
Li Su's eyes were a little shaken, it shouldn't be possible. Although only the boss Yunxiao had not seen Sanxiao Fairy, he had seen Qiongxiao Bixiao, and even treated her to a barbecue.

Why is that figure wearing a jade pendant with the word "Qiong"?

There is also a coffin, which is always guarded. The shadow of the person inside must have a lot to do with it.

Li Su couldn't help frowning, and after taking a deep look at Taoist Kong Kong, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Where is the place?"

Not intending to waste time with the other party, Li Su went straight to the point.

"On the Tongtian Road."

Taoist Kongkong couldn't help but let out a breath after hearing this. The trap this time was a bit big, mainly due to the clone's feedback. The person who intercepted the teaching almost died here.

Li Su's coming to Tongtian Dao undoubtedly has a lot to do with him. If the person really died here, and he lied to the other party, based on his understanding of the person in front of him, let alone Jiejiao, I'm afraid it would be related to the King of Heaven. Man, he doesn't care either.

This person is very emotional.

"But there is some trouble in that place. I'm afraid there is no way to get there for the time being. Since His Highness Daozi thinks that you should know something about Tongtian Dao, the place where the figure is located is in a strange scene in the deepest part of Tongtian Dao, and, It’s the only wonder that has always existed.”

Li Su's pupils shrank slightly and his brows furrowed slightly, "You're not talking about the Bloody Heavenly Palace, are you?"

Taoist Kongkong took a breath and nodded directly.

The wonders of the Eastern Region are related to the past.

It is a remnant of the ancient times. Due to the great internal changes, a murderous scene appeared in this world.

Since it is related to the past, the scenes of heaven in the past are naturally indispensable.

For example, the Holy Land of Heavenly Palace, located in the far east, is one of the wonders of ancient times, and it is also the most dangerous and terrifying environment.

There are countless immortals, immortal grass and mythical beasts inside, and all problems have been eliminated. There are countless corpses in the famous Pantaoyuan, and ghosts are everywhere. The Tusita Palace where the golden elixir is refined bleeds endlessly, forming a river of blood, and the Jinluan Palace has thousands of ghosts crying day and night. The screams have been going on for hundreds of thousands of years.

Like the Western Hell, it is no longer the paradise it once was. There are huge problems and the danger is extremely high. There is no guarantee of survival in the Great Luo Realm. Even a saint who enters the deepest place will encounter unpredictable dangers.

Without a doubt, it is the most dangerous place in the mythical world.

And the Bloody Heavenly Palace at the deepest point of the Heavenly Path is related to the Heavenly Court.

According to Jiejiao records, it was originally a broken corner of the heaven. A long time ago, the saint entered it to explore, encountered an ominous encounter, and a bloody battle broke out. The corner of the wonder of the heaven was blown to pieces, causing it to fall down and land at the end of the Tongtian Road. above, covering it.

Originally, the Heavenly Path was not like this. It was passable a long time ago.

Although the evil nature is very strong, it does not become more intense the further you go.

The appearance of the Bloody Cloud Palace seemed to have blocked the road. The evil nature that was supposed to flow down and eventually fall into the abyss changed and gathered there.

After hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, the evil nature inside has become more and more serious. Now, if a fairy enters it, the body will become evil and change in a short time.

Before coming, Old Man Gongsun had no objection to Li Su going to Tongtian Dao, but his only request was that he should not touch the depths, especially the Bloody Cloud Palace.

Inside, there are big problems.

Da Luo was bleeding inside, and after entering, he did not come out. Although the saint went to check later and found nothing, of course, because of this, it became more and more obvious that there was a huge problem inside.

After all, the saint can capture the past, grasp the cause and effect, and see the trajectory of destiny. However, he finds nothing after entering, which in itself explains a lot.

Thinking of this, Li Su frowned. Is this guy trying to fool him?

Considering the danger of the Bloody Cloud Palace, this person's realm at the moment is no more than Taiyi. How did he get in, a place where Daluo would bleed?

The Bloody Cloud Palace is not simple;

According to analysis, it is very likely that it is one of the ancient battlefields, where the prehistoric immortals and evil spirits fought.

There are many weird corpses inside. Their features are too weird and their images are extremely terrifying. They are different from the demon clan and different from the ghost clan. They are born evil, their bodies and souls are intertwined, they have deep resentment, their thoughts are chaotic, and their appearance is even more weird and terrifying.

The scariest part is not here, but that there is still a war going on inside, and the fighting is going on, and it never stops.

How dare the other party go to such a place?

Feeling Li Su's doubts, Kongkong Taoist said: "Of course, under normal circumstances, the deepest places are not accessible. There will be great dangers if you go in. For example, right now, there has just been a bloody rain outside, the evil atmosphere is strong, and the weird things inside are Everyone is awake. But that’s normal.”

"Do you think, Your Highness, why most of the wonders in the Eastern Region disappear after they appear?"


"I thought it was because there wasn't enough energy, there wasn't enough evil energy."

"Let's not mention the side of heaven. The evil there is too powerful and there is no shortage of energy. But it is different outside. There is not such a strong evil energy between heaven and earth, so the wonders outside will appear for a while and then disappear. A while."

Evil nature is the energy source for miracles to appear? Li Su's eyes twitched, this explanation was quite new.

"As proof, that is, although the Bloody Heavenly Palace has always existed, some of the scenery inside has not fully recovered, or even recovered. Most of them are in semi-dormant, or even completely dormant. The more terrifying the evil. The more different they are, the more so. Unless they are stimulated, or there are enough evil spirits around them, usually they are just a background without any threat."

Although unscientific things often happen when it comes to cultivating immortals, some inherent truths still exist.

Such as conservation of energy!

Just the scenery is naturally simple, but it has the ability to kill. It cannot be without consumption. I don't understand, but I just don't know what the opponent's energy is.

Moreover, the other party signed a blood oath with him. Before the transaction is completed, if he plots to kill himself, he will be the first to be unlucky.

Li Su was suddenly stunned and couldn't help but said: "Wait a minute, is that figure you mentioned also part of the spectacle? In that case, that coffin?"

"I don't know!" Taoist Kongkong shook his head.

"have no idea?"

"At first, I thought she was a wonder, and so was the coffin. But when the coffin was taken away, she undoubtedly reacted and took action, killing the thieves who came to steal the coffin. But not long after, The weirdness in the Bloody Heavenly Palace also revived, and a big battle broke out with her."

"It wasn't until the coffin was completely taken away that she regained her composure, and Weird continued to sleep."

Speaking of this, Taoist Kongkong himself was extremely confused and puzzled: "In fact, I am also very strange, because I have touched both the person and the coffin, but I touched nothing directly. It can be stolen. This guy got the coffin out, I don’t know what method he used.”

"By the way, His Highness Daozi, you should know that there are evil species of life with complete logical thinking in Tongtian Dao, right?"

Li Su was startled for a moment and nodded. Not only did he know, he also saw it not long ago.

"You mean they were the ones who stole the coffin?"

"of course not!"

Taoist Kongkong took a deep breath. It seemed that something beyond his imagination had happened at that time. Even thinking about it now, he was still shocked and unbelievable.

"The person who stole the thing was the demon clan, and the party to the transaction was an evil life, an evil life with complete logic. And if I read it correctly, the people on the demon clan's side should be people from the demon court, and the leader This guy is one of the four tribes of Earth Fire and Feng Shui in Demon Court, the Lord of Earth Division, King Diming!"

Li Su was stunned and looked at the other party in shock.

The demon race came here to steal things, but instead of taking them away, they gave them to the evil creatures in Tongtian Dao?

"You are joking?"

It involves the Lord of the Demon Court, no matter why, once word spreads, it will definitely cause shock.

The other great sects, especially the enemy Heavenly Court, are bound to launch an attack to find out what King Di Ming is doing and what is in the coffin?

Evil beings are mortal enemies to creatures in the mythical world. If it weren't for the fact that they could only stay in the Tongtian Dao, and if they were destroyed, new ones would appear soon, the great religions would have already taken action and wiped them all out.

As for trading?

Except for a very few races, what the mythical world wants are the remains of the corpses of evil beings. Rather than trading, they are more like offering bounties, so that the casual cultivators and the species themselves will continue to fight each other.

There is no doubt that this is a serious accusation.

Heavenly Court will definitely ask Demon Court to hand over the person, and the reason must be found out.

It is absolutely impossible for the Demon Court to admit it. Whether it is true or false, it will not be put on the table.

"His Royal Highness Daozi, do you think I would make a joke about this kind of thing? If it weren't for this 'incident', I wouldn't have even planned to talk about it." Taoist Kongkong sighed. This time, he was responsible for something. Not kind, he had been prepared from the moment he was trapped.

Li Su couldn't help but take a breath. The amount of information was undoubtedly a bit large. The figure and the coffin had already made people think about it again and again. Now that Demon Court and evil beings have popped up, there was undoubtedly a lot involved. He couldn't help but rub his own. Ajna.

Lie to him? possible!

But is it necessary to deceive him in this way?

Once the news about Li Su spreads, Yaoting will definitely not dare to touch him, but it is hard to say about the guy in front of him.

"I believe you, but when can I go to the place where the figure is?"

"It has just rained blood, and the evil nature in the Bloody Heavenly Palace is very strong. It will be postponed for at least half a year and two seasons. Even if the evil tide has passed, the evil nature in the Bloody Heavenly Palace will still be very strong, and it takes seasons to consume the evil inside. sex."

Li Su frowned slightly, half a year is nothing, two seasons?

The seasonal time of Tongtian Dao is uncertain. Although the fastest is once every three months, the slowest is not necessarily once a year.

Forget it, let's just take it one year at a time. It's just right. The time flow in Jiuzhangtian is different from that in the outside world. I just need to practice for a while and strive for the perfection of the immortals.

Taking a deep breath, Li Su suppressed the matter for the time being, raised his head and began to look around.

Just now, because he wanted to get out of the battle, he entered here without much thought. In addition, the new information given by the other party attracted his attention. Now that he feels it, the formation is really amazing and terrifying.

There is an amazing Taoist rhyme flowing on it, and you can even see the Taoist passage penetrating the whole in your eyes, which is very amazing.

Looking at the formation, Li Su had a feeling that if it were fully activated, even if he held the treasure, he would have no choice but to escape.

This big formation?

Through the direction of the formation pattern, Li Su discovered that this formation was not only arranged by Da Luo, but also suppressed by Da Luo, and there were more than one. In addition to Da Luo, he could also feel Taiyi's Dao pattern, which was close to a hundred Dao.

Although it is not as powerful as it is, it is undoubtedly a top-notch formation, comparable to the Jiuqu Yellow River formation that Jiejiao put up not long ago because of his own accident.

Turning his head, Li Su's face turned dark and he looked at Taoist Kongkong, "What's going on with this formation?"

Taoist Kongkong finally showed a smile on his face, and his eyes sparkled as he said, "I wonder if His Highness Daozi has ever heard of Luojia Mountain?"

Li Su's pupils shrank, "Guanyin Bodhisattva...!"

"That's right, what this formation covers should be part of the ancient Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva dojo, Putuo Luojia Mountain."

"The first ancient powerful dojo you mentioned.?"

"Yes, this is it."

"I believe His Highness Daozi should also know that the prestige of Guanyin Bodhisattva in ancient times should be recorded in the Jiejiao."

One of the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect. After the Battle of the Conferred Gods, he rebelled against his sect and went to the West. This is the main reason why the Eastern and Western Chan Sects are now separated.

"Although the content of the secret talisman is false, Your Highness, I did not lie to you. This may really be related to Your Highness's arrest that time!"

Li Su was startled.

Taoist Kongkong said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, I remember what you said about you being captured. It was an unidentified Da Luo realm, and there was more than one?"

"It just so happens that the Da Luo Realm here is also a bit unclear. They come from different places, outside the mythical world, and are even hostile themselves, but they have cooperated here."

At this moment, listening to Taoist Kong Kong's words, the other person on the side couldn't help but glance at the other person.

This guy really dares to say anything.

The Demon Court deals with evil beings, and the Daluo realm guarded here is related to the person who captured Li Su.

The former is hard to comment on, but the latter is definitely something this guy set up on purpose. It's not surprising that he found a treasure land and cooperated to develop it. He couldn't eat it alone, so he just brought in a helper. How normal.

As for why not find a big teacher?

If they find a big teacher, what should they do? Wouldn't it be nice for a few people to join forces and take it all to themselves?

Li Su's eyes flashed slightly, and he took a deep look at Taoist Kong Kong. Naturally, he didn't believe it. After all, not much was known outside about his arrest. He only knew that the saints had been dispatched, but he didn't know the end result. the result of.

There is no doubt that the problem is huge. The saint pursued it, but only killed one of the people involved and was hindered. This is terrible. There is also a holy realm behind it.

However, Luojia Mountain.

If it is really a Bodhisattva dojo, letting Senior Gongsun and the others go there would not be a waste of preparation.

"Can I go take a look first?"

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