depleted. Although the milky white strange life was swept away by her, a lot of physical strength was taken away, and the blood loss in her body was quite serious. After a while, There is simply no way for him to exert his full strength.

Both women are almost at the peak of the sixth or seventh level, and they probably won't be able to stand for as long as they can.

However, if we really send them away and come back now, the delay will be too long. Although Li Su, the Tongtian Dao species, is not afraid, it will be very bad if they encounter a strange scene when they come back.

As soon as the blood rain falls, no wonders will appear in a short period of time, so finding all the people is undoubtedly the best way.

Forget it, take care of it at worst.

Hongjin and the others can't wait any longer.

"In that case, let's go." Li Su thought for a while, then took the lead and rushed towards the leaf world where Jiuzhangtian was.

The two women stopped talking and followed directly, walking all the way with Li Su.


Li Su Qiantou led the way very quickly.

Although it was not beyond the imagination of the two women, there was still a lot of burden. As they galloped down the road, both women were a little out of breath.

Fortunately, I took a break in the middle, otherwise I would have been even more exhausted.

But we finally arrived at Jiuzhangtian's location before dawn.

Although it is already daytime, the light in the deepest part of Tongtian Road is still very dark, and the thick layer cannot fully penetrate the sun.

The two women let out a breath. There is no doubt that so far, the situation is not bad, it should be said that it is quite smooth.

Although occasionally there would be life without eyes approaching, they were all driven away by their own magical powers. Until they arrived here, the number of fights was not too many.

However, when she saw Jiuzhangtian's location, Kong Qing's expression changed first.

There is a guard in front of the entrance.

It's a fungus!

There are so many of them that almost the entire road section is covered by them. That's not dozens, hundreds, or thousands, but can only be calculated in trillions.

Bacteria individuals are very small, and they only appear huge in Jiuzhangtian.

But this does not mean that this clan is weak. In fact, the reason why Jiuzhangtian is so famous is inseparable from the fungus clan itself.

This clan reproduces extremely quickly and is extremely powerful.

This population also has only three classes, the royal family, the nobility, and the common people. Among them, the common people are practicing qi, the nobles are golden elixirs, and even the royal family are not in the realm of immortals.

Undoubtedly, much lower than other groups.

However, the number is too terrifying.

Just as big as a palm, there can be hundreds of millions, or even billions.

That terrifying number undoubtedly makes this group extremely difficult and terrifying, possessing almost unlimited power.

Even if they stood far away, looking at the connection between the huge leaves, which were as huge as a mountain, and filled with energy as dense as a galaxy, Ao Qiong and Kong Qing couldn't help but change their expressions for a moment.

As a woman, it is quite uncomfortable to face such a dense creature. After feeling the terrifying energy of the opponent, goosebumps immediately appeared.

The two women couldn't help but look at each other, with a heavy look of fear in their pupils.

If they were not injured and could fully unleash their strength, they might be able to break through. Now, their strength cannot reach the seventh level out of the tenth level. Facing the fungi blocking the road, if they go up like this and are said to have broken through, I am afraid that they will not be able to break through. To fall in.

The attacks of the fungi themselves are also extremely strange. They can penetrate the body, cause physical lesions, and can also produce extremely poisonous substances that even Taiyi cannot withstand.

Moreover, they have a single mind and do not have emotions such as fear. Once provoked, they will almost never stop fighting.

For a moment, the two women took a breath, looked at each other, and then looked at Li Su.

They were the ones who caused the incident. Even if there is a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire ahead, we still have to break through.

At this moment, Li Su was motionless. His pupils were glowing with golden light. He did not look at the fungi, but looked directly at the world of leaves behind him.

There was a constant flow of light in his pupils, and the shadow of the Pangu flag flickered. In an instant, he forcibly captured part of the scene in that world.

With mental analysis.

Good news, Hongjin and the others are fine.

Bad news, their situation is dire.

The formation that was maintained has been shaken and cannot be maintained.

Several girls were covered in color, and Huang Meng and Zixuan were poisoned. Hong Jin was the strongest among the girls, but her face was still pale and shaky at this moment.

Maybe the next moment, it will be covered by a sea of ​​bacteria.

Withdrawing his gaze, Li Su took a deep breath, with a faint evil spirit flowing in his eyes.

Without waiting for Ao Qiong and Kong Qing to react, he stepped forward and walked directly towards the boundless mountain of bacteria blocking the road.

"Junior Brother Yang!"

The two women were startled and their expressions changed drastically.

Too reckless.

Why did he just walk over? At this moment, even if he wanted to move, he should attack first. The three of them took action at the same time. Before the other party could react, they tried to eliminate as many of the bacteria's active forces as possible before they could react and use their energy to launch an attack.

Li Su's blatant behavior undoubtedly aroused the other party's reaction.


"Junior Brother Daoxuan, why are we dividing our troops?"

Somewhere at this moment, Monk Wenkong looked at Daoxuan and frowned.

Dividing troops is undoubtedly the best way to save people, but it also depends on the situation. Ao Qiong and Kong Qing are obviously not in good condition. Once they are separated, there is a high probability that they will be targeted by the creatures in the second half of the group. They can still survive together. Taking care of one or two, now that he has left, leaving Junior Brother Yang alone, I am afraid it will be very troublesome.

Therefore, even if the troops are divided, they should not be divided like this. He should lead one and Junior Brother Daoxuan should lead another.

If a crisis does occur, we can cope with it.

I originally thought I was just staying away to prevent the other party from getting angry and getting angry at me.

Unexpectedly, after Daoxuan left, he really didn't stop and went straight to the next direction, preparing to find Gao Hua and the others.

"Senior Brother Wenkong is worried about Junior Brother Yang?" Dao Xuan put a smile on his face and raised his hand to deal with the rushing creatures, "That's right. After all, senior brother came out not long ago. However, senior brother, I don't know if you have noticed that since we After we left, the attacks on us by species creatures have not stopped. Not only the core species, but also the subsidiary species are also constantly attacking the two of us?"


Wen Kong was startled. Looking back, it seemed to be true.

You know, when everyone was together just now, although there were various groups of people attacking, it was only one occasionally, and most of them retreated far away, not daring to get close.

This shouldn't be the case. This is the normal situation they should have after entering Tongtian Dao.

Daoxuan glanced around, not to mention the reaction of the species, but the strange feeling coming from his nerves. Dongchan taught Daozi and could be sure of one thing, that is the strength of his junior disciple, I am afraid that the real strength is far greater than the performance. The realm that comes out is much higher.

Looking back now, Junior Brother Yang's identity is still different from theirs.

Although they are also geniuses, have Taoist status in the great sect, and have teachers in the Great Luo realm, there is no doubt that they are shorter than Li Su.

The other party is not only the descendant of a saint, but also a Taoist disciple of Chengjiao. The intensity of Jiejiao's cultivation of him is absolutely beyond imagination. It is far beyond their ability to compare. After all, there has been only one Taoist disciple of Jiejiao for thousands of years.

These undoubtedly explain a lot of things.

Thinking of this, Dao Xuan said softly: "Junior Brother Yang is probably far more powerful than we imagined!"

"It's even possible that he is the strongest among us."

Hearing Kong was speechless, and was a little touched. He recalled that the saints from his hometown had also passed through the Li Su Dharma and the Heart Sutra.

Although Western universities have the habit of poaching people, and usually poaching the opponent's load-bearing wall, which is undoubtedly very hateful, but for this reason, not everyone is qualified to be poached.

Only if you have enough capital.

The Buddhist saint took the initiative to make a move. He obviously saw something and recognized that Jie Jiao Daozi was extraordinary.

Now that I think about it, when I was in Huaguo Mountain, this Daozi was chased by the Daluo Realm. In the end, he came out without any injuries, but the Daluo Realm was silent. Judging from the reaction of the Jiejiao, it was obviously not They take action.

Since the top management of Jiejiao didn't take action, what exactly caused the problem for that Da Luo realm? And why is there nothing wrong in the Immortal Stage but something goes wrong in the Daluo Stage?

There is also the matter of the Great Saint Statue. Li Su directly obtained a Great Saint Crystal, which means that he gained more from it than all of them. This is also very problematic, but it was just a problem that was later eliminated by the Spirit Monkey Clan. I was so shocked that I didn’t think about it carefully.

Connecting this series of situations, perhaps it is as Daoxuan said that it would be safer for him, Junior Brother Yang, to take the two injured women than for each of them to take one?

Daoxuan took a breath and said directly: "It's not a big problem for them to go to Jiuzhangtian, as long as we find them all before then and gather them there."


Sword, endless sword.

As Li Su's eyebrows glowed, a sword wheel rose into the sky.

In an instant, thousands of sword flowers and sword lights appeared, like rain or waterfall.

In an instant, the trillion-level bacteria were buried directly. Their strength was not high enough. In front of Li Su, they were just a group of paper tigers.

Stars appeared, as many as one hundred and eighty, surrounding Li Su, forming stars in the sky.

The stars vibrated and slowly advanced, and everything in the past was like smoke, dust, and soil, destroyed and crushed by him, and crushed into sand.

There is light on Li Su's body, like fire, like flames, and there is terrible vitality inside, bursting out unimaginable power of blood and blood. The temperature of this blood and blood is beyond imagination, with thousands of degrees, like a dragon, a phoenix, or a roc.

Under his feet, the shadow turned into a quagmire, and a strange scene emerged from it. A woman in red, with thousands of corpses under her skirt, there were endless ghosts, grabbing, taking, gnawing, and scratching. Everywhere they passed, there were large swaths of bacteria. The clan's body fell, extinguishing the aura within it.

The most terrifying thing is his immortal power. It is obviously just the simplest explosion, but it seems to be substantial. With this incredible power, every step will cause a terrible impact. The refining energy and golden elixir will collapse on the spot, even some of the immortal levels , also torn apart and destroyed.

This is even more shocking than using Taoist magical powers. Even a slightly ordinary immortal is not even qualified to use magical powers. How terrifying is this? amazing?

As he moved forward, the terrifying mushroom mountain was like dung at this moment, evaporated directly by his power.

Junshan is also fighting back, launching attacks again and again. The huge body continuously spits out unimaginable poison. The poison is very terrifying, with radioactive properties, and can pollute even the void.

However, it was useless.

Facing Li Su's terrifying and overbearing power, he was chopped into pieces, smashed, smashed, and burned. The nerve poison, hemolytic poison, and cytotoxic poison were all useless, and were wiped out in the blink of an eye.

In just a few seconds, the trillions of bacteria on the huge road were directly annihilated by Li Su's power, and no trace was left.

Following his explosion, in an instant, the crowd gathered around them retreated crazily, with terrifying expressions in their pupils. They could not help but tremble, and fled without looking back, returning to their own world and completely hiding themselves. .

Stopping, Li Su took a breath. He had no reaction to this result. Quantity was meaningless in his eyes. The only way to fight him was through quality.

He glanced back at Ao Qiong and Kong Qing and motioned for the two women to follow him. He had no time to waste.

The two stunned women couldn't help but look at each other. As they walked away, their pupils showed an astonishing tremor.

Is this a taboo myth?

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